President McKinley
It has been pathetically interesting
to electrical people to note how closely President McKinley came
in touch last week with electricity in some one or other of its
many manifestations. In the broad-minded speech which he made the
day before the attempt to assassinate him, he alluded at some length
to the great work of telegraphy and telephony in the transmission
of intelligence, and he closed by saying: “The construction of a
Pacific cable cannot be longer postponed.” Then he saw and admired
the lighting of the Pan-American that night. Next day he went to
Niagara, where he found the Municipal Electricians in session, and
visited the great power plant. A few hours later, struck down by
the bullets of an assassin, he needed the cooling breath of the
fan motor in his agony; and by long-distance telephone the best
Röntgen ray outfit that could be secured had been ordered 500 miles
away, to be in readiness to locate one of the bullets.
As Mr. McKinley remarked in his speech,
“The same important news is read, though in different languages,
the same day in all Christendom,” but he little thought that the
attempt on his life would be the next great event to which this
would literally and exactly apply. It is by such inventions and
innovations that much of the world’s real advance comes, and it
certainly never comes by any effort of anarchist or murderer. The
Frenchman, Mitre, has asserted that the worst of governments is
preferable to the best of revolutions, a phase which merely marks
the extent of the recoil from the extreme atrocities of the Mountain
and the Commune. But when all is said and done, the influence of
the printing press, the telegraph, the steam engine, the trolley
car and the telephone, if they could be fully determined would be
found far more effectual in promoting the world’s welfare than most
political movements or all the revolutionary slaughter, directed
to the same object.