Publication information
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Source: Physician and Surgeon
Source type: journal
Document type: public address
Document title: “The Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics in a University Medical School”
Author(s): Peterson, Reuben
Date of publication: November 1901
Volume number: 23
Issue number: 11
Pagination: 481-88 (excerpt below includes only pages 483-84)

Peterson, Reuben. “The Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics in a University Medical School.” Physician and Surgeon Nov. 1901 v23n11: pp. 481-88.
Reuben Peterson (public addresses); William McKinley (surgery); William McKinley (medical care: personal response); Matthew D. Mann.
Named persons
William McKinley.
“Address delivered at the opening exercises of the Medical Department of the University of Michigan, September 24, 1901” (p. 481).

“Published in The Physician and Surgeon exclusively” (p. 481).

“By Reuben Peterson, A. B., M. D., Ann Arbor, Michigan. Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics in the University of Michigan” (p. 481).


The Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics in a University Medical School [excerpt]

     The diagnosis and operative treatment of pelvic lesions were taken up by the general surgeons, who hastened to perfect themselves in a field [483][484] which they had formerly neglected, until now a large amount of gynecology is done, and done well, by the general surgeon, who possibly at times forgets the debt he owes the pioneers and specialists who paved the way for his easily-acquired knowledge. But there is not, and should not be, any real controversy between the general surgeon and the gynecologist. Both should be good general surgeons; only one has chosen to devote himself to a particular field. That the skilled gynecologist is recognized as a competent abdominal surgeon is well illustrated by the fact that the surgeon chosen to operate upon the late PRESIDENT MCKINLEY was a distinguished gynecologist and abdominal surgeon.



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