Publication information

Nashville American
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Pen Picture of the New ‘First Lady of the Land’”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Nashville, Tennessee
Date of publication: 18 September 1901
Volume number: 26
Issue number: 9047
Pagination: 8

“Pen Picture of the New ‘First Lady of the Land.’” Nashville American 18 Sept. 1901 v26n9047: p. 8.
full text
Edith Roosevelt; Edith Roosevelt (personal character).
Named persons
Edith Roosevelt [maiden name misspelled below]; Theodore Roosevelt.

Pen Picture of the New “First Lady of the Land”

     Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt is now the first lady of the land.
     She is a young woman who will adorn the position. That her husband has reached the goal of the highest ambition which a citizen of these United States can entertain, is in no small measure due to her help and counsel.
     Mrs. Roosevelt is the second wife of the President. She was Miss Edith Carew, whom he had known from childhood. Th[e]ir married life has been ideal. Five children have been born to them.
     The first lady of the land is of medium height and graceful figure. She has a fair complexion, dark eyes and hair and a charm of manner that attracts all who meet her. She dresses very simply, but always in the latest fashion. She wears little jewelry, but what she does wear is of the best.
     As a social leader of the country, Mrs. Roosevelt is fully equipped. She has been in society all her life. Few women of the present day are more cultivated or accomplished. Even her husband, who is an omnivorous reader, has not intelligently digested more good literature than she has.
     In her home Mrs. Roosevelt is the personification of the good American wife and mother. She has taken care of her own babies, and they love her with a devotion that is touching.
     She is the superintendent of her own household; she does the purchasing and pays the bills. She is a business woman when it is necessary to be a business woman.
     The furnishings of her home at Oyster Bay reflect the character of Mrs. Roosevelt. She goes in for comfort rather than show, but her house is perfectly appointed. In no particular does it violate good taste.
     Mrs. Roosevelt has not been prominent in the society of New York, although she has the right of birth and breeding to enter it.
     She is better known in Washington, where she was popular to a degree during her husband’s official life in the capital. Although fond of social pleasures, her chief joy lies in her home and in the care of her children.
     She has always shared and encouraged the political ambition of her husband.
     Woman’s clubs have never counted Mrs. Roosevelt in their members, although she is a student of the question of the relation of woman to government.
     The office of President General of the Daughters of the American Revolution was offered to her just after the election of Mr. Roosevelt to the vice presidency. She declined it.
     Women who read and think and have solid minds love Mrs. Roosevelt. She has many friends such as these. The butterfly, the professionally fashionable woman she does not fancy.
     The people of the United States will love Mrs. Roosevelt as they admire the rugged courage and indomitable persistency of her husband, the President.