Publication information

Free Society
Source type: magazine
Document type: notice
Document title: “Czolgosz, McKinley, and Roosevelt”
Author(s): anonymous
Date of publication: 9 February 1902
Volume number: 9
Issue number: 6
Pagination: 4

“Czolgosz, McKinley, and Roosevelt.” Free Society 9 Feb. 1902 v9n6: p. 4.
full text
Czolgosz, McKinley, and Roosevelt [pamphlet]; anarchism (newspapers, magazines, etc.); McKinley assassination (personal response: anarchists).
Named persons
Jay Fox; R. Fritz.
Click here to view the 12-page Jay Fox essay “Roosevelt, Czolgosz and Anarchy,” which was published together with Henry Addis’s “Communism” as a single 15-page pamphlet. It is not known whether this shorter Fox essay is merely a reformatted version of the essay named below, a different version, or a different essay altogether.

Czolgosz, McKinley, and Roosevelt

     A 32-page pamphlet, entitled “Czolgosz, McKinley, and Roosevelt,” from the pen of Comrade Jay Fox, is the portion that the New York comrades have thought it, so to speak, obligatory to render in defense of our theories and beliefs; and the dissemination of same. Without doubt we say that the distribution of this pamphlet will have much effect upon the already too biased mind of the American public.
     These few lines are addressed to all comrades, who, without exception, see the necessity for such pamphlet and the good results to be obtained therefrom. We solicit the fraternal aid, both financially and in spreading said pamphlet, from all comrades. Comrades can render us the desired aid by sending in money for which they will receive a specified number of pamphlets for distribution. We make special appeal to Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, Paterson, and San Francisco comrades. We will send 100 copies for $2; and single copies 5 cents each, postpaid.
     Send orders and money to R. Fritz, 267 Madison St., New York, N. Y.