Publication information

Omaha Daily Bee
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Dr. Lee Is an Omaha Man”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Omaha, Nebraska
Date of publication: 7 September 1901
Volume number: none
Issue number: none
Pagination: 3

“Dr. Lee Is an Omaha Man.” Omaha Daily Bee 7 Sept. 1901: p. 3.
full text
Edward Wallace Lee; McKinley physicians.
Named persons
Edward Wallace Lee; William McKinley.

Dr. Lee Is an Omaha Man


One of President McKinley’s Attending Surgeons Is Well Known in This City.

     Dr. E. W. Lee, one of President McKinley’s attending surgeons, is well known in Omaha, where he ranked as one of the leading physicians during a residence of nearly twenty years.
     Dr. Lee came to Omaha in 1882 and was connected at various times with every hospital in the city. He was on the staff of the Douglas county [sic] hospital for many years and served as the Burlington’s local surgeon for fifteen years. He was medical director of both expositions and acquitted himself with great credit. Dr. Lee took a deep interest in the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben during its early life and served on the board of governors. He was also an enthusiastic Elk.
     At the close of the second exposition Dr. Lee made a lengthy tour abroad and upon his return selected St. Louis as a place of residence. There he is interested in a projected $500,000 hospital, for which funds are now being raised, and will in all probability be its first chief surgeon. He was also a prominent aspirant for the medical directorship of the St. Louis World’s Fair and only failed of his ambition because of his short residence there.