Publication information

Meriden Weekly Republican
Source type: newspaper
Document type: editorial
Document title: “Vice President Roosevelt”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Meriden, Connecticut
Date of publication: 12 September 1901
Volume number: 36
Issue number: 42
Pagination: 4

“Vice President Roosevelt.” Meriden Weekly Republican 12 Sept. 1901 v36n42: p. 4.
full text
Theodore Roosevelt (at Buffalo, NY); Theodore Roosevelt (political character).
Named persons
Theodore Roosevelt.

Vice President Roosevelt

     The “knockers” who had their weapons out for Theodore Roosevelt have been obliged to lay them aside, and acknowledge that the conduct of the vice president has been above reproach.
     It isn’t exactly clear what the “opposition” expected the vice president would do when called to Buffalo, but there were surmises that the wild and woolly west order of things would prevail, and anxiety second only to the fear felt for the life of the president, was expressed as to the actions of the vice president.
     Those who for some unknown reason believed he would take summary action to have the disability clause apply to the case in point, were astonished when, at the mere suggestion, Theodore Roosevelt expressed in no uncertain terms his disapproval of any such plan.
     After his arrival in Buffalo “strenuous” action was looked for, but it did not materialize. In every way did the vice president resent any enthusiasm displayed at his appearance. His only thought was the recovery of the president, and the dignity which he displayed has compelled the admiration of even his detractors.
     The idea that Theodore Roosevelt had no regard for the conventionalities of the position he occupies has been completely shattered. The vice president’s host in Buffalo, believing that the immediate danger being over, he would be justified in proposing entertainment for his distinguished friend, suggested that he utilize his last day by taking a glimpse of the exposition. The kindly intended suggestion was met with the vehement reply:
     “I do not believe, even though I am assured of the president’s convalescence, that it would be entirely proper for me to take part in any of the festivities. I have studiously refrained from going out or being entertained during my visit, and I will continue that policy until I leave. I came here absolutely as a matter of duty, both to the president and to the people, and not for pleasure.”
     Vice President Roosevelt has an idea of the fitness of things for which his critics had not given him credit. The tragedy at Buffalo has revealed him in a new light, which meets with universal approbation.