Publication information

Free Society
Source type: magazine
Document type: editorial column
Document title: “Current Comment”
Author(s): Winn, Ross
Date of publication: 23 March 1902
Volume number: 9
Issue number: 12
Pagination: 4

Winn, Ross. “Current Comment.” Free Society 23 Mar. 1902 v9n12: p. 4.
Theodore Roosevelt (presidential policies); United States (government: criticism); Theodore Roosevelt (plots against).
Named persons
Theodore Roosevelt.

Current Comment

     I read in the press dispatches that Pres. Roosevelt is “taking a keen interest in naval target practise.” In conformance with his idea on this subject, congress is expected to appropriate nearly a million dollars, for ammunition to be used in this way. Some people may foolishly think that a million dollars spent for bread instead of lead, would be of more benefit to the American people, but such people are ignorant of the science of government. The government’s bill of fare for its hungry class is always lead, with gatling sauce and Kraig-Jorgenson desert [sic]. Teddy is a model ruler. He understands his business. Let us have target practise by all means. But let us be careful that no Czolgosz participates in the target practise.