Publication information

Evening Telegram
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Unparalleled Strain on Buffalo’s Telegraph System”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Providence, Rhode Island
Date of publication: 9 September 1901
Volume number: 44
Issue number: 69
Pagination: 8

“Unparalleled Strain on Buffalo’s Telegraph System.” Evening Telegram [Providence] 9 Sept. 1901 v44n69: p. 8.
full text
McKinley assassination (use of telegraph); McKinley assassination (news coverage).
Named persons

Unparalleled Strain on Buffalo’s Telegraph System

     Buffalo, Sept. 9.—Not less than 650,000 words were sent out of Buffalo Saturday by the telegraph companies in special dispatches to newspapers all over the world. It is difficult for those who have been accustomed to limit themselves carefully to ten words in sending a telegram to realize what this means.
     As set and displayed by the newspapers that received them these 650,000 words filled nearly 500 columns. If one newspaper had received all the specials sent out it would have had about eighty solid pages of matter concerning the president, exclusive of illustrations and headlines.
     Such a tax on the resources of the telegraph companies is without a parallel in Buffalo. In numerous instances operators had to work constantly for thirty-six hours at a stretch, leaving their instruments only long enough to get a light lunch.
     The day forces on Friday afternoon were continued through Friday night, and it was Saturday afternoon before several of them could get a few hours of sleep.
     From all available parts of the country additional operators have been rushed to Buffalo. About 1,700 operators have been at work constantly for the last forty-eight hours, and there is no sign of diminution in the volume of business.