Publication information
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Source: Boston Evening Transcript
Source type: newspaper
Document type: poem
Document title: “Love Immortal”
Author(s): Patterson, Jane L.
City of publication: Boston, Massachusetts
Date of publication: 25 September 1901
Volume number: none
Issue number: none
Part/Section: 2
Pagination: [24]

Patterson, Jane L. “Love Immortal.” Boston Evening Transcript 25 Sept. 1901: part 2, p. [24].
full text
William McKinley (mourning: poetry); William McKinley (poetry); William McKinley (death: poetry).
Named persons


Love Immortal


The colors droop, the red, the white, the blue,
Black shadows mingle with their triumph-hue,
Sign of a nation bound in anguish deep
Over its honored leader fallen asleep.

Soldier and statesman, guide and prophet, too,
Deep seas of doubt he led his country through.
Unswerving, placid ’mid the stormy stress,
A tower of strength to men of valor less.

His virtues on the printed page stand fair,
His victories over stubborn foes shine there,
His gentle manners, his broad charity,
His equal honor to all men, we see.

And tears are falling like the autumn rain
In fear that one so grandly true, again
May never grace the nation’s chair of state,
Its trust protect, and steer to righteous fate.

But if to outer void the call is sent,
And answers it God’s chosen instrument,
No doubt or fear great Freedom’s heart shall wring,
His sign is on the forehead of the king.

See it, O Nation, in your sackcloth now!
See it while dust is on your vaunted brow!
See it as Bethlehem’s star the wise men saw,
And know the force which moulds true strength and law!

Greatest of powers; resistless current sent
In overflow from the Omnipotent,
To men who keep the upward channels clear,
And listen God’s directing voice to hear.

In summer’s heat, in winter’s bitterness,
In barren wastes, in trouble’s dire distress,
The chair of state, home’s daily cares among,
The men who live its life to God belong.

Our President who lies in sleep today,
Who said his sleep was God’s own will and way,
Lived his strong life in spotless victory,
Love moulded! Lover first of all was he!



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