No words can express the horror of
the insane act of a brutal anarchist that struck the chief of the
nation and plunged the whole people, regardless of party or creed,
into mourning. The telegram announcing the assassination of President
McKinley came like a thunderbolt from a clear sky, and so utterly
incomprehensible was the act that it could not at first be believed.
President McKinley had no enemies. He had been a consistent executive.
Those who differed from him politically had the highest respect
for him. There had never been an executive who had more the respect
of the nation, who used his office with more regard for the law,
than President McKinley. The anarchist has been the curse of the
earth. He refuses as a rule to vote; he wants no law. He has been
repudiated by every creed and every party on earth. Only an insane
monster could have committed an act of such hideousness.
Every citizen of the republic execrates
the act and the actor. Such men should be treated as wild beasts.
Every citizen will hope that the president
will recover and fill out the time the people have chosen him to
preside over the nation, and every bulletin will be eagerly watched
for encouraging reports of his condition.
The nation bows in sorrow and sympathy
for its chief magistrate, and the heart-throbs of millions beat
for his recovery.