Publication information

Milwaukee Sentinel
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Woman Foretold Shooting”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Date of publication: 9 September 1901
Volume number: none
Issue number: 23684
Pagination: 3

“Woman Foretold Shooting.” Milwaukee Sentinel 9 Sept. 1901 n23684: p. 3.
full text
McKinley assassination (predictions); Fanny Grant Tetzel; Fanny Grant Tetzel (public statements).
Named persons
William McKinley; Fanny Grant Tetzel.

Woman Foretold Shooting


Mrs. F. G. Tetzel of Wauwatosa Said McKinley Would Come to Harm.

     The plain, matter-of-fact, busy man or woman, whose daily vocation leaves little room for vain conjectures, occult study or esoteric thought or philosophy, gives little credit to predictions made, or honor to the prophet, who, through some knowledge, not given to ordinary mortals, is able to foretell events. This is especially true when the event foretold so much partakes of the nature of a national calamity as the attempted assassination of President McKinley. Professionally the soothsayer, clairvoyant, mind reader and astrologist fill a place in the business niches of every large city, and no doubt are patronized, or they could not exist; but this article has nothing to do with this class, dealing with the prediction of a Milwaukee lady who claims to have foretold the attempt made upon the president’s life.
     The lady referred to is Mrs. Fanny Grant Tetzel, now of Wauwatosa, who makes the statement that through her occult knowledge she was able last fall to predict the occurrence of the event. She says: “My occult knowledge showed me last fall that President McKinley was to meet with disaster. Again, three weeks ago, I said that a national calamity was close at hand. The worst is that another man is to die soon, felled like a vigorous tree in its prime, as it has been with the president.”
     Mrs. Tetzel does not stop here, but continues: “Two great rulers of Europe are in the greatest danger of sudden death. A wide-spread calamity is to sweep over the world itself.”
     She also predicts matters of local interest. The weather forecasters who last week were in session in Milwaukee, and who base their calculations upon scientific and actual knowledge, will not take kindly to the statement of Mrs. Tetzel, when she says: “If the weather prophets foretell the sort of weather we are to have it is our pastime to prophesy about the exact opposite,” and that she takes some delight in making ducks and drakes of the weather man is shown when she says, “We do it with much joy.”
     There is no charlatanism about Mrs. Tetzel’s work. She adopted the study of astrology in its occult sense from pure love of it, and refers to it as being a pet fad.