Publication information
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Source: Christian Advocate
Source type: newspaper
Document type: editorial column
Document title: “Additional Editorials”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: New York, New York
Date of publication: 5 February 1903
Volume number: 78
Issue number: 6
Pagination: 224

“Additional Editorials.” Christian Advocate 5 Feb. 1903 v78n6: p. 224.
Carnation Day; McKinley memorialization.
Named persons
William McKinley.


Additional Editorials [excerpt]

     The movement inaugurated by the Carnation League of America to commemorate the death of President McKinley by having the people of the country wear a carnation on the day of his birth and of his death, seems to be meeting with general favor, as seen in the fact that on Jan. 29, Mr. McKinley’s birthday, thousands of people wore the flower. The carnation was Mr. McKinley’s favorite flower, and almost invariably adorned the buttonhole in the left lapel of his coat.



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