Publication information
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Source: Norfolk Landmark
Source type: newspaper
Document type: editorial
Document title: none
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Norfolk, Virginia
Date of publication: 20 September 1901
Volume number: 53
Issue number: 21
Pagination: 4

[untitled]. Norfolk Landmark 20 Sept. 1901 v53n21: p. 4.
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McKinley assassination (news coverage: criticism).
Named persons



     In all reverence and goodwill, we make the point that the word “martyr” is not properly applicable to the late President. There are enough suitable words to choose from without using this very questionable one. A martyr is one who is put to death on account of his religion, or who deliberately sacrifices his life or something else very dear to him in order to sustain a principle or a cause. A man that is murdered is not necessarily martyred. The writers who put the telegraph news into shape are very fond of using “martyred” instead of “murdered.”



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