Publication information

Minneapolis Journal
Source type: newspaper
Document type: editorial cartoon
Document title: “At Buffalo”
Image size (in source, approx. h x w): unknown
Author(s): Bartholomew, Charles Lewis
City of publication: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date of publication: 6 September 1901
Volume number: none
Issue number: none
Pagination: 1

Bartholomew, Charles Lewis. “At Buffalo.” Minneapolis Journal 6 Sept. 1901: p. 1.
full image of cartoon
William McKinley (at Pan-American Exposition: editorial cartoons); William McKinley (presidential policies: editorial cartoons); William McKinley (last public address: editorial cartoons).
Named persons
William McKinley [in notes].
Text accompanying the cartoon’s caption reads as follows: “Guide McKinley—Right up this way, sir, you’ll get the best show you ever had in your life.”

Title herein taken from caption.

Image retrieved from microform.

At Buffalo