The Case of the President and the Surgical Lesson
of the Hour
T attention
of the entire professional and, for that matter, the lay world has
been fixed for the past week upon the case of President McKinley,
and the grave problems involved in the prognosis of penetrating
wounds of the abdomen and perforating wounds of the stomach.
The day has gone by for serious discussion
of the necessity for promptly opening the abdomen in every case
of penetrating wound of its cavity, occurring in civil life at least,
with the view of repairing the damage inflicted upon its contained
viscera by the perforating missile.
That the members of the surgical branch
of the profession, whose judgment is at all worth having, have looked
with the fullest approval on the course pursued by those who are
in immediate attendance upon the President, goes without saying.
The recognition of the fact that prompt operative interference held
out the very best, if not the only chance, stands out as the pivotal
point upon which every consideration of the case must turn. The
surgeons met the first question at issue, namely, as to whether
or not [421][422] the missile had invaded
the peritoneal cavity, by immediately placing the patient upon the
operating-table in the Emergency Hospital and enlarging the wound
of entrance in order to at once and satisfactorily clear up this
point. This having been decided in the affirmative, the next enquiry
naturally arose as to what damage had been done to the important
viscera. Here, again, a thorough investigation cleared up this vital
point. There was no guess-work about it; no waiting for the occurrence
of so-called symptomatic indications for further interference, or
the cry of the nation to “do something” for the illustrious sufferer.
It was done with that true instinct which marks the course of the
modern surgeon, and done, too, with a celerity and skill that has
won for the surgery of the century new laurels. For this is not
merely a personal gain for the individual who happened to wield
the knife, although to him should be given every praise, any more
than the favorable result, which at the time of writing seems to
be assured, is the gain alone of the patient himself. As the whole
American nation and, in addition, the world at large, is the gainer
by the life saved, so will the entire medical profession profit
by the lessons taught and the victory won.
Surgeons who are brought face to face
with the conditions which confronted those who, in the first hour
following the infliction of the dastardly blow, were responsible
to a vast and highly intelligent, and oftentimes hypercritical people,
will realize what passed through their minds. As the eye took in
at a glance the small blue-edged opening in the abdominal wall,
so the mind instantly grasped the many possibilities of danger involved
in the missile’s fight. Visions of a bleeding vessel in the omentum
or mesentery and rapid loss of blood, with great probability of
collapse and death, and of perforated viscera with the only too-certain
sequel of septic peritonitis, must have passed in rapid panoramic
procession before them, to say nothing of the sight of the millions
with pallid faces, surging hearts and bated breath, whose concentrated
gaze was turned toward the little emergency operating-room in the
Queen City by the lake. To wait for symptoms of internal hemorrhage
and hope that they would not appear was but to lean upon a broken
reed. To postpone the saving touch until assured that infection
had actually taken place would be throwing away golden moments,
render the effort to save futile, and, because of this futility,
lay those responsible open to the well-merited charge of cowardice.
Useless would it have been to attempt to justify such a course by
quoting ancient statistics designed to show that the mortality of
interference was almost, if not quite as large, as non-interference,
for the answer would at once have been made that, of those who recovered
without operation, there was no proof that vessels or viscera had
been injured, and of those who died there was a failure of the realization
of the importance of time as a saving factor, and the element of
proper technic evidently wanting; proper criticisms involving underlying
principles and supporting the contention that in former times this
most important question had not been decided upon its merits. Neither
could they have urged that, proof of infection being wanting, they
were not justified in interfering. This would have been met by the
assertion, based upon the experience of many a surgeon in abdominal
work, that to wait for peritonitis to supervene would only be waiting
for an excuse to put the finishing touches to a scene already tragic
in the extreme. To have endeavored to escape criticism by the assertion
that no vomiting of blood had occurred, and hence the stomach had
not been injured would have brought to light from the literature
the cases in which perforation of the stomach, as revealed by operation,
had taken place and in which vomiting, and even pain had been absent.
To have quoted the statistics of the late war would have availed
but little, since experience shows that the rapid traversing of
the tissues by a projectile from a high muzzle-velocity modern firearm
is a far different matter compared with the damage inflicted by
a cheap low muzzle-velocity and black powder-driven, soft lead missile
which forces its way comparatively slowly into the tissues, adding
the damage of structures crowded and forced against each other to
that due intrinsically to the missile itself.
All these things are matters of thought
in the surgical mind of to-day. And when the public appreciate to
some extent what surgery has done for a well-beloved President,
let the tribute of praise for the clear head, the cool judgment,
the courage, and the skilful hand that were the instruments in the
victory over the assassin’s deadly purpose, mingle with the realization
of what the medical profession is to the world.
As to the features of the case from
the purely scientific standpoint, there is but little to dwell upon.
The triumphs of aseptic surgery are com- [422][423]
mon enough, and the experience gained since the then obscure Glasgow
surgeon first promulgated his teachings have been slowly but surely
pointing to the hour when the greatest living representative of
the greatest of the nations of the earth should receive the benefit
of those teachings in the most impressive manner. And, if it shall
be that success waits upon the efforts of those who are striving
for the life of the President, let it not be forgotten to acknowledge
the obligation for the genius of the father of modern surgery, Joseph