Publication information
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Source: Baltimore Morning Herald
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “He Prayed for the Assassin”
Author(s): anonymousm
City of publication: Baltimore, Maryland
Date of publication: 16 September 1901
Volume number: none
Issue number: 8323
Pagination: 7

“He Prayed for the Assassin.” Baltimore Morning Herald 16 Sept. 1901 n8323: p. 7.
full text
J. William McIlvain; McKinley assassination (religious response); Leon Czolgosz (prayer for); prayers; J. William McIlvain (sermons); anarchism (religious response).
Named persons
Leon Czolgosz; J. William McIlvain; Ida McKinley; Stephen.


He Prayed for the Assassin

     Rev. J. William McIlvain, who preached yesterday at the First Presbyterian Church, Park avenue and Madison street, offered a prayer for Czolgosz and the anarchists, as well as one for Mrs. McKinley and the nation. He preached from the subject “Christ Crucified,” but in no part of his sermon did he refer to the President or his assassin.
     In his prayer for the assassin Czolgosz, Rev. Mr. McIlvain referred to that verse of the Bible which tells us to pray for our enemies. Said he:
     “Lord, Thou hast told us to pray for our enemies, and we beseech Thee to have mercy upon the assassin of our beloved President whose life was so suddenly taken away. Open his eyes so that he can see his great sin and repent.
     “O God, we ask Thee to teach the anarchist the folly of speaking evil of dignitaries and fighting against the government of God and the government of man. Save us from anarchy and teach us to love law and order.
     “Every man has a soul. Out of the men who stoned Stephen to death some became Christians. God, Thou art the judge of the assassin of our beloved President. We are his judge in but one sense.”
     The rest of Rev. Mr. McIlvain’s prayer was for Mrs. McKinley, asking God to give her strength to bear the terrible ordeal, and for the nation.



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