Publication information

Appeal to Reason
Source type: newspaper
Document type: editorial
Document title: none
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Girard, Kansas
Date of publication: 5 October 1901
Volume number: none
Issue number: 305
Pagination: 1

[untitled]. Appeal to Reason 5 Oct. 1901 n305: p. 1.
full text
McKinley assassination (personal response: socialists); McKinley assassination (opinions, theories, etc.); society (criticism); anarchism (compared with socialism).
Named persons


     The national excitement and mourning incident to the death of the peoples’ chief executive are giving way to normal conditions, and the people are beginning to consider in a dispassionate manner the wonderful changes that have taken place in industrial affairs since the close of the civil war, and to ask themselves if these changed conditions are not in some way responsible for the terrible crime that has plunged not only our own people, but the entire civilized world, in mourning. They know that nothing exists without a cause. They see that the rural districts and smaller towns are peopled with loyal, patriotic citizens—that it is only in the densely populated industrial centers that anarchist societies can thrive or even exist, and they are beginning to question if it be not true that some of the old world conditions that breed anarchy have not been allowed to creep into our industrial and social affairs. Anarchy is a fungoid growth. It cannot exist except where there is decay. People have also noticed with what unanimity the great metropolitan papers have editorially pointed out the fact that Socialism and anarchy are as opposite as the poles; and today no well informed person, unless he be a hypocrite and a knave, would be guilty of using the words as synonymous. True, there are benighted places like Sedalia, Mo., where they have refused to allow the Socialists to meet in state convention, that still look upon Socialism as something dangerous, (but this is true only of a few localities where the m[?]s upon the epidermis of the citizens is sufficient to hide their nakedness.) But thanks to an enlightened press, they are few indeed. Honest, intelligent, patriotic citizens know there is something radically wrong in the industrial affairs of this country and of the world. They know that neither of the great parties have presented a remedy, and that it must be looked for elsewhere. They are ready to investigate and to listen to reason. Though the noisy, ignorant few may howl and gnash their teeth, they are not formidable; intelligent men and women are looking for light, and will accept the truth if rightly presented. It is the Socialist’s opportunity, and every lover of liberty and justice who has dreamed of the brighter and better days that will be ushered in with the coming of the Co-operative Commonwealth, should remember that “the dreams that nations dream come true,” and consecrating himself anew to the cause of humanity, should push the propaganda work with renewed vigor. This is no time for cowardice or shirking. The dream of a brighter day bids us arise and haste [sic] to the task before us. Let us do our duty, that justice may rule in the hearts and minds of men, that our children and future generation may bless us for sacrifices made, and that the stars and stripes may be in truth what the patriot fathers intended they should be—the emblem of liberty.