Publication information

Philadelphia Inquirer
Source type: newspaper
Document type: photograph
Document title: “President Roosevelt and His Brother-in-Law, Commander Cowles, Removing Their Hats as the Dead President’s Body Was Taken to the Hearse”
Image size (in source, approx. h x w): unknown
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Date of publication: 21 September 1901
Volume number: 145
Issue number: 83
Pagination: 7

“President Roosevelt and His Brother-in-Law, Commander Cowles, Removing Their Hats as the Dead President’s Body Was Taken to the Hearse.” Philadelphia Inquirer 21 Sept. 1901 v145n83: p. 7.
full image of photograph
Theodore Roosevelt (photographs); William S. Cowles (photographs); McKinley funeral services (Canton, OH: photographs).
Named persons
“Photographed especally [sic] for The Inquirer.”

Title herein taken from caption.

Image courtesy of NewspaperArchive.

President Roosevelt and His Brother-in-Law, Commander Cowles, Removing
Their Hats as the Dead President’s Body Was Taken to the Hearse