S., Mrs.

S., Mrs. “A Woman Sentences Czolgosz.” World 18 Sept. 1901 v42n14638: p. 6. VIEW


 S., A. L.

“Answers to Queries.” San Francisco Call 30 Dec. 1901 v91n30: p. 4. VIEW


 S., G. J.

S., G. J. “The Assassin’s Name.” Buffalo Evening News 13 Sept. 1901 v42n132: p. 9. VIEW


 Saavedra, Miguel de Cervantes

SEE Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de


 Sabbah, Hassan Ben

SEE Hasan ibn al-Sabbāh


 Sade, Donatien Alphonse François (a.k.a. Marquis de Sade)

Whibley, Charles. “Musings Without Method.” Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine Oct. 1901 v170n132: pp. 559-69. VIEW


 Sage, Russell

Lauer, Solon. “A Prefatory Postscript.” Mark Hanna. Cleveland: Nike Publishing House, 1901: pp. iii-xiv. VIEW

“Most Shocking of It All.” Weekly People 14 Sept. 1901 v11n24: p. 4. VIEW


 Sahla, Ernst Christoph August von der (a.k.a. La Sahla)

Christison, J. Sanderson. “Epilepsy, Responsibility and the Czolgosz Case.” Kansas City Medical Index-Lancet Jan. 1902 v23n1: pp. 10-17. VIEW


 Saint Francis of Assisi

SEE Francis of Assisi


 Saint John

SEE John


 Saint Jude

SEE Jude


 Saint Paul

SEE Paul


 Saint Peter

SEE Peter


 Saint-Gaudens, Augustus

Andrews, E. Benjamin. “The Pan-American Exposition, 1901” [chapter 18]. History of the United States. Vol. 5. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1903: pp. 341-58. VIEW

“Memorials to McKinley: Monuments That Have Been, and Are to Be, Erected in Honor of the Slain President.” Craftsman Oct. 1905 v9: pp. 23-35. VIEW


 Salen, Charles P.

“Find No Plot in Cleveland.” Chicago Daily Tribune 11 Sept. 1901 v60n254: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“Throws Light on Czolgasz” [sic]. Cleveland Plain Dealer 13 Sept. 1901 v60n256: p. 12. VIEW


 Salsedo, Andrea

Flynn, William J. “Case VII.” Ogden Standard-Examiner 12 Mar. 1922 v51n248: mag. sect., p. 3. VIEW


 Salsou, François

Langtoft, Geoffrey. “Anarchy a Crime, Not a Disease.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 15 Sept. 1901 v60n258: part 2, p. 13. VIEW

Langtoft, Geoffrey. “Assassination a Fruit of Socialism.” Fortnightly Review 1 Oct. 1901 v70n418 (new series): pp. 571-80. VIEW


 Saltiel, Leopold

“Another Suspect Arrested.” Iowa State Register 13 Sept. 1901 v46n216: p. 1. VIEW

“Deny Bail to Anarchists.” Chicago Daily Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v60n253: part 1, p. 1. VIEW


 Salvador Franch, Santiago (a.k.a. Santiago Salvador)

Lombroso, Cesare. “Anarchy: The Status of Anarchism To-Day in Europe and the United States.” Trans. Lionel Strachey. Everybody’s Magazine Feb. 1902 v6n2: pp. 165-68. VIEW


 Sam the Bootblack

“Posed ‘Sam the Bootblack’ for Real Assassin.” Morning Telegraph 13 Sept. 1901 v63n220: p. 12. VIEW


 Sampson, William Thomas

Fowler, Charles Henry. “William McKinley.” Patriotic Orations. Ed. Carl Hitchcock Fowler. New York: Eaton and Mains, 1910: pp. 189-244. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The International Year Book. Ed. Frank Moore Colby. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1902: pp. 464-69. VIEW

“Prove Your Allegations.” Plain Speaker 2 Oct. 1901 v20: p. [2]. VIEW

“Stamps for the Philippines.” Summary 13 May 1905 v33n19: p. 3. VIEW

Stratemeyer, Edward. “Chronology of the Life of William McKinley” [appendix B]. American Boys’ Life of William McKinley. Boston: Lothrop, Lee, and Shephard, 1901: pp. 309-16. VIEW

“Why Should the Doctors Quarrel?” World 17 Sept. 1901 v42n14637: p. [8]. VIEW


 Samson (Biblical personage)

Lauer, Solon. “A Prefatory Postscript.” Mark Hanna. Cleveland: Nike Publishing House, 1901: pp. iii-xiv. VIEW


 Samson, Orton V. G.

“Czolgosz May Be Tried Next Week.” Buffalo Sunday News 15 Sept. 1901 v28n45: p. [?]. VIEW


 Samuel (Biblical personage)

Macdonald, George E. “Interview with an Assassin.” Truth Seeker 2 Nov. 1901 v28n44: p. 691. VIEW


 Sanarelli, Guiseppe

“Dr Eugene Wasdin.” News and Courier 14 Sept. 1901: p. 8. VIEW


 Sand, Karl Ludwig

Lombroso, Cesare. “Anarchy: The Status of Anarchism To-Day in Europe and the United States.” Trans. Lionel Strachey. Everybody’s Magazine Feb. 1902 v6n2: pp. 165-68. VIEW


 Sanders, David

“Paducah Man.” Paducah Sun 16 Sept. 1901 v8n66: p. [3]. VIEW


 Sanders, George N.

“Legal Rights of Leon Czolgosz.” Baltimore American 23 Sept. 1901 v191n34821: p. 3. VIEW


 Sanger, William C.

“Official Action.” Indianapolis Journal 7 Sept. 1901 v51n250: p. 2. VIEW


 Sanial, Lucien

Leach, J. A. [untitled]. Prescott Morning Courier 14 Sept. 1901 v38n73: p. [2]. VIEW


 Santa Claus

SEE Claus, Santa


 Santos-Dumont, Alberto

“When Time Was Valuable.” Scranton Tribune 10 Dec. 1901: p. 8. VIEW


 Sargent, Charles N.

“Saw McKinley Assassination.” Butte Inter Mountain 2 Nov. 1901 v21n190: p. 6. VIEW


 Sargent, Maude Cowan (a.k.a. Mrs. Charles N. Sargent)

“Saw McKinley Assassination.” Butte Inter Mountain 2 Nov. 1901 v21n190: p. 6. VIEW


 Sassulich, Vera

SEE Zasulich, Vera


 Satterlee, Henry Y.

Brent, Charles H. “Visions and Tasks, 1898-1901” [chapter 13]. A Master Builder. New York: Longmans, Green, 1916: pp. 233-56. VIEW


 Satterlee, Herbert L.

“Little Chance of a Panic.” Washington Times 7 Sept. 1901 n2660: p. 3. VIEW

“President M’Kinley Shot.” Chicago Daily News 6 Sept. 1901 v26n214: part 1, p. 1. VIEW


 Saul, King of Israel

Baxter, Marion B. “Is He a Man of Destiny?” Seattle Times 9 Oct. 1901 v5n41: p. 6. VIEW


 Sauter, Martin J.

“Local Short Notes.” Greenfield Recorder 18 Sept. 1901 v2n35: p. 4. VIEW


 Sauter, Rebecca L.

“Local Short Notes.” Greenfield Recorder 18 Sept. 1901 v2n35: p. 4. VIEW


 Savage, Ezra P.

“Governor Savage on Anarchy.” Omaha Sunday Bee 8 Sept. 1901: part 1, p. 2. VIEW


 Savage, Henry W.

“Plays and Players.” Theatre Oct. 1901 v1n8: pp. 2-13. VIEW


 Savage, Minot J.

Maple, W. H. “Dolliver’s Outrageous Speech.” Truth Seeker 16 Nov. 1901 v28n46: p. 723. VIEW


 Savonarola, Girolamo

Benjamin, Louis, and Albert Durrant Watson. “Messages of Fifty-Five Minds Through One Soul.” Birth Through Death. New York: James A. McCann, 1920: pp. 244-56. VIEW


 Sawyer, George P.

Banks, Charles Eugene, and Le Roy Armstrong. “Succeeds to the Presidency” [chapter 19]. Theodore Roosevelt, Twenty-Sixth President of the United States. Chicago: S. Stone, 1901: pp. 369-78. VIEW


 Sawyer, J. D.

Banks, Charles Eugene, and Le Roy Armstrong. “Succeeds to the Presidency” [chapter 19]. Theodore Roosevelt, Twenty-Sixth President of the United States. Chicago: S. Stone, 1901: pp. 369-78. VIEW


 Saxton, Catherine Dewalt

“McKinley, Ida Saxton.” The Twentieth Century Biographical Dictionary of Notable Americans. Ed. Rossiter Johnson. Vol. 7. Boston: Biographical Society, 1904: [no pagination]. VIEW


 Saxton, Charles T.

“People Talked About.” Leslie’s Weekly 5 Oct. 1901 v93n2404: p. 303. VIEW


 Saxton, James A.

“McKinley, Ida Saxton.” The Twentieth Century Biographical Dictionary of Notable Americans. Ed. Rossiter Johnson. Vol. 7. Boston: Biographical Society, 1904: [no pagination]. VIEW

“Mrs. M’Kinley Dies in Canton Cottage.” New York Times 27 May 1907 v56n18020: p. 1. VIEW

“William McKinley, the Noble-Hearted President.” Leslie’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v93n2402: [no pagination]. VIEW


 Saxton, John

“McKinley, Ida Saxton.” The Twentieth Century Biographical Dictionary of Notable Americans. Ed. Rossiter Johnson. Vol. 7. Boston: Biographical Society, 1904: [no pagination]. VIEW

“McKinley, Mrs. Ida Saxton.” American Women: Fifteen Hundred Biographies. Ed. Frances E. Willard and Mary A. Livermore. Rev. ed. Vol. 2. New York: Mast, Crowell, and Kirkpatrick, 1897: pp. 487-88. VIEW


 Saxton, Joseph S.

“Impressive Sight.” Times [Richmond] 19 Sept. 1901 v16n192: pp. 1, 3. VIEW


 Say, Léon

Ellis, Havelock. “Additional Notes to Fourth Edition” [appendix E]. The Criminal. 4th ed., rev. and enlarged. London: Walter Scott Publishing, 1913: pp. 412-32. VIEW


 Saylin, Isaac

“Another Suspect Arrested.” Iowa State Register 13 Sept. 1901 v46n216: p. 1. VIEW

“Arrest of a Physician in Connection with the Murder of the President.” Medical Record 21 Sept. 1901 v60n12: p. 460. VIEW

“No Evidence of Plot.” New York Times 17 Sept. 1901 v50n16129: p. 2. VIEW


 Sayres, H. J.

“Credit Men and Credit Associations.” American Lawyer Oct.-Nov. 1901 v9n10: p. 537. VIEW


 Scalabrini, Giovanni Battista (a.k.a. John Baptist Scalabrini)

“The Church Universal and the Attempted Assassination.” Congregationalist and Christian World 14 Sept. 1901 v86n37: p. 396. VIEW


 Scammon, Eliakim P.

Sherman, John. “Personal Sketch of Hon. William McKinley” [chapter 1]. Life and Distinguished Services of Hon. Wm. McKinley and the Great Issues of 1896. By Murat Halstead. [n.p.]: Edgewood Publishing, 1896: pp. 17-29. VIEW


 Scannell, John J.

“Lesson of the Czolgosz Trial.” Nation 31 Oct. 1901 v73n1896: pp. 332-33. VIEW


 Scannell, Richard

“Thd [sic] Dishonesty of the Roman Catholic Authorities.” Truth Seeker 30 Nov. 1901 v28n48: pp. 756-57. VIEW


 Scatcherd, John N.

Banks, Charles Eugene, and Le Roy Armstrong. “Succeeds to the Presidency” [chapter 19]. Theodore Roosevelt, Twenty-Sixth President of the United States. Chicago: S. Stone, 1901: pp. 369-78. VIEW

“Coroner Wilson Says He Is Sorry He Gave News.” Buffalo Sunday Times 15 Sept. 1901 v44n53: part 2, p. [14]. VIEW

“Doctors Excluded Ministers.” Washington Post 17 Sept. 1901 n9229: p. 1. VIEW

Herrick, John P. “Sights and Scenes in Buffalo.” Bolivar Breeze 12 Sept. 1901 v11n2: p. 1. VIEW

Larned, J. N. “In the Era of the Railways: 1851-1908” [chapter 3]. A History of Buffalo. Vol. 1. New York: Progress of the Empire State, 1911: sect. 1, pp. 62-96. VIEW

Marvin, Frederic Rowland. “Stage-Fright.” The Companionship of Books and Other Papers. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1905: pp. 265-75. VIEW

“Solid Food Given to the President.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle 12 Sept. 1901 v61n253: p. 1. VIEW

“These Men Were Cool While Terror Reigned.” Enterprise [Sheridan] 28 Sept. 1901 v14n45: p. [6]. VIEW

Wellman, Walter. “The Last Days of President M’Kinley: His Visit to Buffalo, the Tragedy, and the Nation’s Mourning.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Oct. 1901 v24n4: pp. 414-30. VIEW

Wilson, Nelson W. “Details of President McKinley’s Case.” Buffalo Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v41n3 (new series): pp. 207-25. VIEW


 Scatcherd, Robert

Banks, Charles Eugene, and Le Roy Armstrong. “Succeeds to the Presidency” [chapter 19]. Theodore Roosevelt, Twenty-Sixth President of the United States. Chicago: S. Stone, 1901: pp. 369-78. VIEW


 Schaefer, Miriam (fictional character)

“Prompted by a Look.” Minneapolis Journal 18 Sept. 1901: p. 4. VIEW


 Schamberg, Jay F.

“American News and Notes.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 16 Nov. 1901 v8n20: pp. 801-03. VIEW


 Schauffler, Henry A.

“Cut the Taproot of Anarchy.” Congregationalist and Christian World 21 Sept. 1901 v86n38: p. 410. VIEW


 Schauman, Eugen

“Reform by Assassination.” Liberal Review Sept. 1904 v1n8: pp. 446-47. VIEW


 Schelling, Robert F.

Larned, J. N. “In the Era of the Railways: 1851-1908” [chapter 3]. A History of Buffalo. Vol. 1. New York: Progress of the Empire State, 1911: sect. 1, pp. 62-96. VIEW


 Scherer, Phillip

“She Lauds Czolgosz for His Act.” World 10 Sept. 1901 v42n14630: p. 3. VIEW


 Scheublein, George J.

“Burns Out Buffalo Police.” New York Times 2 Nov. 1907 v57n18179: p. 1. VIEW


 Schick, John M.

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Nov. 1901 v15n2: pp. 131-55. VIEW


 Schiff, Jacob

Lefèvre, Edwin. “The News in Wall Street.” Harper’s Weekly 14 Sept. 1901 v45n2334: p. 913. VIEW


 Schiller, Friedrich (a.k.a. Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller)

Masters, Edgar Lee. “Theodore Roosevelt.” The New Star Chamber and Other Essays. Chicago: Hammersmark Publishing, 1904: pp. 25-36. VIEW

Welsh, John T. “Eulogy of President William McKinley.” Addresses. Portland: [n.p.], 1915: pp. 7-21. VIEW


 Schilling, Emil

Behlen, Walter C. “Leon F. Czolgosz.” Free Society 27 Apr. 1902 v9n17: pp. 2-3. VIEW

Channing, Walter. “The Mental Status of Czolgosz, the Assassin of President McKinley.” American Journal of Insanity Oct. 1902 v59n2: pp. 233-78. VIEW

Hamilton, Allan McLane. “Political Murders” [chapter 21]. Recollections of an Alienist. New York: George H. Doran, 1916: pp. 342-68. VIEW

Lauer, Solon. “A Prefatory Postscript.” Mark Hanna. Cleveland: Nike Publishing House, 1901: pp. iii-xiv. VIEW

“Words That May Have Inspired Czolgosz.” Buffalo Evening News 10 Sept. 1901 v42n129: p. 7. VIEW


 Schirm, Charles R.

“News.” Public 14 Sept. 1901 v4n180: pp. 360-62. VIEW


 Schley, Winfield Scott

Douglass, Charles R. “Parker, the Real Hero.” Colored American 28 Sept. 1901 v9n26: p. 8. VIEW

Fowler, Charles Henry. “William McKinley.” Patriotic Orations. Ed. Carl Hitchcock Fowler. New York: Eaton and Mains, 1910: pp. 189-244. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The International Year Book. Ed. Frank Moore Colby. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1902: pp. 464-69. VIEW

Stratemeyer, Edward. “Chronology of the Life of William McKinley” [appendix B]. American Boys’ Life of William McKinley. Boston: Lothrop, Lee, and Shephard, 1901: pp. 309-16. VIEW

“Why Should the Doctors Quarrel?” World 17 Sept. 1901 v42n14637: p. [8]. VIEW


 Schmid, Rupert

“Memorials to McKinley: Monuments That Have Been, and Are to Be, Erected in Honor of the Slain President.” Craftsman Oct. 1905 v9: pp. 23-35. VIEW


 Schmidlapp, Jacob G.

Wayne, Flynn. “Collecting the Relics of a Martyred President.” National Magazine May 1914 v40n2: pp. 219-22. VIEW


 Schmunk, John

“Hint of a M’Kinley Plot.” Chicago Daily Tribune 23 Sept. 1901 v60n266: p. 2. VIEW


 Schnaubelt, Rudolph

Lombroso, Cesare. “Anarchy: The Status of Anarchism To-Day in Europe and the United States.” Trans. Lionel Strachey. Everybody’s Magazine Feb. 1902 v6n2: pp. 165-68. VIEW


 Schneider, Alfred

“Deny Bail to Anarchists.” Chicago Daily Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v60n253: part 1, p. 1. VIEW

“Emma Goldman Arrested.” Albuquerque Daily Citizen 10 Sept. 1901 v15n251: p. 1. VIEW

“Plans a Shaft for Czolgosz.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 27 Oct. 1901 v60n300: part 1, p. 1. VIEW


 Schneider, Henry G.

“Corporation Proceedings” [Board of Aldermen]. Proceedings of the Common Council of the City of Buffalo 14 Sept. 1901 n36: pp. 1505-06. VIEW


 Schnellbach, Charles J.

“Corporation Proceedings” [Board of Aldermen]. Proceedings of the Common Council of the City of Buffalo 14 Sept. 1901 n36: pp. 1505-06. VIEW


 Schofield, John M.

Macfarland, Henry B. F. “The McKinley Memorial Arch.” Saturday Evening Post 30 Nov. 1901 v174n22: p. 13. VIEW


 Schopenhauer, Arthur

“The Use of Calcarea Carbonica for Energetic People.” Homœopathic Recorder July 1905 v20n7: pp. 296-302. VIEW


 Schrank, John F.

Lummis, Charles F. “The Lion’s Den.” West Coast Jan. 1913 v13n4: p. 35. VIEW

Russell, Charles Edward. “Comment on Things Doing.” Coming Nation 2 Nov. 1912 n112 (new series): pp. 3-4. VIEW


 Schroeder, Louis

“Says His Food Would Save M’Kinley.” New-York Tribune 9 Sept. 1901 v61n20021: p. 4. VIEW


 Schuettler, Herman F.

“Deny Bail to Anarchists.” Chicago Daily Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v60n253: part 1, p. 1. VIEW


 Schulze, George T.

“Demand for Black Drapings.” Milwaukee Sentinel 16 Sept. 1901 n23690: p. 5. VIEW


 Schurman, Jacob G.

“McKinley, William.” The International Year Book. Ed. Frank Moore Colby. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1902: pp. 464-69. VIEW


 Schurz, Carl

“McKinley, William.” The Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th ed. Vol. 17. Cambridge: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911: pp. 256-59. VIEW


 Schwab, Charles M.

“Anxious Day in Wall Street.” Chicago Daily Tribune 14 Sept. 1901 v60n257: p. 11. VIEW

Twitchell, E. A. “Mc Kinley [sic] Shot.” Representative 19 Sept. 1901 v9n10: p. [2]. VIEW


 Schwab, Justus

“The Assassin’s Deed.” Independent 12 Sept. 1901 v53n2754: pp. 2186-87. VIEW

Johnson, Francis. “Assassination of William McKinley” [chapter 24]. Famous Assassinations of History. Chicago: A. C. McClurg, 1903: pp. 381-95. VIEW

“Roosevelt Too, Says Most.” New-York Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v61n20022: p. 3. VIEW

Schuettler, Herman F. “How Anarchy Should Be Watched.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 15 Sept. 1901 v60n258: part 2, p. 13. VIEW

“Sticks to His First Story.” Iowa State Register 10 Sept. 1901 v46n213: p. 1. VIEW


 Schwab, Louise M. (a.k.a. Louisa Schwab; a.k.a. Mrs. Justus Schwab)

“Roosevelt Too, Says Most.” New-York Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v61n20022: p. 3. VIEW

“She Lauds Czolgosz for His Act.” World 10 Sept. 1901 v42n14630: p. 3. VIEW


 Schwab, Michael

Lombroso, Cesare. “Anarchy: The Status of Anarchism To-Day in Europe and the United States.” Trans. Lionel Strachey. Everybody’s Magazine Feb. 1902 v6n2: pp. 165-68. VIEW


 Scofield, Edward

Watrous, J. A. “A Busy Day for McKinley.” Richard Epps and Other Stories. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1906: pp. 95-98. VIEW


 Scott, Henry T.

Marshall, L. V. “A Representative Stenographer.” Typewriter and Phonographic World Oct. 1901 v18n2: pp. 103-05. VIEW

“McKinley Memorial Association.” Bankers’ Magazine Nov. 1901 v63n5: pp. 878-79. VIEW

“Public Memorial at Canton.” Omaha Sunday Bee 8 Dec. 1901: part 1, p. 2. VIEW


 Scott, Irving M.

“Babblings.” Capital 15 Mar. 1902 v15n11: pp. 3-4. VIEW


 Scott, John (a)

“The Plain Truth.” Leslie’s Weekly 28 Sept. 1901 v93n2403: p. 278. VIEW


 Scott, John (b), 1st Earl of Eldon (a.k.a. Lord Eldon)

Kinghorn-Jones, J. Alfred. “Open Letter to Senator Hoar.” Free Society 9 Feb. 1902 v9n6: pp. 2-3. VIEW


 Scott, Nathan Bay

“News.” Public 14 Sept. 1901 v4n180: pp. 360-62. VIEW


 Scott, Thomas W.

“Salvation Army Will Dedicate a Baby.” St. Joseph Gazette-Herald 15 Sept. 1901 v111n46: sect. 2, p. 8. VIEW


 Scott, Walter (a.k.a. Sir Walter Scott)

Erickson, Julius. “A Verified Astrological Prediction on President McKinley’s Second Term.” Metaphysical Magazine Nov. 1901 v15n5: pp. 257-65. VIEW

Hughes, Charles Hamilton. “Medical Aspects of the Czolgosz Case.” Alienist and Neurologist Jan. 1902 v23n1: pp. 40-52. VIEW

Welsh, John T. “Eulogy of President William McKinley.” Addresses. Portland: [n.p.], 1915: pp. 7-21. VIEW


 Scott, William

“Details of Luncheon in President’s Honor.” Buffalo Evening Times 3 Sept. 1901 v35n150: p. 1. VIEW


 Scoville, George

“Guiteau Daft; Czolgosz Sane.” Atlanta Constitution 22 Sept. 1901 v34: part 1, p. 4. VIEW

“This Trial May Be Shorter.” St. John Daily Sun 24 Sept. 1901 v24n229: p. 4. VIEW


 Scully, John E.

[untitled]. Public 21 Sept. 1901 v4n181: pp. 369-72. VIEW


 Seager, R. W.

“Suggestions on Fate of Czolgosz.” Buffalo Enquirer 9 Sept. 1901 v58n36: p. 12. VIEW


 Seddon, Richard

Quip. “Czolgosz.” New Zealand Tablet 17 Oct. 1901 v29n42: p. 18. VIEW


 Seipel, S. A.

“One Man Pleased.” Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette 7 Sept. 1901 v116n36: p. 4. VIEW


 Selberg, Ferdinand

“Traumatic Pancreas Necrosis.” Denver Medical Times Jan. 1902 v21n7: p. 361. VIEW


 Selim III, Ottoman Sultan

“Death of the President.” Christian Observer 18 Sept. 1901 v89n38: p. 23. VIEW


 Sellers, D. K. B.

“Mrs. M’Kinley’s Great Heroism.” Bisbee Daily Review 5 June 1907 v10n136: p. 2. VIEW


 Semple, Ellsworth J.

“Our Monthly Talk.” Medical World Nov. 1901 v19n11: pp. 493-96, 18. VIEW


 Semple, John M.

“His Chances Poor.” Spokesman-Review 8 Sept. 1901 v19n85: p. 9. VIEW


 Senn, Nicholas

“The Case of the President, Continued.” Medical News 21 Sept. 1901 v79n12: pp. 441-42. VIEW

“Dr. N. J. Senn on M’Kinley’s Hurts.” Chicago Daily News 6 Sept. 1901 v26n214: part 1, p. 1. VIEW

“The Late President McKinley.” Canadian Practitioner and Review Nov. 1901 v26n11: pp. 633-37. VIEW

“Official Action.” Indianapolis Journal 7 Sept. 1901 v51n250: p. 2. VIEW

Penn, G. W. “A Case of Gunshot Wound of the Stomach in Which the Patient Recovered.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 12 Oct. 1901 v8n15: pp. 603-04. VIEW

“President McKinley’s Death.” Canada Lancet Oct. 1901 v35n2: pp. 101-04. VIEW

“Professional Opinions of Prominent Surgeons Regarding the President’s Wounds.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 14 Sept. 1901 v8n11: pp. 438-39. VIEW


 Seraphin, John A.

Grossmann, Louis. “The Week.” American Israelite 12 Sept. 1901 v48n11: p. 5. VIEW

“Poles Repudiate Him.” Daily Picayune 9 Sept. 1901 v65n228: pp. 1, 7. VIEW


 Sernicoli, Ettore

Ellis, Havelock. “Additional Notes to Fourth Edition” [appendix E]. The Criminal. 4th ed., rev. and enlarged. London: Walter Scott Publishing, 1913: pp. 412-32. VIEW


 Sessions, Clarence W.

Malloch, Douglas. “The First McKinley Statue.” National Magazine July 1902 v16n4: pp. 398-401. VIEW


 Sever, George F.

Larned, J. N. “In the Era of the Railways: 1851-1908” [chapter 3]. A History of Buffalo. Vol. 1. New York: Progress of the Empire State, 1911: sect. 1, pp. 62-96. VIEW


 Severin, Emma

“Saw the Assassin Shoot.” Times-Republican [Marshalltown] 14 Sept. 1901 v27n220: p. 3. VIEW


 Sewall, Arthur

“McKinley, William.—March 4, 1897-Sept. 14, 1901.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW


 Seward, William H.

[untitled]. Virginia Law Register Oct. 1901 v7n6: pp. 432-34. VIEW

Browne, Irving. “Hon. Loran L. Lewis.” Albany Law Journal 7 Jan. 1899 v59n1: pp. 55-56. VIEW

“Legal Rights of Leon Czolgosz.” Baltimore American 23 Sept. 1901 v191n34821: p. 3. VIEW

“Missed a Great Chance.” Salt Lake Tribune 30 Sept. 1901 v42n172: p. 4. VIEW

Northrop, Cyrus. “President McKinley.” Addresses, Educational and Patriotic. Minneapolis: H. W. Wilson, 1910: pp. 459-64. VIEW

P., M. T. “Two Kinds of Anarchists.” Comet 18 Apr. 1907 v24n1188: p. [2]. VIEW

“The People of the State of New York Against Leon F. Czolgosz.” Unpublished trial transcript. 23-24, 26 Sept. 1901. VIEW

“The Pistol Habit: Stop It.” Independent 18 Aug. 1910 v69n3220: pp. 371-72. VIEW


 Sewell, William

Aliquis. “International Sympathy.” Zion’s Herald 2 Oct. 1901 v79n39: pp. 1257-58. VIEW

“Great Indignation Expressed in Toronto.” Buffalo Evening News 7 Sept. 1901 v42n127: p. 1. VIEW


 Shafter, William R.

Floyd, Silas Xavier. “Extracts from Orations and Addresses” [chapter 17]. Life of Charles T. Walker, D. D. Nashville: National Baptist Publishing Board, 1902: pp. 138-54. VIEW

Low, A. Maurice. “Theodore Roosevelt.” Forum Nov. 1901 v32: pp. 259-67. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The International Year Book. Ed. Frank Moore Colby. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1902: pp. 464-69. VIEW

“President Roosevelt.” Conservative 24 Oct. 1901 v4n16: p. 1. VIEW

“Theodore Roosevelt.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 13. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: pp. 6637-38. VIEW


 Shakespeare, William

Banks, Charles Eugene, and Le Roy Armstrong. “The Future” [chapter 21]. Theodore Roosevelt, Twenty-Sixth President of the United States. Chicago: S. Stone, 1901: pp. 394-413. VIEW

Barton, Frederick. “A Christian Gentleman: William McKinley.” Chautauquan Nov. 1901 v34n2: pp. 134-37. VIEW

Beck, James M. “The Memory of McKinley.” The McKinley Memorial in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: McKinley Memorial Association, 1909: pp. 23-48. VIEW

“Country Notes.” Country Life 21 Sept. 1901 v10n246: pp. 355-56. VIEW

Fleming, Thomas. “[The Lion of the Day].” Around the “Pan” with Uncle Hank: His Trip Through the Pan-American Exposition. New York: Nut Shell Publishing, 1901: pp. 141-47. VIEW

Fowler, Charles Henry. “William McKinley.” Patriotic Orations. Ed. Carl Hitchcock Fowler. New York: Eaton and Mains, 1910: pp. 189-244. VIEW

Hill, Kendrick C. “William McKinley.” Stenographer Nov. 1901 v16n10: pp. 255-56. VIEW

“Legislating Against Anarchists.” Nation 27 Mar. 1902 v74n1917: pp. 243-44. VIEW

Macdonald, George E. “Observations.” Truth Seeker 16 Nov. 1901 v28n46: p. 728. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “Opening Words to the Story of a Martyr” [introduction]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. vii-xii. VIEW

“Music as an Antidote to Anarchism.” Friend 19 Oct. 1901 v75n14: p. 105. VIEW

Warde, Frederick. “The Genesis of the Warde-James Combination” [chapter 18]. Fifty Years of Make-Believe. New York: International Press Syndicate, 1920: pp. 236-51. VIEW

Wilshire, H. Gaylord. [untitled]. Challenge 5 Oct. 1901 n39: pp. 8-9. VIEW


 Shallenberger, William S.

[untitled]. Madison County Times 13 Sept. 1901 v32n7: p. [3]. VIEW


 Shannon, Margaret

“Cincinnati Woman Nursed M’Kinley.” Commercial Tribune 13 Sept. 1901 v6n91: p. 10. VIEW


 Shannon, Mary

“Cincinnati Woman Nursed M’Kinley.” Commercial Tribune 13 Sept. 1901 v6n91: p. 10. VIEW

“An Interview with the President’s Nurses.” Trained Nurse and Hospital Review Oct. 1901 v27n4: pp. 222-23. VIEW

“McKinley Won Hearts of All His Nurses.” Democrat and Chronicle 15 Sept. 1901: p. 15. VIEW

“M’Kinley Tragedy.” Paducah Evening Sun 12 Mar. 1909 v25n61: p. 8. VIEW

Park, Roswell. “Reminiscences of McKinley Week.” Selected Papers, Surgical and Scientific. Buffalo: [n.p.], 1914: pp. 374-81. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M. “Medical and Surgical Report of the Case of the Late President of the United States.” Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 297-318. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M., Matthew D. Mann, Herman Mynter, Roswell Park, Eugene Wasdin, Charles McBurney, and Charles G. Stockton. “The Case of President McKinley.” Medical Record 19 Oct. 1901 v60n16: pp. 601-06. VIEW

Wilson, Nelson W. “Details of President McKinley’s Case.” Buffalo Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v41n3 (new series): pp. 207-25. VIEW


 Sharp, John

“Church and Organ Music.” Musical Times and Singing-Class Circular 1 Oct. 1901 v42n704: pp. 672-73. VIEW


 Shattuc, William B.

“We Want Good People Only.” Hickman Courier 28 Mar. 1902 v37n19: p. 1. VIEW


 Shauck, John A.

[untitled]. Weekly Law Bulletin and the Ohio Law Journal 16 Sept. 1901 v46: p. 123. VIEW

“Judge Shauck’s Tribute to the Late President McKinley.” Weekly Law Bulletin and the Ohio Law Journal 30 Sept. 1901 v46: pp. 145-46. VIEW


 Shaw, Albert

Smith, F. S. Key. “Our New Problem—An Old Idea Enlarged Upon.” Albany Law Journal Dec. 1901 v63n12: pp. 451-54. VIEW


 Shaw, Bernard (a.k.a. George Bernard Shaw)

Huneker, James. Rev. of The Doctor’s Dilemma, by Bernard Shaw. Wallack’s Theatre. Mar. 1915. Puck 1 May 1915 v77n1991: pp. 14, 20. VIEW

Lynd, Robert. “On Courage.” If the Germans Conquered England and Other Essays. Dublin: Maunsel and Company, 1917: pp. 68-73. VIEW


 Shaw, Henry Wheeler

SEE Billings, Josh


 Shaw, Leslie M.

“Payment of McKinley Doctors.” Weekly News 25 July 1902 v22n47: p. 1. VIEW

“Roosevelt, Theodore.—Sept. 14, 1901, to March 4, 1909.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW


 Sheets, John M.

[untitled]. Weekly Law Bulletin and the Ohio Law Journal 16 Sept. 1901 v46: p. 123. VIEW


 Sheil, Richard Lalor

Welsh, John T. “Eulogy of President William McKinley.” Addresses. Portland: [n.p.], 1915: pp. 7-21. VIEW


 Shelley, Percy Bysshe

James, C. L. “Our Friends, the Enemy, Again.” Free Society 5 Jan. 1902 v9n1: pp. 1-2. VIEW

Masters, Edgar Lee. “Theodore Roosevelt.” The New Star Chamber and Other Essays. Chicago: Hammersmark Publishing, 1904: pp. 25-36. VIEW

Smith, Goldwin. “Shall the Press Be Muzzled?” Sun [New York] 30 Oct. 1901 v69n60: p. 6. VIEW

Winchevsky, M. “The Blues Versus the Reds: Suggestions for Laws Against the Anarchists.” Comrade Nov. 1901 v1n2: pp. 34-35. VIEW


 Shelton, George H.

“Dr. George H. Shelton.” Alpena Evening News 12 Sept. 1901 v3n37: p. [4]. VIEW


 Shepard, Clara B.

“Editor’s Note Book.” American Monthly Magazine Dec. 1901 v19n6: p. 624. VIEW


 Shepley, George F.

Larned, J. N. “In the Era of the Railways: 1851-1908” [chapter 3]. A History of Buffalo. Vol. 1. New York: Progress of the Empire State, 1911: sect. 1, pp. 62-96. VIEW


 Sherer, William

“Items About Banks, Bankers and Trust Co’s.” Commercial and Financial Chronicle 21 Sept. 1901 v73n1891: pp. 589-91. VIEW

“Stocks Buoyed by Hope.” New-York Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v61n20022: p. 14. VIEW


 Sheridan, Philip

Fowler, Charles Henry. “William McKinley.” Patriotic Orations. Ed. Carl Hitchcock Fowler. New York: Eaton and Mains, 1910: pp. 189-244. VIEW

Welsh, John T. “Eulogy of President William McKinley.” Addresses. Portland: [n.p.], 1915: pp. 7-21. VIEW

“William McKinley, the Noble-Hearted President.” Leslie’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v93n2402: [no pagination]. VIEW


 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley

Welsh, John T. “Eulogy of President William McKinley.” Addresses. Portland: [n.p.], 1915: pp. 7-21. VIEW


 Sherman, Charles E.

[untitled]. Mohave County Miner 28 Sept. 1901 v19n50: p. [3]. VIEW


 Sherman, John

[advertisement]. Plymouth Tribune 12 Dec. 1901 v1n10: p. 1. VIEW

[untitled]. Pittsburg Post 15 Sept. 1901 v60n6: part 1, p. 4. VIEW

“Chronological Record of the Life of President William McKinley” [chapter 19]. Life of William McKinley, Our Martyred President. Ed. Samuel Fallows. Chicago: Regan Printing House, 1901: pp. 227-31. VIEW

Fowler, Charles Henry. “William McKinley.” Patriotic Orations. Ed. Carl Hitchcock Fowler. New York: Eaton and Mains, 1910: pp. 189-244. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The Encyclopedia Americana. Vol. 18. New York: Encyclopedia Americana, 1920: pp. 72-73. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th ed. Vol. 17. Cambridge: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911: pp. 256-59. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The International Year Book. Ed. Frank Moore Colby. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1902: pp. 464-69. VIEW

“McKinley, William.—March 4, 1897-Sept. 14, 1901.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW

Stratemeyer, Edward. “Chronology of the Life of William McKinley” [appendix B]. American Boys’ Life of William McKinley. Boston: Lothrop, Lee, and Shephard, 1901: pp. 309-16. VIEW

Townsend, G. W. “Principal Events During President McKinley’s Administration.” Memorial Life of William McKinley. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 185-86. VIEW

West, Henry Litchfield. “William McKinley.” Forum Oct. 1901 v32: pp. 131-37. VIEW

“William McKinley.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 13. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: pp. 6234-36. VIEW

“William McKinley, the Noble-Hearted President.” Leslie’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v93n2402: [no pagination]. VIEW


 Sherman, William Tecumseh

Andrews, E. Benjamin. “The Pan-American Exposition, 1901” [chapter 18]. History of the United States. Vol. 5. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1903: pp. 341-58. VIEW

Byington, Steven T. “International War.” Liberty Jan. 1903 v14n5: pp. 2-3. VIEW

Harman, Moses. “Archism Versus Anarchism.” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 12 Oct. 1901 v5n39 (3rd series): pp. 316-17. VIEW

Nelson, Henry Loomis. “William McKinley—Theodore Roosevelt.” Collier’s Weekly 28 Sept. 1901 v27n26: p. 18. VIEW

“Washington, September Seventeenth.” Outlook 28 Sept. 1901 v69n4: pp. 215-17. VIEW


 Shevlin, Thomas H.

“Roosevelt Cabinet Forecasted.” Buffalo Review 16 Sept. 1901 v19n86: p. 1. VIEW


 Shiel, Richard Lalor

SEE Sheil, Richard Lalor


 Shiley, George P.

“His End Near.” Missouri Valley Times 31 Oct. 1901 v34n19: p. [9]. VIEW


 Shipman, William R.

Shipman, William R. “William M’Kinley.” Tuftonian Oct. 1901 v27n1: pp. 5-6. VIEW


 Shippy, George

Goldman, Emma. “The Psychology of Political Violence.” Anarchism and Other Essays. New York: Mother Earth Publishing Association, 1910: pp. 85-114. VIEW


 Shoemaker, John V.

[untitled]. Trained Nurse and Hospital Review Dec. 1901 v27n6: p. 336. VIEW

“American News and Notes.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 16 Nov. 1901 v8n20: pp. 801-03. VIEW

“Minutes of the Proceedings of the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania, at Its Fifty-First Annual Session, Held at Philadelphia, Sep. 17, 24, 25 and 26, 1901.” Pennsylvania Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v5n1: pp. 42-56. VIEW


 Shrady, George F.

“A Celebrated Case.” Animals’ Defender Nov. 1901 v6n11: pp. 3-4. VIEW

“Dr. Shrady Sorry the X-Ray Was Not Used.” Reading Eagle 17 Sept. 1901 v34n233: p. 1. VIEW


 Shriver, Robert

“The Maryland Bankers’ Association.” Chicago Banker Dec. 1901 v9n4: pp. 348-55. VIEW


 Shylock (fictional character)

Berkman, Alexander. [untitled]. Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist. New York: Mother Earth Publishing Association, 1912: pp. 412-17. VIEW


 Sidney, Philip

“The Assassination of President McKinley.” World’s Work Oct. 1901 v2n6: pp. 1239-40. VIEW

“President McKinley.” Bar Oct. 1901 v8n10: pp. 344-46. VIEW


 Siebold, Frederick

“Anarchist Blames ‘Journal.’” Windsor Ledger 26 Sept. 1901 v17n25: p. [4]. VIEW


 Sigsbee, Charles D.

Beck, James M. “The Memory of McKinley.” The McKinley Memorial in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: McKinley Memorial Association, 1909: pp. 23-48. VIEW


 Sikorski, Theodore

“Assassin Never Lived Here.” Wilmington Daily Republican 13 Sept. 1901: p. [3]. VIEW


 Silf, Henry L.

[untitled]. Salida Record 13 Sept. 1901 v19n18: p. [4]. VIEW


 Silva, Carlos Martínez

SEE Martínez Silva, Carlos


 Silver, H. C.

Silver, H. C. “Graphic Story by an Eyewitness.” Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette 7 Sept. 1901 v116n36: pp. 1, 3. VIEW


 Silverstein, Selig (a.k.a. Selig Cohen)

Lydston, G. Frank. “Social Hysteria.” Texas Medical Journal May 1908 v23n11: pp. 437-43. VIEW


 Simmons, Annie E.

“Personal Paragraphs.” Daily Morning Journal and Courier 13 Sept. 1901 v67n219: p. 3. VIEW


 Simmons, George H.

“Personal Paragraphs.” Daily Morning Journal and Courier 13 Sept. 1901 v67n219: p. 3. VIEW


 Simmons, J. Edward

“Items About Banks, Bankers and Trust Co’s.” Commercial and Financial Chronicle 21 Sept. 1901 v73n1891: pp. 589-91. VIEW

“No Danger in the Financial World.” St. Louis Post-Dispatch 7 Sept. 1901 v54n17: p. 4. VIEW

“Stocks Buoyed by Hope.” New-York Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v61n20022: p. 14. VIEW


 Simmons, Katherine

“An Interview with the President’s Nurses.” Trained Nurse and Hospital Review Oct. 1901 v27n4: pp. 222-23. VIEW

“McKinley Won Hearts of All His Nurses.” Democrat and Chronicle 15 Sept. 1901: p. 15. VIEW

“M’Kinley Tragedy.” Paducah Evening Sun 12 Mar. 1909 v25n61: p. 8. VIEW

“Nurses Attending the President.” Trained Nurse and Hospital Review Oct. 1901 v27n4: p. 224. VIEW

“Personal Paragraphs.” Daily Morning Journal and Courier 13 Sept. 1901 v67n219: p. 3. VIEW

“Pharmaceutical Aspect of the National Tragedy.” Pharmaceutical Era 26 Sept. 1901 v26n13: pp. 357-60. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M. “Medical and Surgical Report of the Case of the Late President of the United States.” Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 297-318. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M., Matthew D. Mann, Herman Mynter, Roswell Park, Eugene Wasdin, Charles McBurney, and Charles G. Stockton. “The Case of President McKinley.” Medical Record 19 Oct. 1901 v60n16: pp. 601-06. VIEW

“Treatment of the President.” Southern California Practitioner Oct. 1901 v16n10: pp. 388-89. VIEW

Wilson, Nelson W. “Details of President McKinley’s Case.” Buffalo Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v41n3 (new series): pp. 207-25. VIEW


 Simon, Lillie

“Saw the President Shot.” Ouray Herald 12 Sept. 1901 v13n24: p. 1. VIEW


 Simons, Seward A.

“Hon. Truman Clark White.” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 2, pp. 41-42. VIEW


 Simpson, Burton T.

“M’Kinley Tragedy.” Paducah Evening Sun 12 Mar. 1909 v25n61: p. 8. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M. “Medical and Surgical Report of the Case of the Late President of the United States.” Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 297-318. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M., Matthew D. Mann, Herman Mynter, Roswell Park, Eugene Wasdin, Charles McBurney, and Charles G. Stockton. “The Case of President McKinley.” Medical Record 19 Oct. 1901 v60n16: pp. 601-06. VIEW

Wilson, Nelson W. “Details of President McKinley’s Case.” Buffalo Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v41n3 (new series): pp. 207-25. VIEW


 Sims, J. Marion

“The Month.” Post-Graduate Oct. 1901 v16n10: pp. 874-78. VIEW

“Some Points in the President’s Case.” Alabama Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v12n11: pp. 607-08. VIEW


 Sinbad the Sailor (a.k.a. Sindbad) (fictional character)

Browne, Irving. “Hon. Loran L. Lewis.” Albany Law Journal 7 Jan. 1899 v59n1: pp. 55-56. VIEW


 Sinclair, William

Rixey, Presley M. “Medical and Surgical Report of the Case of the Late President of the United States.” Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 297-318. VIEW


 Sipido, Jean Baptiste

“The Anarchist and His Victim.” Truth 12 Sept. 1901 v50n1289: pp. 659-60. VIEW

“The Attempted Assassination.” Sydney Mail 14 Sept. 1901 v72n2149: p. 656. VIEW

Dewey, Richard. “The Mental State of Anarchists and of Others Who Kill or Attempt the Life of Rulers or Public Personages.” Contributions to Medical Research. Ann Arbor: George Wahr, 1903: pp. 204-15. VIEW

Langtoft, Geoffrey. “Anarchy a Crime, Not a Disease.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 15 Sept. 1901 v60n258: part 2, p. 13. VIEW

Langtoft, Geoffrey. “Assassination a Fruit of Socialism.” Fortnightly Review 1 Oct. 1901 v70n418 (new series): pp. 571-80. VIEW

Whibley, Charles. “Musings Without Method.” Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine Oct. 1901 v170n132: pp. 559-69. VIEW


 Skeels, Ethel

“Millerton.” Monitor-Press 25 Sept. 1901 v28n39: p. 3. VIEW


 Skeels, Zella (a.k.a. Rosella Skeels)

“Millerton.” Monitor-Press 25 Sept. 1901 v28n39: p. 3. VIEW


 Skidelsky, S. S.

Skidelsky, S. S. [untitled]. Sun [New York] 10 Sept. 1901 v69n10: p. 6. VIEW


 Skinner, Charles R.

Skinner, Charles R. “Story of McKinley’s Assassination.” State Service Apr. 1919 v3n4: pp. 20-24. VIEW

Steep, Thomas W. “Czolgosz May Never Live to Reach Electric Death Chair.” Buffalo Courier 28 Oct. 1901 v66n301: pp. 1-2. VIEW

Steep, Thomas W. “Czolgosz’s Last Hours and Death.” Buffalo Courier 29 Oct. 1901 v66n302: pp. 1-2. VIEW


 Slattery, John R.

[untitled]. Pilot 5 Oct. 1901 v64n40: p. 4. VIEW


 Slawski, Vincent

“Gave Czolgasz [sic] an Atomizer.” Cleveland Plain Dealer 23 Sept. 1901 v60n266: p. 4. VIEW


 Sleicher, John A.

Skinner, Charles R. “Story of McKinley’s Assassination.” State Service Apr. 1919 v3n4: pp. 20-24. VIEW


 Sloan, Alex H.

Bull, William S. “Police Superintendent’s Report.” Annual Report of the Board of Police of the City of Buffalo. Buffalo: Wenborne-Sumner, 1902: pp. 7-48. VIEW

“Deputies Are Back from the Trip to Prison.” Buffalo Courier 28 Sept. 1901 v66n271: p. 6. VIEW

“‘I Am Sorry’ Is Statement of Czolgosz.” Buffalo Evening Times 27 Sept. 1901 v36n11: p. 7. VIEW


 Sloan, Hugh

“‘I Am Sorry’ Is Statement of Czolgosz.” Buffalo Evening Times 27 Sept. 1901 v36n11: p. 7. VIEW


 Sloan, James, Jr.

Shepherd, William G. “The President’s Body-Guard.” Everybody’s Magazine Feb. 1920 v42n2: pp. 35-38. VIEW

St. Clair, Labert. “A Protector of Presidents.” Collier’s 17 Jan. 1914 v52n18: p. 25. VIEW


 Sloan, John W.

“Adopted a Memorial.” Buffalo Evening News 16 Sept. 1901 v42n134: p. 8. VIEW


 Slocomb, Abby Day (a.k.a. Mrs. Cuthbert Slocomb)

“Editor’s Note Book.” American Monthly Magazine Nov. 1901 v19n5: pp. 527-28. VIEW


 Slomkowski, Joseph

Grossmann, Louis. “The Week.” American Israelite 12 Sept. 1901 v48n11: p. 5. VIEW

“Poles Repudiate Him.” Daily Picayune 9 Sept. 1901 v65n228: pp. 1, 7. VIEW


 Small, Albion W.

“New Book Denounced.” Post Express 24 Oct. 1901 v43n117: p. 2. VIEW


 Small, Joshua T.

Holmes, William. “Expediency vs. Morality.” Free Society 27 July 1902 v9n30: p. 1. VIEW


 Small, Samuel W.

Snow, Jane Elliott. “Opinions of Noted Men” [chapter 17]. The Life of William McKinley, Twenty-Fifth President of the United States. Cleveland: Imperial Press, 1908: pp. 89-90. VIEW


 Smid, John

“The Home of Czolgosz.” Cleveland Leader 16 Sept. 1901 v54n259: p. 10. VIEW

“Home of Czolgosz Is In Cleveland.” Cleveland Leader 8 Sept. 1901 v54n251: p. 2. VIEW


 Smith, Andrew J.

“Jury Was Secured from One Original Panel.” Pittsburg Post 24 Sept. 1901 v60n15: p. 1. VIEW

“Trial of President McKiley’s [sic] Murderer.” Enterprise [Lancaster] 25 Sept. 1901 v6n80: p. 1. VIEW


 Smith, Charles Emory

“At the Milburn House.” New-York Tribune 16 Sept. 1901 v61n20028: pp. 1-2. VIEW

Banks, Charles Eugene, and Le Roy Armstrong. “Succeeds to the Presidency” [chapter 19]. Theodore Roosevelt, Twenty-Sixth President of the United States. Chicago: S. Stone, 1901: pp. 369-78. VIEW

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW

“Day and Night Scenes at the Milburn House.” Post Express 10 Sept. 1901 v43n79: p. 2. VIEW

“Effect of Death on Business.” Chicago Daily Tribune 14 Sept. 1901 v60n257: p. 11. VIEW

Hopkins, Grace Porter. “History Made at Buffalo.” Ogdensburg Journal 20 Sept. 1901: p. [2]. VIEW

“McKinley Memorial Sunday.” Congregationalist and Christian World 20 Sept. 1902 v87n38: p. 395. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th ed. Vol. 17. Cambridge: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911: pp. 256-59. VIEW

“McKinley, William.—March 4, 1897-Sept. 14, 1901.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW

“McKinley’s Monument Unveiled.” Summary 10 June 1905 v33n23: p. 1. VIEW

“M’Kinley Memorial Services at Albany.” New York Times 5 Mar. 1902 v51n16274: p. 8. VIEW

“No Trace of Poison Is Found.” San Francisco Call 12 Sept. 1901 v90n104: p. 2. VIEW

Odell, Benjamin B., Jr. “At the McKinley Memorial Ceremonies in the Capitol at Albany, March 4, 1902.” Public Papers of Benjamin B. Odell, Jr. Vol. 2. Albany: J. B. Lyon, 1907: pp. 291-92. VIEW

“President McKinley Dead.” Timely Topics 20 Sept. 1901 v6n3: pp. 36-37. VIEW

“Probing for the Bullets.” Chicago Daily News 6 Sept. 1901 v26n214: part 1, p. 1. VIEW

“Roosevelt, Theodore.—Sept. 14, 1901, to March 4, 1909.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW

“Secretary Wilson Confident.” Iowa State Register 11 Sept. 1901 v46n214: p. 3. VIEW

“The Shooting of President McKinley.” Collier’s Weekly 14 Sept. 1901 v27n24: p. 5. VIEW

“Solid Food Given to the President.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle 12 Sept. 1901 v61n253: p. 1. VIEW

“Succession to the Presidential Chair.” Harper’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v45n2335: p. 946. VIEW

Wellman, Walter. “The Last Days of President M’Kinley: His Visit to Buffalo, the Tragedy, and the Nation’s Mourning.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Oct. 1901 v24n4: pp. 414-30. VIEW

Wilcox, Ansley. “Theodore Roosevelt, President.” How Theodore Roosevelt Became President of the United States in Buffalo, September 14, 1901. [Buffalo?]: Roosevelt Memorial Association, 1919: pp. 3-6. VIEW


 Smith, David Highbaugh

“Southerners on Committee.” Atlanta Constitution 16 Sept. 1901 v34: p. 1. VIEW


 Smith, Estellus J.

“Attacked M’Kinley’s Memory.” Arizona Republican 25 Nov. 1901 v12n191: p. 1. VIEW


 Smith, Eugene

Rev. of The Science of Penology, by Henry M. Boies. Nation 26 Dec. 1901 v73n1904: p. 500. VIEW


 Smith, George A.

“Death Cell Awaits Assassin Czolgosz.” Pittsburg Press 26 Sept. 1901 v18n267: p. 12. VIEW

“How the President’s Assassin Will Die.” Leslie’s Weekly 12 Oct. 1901 v93n2405: p. 332. VIEW


 Smith, George Albert

“Back from the East.” Deseret Evening News 16 Sept. 1901 v52n256: p. 2. VIEW

“George A. Smith and Otto Stalmann Near the President When He Was Shot.” Salt Lake Herald 17 Sept. 1901 v29n115: p. 3. VIEW


 Smith, Goldwin

[untitled]. Truth Seeker 12 Oct. 1901 v28n41: p. 645. VIEW

“The Anarchist Problem.” Southern Workman Nov. 1901 v30n11: pp. 572-73. VIEW

“Music as an Antidote to Anarchism.” Friend 19 Oct. 1901 v75n14: p. 105. VIEW

“President M’Kinley’s Death.” Nation 19 Sept. 1901 v73n1890: p. 218. VIEW


 Smith, Grace E.

“Was Present at Exposition.” Nashua Daily Telegraph 9 Sept. 1901 v34n161: p. 8. VIEW

“Were at Buffalo.” Nashua Daily Telegraph 10 Sept. 1901 v34n162: p. 1. VIEW


 Smith, Henry G.

Crockett, Walter Hill. “The Beginning of a New Century” [chapter 37]. Vermont: The Green Mountain State. Vol. 4. New York: Century History, 1921: pp. 303-450. VIEW


 Smith, Hyrum

Harman, Moses. “Archism Versus Anarchism.” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 12 Oct. 1901 v5n39 (3rd series): pp. 316-17. VIEW


 Smith, Jeremiah (a.k.a. Jerry Smith; a.k.a. Uncle Jerry)

“Official Action.” Indianapolis Journal 7 Sept. 1901 v51n250: p. 2. VIEW

Pendel, Thomas F. “Chapter X.” Thirty-Six Years in the White House. Washington, DC: Neale Publishing, 1902: pp. 153-68. VIEW

“Probing for the Bullets.” Chicago Daily News 6 Sept. 1901 v26n214: part 1, p. 1. VIEW


 Smith, John J.

“Corporation Proceedings” [Board of Councilmen]. Proceedings of the Common Council of the City of Buffalo 11 Sept. 1901 n35: pp. 1498-1504. VIEW

“Corporation Proceedings” [Board of Councilmen]. Proceedings of the Common Council of the City of Buffalo 14 Sept. 1901 n36: pp. 1507-08. VIEW


 Smith, John Walter

“Prayers for the President.” Iowa State Register 8 Sept. 1901 v46n211: p. 1. VIEW

“Will Pray for the President’s Recovery.” Norfolk Landmark 10 Sept. 1901 v53n12: p. 8. VIEW


 Smith, Joseph

Harman, Moses. “Archism Versus Anarchism.” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 12 Oct. 1901 v5n39 (3rd series): pp. 316-17. VIEW


 Smith, Joseph P.

“McKinley, William.” The Encyclopedia Americana. Vol. 18. New York: Encyclopedia Americana, 1920: pp. 72-73. VIEW


 Smith, S. Preston

“Issued Czolgosz Marriage License.” Times [Richmond] 22 Sept. 1901 v16n195: part 1, p. 1. VIEW


 Smith, Sydney

Beck, James M. “The Memory of McKinley.” The McKinley Memorial in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: McKinley Memorial Association, 1909: pp. 23-48. VIEW


 Smith, Walter Howard

“Australians Speak of McKinley.” Manila Times 24 Sept. 1901 v2n161: p. 1. VIEW


 Smith, William Alden

“To Make M’Kinley’s Birthday a Holiday.” New-York Tribune 18 Dec. 1901 v61n20121: p. 9. VIEW


 Smith, William Avery

“[Cusack, Patrick V.].” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 3, p. 559. VIEW


 Smith, William Cusack

“The Law and the Lawyers.” Law Times 21 Sept. 1901 v111n3051: pp. 453-55. VIEW


 Smulski, John F.

[untitled]. Public 21 Sept. 1901 v4n181: pp. 369-72. VIEW


 Smyser, Jacob H.

“Whole City Aghast.” Chicago Daily News 6 Sept. 1901 v26n214: part 1, p. 1. VIEW


[untitled]. Philistine Oct. 1901 v13n5: pp. 159-60. VIEW

Babcock, Bernie. “Death to the Cat’s-Paw” [chapter 10]. With Claw and Fang. Indianapolis: Clean Politics Publishing, 1911: pp. 101-12. VIEW

Wildman, Marian Warner. “God’s Way.” A Hill Prayer and Other Poems. Boston: Richard G. Badger, 1904: pp. 24-26. VIEW


 Solomon, King of Israel

Dailey, M. A. “Mr. Dailey Hits the Centre.” Truth Seeker 19 Oct. 1901 v28n42: p. 666. VIEW

Hudgins, Charles Buckner. “Home Again” [chapter 35]. The Convert. New York: Neale Publishing, 1908: pp. 314-21. VIEW

“Mike M’Laughlin Suicides.” Blue Grass Blade 5 Jan. 1902 v10n46: p. 1. VIEW

Welsh, John T. “Eulogy of President William McKinley.” Addresses. Portland: [n.p.], 1915: pp. 7-21. VIEW


 Solomon, Albert

Bull, William S. “Police Superintendent’s Report.” Annual Report of the Board of Police of the City of Buffalo. Buffalo: Wenborne-Sumner, 1902: pp. 7-48. VIEW

Coe, Franklin. “Justice Swiftly Dealt to the President’s Assassin.” Leslie’s Weekly 5 Oct. 1901 v93n2404: pp. 305, 308. VIEW

“Court Room Bulletins.” Buffalo Enquirer 26 Sept. 1901 v58n49: p. 1. VIEW

“Crime Is Hated by His Family.” Atlanta Constitution 25 Sept. 1901 v34: p. 3. VIEW

[Czolgosz Bertillon Card]. Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society Archives, A90-4. 1901. VIEW

“Czolgosz Indicted.” Journal and Herald 19 Sept. 1901 v35n35: p. [4]. VIEW

“Czolgosz’s State of Mind.” Burlington Hawk-Eye 22 Sept. 1901 v63n89: p. 1. VIEW

“Family of Assassin in Buffalo.” Buffalo Enquirer 25 Sept. 1901 v58n48: p. 9. VIEW

“Hero of Mc’Kinley [sic] Assassination in Cell.” Winchester News 26 Feb. 1909 v1n116: p. 1. VIEW

“In the Rogues’ Gallery.” St. Louis Republic 13 Sept. 1901 v94n76: p. 3. VIEW

“The People of the State of New York Against Leon F. Czolgosz.” Unpublished trial transcript. 23-24, 26 Sept. 1901. VIEW

“People Try Schemes to Gain Entrance.” Buffalo Enquirer 23 Sept. 1901 v58n46: p. 8. VIEW

Powers, T. E. “Court-Room Scene During the Trial of President M’Kinley’s Assassin.” World 23 Sept. 1901: p. 2. VIEW

“Sentence of Death.” Spokane Daily Chronicle 26 Sept. 1901 v16n20: p. 1. VIEW

“Statement of Leon F. Czolgosz, Taken at Police Headquarters, 10.30 P. M., September 6, 1901, by Mr. Penney.” Senate Documents. Vol. 12. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1919: pp. 64-74. VIEW

Townsend, G. W. “Chapter XXIV.” Memorial Life of William McKinley. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 460-66. VIEW



Harman, Moses. “The Lesson of the Hour.” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 21 Sept. 1901 v5n36 (3rd series): pp. 292-93. VIEW


 Soloviev, Alexander (a.k.a. Alexander Solovieff)

Lombroso, Cesare. “Anarchy: The Status of Anarchism To-Day in Europe and the United States.” Trans. Lionel Strachey. Everybody’s Magazine Feb. 1902 v6n2: pp. 165-68. VIEW


 Sousa, John Philip

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW

“Sousa Grieved Over the News.” Pittsburg Press 8 Sept. 1901 v18n249: sect. 1, p. 2. VIEW


 Southgate, James H.

“McKinley, William.—March 4, 1897-Sept. 14, 1901.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW


 Southwick, Alfred P.

“American News and Notes.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 5 Oct. 1901 v8n14: pp. 543-45. VIEW


 Souvarine (fictional character)

Baginski, Max. “Leon Czolgosz.” Mother Earth Oct. 1906 v1n8: pp. 4-9. VIEW


 Spalding, Florence Dexter

“Were at Buffalo.” Nashua Daily Telegraph 10 Sept. 1901 v34n162: p. 1. VIEW


 Spalding, George B.

“Tributes to President M’Kinley.” Evangelist 19 Sept. 1901 v72n38: pp. 21-22. [excerpt 2 of 2] VIEW


 Spalding, John Lancaster

“Notes and Remarks.” Ave Maria 28 Sept. 1901 v53n13: pp. 406-09. [excerpt 2 of 3] VIEW


 Spalding, William E.

“Was Present at Exposition.” Nashua Daily Telegraph 9 Sept. 1901 v34n161: p. 8. VIEW

“Were at Buffalo.” Nashua Daily Telegraph 10 Sept. 1901 v34n162: p. 1. VIEW


 Spangler, Edman

“Legal Rights of Leon Czolgosz.” Baltimore American 23 Sept. 1901 v191n34821: p. 3. VIEW


 Sparkman, Stephen M.

“Southerners on Committee.” Atlanta Constitution 16 Sept. 1901 v34: p. 1. VIEW


 Spaulding, Oliver L.

“Official Action.” Indianapolis Journal 7 Sept. 1901 v51n250: p. 2. VIEW


 Spavin, James

“Albia Man Saw Czolgosz.” Ottumwa Semi-Weekly Courier 17 Sept. 1901 v53n53: p. 7. VIEW


 Spencer, Amanda (a.k.a. Mrs. Earl Spencer)

“She Saw Czolgosz.” Indianapolis News 18 Sept. 1901 v32n245: p. 1. VIEW


 Spencer, Bertram G.

[advertisement]. Poet Lore Autumn 1921 v32: p. i. VIEW


 Spencer, Herbert

“Anarchy,—the Modern Scape-Goat.” Co-Operator Aug. 1904 v8n207: pp. 19-22. VIEW

Berkman, Alexander. [untitled]. Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist. New York: Mother Earth Publishing Association, 1912: pp. 412-17. VIEW

Coleman, James M. “Anarchism and Herbert Spencer.” Christian Nation 8 Jan. 1902 v36: p. 2. VIEW

Doyle, Patrick F. “Moral Consequences of Agnostic Teaching.” Holy Cross Purple Feb. 1903 v15n5: pp. 253-61. VIEW

Fox, Jay. “Roosevelt, Czolgosz and Anarchy.” Roosevelt, Czolgosz and Anarchy; and Communism. By Jay Fox and Henry Addis. [New York]: New York Anarchists, [1902?]: pp. 2-13. VIEW

Gladden, Washington. “Two Kinds of Anarchists.” Leslie’s Weekly 28 Sept. 1901 v93n2403: pp. 278, 291. VIEW

H., W. “The Island Scheme.” Free Society 5 Jan. 1902 v9n1: p. 3. VIEW

Harman, Moses. “Archism Versus Anarchism.” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 12 Oct. 1901 v5n39 (3rd series): pp. 316-17. VIEW

Harman, Moses. “‘The Ultimate of Anarchy.’” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 5 Oct. 1901 v5n38 (3rd series): pp. 308-09. VIEW

Holt, Henry. “The Treatment of Anarchism.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Feb. 1902 v25n2: pp. 192-200. VIEW


 Spencer, Raymond

“She Saw Czolgosz.” Indianapolis News 18 Sept. 1901 v32n245: p. 1. VIEW


 Sperandio, Carboni (a.k.a. Carbone Sperandio; a.k.a. Sperandio Carbone)

Spitzka, Edward C. “The Czolgosz Case.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 26 Oct. 1901 v8n17: pp. 693-95. VIEW


 Spies, August

Colt, Le Baron Bradford. “Anarchy.” American Lawyer Apr. 1902 v10n4: pp. 148-54. VIEW

Harman, Moses. “Anarchy on the Boulevards.” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 28 Sept. 1901 v5n37 (3rd series): pp. 300-01. VIEW

Lombroso, Cesare. “Anarchy: The Status of Anarchism To-Day in Europe and the United States.” Trans. Lionel Strachey. Everybody’s Magazine Feb. 1902 v6n2: pp. 165-68. VIEW

“News of the Profession.” Law Notes Oct. 1901 v5: pp. 137-39. VIEW

Schuettler, Herman F. “How Anarchy Should Be Watched.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 15 Sept. 1901 v60n258: part 2, p. 13. VIEW

Virstow, Henry. “Anarchism—A Study of Social Forces.” Modern Culture Oct. 1901 v14n2: pp. 140-42. VIEW


 Spitzka, Edward A.

Austin, Kate. “The Experts and Their ‘Facts.’” Free Society 9 Mar. 1902 v9n10: pp. 4-5. VIEW

Channing, Walter. “The Mental Status of Czolgosz, the Assassin of President McKinley.” American Journal of Insanity Oct. 1902 v59n2: pp. 233-78. VIEW

“The Criminal, Czolgosz.” Medical News 4 Jan. 1902 v80n1: p. 36. VIEW

“The Czolgosz Autopsy.” New-York Tribune 3 Dec. 1901 v61n20106: p. 9. VIEW

“Czolgosz Executed in Auburn Prison.” Afro-American-Ledger 2 Nov. 1901 v10n13: p. [2]. VIEW

“Czolgosz’s Body Dissected and Buried in Acid.” Philadelphia Record 30 Oct. 1901 n10832: pp. 1, 3. VIEW

“Czolgosz’s Brain Normal.” St. Louis Post-Dispatch 29 Oct. 1901 v54n69: p. 2. VIEW

“Death of President McKinley.” International Clinics 1902 v1 (12th series): pp. 300-02. VIEW

“Echoes and News.” Medical News 2 Nov. 1901 v79n18: pp. 704-07. VIEW

Ellis, Havelock. “Additional Notes to Fourth Edition” [appendix E]. The Criminal. 4th ed., rev. and enlarged. London: Walter Scott Publishing, 1913: pp. 412-32. VIEW

“Final Report in the Czolgosz Case.” American Journal of Insanity Jan. 1902 v58n3: p. 542. VIEW

George, Henry, Jr. “Physical, Mental and Moral Deterioration” [chapter 2]. The Menace of Privilege. New York: Macmillan, 1906: sect. 3, pp. 121-40. VIEW

Halstead, Murat. “The Author’s Letter: From the Scene of Execution and the Autopsy of the Assassin.” The Illustrious Life of William McKinley, Our Martyred President. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 465-72. VIEW

Hughes, Charles Hamilton. “Medical Aspects of the Czolgosz Case.” Alienist and Neurologist Jan. 1902 v23n1: pp. 40-52. VIEW

“An Impressive Scene.” Madison County Times 1 Nov. 1901 v32n14: p. [3]. VIEW

“Items and Notes.” Medical Age 10 Dec. 1901 v19n23: pp. 898-901. VIEW

MacDonald, Carlos F. “The Execution of Czolgosz.” Medical News 9 Nov. 1901 v79n19: pp. 752-53. VIEW

MacDonald, Carlos F. “The Trial, Execution, Autopsy and Mental Status of Leon F. Czolgosz, Alias Fred Nieman, the Assassin of President McKinley.” American Journal of Insanity Jan. 1902 v58n3: pp. 369-86. VIEW

Moorhead, John J. “Injury by Electricity.” Medical and Surgical Report of Bellevue and Allied Hospitals in the City of New York. Ed. Van Horne Norrie, John A. Hartwell, A. Alexander Smith, and Charles E. Nammack. Vol. 4. [n.p.]: [n.p.], [1910?]: pp. 379-87. VIEW

“The Post-Mortem on Czolgosz.” Medical Press and Circular 5 Feb. 1902 v124n6: p. 145. VIEW

Ravogli, A. “Syphilis in Relation to Degeneracy” [chapter 2]. Syphilis in Its Medical, Medico-Legal and Sociological Aspects. New York: Grafton Press, 1907: pp. 343-411. VIEW

Rev. of Medical Aspects of the Czolgosz Case, by Charles Hamilton Hughes. Alkaloidal Clinic Mar. 1902 v9n3: pp. 275-76. VIEW

Russell, James. “The Psychology of Anarchism.” Proceedings of the American Medico-Psychological Association. [n.p.]: American Medico-Psychological Association, 1902: pp. 178-93. VIEW

“Saw the Assassin Die.” Buffalo Morning Express 30 Oct. 1901 v56n248: p. 7. VIEW

Talbot, Eugene S. “Degeneracy and Political Assassination.” Developmental Pathology. Chicago: [n.p.], 1905: pp. 1-24. VIEW

Vizetelly, Ernest Alfred. “King Humbert—Bresci—President McKinley—Czolgosz (1898-1901)” [chapter 10]. The Anarchists: Their Faith and Their Record. London: Lane, 1911: pp. 240-59. VIEW

Wilson, George R. “Anarchism: The Insanity of Delusive Expedient.” Scottish Medical and Surgical Journal Mar. 1902 v10n3: pp. 206-08. VIEW


 Spitzka, Edward C.

Bannister, H. M. “America.” Journal of Mental Science Jan. 1902 v48n164 (new series): pp. 124-26. VIEW

“The Case of the Assassin.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 26 Oct. 1901 v8n17: p. 665. VIEW

“The Czolgosz Autopsy.” New-York Tribune 3 Dec. 1901 v61n20106: p. 9. VIEW

Ellis, Havelock. “Additional Notes to Fourth Edition” [appendix E]. The Criminal. 4th ed., rev. and enlarged. London: Walter Scott Publishing, 1913: pp. 412-32. VIEW

MacDonald, Carlos F. “The Trial, Execution, Autopsy and Mental Status of Leon F. Czolgosz, Alias Fred Nieman, the Assassin of President McKinley.” American Journal of Insanity Jan. 1902 v58n3: pp. 369-86. VIEW


 Spooner, John Coit

Havel, Hippolyte. “A Reminiscence.” Mother Earth Oct. 1908 v3n8: pp. 320-24. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “The Impressive State Funeral Ceremonies” [chapter 22]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 349-62. VIEW


 Sprague, Alice Brayley

Banks, Charles Eugene, and Le Roy Armstrong. “Succeeds to the Presidency” [chapter 19]. Theodore Roosevelt, Twenty-Sixth President of the United States. Chicago: S. Stone, 1901: pp. 369-78. VIEW


 Sprague, Carleton

Banks, Charles Eugene, and Le Roy Armstrong. “Succeeds to the Presidency” [chapter 19]. Theodore Roosevelt, Twenty-Sixth President of the United States. Chicago: S. Stone, 1901: pp. 369-78. VIEW

Larned, J. N. “In the Era of the Railways: 1851-1908” [chapter 3]. A History of Buffalo. Vol. 1. New York: Progress of the Empire State, 1911: sect. 1, pp. 62-96. VIEW

Park, Roswell. “Reminiscences of McKinley Week.” Selected Papers, Surgical and Scientific. Buffalo: [n.p.], 1914: pp. 374-81. VIEW

“Roosevelt Does Not Fear Harm.” Chicago Daily Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v60n253: part 1, p. 2. VIEW


 Sprague, Eben Carleton

“[Milburn, John G.].” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 3, p. 33. VIEW


 Sprague, Henry W.

“[Milburn, John G.].” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 3, p. 33. VIEW


 Springborn, W. J.

“Throws Light on Czolgasz” [sic]. Cleveland Plain Dealer 13 Sept. 1901 v60n256: p. 12. VIEW


 Sprowls, M. F.

“Locals.” Watkins Democrat 3 Oct. 1901 v40n10: p. [?]. VIEW


 Squyer, H. Seymour

“Czolgosz Still Silent.” Auburn Bulletin 30 Sept. 1901 v76n6768: p. 4. VIEW


 St. Francis of Assisi

SEE Francis of Assisi


 St. John

SEE John


 St. Jude

SEE Jude


 St. Martin, Alexis

“Criticism of the Medical Attendants of President McKinley.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 28 Sept. 1901 v8n13: p. 499. VIEW

Harman, Moses. “The Doctors and the Laity.” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 28 Nov. 1901 v5n46 (3rd series): pp. 372-74. VIEW

“The President’s Wounds.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 14 Sept. 1901 v8n11: pp. 413-14. VIEW


 St. Paul

SEE Paul


 St. Peter

SEE Peter


 Stafford, Denis J.

Klein, Felix. “At the White House” [chapter 12]. In the Land of the Strenuous Life. Chicago: A. C. McClurg, 1905: pp. 242-61. VIEW


 Stalmann, Otto

“George A. Smith and Otto Stalmann Near the President When He Was Shot.” Salt Lake Herald 17 Sept. 1901 v29n115: p. 3. VIEW


 Stambolov, Stefan

“The Anarchists and Royalty.” Sydney Mail 28 Sept. 1901 v72n2151: p. 784. VIEW

Langtoft, Geoffrey. “Assassination a Fruit of Socialism.” Fortnightly Review 1 Oct. 1901 v70n418 (new series): pp. 571-80. VIEW


 Stamets, Z. H.

“Tried to Lynch the Doctor.” Atlanta Constitution 16 Sept. 1901 v34: p. 1. VIEW


 Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn (a.k.a. Dean Stanley)

Beck, James M. “The Memory of McKinley.” The McKinley Memorial in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: McKinley Memorial Association, 1909: pp. 23-48. VIEW


 Stanley, William E.

“Kansas and President M’Kinley.” Wichita Daily Eagle 1 Dec. 1901 v36n13: p. 20. VIEW


 Stanton, Elizabeth Cady

Wheeler, George B. “A Plan That Is Not Approved.” Truth Seeker 23 Nov. 1901 v28n47: p. 746. VIEW


 Staps, Friedrich

Lombroso, Cesare. “Anarchy: The Status of Anarchism To-Day in Europe and the United States.” Trans. Lionel Strachey. Everybody’s Magazine Feb. 1902 v6n2: pp. 165-68. VIEW


 Starr, Frederick

“Czolgosz Is a Low Type.” Sterling Standard 10 Sept. 1901 v35n73: p. [7]. VIEW

“Czolgosz Is Contrasted with President M’Kinley.” Milwaukee Journal 12 Sept. 1901 v19: p. 9. VIEW


 Starr, Louis

“The Autopsy.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 21 Sept. 1901 v8n12: pp. 461-62. VIEW


 Stedman, Edmund Clarence

Hay, John. “William McKinley.” Addresses of John Hay. New York: Century, 1906: pp. 137-75. VIEW


 Stein, Modest (a.k.a. Fedya Stein)

Berkman, Alexander. [untitled]. Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist. New York: Mother Earth Publishing Association, 1912: pp. 412-17. VIEW


 Steinert, Henry

“Czolgosz Defenders Held.” Ogdensburg Journal 30 Oct. 1906: p. 1. VIEW


 Steinke, Theodore G.

“Deny Bail to Anarchists.” Chicago Daily Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v60n253: part 1, p. 1. VIEW


 Stengel, Alfred

“The Condition of the President’s Heart Once More.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 28 Sept. 1901 v8n13: pp. 500-01. VIEW



[untitled]. Bankers’ Magazine Oct. 1901 v63n4: pp. 561-64. VIEW


 Stephen (Biblical personage)

Browning, William Garritson. “Assassination of President McKinley” [chapter 8]. A Few More Words. Poughkeepsie: [n.p.], 1902: pp. 122-35. VIEW

“He Prayed for the Assassin.” Baltimore Morning Herald 16 Sept. 1901 n8323: p. 7. VIEW


 Stephen, James Fitzjames

Bonaparte, Charles J. “Anarchism and Its Remedy.” Maryland Law Review Dec. 1901 v1n1: pp. 6-9. VIEW


 Stephens, George H.

Stephens, George H. [untitled]. Wilshire’s Magazine Jan. 1902 n42: pp. 52-53. VIEW


 Sternberg, Martha Pattison

Macfarland, Henry B. F. “The McKinley Memorial Arch.” Saturday Evening Post 30 Nov. 1901 v174n22: p. 13. VIEW


 Steul, Henry C.

“Corporation Proceedings” [Board of Councilmen]. Proceedings of the Common Council of the City of Buffalo 11 Sept. 1901 n35: pp. 1498-1504. VIEW

“Corporation Proceedings” [Board of Councilmen]. Proceedings of the Common Council of the City of Buffalo 14 Sept. 1901 n36: pp. 1507-08. VIEW


 Stevens, Edward

“Hon. Truman Clark White.” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 2, pp. 41-42. VIEW


 Stevens, John

Abbott, Lawrence F. “Roosevelt, Theodore.” The Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th ed. Vol. 23. Cambridge: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911: pp. 707-11. VIEW


 Stevens, Walter B.

“President Never Feared Attack on His Person.” St. Louis Republic 9 Sept. 1901 v94n71: p. 4. VIEW


 Stevenson, Adlai E.

[untitled]. Bankers’ Magazine Oct. 1901 v63n4: pp. 567-69. VIEW

Howland, Harold. “Roosevelt Becomes President” [chapter 6]. Theodore Roosevelt and His Times. Abraham Lincoln ed. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1921: pp. 73-83. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th ed. Vol. 17. Cambridge: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911: pp. 256-59. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The International Year Book. Ed. Frank Moore Colby. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1902: pp. 464-69. VIEW

“Mr. Roosevelt’s Theory of the Vice-Presidency.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Oct. 1901 v24n4: p. 392. VIEW

“President McKinley: What the World Thought of Him.” Outlook 21 Sept. 1901 v69n3: pp. 162-65. VIEW

Snow, Jane Elliott. “Opinions of Noted Men” [chapter 17]. The Life of William McKinley, Twenty-Fifth President of the United States. Cleveland: Imperial Press, 1908: pp. 89-90. VIEW


 Stevenson, Thomas P.

Allen, W. C. “N. R. Convention at Morning Sun, Ia.” Christian Nation 8 Jan. 1902 v36: pp. 13-14. VIEW


 Stewart, Freeman

Stewart, Freeman. “Special Punishment for Presidential Assassination.” Nation 5 Dec. 1901 v73n1901: p. 433. VIEW


 Stewart, John W.

Crockett, Walter Hill. “The Beginning of a New Century” [chapter 37]. Vermont: The Green Mountain State. Vol. 4. New York: Century History, 1921: pp. 303-450. VIEW


 Stewart, Lispenard

Steep, Thomas W. “Czolgosz May Never Live to Reach Electric Death Chair.” Buffalo Courier 28 Oct. 1901 v66n301: pp. 1-2. VIEW


 Stewart, Philip Battell

Crockett, Walter Hill. “The Beginning of a New Century” [chapter 37]. Vermont: The Green Mountain State. Vol. 4. New York: Century History, 1921: pp. 303-450. VIEW


 Stewart, William M.

Andrews, E. Benjamin. “Mr. McKinley’s End” [chapter 19]. History of the United States. Vol. 5. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1903: pp. 359-81. VIEW

Hawthorne, Julian, James Schouler, and E. Benjamin Andrews. “McKinley’s End and the Rise of Roosevelt” [chapter 30]. United States: From the Discovery of the North American Continent Up to the Present Time. Vol. 9. New York: Co-Operative Publication Society, 1904: pp. 289-310. VIEW


 Stillman, James

“Little Chance of a Panic.” Washington Times 7 Sept. 1901 n2660: p. 3. VIEW

“Stocks Buoyed by Hope.” New-York Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v61n20022: p. 14. VIEW


 Stimson, Lewis A.

Manley, T. H. “Some of the Surgical Aspects of the Assassination of President McKinley.” Medical Times and Register Oct. 1901 v39n10: pp. 260-62. VIEW


 Stockard, S. J.

“Saw Czolgosz Sentenced.” Columbia Herald 4 Oct. 1901 v46n39: p. 3. VIEW


 Stockton, Charles G.

“The Attempted Assassination of President McKinley.” Medical Record 14 Sept. 1901 v60n11: pp. 417-18. VIEW

“Autopsy on the President.” Sunday News 15 Sept. 1901: p. 1. VIEW

Banks, Charles Eugene, and Le Roy Armstrong. “Succeeds to the Presidency” [chapter 19]. Theodore Roosevelt, Twenty-Sixth President of the United States. Chicago: S. Stone, 1901: pp. 369-78. VIEW

“Better Than Yesterday.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle 13 Sept. 1901 v61n254: p. 1. VIEW

“A Card from the Doctors.” News and Courier 18 Sept. 1901: p. 1. VIEW

“[?] Case of President McKinley.” International Medical Magazine Oct. 1901 v10n10: pp. 633-34. VIEW

“The Case of President McKinley.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 21 Sept. 1901 v8n12: pp. 480-81. VIEW

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW

“Czolgosz Will Die a Sane Man.” Post Express 12 Oct. 1901 v43n107: p. 1. VIEW

“Death of President McKinley.” International Clinics 1902 v1 (12th series): pp. 300-02. VIEW

“Echoes and News.” Medical News 21 Sept. 1901 v79n12: pp. 470-74. VIEW

“Harmony Among the President’s Surgeons.” Medical Record 21 Sept. 1901 v60n12: p. 460. VIEW

“A Lapse from Life into the Sleep of Death.” Daily Picayune 14 Sept. 1901 v65n233: part 1, p. 10. VIEW

“Minor Intelligence.” Physician and Surgeon Apr. 1909 v31n4: pp. 185-87. VIEW

“Minutes of the Proceedings of the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania, at Its Fifty-First Annual Session, Held at Philadelphia, Sep. 17, 24, 25 and 26, 1901.” Pennsylvania Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v5n1: pp. 42-56. VIEW

“The M’Kinley Doctor Bills.” Buffalo Evening News 1 Mar. 1902 v43n118: p. 6. VIEW

“M’Kinley Tragedy.” Paducah Evening Sun 12 Mar. 1909 v25n61: p. 8. VIEW

Olcott, Charles S. “The Tragedy at Buffalo” [chapter 34]. The Life of William McKinley. Vol. 2. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1916: pp. 313-33. VIEW

Park, Roswell. “Reminiscences of McKinley Week.” Selected Papers, Surgical and Scientific. Buffalo: [n.p.], 1914: pp. 374-81. VIEW

“The People of the State of New York Against Leon F. Czolgosz.” Unpublished trial transcript. 23-24, 26 Sept. 1901. VIEW

“The Postmortem on the Late President.” Physician and Surgeon Sept. 1901 v23n9: p. 427. VIEW

“The President’s Case.” Hot Springs Medical Journal 15 Oct. 1901 v10n10: pp. 305-09. VIEW

“The President’s Case.” Red Cross Notes 1901 s3n9: pp. 191-96. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M. “Medical and Surgical Report of the Case of the Late President of the United States.” Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 297-318. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M., Matthew D. Mann, Herman Mynter, Roswell Park, Eugene Wasdin, Charles McBurney, and Charles G. Stockton. “The Case of President McKinley.” Medical Record 19 Oct. 1901 v60n16: pp. 601-06. VIEW

“Some Brief Notes Concerning the President’s Surgeons at Buffalo.” Medical News 14 Sept. 1901 v79n11: pp. 424-25. VIEW

Wilson, Nelson W. “Details of President McKinley’s Case.” Buffalo Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v41n3 (new series): pp. 207-25. VIEW


 Stoddard, John L.

Noerr, Catherine R. “Celebration of McKinley’s Birthday.” Kindergarten Review Mar. 1902 v12n7: p. 442. VIEW


 Stone, Ethelbert

“Knew of the Plot.” Daily Picayune 12 Sept. 1901 v65n231: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“Stone Released.” Daily Picayune 13 Sept. 1901 v65n232: part 1, p. 7. VIEW


 Stone, Melville E.

“The Floral Offerings.” New York Times 20 Sept. 1901 v51n16132: p. 2. VIEW


 Stone, William A.

James, C. L. “Our Friends, the Enemy, Again.” Free Society 5 Jan. 1902 v9n1: pp. 1-2. VIEW

“McKinley Memorial Sunday.” Congregationalist and Christian World 20 Sept. 1902 v87n38: p. 395. VIEW

Wing, Frank. “Hurrah! The Pennsylvania Robber Gang to the Country’s Rescue.” St. Paul Globe 17 Sept. 1901 v24n260: p. 1. VIEW


 Stone, William Joel

“Waited on McKinley at Last Dinner.” Buffalo Evening News 6 Sept. 1921 v76n125: sect. 2, p. 24. VIEW


 Storer, Bellamy

Stratemeyer, Edward. “Chronology of the Life of William McKinley” [appendix B]. American Boys’ Life of William McKinley. Boston: Lothrop, Lee, and Shephard, 1901: pp. 309-16. VIEW


 Storer, Willis D.

Rixey, Presley M. “Medical and Surgical Report of the Case of the Late President of the United States.” Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 297-318. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M., Matthew D. Mann, Herman Mynter, Roswell Park, Eugene Wasdin, Charles McBurney, and Charles G. Stockton. “The Case of President McKinley.” Medical Record 19 Oct. 1901 v60n16: pp. 601-06. VIEW

“Storer Feared Heart Trouble.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle 13 Sept. 1901 v61n254: p. 2. VIEW

“Time Factor in M’Kinley’s Case.” Chicago Daily Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v60n253: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“Was Composed.” Stark County Democrat 17 Sept. 1901 v67n135: p. 8. VIEW


 Storey, C. A.

“M’Kinley Bodyguard Dead.” New York Times 1 July 1908 v57n18421: p. 7. VIEW


 Story, Horace E.

Czolgosz, Leon. [untitled]. Senate Documents. Vol. 12. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1919: pp. 62-64. VIEW

“Investigation Activities of the Department of Justice.” Senate Documents. Vol. 12. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1919. VIEW

“The People of the State of New York Against Leon F. Czolgosz.” Unpublished trial transcript. 23-24, 26 Sept. 1901. VIEW

“Statement of Leon F. Czolgosz, Taken at Police Headquarters, 10.30 P. M., September 6, 1901, by Mr. Penney.” Senate Documents. Vol. 12. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1919: pp. 64-74. VIEW

Townsend, G. W. “Chapter XXIV.” Memorial Life of William McKinley. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 460-66. VIEW


 Stout, James Huff

Malloch, Douglas. “The First McKinley Statue.” National Magazine July 1902 v16n4: pp. 398-401. VIEW


 Stratemeyer, Edward

“Books for the Young” [part 2]. Dial 16 Dec. 1901 v31n372: pp. 520-23. VIEW


 Straus, Nathan

“Medical Notes.” Boston Medical and Surgical Journal 21 Dec. 1911 v165n25: pp. 963-67. VIEW


 Straus, Oscar S.

“Roosevelt, Theodore.—Sept. 14, 1901, to March 4, 1909.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW


 Stringfield, C. Pruyn

“M’Kinley Bodyguard Dead.” New York Times 1 July 1908 v57n18421: p. 7. VIEW


 Strong, William L.

“President Roosevelt.” Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Monthly Journal Nov. 1901 v35n11: pp. 688-89. VIEW

“Roosevelt, Theodore.” Who’s Who in New York City and State. Ed. John W. Leonard. 3rd ed. New York: L. R. Hamersly, 1907: pp. 1124-25. VIEW

“Roosevelt, Theodore.” Who’s Who in New York City and State. Ed. John W. Leonard. 4th biennial ed. New York: L. R. Hamersly, 1909: pp. 1122-23. VIEW

“Theodore Roosevelt.” Irrigation Age Nov. 1901 v16n2: pp. 39-42. VIEW


 Stryker, M. Woolsey

“The Church Universal and the Attempted Assassination.” Congregationalist and Christian World 14 Sept. 1901 v86n37: p. 396. VIEW


 Stuart, A.

“The Church Universal and the Attempted Assassination.” Congregationalist and Christian World 14 Sept. 1901 v86n37: p. 396. VIEW


 Stuart, Mary

SEE Mary, Queen of Scots


 Stutz, Alfonso

“The Case Against Czolgosz.” New York Times 11 Sept. 1901 v50n16124: p. 2. VIEW

“Roosevelt Too, Says Most.” New-York Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v61n20022: p. 3. VIEW


 Stygall, James S., Jr.

“Jury Was Secured from One Original Panel.” Pittsburg Post 24 Sept. 1901 v60n15: p. 1. VIEW

“Trial of President McKiley’s [sic] Murderer.” Enterprise [Lancaster] 25 Sept. 1901 v6n80: p. 1. VIEW


 Suetonius (a.k.a. Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus)

[untitled]. Bankers’ Magazine Oct. 1901 v63n4: pp. 561-64. VIEW


 Sullivan, Arthur

“Church and Organ Music.” Musical Times and Singing-Class Circular 1 Oct. 1901 v42n704: pp. 672-73. VIEW

“Occasional Notes.” Musical Times and Singing-Class Circular 1 Oct. 1901 v42n704: pp. 665-67. VIEW


 Sullivan, John L.

[untitled]. Duluth Evening Herald 27 Sept. 1901: p. [6?]. VIEW


 Sullivan, John P.

“Corporation Proceedings” [Board of Aldermen]. Proceedings of the Common Council of the City of Buffalo 14 Sept. 1901 n36: pp. 1505-06. VIEW


 Sullivan, William P.

“Stroke of the Rattlesnake.” San Francisco Call 24 Sept. 1901 v90n116: p. 6. VIEW


 Sultan Selim III

SEE Selim III, Ottoman Sultan


 Sumner, Charles

Fox, Jay. “Anarchist Trio Jailed.” Free Society 13 July 1902 v9n28: p. 5. VIEW

Northrop, Cyrus. “President McKinley.” Addresses, Educational and Patriotic. Minneapolis: H. W. Wilson, 1910: pp. 459-64. VIEW


 Suor, John

“Czolgosz’s Weapon.” Illustrated Buffalo Express 8 Sept. 1901 v18n49: part 2, p. 11. VIEW


 Surratt, John

“Legal Rights of Leon Czolgosz.” Baltimore American 23 Sept. 1901 v191n34821: p. 3. VIEW


 Surratt, Mary

“The Evil Influence of Roman Catholicism Upon Our Country” [book 10]. The Devil in the Church. Beaver Springs: American Publishing, 1902: pp. 418-500. VIEW

“Executed Lincoln’s Murderers.” San Juan County Index 8 Nov. 1901 v12n41: p. [3]. VIEW

“Legal Rights of Leon Czolgosz.” Baltimore American 23 Sept. 1901 v191n34821: p. 3. VIEW

“Legal Status of One Who Assaults the President.” Case and Comment Sept. 1901 v8n4: pp. 182-84. VIEW

Marsh, Daniel L. “Two Supreme Foes of the People, and One Supreme Privilege” [chapter 5]. The Challenge of Pittsburgh. New York: Missionary Education Movement of the United States and Canada, 1917: pp. 145-83. VIEW

“W. C. T. U. Column.” Logan County News 23 Feb. 1912 v9n15: p. [8]. VIEW


 Susdorf, Charles S.

“Corporation Proceedings” [Board of Aldermen]. Proceedings of the Common Council of the City of Buffalo 14 Sept. 1901 n36: pp. 1505-06. VIEW

“Corporation Proceedings” [Board of Councilmen]. Proceedings of the Common Council of the City of Buffalo 14 Sept. 1901 n36: pp. 1507-08. VIEW


 Suttner, Bertha von (a.k.a. Baroness von Suttner; a.k.a. Countess Kinsky)

Crosby, Ernest Howard. “Anarchy and Anarchy.” Advocate of Peace Jan. 1902 v64n1: pp. 10-12. VIEW


 Swallow, Silas

“Dr. Swallow Condemned.” Daily Picayune 23 Sept. 1901 v65n242: p. 1. VIEW

Macdonald, George E. “Observations.” Truth Seeker 30 Nov. 1901 v28n48: p. 760. VIEW

“McKinley, William.—March 4, 1897-Sept. 14, 1901.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW

“Roosevelt, Theodore.—Sept. 14, 1901, to March 4, 1909.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW


 Swan, William Bellingham

“The Law and the Lawyers.” Law Times 21 Sept. 1901 v111n3051: pp. 453-55. VIEW


 Swanson, Claude A.

“Southerners on Committee.” Atlanta Constitution 16 Sept. 1901 v34: p. 1. VIEW


 Swartout, Edgerton

“M’Kinley Memorial.” American Contractor 23 Jan. 1915 v36n4: p. 64. VIEW


 Swedenborg, Emanuel

Anderson, J. P. “The Hidden Sense in the Bible” [chapter 14]. Angelic Wisdom. Salem: Statesman Publishing, 1904: part 1, pp. 160-76. VIEW


 Sweet, George C.

Kessel, Sara Hirschfield. “Buffalo Women Are the Aid and Comfort of Mrs. M’Kinley in Her Trouble.” Buffalo Courier 9 Sept. 1901 v66n252: p. [5?]. VIEW


 Sweetser, Edwin G.

“General News.” Elm City Elevator 11 Apr. 1902 v1n35: p. [4]. VIEW


 Swift, Morrison I.

Earle, S. H. “A California Outrage.” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 16 Oct. 1901 v5n40 (3rd series): p. 323. VIEW

Macdonald, George E. “Observations.” Truth Seeker 16 Nov. 1901 v28n46: p. 728. VIEW


 Swinburne, Algernon Charles

Winchevsky, M. “The Blues Versus the Reds: Suggestions for Laws Against the Anarchists.” Comrade Nov. 1901 v1n2: pp. 34-35. VIEW


 Sylvester, Richard

Carmichael, Otto. “Startled the Country.” Indianapolis Journal 7 Sept. 1901 v51n250: pp. 1-2. VIEW

Fawcett, Waldon. “How the President Is Guarded.” Leslie’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v93n2402: p. 260. VIEW

“Saw Crush at Capitol.” Daily True American 18 Sept. 1901 v66n221: p. 2. VIEW

“Why Anarchy Is Rampant.” Iowa State Register 11 Sept. 1901 v46n214: p. 3. VIEW


 Symmes, Frank J.

“Stroke of the Rattlesnake.” San Francisco Call 24 Sept. 1901 v90n116: p. 6. VIEW


 Symons, Thomas W.

Bull, William S. “Police Superintendent’s Report.” Annual Report of the Board of Police of the City of Buffalo. Buffalo: Wenborne-Sumner, 1902: pp. 7-48. VIEW

Larned, J. N. “In the Era of the Railways: 1851-1908” [chapter 3]. A History of Buffalo. Vol. 1. New York: Progress of the Empire State, 1911: sect. 1, pp. 62-96. VIEW

“Official Action.” Indianapolis Journal 7 Sept. 1901 v51n250: p. 2. VIEW


 Szadzinski, Theophilus

“Czolgosz Sees a Priest, but He Refuses to Repent.” Chicago Daily Tribune 23 Oct. 1901 v60n296: part 2, p. 9. VIEW

Steep, Thomas W. “Czolgosz May Never Live to Reach Electric Death Chair.” Buffalo Courier 28 Oct. 1901 v66n301: pp. 1-2. VIEW


 Szczepanik, Jan

“Underwear to Protect Monarchs.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 22 Sept. 1901 v60n265: part 6, p. 39. VIEW


 Szczukowski, Julius

“Who He Is.” Alpena Evening News 7 Sept. 1901 v3n33: p. [4]. VIEW

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