Publication information

Silent Worker
Source type: journal
Document type: news column
Document title: “Gallaudet College, Washington, D. C.”
Author(s): Allen, G. P.
Date of publication: October 1901
Volume number: 14
Issue number: 2
Pagination: 20

Allen, G. P. “Gallaudet College, Washington, D. C.” Silent Worker Oct. 1901 v14n2: p. 20.
McKinley funeral services (Washington, DC); McKinley funeral services (Washington, DC: attendees); William McKinley (lying in state: Washington, DC: public response); McKinley funeral services (Washington, DC: panic); William McKinley (lying in state: Washington, DC).
Named persons
William McKinley.
The news column is accompanied on the same page with a photograph of McKinley.

Gallaudet College, Washington, D. C.

     Those who returned to college one day prior to its opening, were fortunate enough to witness the funeral procession of our martyred President. The body was then taken to the Capitol where it lay in state in the Rotunda the whole day, and many of the students tried to get in to view the remains, but only a few, that is to say, about four, were lucky enough to get a glimpse of all that was mortal of William McKinley. Your correspondent was one of them. There was an enormous crowd. The people, thronging about the Capitol in lines, were standing all day in the rain, awaiting to be admitted into the Capitol. After the crowd had disappeared, we could see fragments of dresses, hats, umbrellas, side-combs, rubber shoes, etc., scattered here and there over the grounds which were well sodden in the rain. The crowd had been fighting, kicking and trampling the weaker ones under foot in order to gain admission into the Capitol. Mr. McKinley looked much thinner than he was when I last saw him alive. The look was enough to convince any one that the President had suffered much.
     The coffin was a little elevated in the Rotunda of the Capitol so that the people who filed along the sides of the black box could view the dead better. A person could not stop to see the remains, for there were several poliecemen [sic] who busied themselves in keeping the people constantly on the go, thus obliging them to pass the coffin as fast as possible in order to give those awaiting outside a chance to come in. The view I obtained cannot ever fade from my memory.