Notes [excerpt]
If another president
or most eminent personage become the victim of the assassin’s method,
or if such an one be seriously wounded in any other way, we suggest
that he or she be spiritd [sic] away out into some isolatd
[sic] section where a good old country doctor unmolestd [sic]
and unhamperd [sic] may treat the case according to his own
good notions with just such means as are at hand, thereby allowing
such illustrious one the largest chance of recovery. The continuous
fuss and feather about counting the blood, taking temperature, noting
heart beats and enumerating respirations and all these gone over
several times a day, to the annoyance and hurt of the mortally wounded
president, is what calls forth this item.
Again, it may be said that a board
of eminent surgeons who gave out right along and even to the seventh
day after the wounding of our late and most illustrious president,
an average pulse beat of 120; respiratien [sic] 26; temperature
above a hundred degrees, and invariably supplementing the pathological
report with the assurance that the patient was getting well; we
say that a board of surgeons, eminent or no eminency that would
do so, deserves the keenest kind of general and special criticism.
And that they meant to deceive the people; or else that they themselves
were ignorantly unaware, was evidenct [sic] by the matter
of allowing the vice-president to absent himself in a way and to
such extent that great inconvenience resultd [sic] to him
and anxiety to the nation.
Let the people be informd [sic]
that in any like case: given a daily temperature of exceeding a
hundred degrees, Fahrenheit, a circulation of 120 to 126 and a respiration
of 26 to [490][491] 28 means death
ninety-nine cases in every hundred. This is written before any revelations
which an autopsy may reveal have been given out, but we venture
that pus will have been found at seat of retained ball, or that
a peritonitis existed between the stomach and the parietes wound
and further, that the stomach puncturings will have been found closed.