Publication information

The Röntgen Rays in Medical Work
Source type: book
Document type: book chapter
Document title: “Surgery” [chapter A]
Author(s): Walsh, David
Edition: Fourth edition
Publisher: William Wood and Company
Place of publication: New York, New York
Year of publication: 1907
Part/Section: 2
Pagination: 125-310 (excerpt below includes only page 128)

Walsh, David. “Surgery” [chapter A]. The Röntgen Rays in Medical Work. 4th ed. New York: William Wood, 1907: part 2, pp. 125-310.
excerpt of chapter
William McKinley (medical care: use of X-rays).
Named persons
William McKinley.
From title page: By David Walsh, M.D. Ed., Senior Physician, Western Skin Hospital, London, W.; Hon. Physician and Senior Physician to the Skin Department, Kensington General Hospital; Late Hon. Secretary Röntgen Society, London.

From title page: Part I.—The Electrical Apparatus, by H. Lewis Jones, M.D. Cantab., F.R.C.P. Lond., Medical Officer in Charge of the Electrical Department, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; Part II.—Medical and Surgical, by the Author.


     In the case of President McKinley, the x-rays were not used to locate the bullet. It seems likely that the surgeons in attendance regarded the evident wound of the stomach as the indication for operation without a moment’s delay. As shown later the fatal termination would not have been averted by the location and removal of the bullet.