Publication information
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Source: Wausau Pilot
Source type: newspaper
Document type: photograph
Document title: “Where Czolgosz Paid the Penalty”
Image size (in source, approx. h x w): unknown
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Wausau, Wisconsin
Date of publication: 5 November 1901
Volume number: 36
Issue number: 49
Pagination: [3]

“Where Czolgosz Paid the Penalty.” Wausau Pilot 5 Nov. 1901 v36n49: p. [3].
full image of photograph
Auburn State Prison (photographs).
Named persons
William McKinley [in notes].
The descriptive text accompanying the photograph reads as follows: “Main Entrance to the Auburn Prison, in Which the Assassin of President M’Kinley Was Electrocuted.”

Title herein taken from caption.

Image courtesy of Chronicling America.


Where Czolgosz Paid the Penalty




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