Zig Zag Chat About Town [excerpt]
A striking symbolical picture hangs
over the entrance to Keeler’s hotel on Broadway. On a lonely cliff
overhanging the sea are two female figures, Europe and Columbia,
the latter with her face buried in her companion’s lap in an agony
of weeping. Europe is soothing Columbia and gazing off across the
stretch of water over which a boat is bearing the bier of William
McKinley. At the helm is a figure with a scythe, evidently representing
death, and the bark is headed straight for the unknown horizon.
The whole conception is impressive and many persons stop to look
at the picture, which is done with crayon in black and white.
Photographs and lithographs of the
late President McKinley are finding a ready sale on the streets
of Albany, and a score of enterprising young men are reaping plentiful
profits in selling them. On Pearl and State streets and Broadway,
yesterday afternoon, yenders [sic] mingled with the throngs and
sold pictures of the martyred President. The pictures were in all
sizes and shapes from a likeness on a button to a larg[e] crayon
or solar print. The fakirs continued their business until after
the theatres were closed finding a large sale to the patrons as
they left Proctor’s, Leland and Harmanus Bleecker Hall. In the Leland
one of the performers, a free hand artist, attempts to make a charcoal
drawing of President McKinley. The likeness is not very good and
the audience seemed to feel that there was no adequate way of expressing
its feelings. It rather cast a gloom over all. Finally when the
likeness of the departed President was thrown on the screen from
the stereopticon the audience applauded, but one could deadily [sic]
appreciate that the audience wished a better way to express its