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Source: Manila Times
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “President McKinley’s Condition Is Still Encouraging”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Manila, Philippines
Date of publication: 11 September 1901
Volume number: 2
Issue number: 150
Pagination: 1

“President McKinley’s Condition Is Still Encouraging.” Manila Times 11 Sept. 1901 v2n150: p. 1.
full text
William McKinley (medical condition); William McKinley (recovery); William McKinley (official bulletins); telegrams; McKinley assassination (international response).
Named persons
Clarence R. Edwards [middle initial wrong below]; James A. Garfield; William McKinley; William Howard Taft.


President McKinley’s Condition Is Still Encouraging


Bulletins Continue Hopeful in Their Character—Less and Less Chance
of Complications Ensuing.
His Pulse, Temperature and Respiration Approaching Closer to Normal—
Usual Functions of the Body Properly Performed.

     From the bedside bulletins received via Washington this morning the hopes now being entertained of the President’s recovery are given further substantiality, and unless the unexpected should happen the President stands every chance of recovery. It is true that some of those pessimistically inclined shake their heads and mutter that a series of bulletins of a like trend were issued in Garfield’s time during the days first subsequent to his shooting, but that their favorable prognostications were sadly unfulfilled. This despondent view, however, is largely discounted by the fact of the increased chances of recovery from bullet wounds under the present advanced methods of surgery.
     The bulletins considered in sequence display a general decline in those symptoms which are regarded as most unfavorable. Furthermore they state that the President is without pain and is resting easily and comfortably. The conclusion that ultimate recovery will follow is therefore warranted and likely to be substantiated.
     The three following bulletins, signed by Col. Clarence Q. Edwards, Chief of the Insular Division of the War Department, were received by Governor Taft from Washington, and have been furnished the Press for general publication. The first is dated at Washington on Monday night at seven fifteen and runs:

     The latest bulletin states that the President passed a somewhat restless night, but is sleeping fairly well. His general condition is unchanged. His pulse is 120, his temperature 101, and his respiration 28.

     The second bulletin was issued from Washington, three hours later than the first. It shows a decrease in his pulse from 120 to 112, eight beats, in his temperature a decrease of two-tenths, while his respiration remains the same. This second bulletin runs as follows.

     The President’s condition i [sic] becoming more and more satisfactory. Untoward incidents are less likely to occur. Pulse is 122, temperature 100.8, and respiration 28.

     The third bulletin was sent from Washington at ten thirty on the same night (Monday). The President’s pulse beat had then risen one point, from 112 to 113; his temperature had risen two-tenths of one degree, while his respiration had gone down two points, from 28 to 26.

     The President’s condition steadily improves; he is comfortable, without pain or any unfavorable symptoms. His bowel and kidney functions are normally performed. His pulse is 113; his temperature 101; and his respiration 26.

     Since writing the foregoing a Manila TIMES special telegram has been received. It is chiefly important locally, in that it expresses the detestation in which the dastardly deed is held by the Filipinos now in Europe. The telegram was received at this office at two o’clock. It runs as follows:

     President McKinley’s general condition is unchanged. Representative Filipinos, now in Europe, have wired their detestation of the outrage, saying that a fatal termination is deplored nowhere more deeply than in the Philippines.



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