The Business Week [excerpt]
T supply of money is plentiful, and even
on Stock Exchange pay-day this week loans for the day did not command
more than 1¾ per cent., and the usual rate has been 1 per
cent. to 1½ per cent. There has, however, been somewhat less
disposition to discount in consequence of the attack upon the President
of the United States and the fear lest the deplorable event should
cause bankers to take steps to strengthen their cash position by
securing gold from London. The absence of complications in Mr. McKinley’s
condition until to-day has somewhat allayed the fear that gold shipments
would [465][466] shortly occur. But
the unfavourable turn taken by the illness to-day has revived the
apprehension of the probability of early gold exports, and has made
buyers of bills less anxious to purchase. Hence it has not been
possible to place three months’ bills to-day at under 2/8
per cent., or six months’ at under 3 per cent. On the other hand,
holders of bills have preferred to wait for further developments
before parting with their bills at these rates. There has consequently
been but little business. That a considerable amount of gold will
shortly be shipped to the States is now generally expected. Indeed,
the further fall in the American exchange of this week to 4.85¾
for cable transfers and to 4.85¼ for sight drafts, with the
value of money in New York at nearly 6 per cent. as compared with
1 per cent. to 1½ per cent. here, means that gold shipments
are now almost, if not quite, profitable. In view of the inquiries
as to the price at which it is disposed to sell Eagles, the Bank
of England has raised its selling price for these coins to 76s.
9d. It may be taken for granted, however, that if the States
mean to import gold, the advance of a farthing will not prevent
shipments, and at the moment all the indications point to the necessity
of New York securing gold from Europe. It may be taken for granted
that so conservative a body as the bankers of New York would not
have appealed to the Secretary of the Treasury to take exceptional
measures to release money from the Treasury unless the funds were
badly needed. The Secretary of the Treasury has, of course, responded
to the request, but it is considered improbable that the measures
taken by the Treasury will alone be sufficient to place the banks
in a satisfactory position. Moreover, there is at present no serious
reason why New York should not draw upon Europe for gold.