Pres’t Roosevelt Announces Policy
Buffalo, Sept. 16.—President Roosevelt
has outlined in some detail the policy he will follow during his
incumbency of office. It will be remembered that when he took the
oath of office he stated with much definiteness:
It shall be my aim to continue
absolutely unbroken the policy of President McKinley for the
peace (and he emphasized that word), prosperity and honor of
the country.
Yesterday the president gathered
together some personal friends in Buffalo and those cabinet members
as were here and gave to them such ideas as he has already formulated
for the conduct of public affairs and his own policy. In no sense
are they divergent from what has been the policy of Mr. McKinley.
His policy as outlined to his friends at yesterday’s conference
will be:
For a more liberal and extensive
reciprocity in the purchase and sale of commodities, so that
the overproduction of this country can be satisfactorily disposed
of by fair and equitable arrangements with foreign countries.
The abolition entirely of commercial
war with other countries and the adoption of reciprocity treaties.
The abolition of such tariffs
on foreign goods as are no longer needed, for revenue, if such
abolition can be had without harm to our industries and labor.
Direct commercial lines should
be established between the eastern coast of the United States
and the ports in South America and the Pacific coast ports of
Mexico, Central America and South America.
The encouragement of the merchant
marine and the building of ships which shall carry the American
flag and be owned and controlled by Americans and American capital.
The building and completion as
soon as possible of the isthmian canal so as to give direct
water communication with the coasts of Central America, South
America and Mexico.
The construction of a cable, owned
by the government, connecting our mainland with our foreign
possessions, notably Hawaii and the Philippines.
The use of conciliatory methods
of arbitration in all disputes with foreign nations, so as to
avoid armed strife.
The protection of the savings
of the people in banks and in other forms of investments by
the preservation of the commercial prosperity of the country
and the placing in positions of trust men of only the highest