Letter from the Linkman [excerpt]
The assassination of the President
of the United States has deeply grieved every rational member of
the English-speaking race. The London papers, with few exceptions,
were published with bands of mourning on the day of his death and
on that of the funeral, and they all bore witness to his many good
qualities and to the high position he held amongst the rulers of
men—but they were ignorant of how his name is spelt. On Saturday,
the 14th, the Times had the name as McKinley in a leading
article, and, has throughout adhered to that spelling. The Morning
Post spelt it without the “c”—as M’Kinley—and that is the way
the American papers give the name (vide New York World, Saturday,
September 14). The President of the United States, however humble
his origin, is a ruler who can claim to rank on an equality with
any Emperor, and it does seem singular that either the Americans
are ignorant of the way to spell the name of their President, or
that the London papers are. It is also curious that this discrepancy
has not been discovered till now. It is probable that M’Kinley is
an American abbreviation of the name, as McKinley is a British shortening
of the original MacKinley. However, there must be one way of spelling
this in the instance of the late President, and that is the way
in which he spelt it himself.