Publication information

Expansion of Races
Source type: book
Document type: book chapter
Document title: “Aryan Democracies and Their Relation to Lower Races” [chapter 23]
Author(s): Woodruff, Charles Edward
Publisher: Rebman Company
Place of publication: New York, New York
Year of publication: 1909
Pagination: 360-78 (excerpt below includes only pages 361-62)

Woodruff, Charles Edward. “Aryan Democracies and Their Relation to Lower Races” [chapter 23]. Expansion of Races. New York: Rebman, 1909: pp. 360-78.
excerpt of chapter
Named persons
Alaric I; Charles I (Great Britain and Ireland); Edward II; James II; Orgetorix; Richard II; Theodoric I; William Trussell [identified as Edward Trussel below]; Vercingetorix [misspelled below].
From title page: By Charles Edward Woodruff, A.M., M.D. Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Fellow of the Medical Association of the Greater City of New York. Member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Author of “The Effects of Tropical Light on White Men,” and “The Evolution of the Small Brain of Civilized Man.”

Aryan Democracies and Their Relation to Lower Races


     The election of a king was an Aryan custom in all of the early branches of the race. In the Vedic literature he is the rajan always mentioned as elected, and there is never any mention in these times of an hereditary descent to the son. The king or rajan became in time of war the satpati or leader in the field. From rajan we see the relationship to the Latin rex, Gothic reiks, and the final syllable in Orgetorix, Vercingitorix, Theodoric and Alaric. Ancient Teutons always killed a leader [361][362] who assumed a kingly command with a view of possessing it for life. They were the only ones who could confer lifelong power. Modern Englishmen did the same when Charles assumed more than they gave him. Ancient Teutons and Celts invariably deposed a king who became inefficient. It was too dangerous to have any but a good leader. In 1327 the people represented in Parliament deposed Edward II, Sir Edward Trussel bearing the message, “We will hereafter account you as a private person, without royal authority.” In 1399 Richard II, and later James II, were similarly deposed. The Romans of the Republic did the same, for the Senate, by decree, ordered the magistrate to resign. This right to turn out an unfit chief executive has, then, always been an Aryan characteristic as operative to-day as ever. Where it does not exist by one reason or another the unfit executive is murdered, as in Turkey, Portugal, Russia or Servia—a nefarious custom wholly unsuited to Aryan democracy. It has been brought to America by these people—the Czolgosz type—whose ancestors not being Aryans or democrats never have known of any other way.