London Is Pleased at News
Belief That McKinley Is Certain of Recovery Is General—Interest
Turns to Royalty.
LONDON, Sept. 11, 3 a. m.—Public
interest in American affairs has abated since the President’s marked
improvement has offered the promise of his speedy recovery. General
satisfaction is expressed at the latest developments. Long dispatches
are still printed from Buffalo by the press, but there is a reversion
to other sources of news.
The movements of the royal figures
on the European stage. Especially the Czar and the King, are made
prominent. No special precautions have been taken for the protection
of the royalties at Fredenborg, where a large family party is in
Exaggerated reports are supplied from
France respecting the safeguards which will be required during the
Czar’s visit.
These contrasted effects delight the
old Tories, who are happiest when they are declaiming against the
insecurity of republican institutions and reckoning the number of
Presidential victims of assassination. The truth is that the European
police never lose sight of the Anarchists and constantly exchange
information about their machinations, gained through spies.