As a people, however,
we need have no enduring fear of anarchy or anarchists. It is not
conceivable that anarchy can ever flourish in this country to the
extent of forming a political factor to be reckoned with. Neither
is it reasonable to expect that anarchists should, except temporarily,
stand as a menace to the lives of those high in public service.
Our government officials are members of no privileged class and
are favored by no special laws. Therefore, the anarchists’ hatred
can have no foundation except in hostility toward all law and authority;
and such doctrines can never take serious root in the United States.
Moreover, curiously enough, the [393][394]
assault at once produces an effect directly opposite to that desired.
Not for years, if ever, has the whole body of citizens been stimulated
to give such solid support to the government at Washington as by
this act. The expression of loyalty is non-partisan and non-sectional,
not less pronounced among adopted citizens than with those native
to the country. Therefore, there can be little temptation, even
for an anarchist, to strike a blow, the only public effect of which
must always be to strengthen that law and authority which he desires
to destroy.