Publication information

A Master Builder
Source type: book
Document type: book chapter
Document title: “Visions and Tasks, 1898-1901” [chapter 13]
Author(s): Brent, Charles H.
Publisher: Longmans, Green and Co.
Place of publication: New York, New York
Year of publication: 1916
Pagination: 233-56 (excerpt below includes only page 247)

Brent, Charles H. “Visions and Tasks, 1898-1901” [chapter 13]. A Master Builder. New York: Longmans, Green, 1916: pp. 233-56.
excerpt of chapter
Henry Y. Satterlee; William McKinley; Henry Y. Satterlee (public addresses); William McKinley (memorial addresses); McKinley assassination (personal response); William McKinley (death: religious response).
Named persons
William McKinley; Henry Y. Satterlee.
From title page: A Master Builder: Being the Life and Letters of Henry Yates Satterlee, First Bishop of Washington.

Visions and Tasks, 1898-1901

     It is anticipating events a little to refer at this juncture to the assassination in Buffalo of President McKinley, who died from his wound on September 14 of this year, but it is opportune to think of his demise side by side with that of the British sovereign. Bishop Satterlee had deep confidence in and admiration for President McKinley. One thing he always was at pains to arrange for the representatives of church societies and other organizations that frequently gathered in Washington, and that was, presentation to the President. No President could have been more lavish with his time in this respect than President McKinley. It was the very friendliness of the man that earned him both the love of the common folk and his tragic end. At the memorial service for the “martyred” President at the pro-Cathedral the Bishop said with passion:

     The scene of that black Friday, Sept. 6, marks one of the foulest acts of treachery the world has ever known. We welcome the stranger to our American shores. We bid him God speed, as he becomes one of us; and in return he slays our chief. Henceforth the symbol of the anarchist will be an outstretched hand of friendship grasping, under the pure white cloak of loyalty and patriotism, an assassin’s weapon.

     In view of the Bishop’s own last words on his deathbed there is more than ordinary significance in his reference to McKinley’s farewell to earth:

     What are all the poor laurels of mere worldly success beside the triumph of that deathbed scene? He, our revered leader and chief, died not only as a martyr for his country but as a Christian confessor, whose ruling passion, strong in death, outpoured itself in that stalwart cry of an undying faith: “Thy will be done. Nearer, my God, to Thee.”
     In death, as in life, out of the fulness [sic] of the heart the mouth speaketh.