Publication information

Burlington Hawk-Eye
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Goldman Sneers at Sorrow”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Burlington, Iowa
Date of publication: 20 September 1901
Volume number: 63
Issue number: 88
Pagination: 2

“Goldman Sneers at Sorrow.” Burlington Hawk-Eye 20 Sept. 1901 v63n88: p. 2.
full text
Emma Goldman (incarceration); McKinley memorial services (Chicago, IL); anarchists (Chicago, IL: incarceration).
Named persons
Emma Goldman.

Goldman Sneers at Sorrow

     Chicago, Sept. 19.—Memorial services were held in the woman’s ward of the jail. Emma Goldman was there, though not of her own volition and while many prisoners manifested great grief she was unmoved and indifferent. When “Nearer, My God, to Thee” was sung Goldman turned her back upon the singers and busied herself with a book she carried.
     The anarchists who are being held on the charge of complicity in the president’s assassination were offered an opportunity to participate in the memorial exercises in the jail, but all refused.