Publication information
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Source: Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Source type: newspaper
Document type: poem
Document title: “Thou Who Art Left to Wait”
Author(s): Rutledge, Gerald
City of publication: New York, New York
Date of publication: 19 September 1901
Volume number: 61
Issue number: 260
Pagination: 4

Rutledge, Gerald. “Thou Who Art Left to Wait.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle 19 Sept. 1901 v61n260: p. 4.
full text
Ida McKinley (grieving: poetry); William McKinley (death: poetry).
Named persons


Thou Who Art Left to Wait

Why dost thou weep that Death came unto him,
     Who walked beside thee on the path of Life?
Let tears of thankfulness thy heart o’erbrim,
     That his loyal soul awaits thee where no strife
May enter. Death struck wisely in an hour
     When multitudes of fellowmen might see
How one with all the pride of earthly Power
     Could strong and reverent bow to Destiny!
Take pride and comfort in thy hero’s death!
     Teaching God’s mercy to each living soul—
Teaching God’s strength with the last fainting breath
     Vouchsafed him ere he passed into the Goal!
He lived for thee: he died that All might know
     What will await when the last hour draws near;
God’s blessing on the souls that seek Him so,
     Sublime in faith, absolved of doubt and fear!
O weep no more, thou who art left to wait!
     In patience bear the burden God hath laid
Upon thy tender soul, until His Gate
     Swings inward to admit thee unafraid!



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