Publication information

Masonic Voice-Review
Source type: magazine
Document type: editorial
Document title: none
Author(s): anonymous
Date of publication: October 1901
Volume number: 3
Issue number: 10
Pagination: 404

[untitled]. Masonic Voice-Review Oct. 1901 v3n10: p. 404.
full text
anarchism (personal response).
Named persons


     What a contrast to Masonry is anarchy the one ennobling and building up, the other degrading and tearing down, the one by precept and example advocating constituted authority, the other proclaiming against all law, but quickly wishing to avail itself of its protection when its own obtuse head is liable to be rapped by an enraged populace. Masonry attracts the great, the noble and the good; anarchy the ignorant, the wicked and depraved. Anarchy like the serpent of the garden, has bruised the heel of humanity, all nations should unite in crushing its head whenever it appears.