M., E. L. C.

M., E. L. C. “Presidential Handshaking.” Nation 26 Sept. 1901 v73n1891: p. 245. VIEW


 MacArthur, Arthur

“Army Order Approved.” Sentinel 19 Sept. 1901 v9n5 (new series): p. [6]. VIEW


 MacArthur, Robert S.

Holt, Henry. “The Treatment of Anarchism.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Feb. 1902 v25n2: pp. 192-200. VIEW

“In Memory of Mr. McKinley.” New York Times 29 Oct. 1901 v51n16165: p. 7. VIEW

“M’Arthur Threatened with Knife.” Buffalo Evening News 20 Sept. 1901 v42n137: p. 4. VIEW


 Macaulay, Thomas Babington

James, C. L. “A Reply.” Free Society 22 June 1902 v9n25: pp. 5-6. VIEW

“Pulpit Anarchy.” Socialist Spirit Oct. 1901 v1n2: pp. 12-13. VIEW


 Macbeth (fictional character based on historical King of Scotland)

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “Opening Words to the Story of a Martyr” [introduction]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. vii-xii. VIEW

“Reform by Assassination.” Liberal Review Sept. 1904 v1n8: pp. 446-47. VIEW


 Maccabeus, Judas (a.k.a. Judah Maccabee) (Biblical personage)

Neill, Charles P. “Anarchism.” American Catholic Quarterly Review Jan. 1902 v27n105: pp. 160-79. VIEW


 MacCormac, William

“The Late President McKinley.” Canadian Practitioner and Review Nov. 1901 v26n11: pp. 633-37. VIEW

“President McKinley’s Death.” Canada Lancet Oct. 1901 v35n2: pp. 101-04. VIEW

“Professional Opinions of Prominent Surgeons Regarding the President’s Wounds.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 14 Sept. 1901 v8n11: pp. 438-39. VIEW


 MacDonald, Arthur

[untitled]. Canada Law Journal 15 Oct. 1901 v37n19: pp. 717-18. VIEW

[untitled]. Central Law Journal 4 Oct. 1901 v53n14: p. 261. VIEW

“The Mattoid, or Crank.” Medical Summary Sept. 1915 v37n7: pp. 194-95. VIEW


 MacDonald, Carlos F.

[untitled]. Southern Mercury 9 Jan. 1902 v22n2: p. 8. VIEW

“Assassin Was Sane and Deserves His Fate, Says Dr. MacDonald, the Alienist.” World 25 Sept. 1901 v42n14645: p. 3. VIEW

Austin, Kate. “The Experts and Their ‘Facts.’” Free Society 9 Mar. 1902 v9n10: pp. 4-5. VIEW

Channing, Walter. “The Mental Status of Czolgosz, the Assassin of President McKinley.” American Journal of Insanity Oct. 1902 v59n2: pp. 233-78. VIEW

Chapin, John B. “The Crime of Czolgosz, the Assassin.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 19 Oct. 1901 v8n16: pp. 649-50. VIEW

“Condition Very Grave, Say Local Physicians.” World 13 Sept. 1901 v42n14633: p. 3. VIEW

“The Criminal, Czolgosz.” Medical News 4 Jan. 1902 v80n1: p. 36. VIEW

“The Czolgosz Autopsy.” New-York Tribune 3 Dec. 1901 v61n20106: p. 9. VIEW

“Czolgosz Executed in Auburn Prison.” Afro-American-Ledger 2 Nov. 1901 v10n13: p. [2]. VIEW

“Czolgosz, President’s Assassin,—Refusing Spiritual Consolation—Executed in the Auburn Prison.” National Police Gazette 16 Nov. 1901 v79n1265: p. 7. VIEW

“Czolgosz to Die at 7 Tomorrow.” Chicago Daily Tribune 28 Oct. 1901 v60n301: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“Czolgosz Will Die a Sane Man.” Post Express 12 Oct. 1901 v43n107: p. 1. VIEW

“Czolgosz’s Body Dissected and Buried in Acid.” Philadelphia Record 30 Oct. 1901 n10832: pp. 1, 3. VIEW

“Czolgosz’s Brain Normal.” St. Louis Post-Dispatch 29 Oct. 1901 v54n69: p. 2. VIEW

“Czolgosz’s State of Mind.” Burlington Hawk-Eye 22 Sept. 1901 v63n89: p. 1. VIEW

“Death of President McKinley.” International Clinics 1902 v1 (12th series): pp. 300-02. VIEW

“Echoes and News.” Medical News 2 Nov. 1901 v79n18: pp. 704-07. VIEW

“Electrician Describes Execution.” St. Louis Post-Dispatch 29 Oct. 1901 v54n69: p. 1. VIEW

Ellis, Havelock. “Additional Notes to Fourth Edition” [appendix E]. The Criminal. 4th ed., rev. and enlarged. London: Walter Scott Publishing, 1913: pp. 412-32. VIEW

“Final Report in the Czolgosz Case.” American Journal of Insanity Jan. 1902 v58n3: p. 542. VIEW

Graham, George Edward. “A Nation Is Avenged.” Auburn Weekly Bulletin 29 Oct. 1901 v20n87: p. 1. VIEW

Graham, George S. “The Trial of Czolgosz.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 19 Oct. 1901 v8n16: p. 649. VIEW

Halstead, Murat. “The Author’s Letter: From the Scene of Execution and the Autopsy of the Assassin.” The Illustrious Life of William McKinley, Our Martyred President. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 465-72. VIEW

Hughes, Charles Hamilton. “Medical Aspects of the Czolgosz Case.” Alienist and Neurologist Jan. 1902 v23n1: pp. 40-52. VIEW

“Humane, Decent, Orderly.” Auburn Weekly Bulletin 1 Nov. 1901 v20n88: p. 5. VIEW

“An Impressive Scene.” Madison County Times 1 Nov. 1901 v32n14: p. [3]. VIEW

“Items and Notes.” Medical Age 10 Dec. 1901 v19n23: pp. 898-901. VIEW

“[MacDonald, Carlos F.].” Biographical Directory of the State of New York, 1900. New York: Biographical Directory, 1900: p. 281. VIEW

MacDonald, Carlos F. “The Execution of Czolgosz.” Medical News 9 Nov. 1901 v79n19: pp. 752-53. VIEW

Parker, LeRoy. “The Trial of the Anarchist Murderer Czolgosz.” Yale Law Journal Dec. 1901 v11n2: pp. 80-94. VIEW

“A Phelps Man at the Execution.” Phelps Citizen 31 Oct. 1901 v70n40: p. [3?]. VIEW

“Proceedings in the Czolgosz Case.” American Journal of Insanity Oct. 1901 v58n2: pp. 315-17. VIEW

Putnam, James W. “The Opinion of an Expert Who Examined Czolgosz.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 19 Oct. 1901 v8n16: pp. 650-51. VIEW

Ravogli, A. “Syphilis in Relation to Degeneracy” [chapter 2]. Syphilis in Its Medical, Medico-Legal and Sociological Aspects. New York: Grafton Press, 1907: pp. 343-411. VIEW

Russell, James. “The Psychology of Anarchism.” Proceedings of the American Medico-Psychological Association. [n.p.]: American Medico-Psychological Association, 1902: pp. 178-93. VIEW

“Saw the Assassin Die.” Buffalo Morning Express 30 Oct. 1901 v56n248: p. 7. VIEW

“Seat Number ‘13’ Is Banished from Court.” Buffalo Courier 23 Sept. 1901 v66n266: pp. 1, 6. VIEW

Skinner, Charles R. “Story of McKinley’s Assassination.” State Service Apr. 1919 v3n4: pp. 20-24. VIEW

Steep, Thomas W. “Czolgosz May Never Live to Reach Electric Death Chair.” Buffalo Courier 28 Oct. 1901 v66n301: pp. 1-2. VIEW

Steep, Thomas W. “Czolgosz’s Last Hours and Death.” Buffalo Courier 29 Oct. 1901 v66n302: pp. 1-2. VIEW

“Trial of the Assassin.” Daily Picayune 22 Sept. 1901 v65n241: part 1, p. 1. VIEW

Vizetelly, Ernest Alfred. “King Humbert—Bresci—President McKinley—Czolgosz (1898-1901)” [chapter 10]. The Anarchists: Their Faith and Their Record. London: Lane, 1911: pp. 240-59. VIEW

Wilson, George R. “Anarchism: The Insanity of Delusive Expedient.” Scottish Medical and Surgical Journal Mar. 1902 v10n3: pp. 206-08. VIEW


 Macdonald, E. M.

Crine, L. D. “Anarchy and God.” Truth Seeker 28 Sept. 1901 v28n39: p. 617. VIEW


 Macdonald, George E.

James, C. L. “A Reply.” Free Society 22 June 1902 v9n25: pp. 5-6. VIEW


 Macfarland, Henry B. F.

“Apropos of Mr. McKinley’s Death.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Nov. 1901 v24n5: p. 532. VIEW

Macfarland, Henry B. F. “The McKinley Memorial Arch.” Saturday Evening Post 30 Nov. 1901 v174n22: p. 13. VIEW

“The Milburn Home.” New York Times 7 Sept. 1901 v50n16121: p. 6. VIEW

“Program for the Funeral Services in Washington Today.” Chicago Daily Tribune 17 Sept. 1901 v60n260: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“Will Work for M’Kinley Arch.” Buffalo Evening News 31 Oct. 1901 v43n18: p. 7. VIEW


 Mackay, Donald Sage

“The First Collegiate.” Evangelist 19 Sept. 1901 v72n38: p. 4. VIEW


 Mackay, John Henry

“Anarchy,—the Modern Scape-Goat.” Co-Operator Aug. 1904 v8n207: pp. 19-22. VIEW

Fox, Jay. “Roosevelt, Czolgosz and Anarchy.” Roosevelt, Czolgosz and Anarchy; and Communism. By Jay Fox and Henry Addis. [New York]: New York Anarchists, [1902?]: pp. 2-13. VIEW


 Mackay, John William

“Mackay’s Remedy.” Daily Picayune 17 Sept. 1901 v65n236: p. 1. VIEW


 Mackenzie, Morell

“Our London Letter.” Medical News 5 Oct. 1901 v79n14: pp. 552-53. VIEW


 MacNeil, Hermon A.

Brush, E. H. “McKinley Memorials in Sculpture.” American Review of Reviews Oct. 1907 v36n4: pp. 467-71. VIEW

“McKinley Memorial.” Ohio Emblems and Monuments. Comp. C. B. Galbreath. [n.p.]: Board of Library Commissioners, [1907?]: pp. 27-28. VIEW

“Memorials to McKinley: Monuments That Have Been, and Are to Be, Erected in Honor of the Slain President.” Craftsman Oct. 1905 v9: pp. 23-35. VIEW

Olcott, Charles S. “The McKinley Monuments” [appendix 3]. The Life of William McKinley. Vol. 2. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1916: pp. 389-95. VIEW


 Madden, Edwin C.

“McKinley Postal Cards Soon to Be Issued.” Timely Topics 18 Oct. 1901 v6n7: pp. 104-05. VIEW


 Mademoiselle La Belle

SEE La Belle, Mademoiselle


 Madison, James

[untitled]. Public 21 Sept. 1901 v4n181: pp. 369-72. VIEW

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW

Masters, Edgar Lee. “Theodore Roosevelt.” The New Star Chamber and Other Essays. Chicago: Hammersmark Publishing, 1904: pp. 25-36. VIEW

P., M. T. “Two Kinds of Anarchists.” Comet 18 Apr. 1907 v24n1188: p. [2]. VIEW

Wambaugh, Eugene. “The Nation and the Anarchists.” Green Bag Oct. 1901 v13n10: pp. 461-63. VIEW


 Maggio, Antonio

[untitled]. Sentinel 17 Apr. 1902 v9n37 (new series): p. 1. VIEW

“Anarchist Maggio Knows Much.” Iowa State Register 13 Sept. 1901 v46n216: p. 1. VIEW

“Death of the President.” Christian Observer 18 Sept. 1901 v89n38: p. 23. VIEW

“Maggio Bound Over.” Daily Picayune 13 Sept. 1901 v65n232: part 1, p. 7. VIEW

“The Maggio Case.” Santa Fe New Mexican 25 Sept. 1901 v38n186: p. 1. VIEW

“Maggio Trial.” Albuquerque Daily Citizen 25 Sept. 1901 v15n263: p. 1. VIEW

“President’s Assassination Predicted.” Iowa State Register 7 Sept. 1901 v46n210: p. 2. VIEW

“Too Bad, Too Bad.” Marion Daily Star 16 Sept. 1901 v24n252: p. [4]. VIEW


 Maggio, Frank

“Anarchist Maggio Knows Much.” Iowa State Register 13 Sept. 1901 v46n216: p. 1. VIEW


 Magonigle, Harold Van Buren

“The American Architect and the American Public: The Case of the McKinley Monument.” Architectural Record Jan. 1908 v23n1: pp. 1-4. VIEW

Brush, E. H. “McKinley Memorials in Sculpture.” American Review of Reviews Oct. 1907 v36n4: pp. 467-71. VIEW


 Magruder, Benjamin D.

[untitled]. Central Law Journal 27 Sept. 1901 v53n13: pp. 241-42. VIEW


 Maguire, James G.

Maguire, James G. “Judge Maguire’s Tribute.” Health Magazine Nov. 1901 v12n5: pp. 147-49. VIEW


 Maguire, John E.

“Savannah Remembers Him.” News and Courier 10 Sept. 1901: p. 1. VIEW


 Maguire, Matthew

“McKinley, William.—March 4, 1897-Sept. 14, 1901.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW


 Maher, Tot (a.k.a. Agnes Maher)

[untitled]. Minneapolis Journal 20 Sept. 1901: p. 16. VIEW


 Mahley, Elizabeth

“Two Syracuse Women Saw President M’Kinley Shot.” Evening Telegram [Syracuse] 9 Sept. 1901 v45n19: p. [3?]. VIEW


 Mahon, L. D.

“Dies to Follow M’Kinley.” Chicago Daily Tribune 19 Sept. 1901 v60n262: part 1, p. 5. VIEW


 Maischoss, Frank

“Corporation Proceedings” [Board of Aldermen]. Proceedings of the Common Council of the City of Buffalo 14 Sept. 1901 n36: pp. 1505-06. VIEW


 Majilton (a.k.a. Majilton, the Funny Man)

[advertisement]. New York Times 3 Nov. 1901 v51n16169: p. 17. VIEW


 Makepeace, Frank Barrows

“The Church Universal and the Attempted Assassination.” Congregationalist and Christian World 14 Sept. 1901 v86n37: p. 396. VIEW


 Makins, George Henry

Vibrator. “The Most Recent Notorious Exhibition of Medical Fallacy.” Vegetarian and Our Fellow Creatures 15 Nov. 1901 v6n2: pp. 37, 39, 41, 43. VIEW


 Malachi (Biblical personage)

Tichenor, Harry M. “Suicides and Martyrs.” Free Society 15 June 1902 v9n24: p. 6. VIEW


 Malatesta, Errico

Ellis, Havelock. “Additional Notes to Fourth Edition” [appendix E]. The Criminal. 4th ed., rev. and enlarged. London: Walter Scott Publishing, 1913: pp. 412-32. VIEW

“‘I Am Sorry’ Is Statement of Czolgosz.” Buffalo Evening Times 27 Sept. 1901 v36n11: p. 7. VIEW

“John Most’s Great Scheme.” New-York Tribune 25 Dec. 1901 v61n20128: p. 3. VIEW

“Malatesta.” Cleveland Press 13 Sept. 1901 n7248: p. [6]. VIEW

“Radical Comment on the President’s Assassination.” Literary Digest 21 Sept. 1901 v23n12: pp. 336-37. VIEW

“Recent Events.” Phrenological Journal and Phrenological Magazine Oct. 1901 v112n4: pp. 133-36. VIEW

Robertson, Edward Stanley. “Anarchy and Assassination.” Liberty Review 15 Oct. 1901 v10n10 (new series): p. 230. VIEW

Scott, Montagu. “How Some Anarchists Are Made.” Arrow 21 Sept. 1901 n284: p. 4. VIEW

Spitzka, Edward C. “The Czolgosz Case.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 26 Oct. 1901 v8n17: pp. 693-95. VIEW


 Malcolm, John W.

Severy, Melvin L. “The Lawlessness of the Law. Strikes and Injunctions” [chapter 3]. Gillette’s Social Redemption. Boston: Herbert B. Turner, 1907: book 6, pp. 295-310. VIEW


 Malloney, Joseph F.

“McKinley, William.—March 4, 1897-Sept. 14, 1901.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW


 Mallory, Stephen Russell

“Our Monthly Talk.” Medical World Oct. 1901 v19n10: pp. 449-52. VIEW


 Malloy, John C.

“Burns Out Buffalo Police.” New York Times 2 Nov. 1907 v57n18179: p. 1. VIEW


 Malloy, John R.

“Detective Humble Visits Czolgosz.” Bellefontaine Republican 13 Sept. 1901 v47n74: p. [2]. VIEW


 Malone, Dana

“News About Home.” Gazette and Courier 14 Sept. 1901 v110n35: part 1, pp. 3-4. VIEW


 Maloney, Frank

“Burns Out Buffalo Police.” New York Times 2 Nov. 1907 v57n18179: p. 1. VIEW


 Maloney, John

“Fred Ellis Answered the Ambulance Call.” Niagara Falls Gazette 7 Sept. 1901 v9n149: p. 1. VIEW


 Mammy (fictional character)

Bibbins, Ruthella Mory. “‘Madame Too-So’s Wax-Wu’ks’” [chapter 15]. Mammy ’Mongst the Wild Nations of Europe. New York: Frederick A. Stokes, 1904: pp. 146-51. VIEW


 Manchester, C. E.

Barton, Frederick. “A Christian Gentleman: William McKinley.” Chautauquan Nov. 1901 v34n2: pp. 134-37. VIEW

“Canton Has Martyr Dead.” Norfolk Weekly News-Journal 20 Sept. 1901: p. 5. VIEW

“The Closing Scenes.” The Heroic Life of William McKinley, Our Third Martyr President. Boston: DeWolfe, Fiske, 1902: pp. 35-44. VIEW

“The Last Honors to President McKinley.” Outlook 28 Sept. 1901 v69n4: pp. 197-98. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “The Last Home-Coming to Canton” [chapter 23]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 365-78. VIEW

Olcott, Charles S. “The Tragedy at Buffalo” [chapter 34]. The Life of William McKinley. Vol. 2. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1916: pp. 313-33. VIEW

“President McKinley Buried at Canton.” Timely Topics 27 Sept. 1901 v6n4: pp. 52-53. VIEW

“Services at the Church.” Evening Bulletin 20 Sept. 1901 v20n256: p. 1. VIEW

Snow, Jane Elliott. “Opinions of Noted Men” [chapter 17]. The Life of William McKinley, Twenty-Fifth President of the United States. Cleveland: Imperial Press, 1908: pp. 89-90. VIEW

“Statue of President M’Kinley.” Norwich Bulletin 6 Oct. 1917 v59n339: p. 1. VIEW


 Mann, Edward C.

“The Attempted Assassination of President McKinley.” Medical Record 14 Sept. 1901 v60n11: pp. 417-18. VIEW

“The Emergency Hospital at the Buffalo Exposition.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 12 Oct. 1901 v8n15: p. 578. VIEW

Lee, Edward Wallace. “Wounds Described.” Topeka State Journal 9 Sept. 1901 v28n214: pp. 1, 3. VIEW

“Minor Intelligence.” Physician and Surgeon Apr. 1909 v31n4: pp. 185-87. VIEW

“M’Kinley Tragedy.” Paducah Evening Sun 12 Mar. 1909 v25n61: p. 8. VIEW

“The President’s Case.” Red Cross Notes 1901 s3n9: pp. 191-96. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M. “Medical and Surgical Report of the Case of the Late President of the United States.” Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 297-318. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M., Matthew D. Mann, Herman Mynter, Roswell Park, Eugene Wasdin, Charles McBurney, and Charles G. Stockton. “The Case of President McKinley.” Medical Record 19 Oct. 1901 v60n16: pp. 601-06. VIEW

Wilson, Nelson W. “Details of President McKinley’s Case.” Buffalo Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v41n3 (new series): pp. 207-25. VIEW


 Mann, Matthew D.

[untitled]. New York Magazine of Mysteries Oct. 1901 v1n6: p. [161]. VIEW

[untitled]. Post 23 Oct. 1901 v17n51: p. 1. VIEW

[untitled]. Semi-Weekly Interior Journal 20 Dec. 1901 v29n84: p. [2]. VIEW

“American News and Notes.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 21 Sept. 1901 v8n12: pp. 466-69. VIEW

“An Anarchist Shoots the President at the Pan-American Exposition.” Leslie’s Weekly 9 Sept. 1901 v93: [no pagination]. VIEW

“The Assassination of President McKinley.” Carolina Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v47n10: pp. 377-79. VIEW

“The Assassination of President McKinley.” New York Lancet Oct. 1901 v22n10: pp. 243-44. VIEW

“The Assassination of the President.” Denver Medical Times Oct. 1901 v21n4: pp. 193-94. VIEW

“The Attempted Assassination of President McKinley.” Medical Record 14 Sept. 1901 v60n11: pp. 417-18. VIEW

“The Attempted Assassination of President McKinley.” Virginia Medical Semi-Monthly 13 Sept. 1901 v6n10: p. 267. VIEW

“Authoritative Description of the Operation Performed on the President.” Daily Picayune 13 Sept. 1901 v65n232: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“Autopsy on the President.” Sunday News 15 Sept. 1901: p. 1. VIEW

“Awaiting a Full Report.” New-York Tribune 17 Sept. 1901 v61n20029: p. 6. VIEW

Banks, Charles Eugene, and Le Roy Armstrong. “Succeeds to the Presidency” [chapter 19]. Theodore Roosevelt, Twenty-Sixth President of the United States. Chicago: S. Stone, 1901: pp. 369-78. VIEW

“Better Than Yesterday.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle 13 Sept. 1901 v61n254: p. 1. VIEW

“A Card from the Doctors.” News and Courier 18 Sept. 1901: p. 1. VIEW

Carney, R. [untitled]. Detroit Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v1n7: p. 206. VIEW

“The Case of President McKinley.” Homeopathic Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Pediatrics Nov. 1901 v23n6: pp. 571-72. VIEW

“[?] Case of President McKinley.” International Medical Magazine Oct. 1901 v10n10: pp. 633-34. VIEW

“The Case of President McKinley.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 21 Sept. 1901 v8n12: pp. 480-81. VIEW

“Case of the Late President M’Kinley.” Southern Practitioner Nov. 1901 v23n11: pp. 517-21. VIEW

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW

“The Cincinnati Obstetrical Society.” Cincinnati Lancet-Clinic 24 Jan. 1903 v50 (new series): pp. 92-94. VIEW

“Cincinnati Woman Nursed M’Kinley.” Commercial Tribune 13 Sept. 1901 v6n91: p. 10. VIEW

Creelman, James. “McKinley, the Forgiving” [chapter 20]. On the Great Highway. Boston: Lothrop Publishing, 1901: pp. 403-18. VIEW

“The Crime and Its Results.” Gunton’s Magazine Oct. 1901 v21n4: pp. 292-93. VIEW

“Criticism of the Medical Attendants of President McKinley.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 28 Sept. 1901 v8n13: p. 499. VIEW

“The Critics.” Eclectic Review 15 Oct. 1901 v4n10: p. 312. VIEW

“Czolgosz Case Now Before the Grand Jury.” Buffalo Evening News 16 Sept. 1901 v42n134: p. 1. VIEW

“Czolgosz on Trial.” Morning Oregonian 24 Sept. 1901 v41n12725: p. 1. VIEW

“Czolgosz Will Die a Sane Man.” Post Express 12 Oct. 1901 v43n107: p. 1. VIEW

“Death of President McKinley.” Hot Springs Medical Journal 15 Oct. 1901 v10n10: pp. 309-11. VIEW

“Death of President McKinley.” International Clinics 1902 v1 (12th series): pp. 300-02. VIEW

“Death of President McKinley.” Medical Dial Oct. 1901 v3n10: pp. 241-42. VIEW

“Death of the President.” Christian Observer 18 Sept. 1901 v89n38: p. 23. VIEW

“The Deed.” Outlook 14 Sept. 1901 v69n2: pp. 95-96. VIEW

“Dowie Will Pray for the President.” Dayton Evening Herald 9 Sept. 1901 v21: p. 5. VIEW

“Dr. Lee Describes Momentous Operation.” Buffalo Review 9 Sept. 1901 v19n80: p. 7. VIEW

“Dr. N. J. Senn on M’Kinley’s Hurts.” Chicago Daily News 6 Sept. 1901 v26n214: part 1, p. 1. VIEW

“Echoes and News.” Medical News 21 Sept. 1901 v79n12: pp. 470-74. VIEW

Everett, Marshall. “The Assassination of President McKinley” [chapter 1]. Complete Life of William McKinley and Story of His Assassination. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 33-40. VIEW

Fairbairn, Henry A. “Unfounded Criticism.” Brooklyn Medical Journal Dec. 1901 v15n12: pp. 709-10. VIEW

Ferris, Ralph H. “McKinley’s Doctors Want an Appropriation.” Physical Culture Jan. 1902 v6n4: p. 181. VIEW

Fowler, Charles Henry. “William McKinley.” Patriotic Orations. Ed. Carl Hitchcock Fowler. New York: Eaton and Mains, 1910: pp. 189-244. VIEW

“Great Surgeon Was Blunt.” Silverton Standard 21 Mar. 1903 v14n17: p. 10. VIEW

“Harmony Among the President’s Doctors.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 28 Sept. 1901 v8n13: p. 500. VIEW

“Harmony Among the President’s Surgeons.” Medical Record 21 Sept. 1901 v60n12: p. 460. VIEW

Hayd, H. E. “Matthew D. Mann, M.D., 1845-1921.” American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Apr. 1921 v1n7: p. 782. VIEW

“‘Heart Affection Probable Cause.’” Philadelphia Inquirer 14 Sept. 1901 v145n76: p. 6. VIEW

Hemmeter, John C. “Hopeful of Recovery.” Sun [Baltimore] 7 Sept. 1901 v129n98: p. 1. VIEW

Hopkins, Grace Porter. “Grief Replaces Joy at Buffalo.” Ogdensburg Journal 9 Sept. 1901: p. [4]. VIEW

“How Dr. Mann Was Brought.” Milwaukee Sentinel 14 Sept. 1901 n23689: p. 8. VIEW

“A Lapse from Life into the Sleep of Death.” Daily Picayune 14 Sept. 1901 v65n233: part 1, p. 10. VIEW

“The Late President McKinley.” Canadian Practitioner and Review Nov. 1901 v26n11: pp. 633-37. VIEW

Lee, Edward Wallace. “Wounds Described.” Topeka State Journal 9 Sept. 1901 v28n214: pp. 1, 3. VIEW

Marshall, L. V. “A Representative Stenographer.” Typewriter and Phonographic World Oct. 1901 v18n2: pp. 103-05. VIEW

Matthews, Franklin. “The President’s Last Days.” Harper’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v45n2335: p. 943. VIEW

“The Medical Society of the State of New York.” Albany Medical Annals Nov. 1901 v22n11: pp. 620-21. VIEW

“The Medical Treatment.” Burlington Hawk-Eye 17 Sept. 1901 v63n85: p. 3. VIEW

“Minor Intelligence.” Physician and Surgeon Apr. 1909 v31n4: pp. 185-87. VIEW

“Minutes of the Proceedings of the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania, at Its Fifty-First Annual Session, Held at Philadelphia, Sep. 17, 24, 25 and 26, 1901.” Pennsylvania Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v5n1: pp. 42-56. VIEW

“Mississippi Valley Medical Association.” Medical Fortnightly 25 Sept. 1901 v20n6: pp. 635-38. VIEW

“The M’Kinley Doctor Bills.” Buffalo Evening News 1 Mar. 1902 v43n118: p. 6. VIEW

“M’Kinley Jokes with Dr. Mann.” Chicago Daily Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v60n253: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“M’Kinley Tragedy.” Paducah Evening Sun 12 Mar. 1909 v25n61: p. 8. VIEW

“The Month.” Post-Graduate Oct. 1901 v16n10: pp. 874-78. VIEW

“The Month.” Post-Graduate Nov. 1901 v16n11: pp. 1006-10. VIEW

“Mr. McKinley’s Humor.” Florence Times 27 Sept. 1901 v12n13: p. [7]. VIEW

“Mr. M’Kinley’s Doctor Reads His Report.” New York Times 16 Oct. 1901 v51n16154: p. 1. VIEW

“The Murder of the President of the United States.” St. Paul Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v3n10: pp. 684-85. VIEW

“No Trace of Poison Is Found.” San Francisco Call 12 Sept. 1901 v90n104: p. 2. VIEW

“Notes and News.” Western Medical Review 15 Nov. 1901 v6n11: pp. 351-53. VIEW

“The Official Report of President McKinley’s Case.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 26 Oct. 1901 v8n17: pp. 663-64. VIEW

Olcott, Charles S. “The Tragedy at Buffalo” [chapter 34]. The Life of William McKinley. Vol. 2. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1916: pp. 313-33. VIEW

Park, Roswell. “Reminiscences of McKinley Week.” Selected Papers, Surgical and Scientific. Buffalo: [n.p.], 1914: pp. 374-81. VIEW

Parmenter, John. “The Surgery in President McKinley’s Case.” Buffalo Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v41n3 (new series): pp. 205-06. VIEW

“The People of the State of New York Against Leon F. Czolgosz.” Unpublished trial transcript. 23-24, 26 Sept. 1901. VIEW

“Pharmaceutical Aspect of the National Tragedy.” Pharmaceutical Era 26 Sept. 1901 v26n13: pp. 357-60. VIEW

“The Poisoned Bullet Theory.” Sunday News 15 Sept. 1901: p. 2. VIEW

“The Postmortem on the Late President.” Physician and Surgeon Sept. 1901 v23n9: p. 427. VIEW

“President McKinley Shot.” Independent 12 Sept. 1901 v53n2754: pp. 2139-40. VIEW

“President M’Kinley Shot.” Chicago Daily News 6 Sept. 1901 v26n214: part 1, p. 1. VIEW

“President Shot.” Enterprise [Lancaster] 7 Sept. 1901 v6n75: p. 1. VIEW

“The President’s Case.” Hot Springs Medical Journal 15 Oct. 1901 v10n10: pp. 305-09. VIEW

“The President’s Case.” Medical News 14 Sept. 1901 v79n11: pp. 401-04. VIEW

“The President’s Case.” Medical News 21 Sept. 1901 v79n12: pp. 465-67. VIEW

“The President’s Case.” Red Cross Notes 1901 s3n9: pp. 191-96. VIEW

“The President’s Last Words Attested.” Friend 19 Oct. 1901 v75n14: pp. 105-06. VIEW

“Professional Opinions of Prominent Surgeons Regarding the President’s Wounds.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 14 Sept. 1901 v8n11: pp. 438-39. VIEW

“Rixey Files His Report.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 27 Oct. 1901 v60n300: part 1, p. 6. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M. “Medical and Surgical Report of the Case of the Late President of the United States.” Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 297-318. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M., Matthew D. Mann, Herman Mynter, Roswell Park, Eugene Wasdin, Charles McBurney, and Charles G. Stockton. “The Case of President McKinley.” Medical Record 19 Oct. 1901 v60n16: pp. 601-06. VIEW

“Science Fights Death.” Congregationalist and Christian World 14 Sept. 1901 v86n37: p. 379. VIEW

Smith, Nicholas. “Nearer, My God, to Thee” [chapter 21]. Hymns Historically Famous. Chicago: Advance Publishing, 1901: pp. 174-82. VIEW

“Solid Food Given to the President.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle 12 Sept. 1901 v61n253: p. 1. VIEW

“Some Brief Notes Concerning the President’s Surgeons at Buffalo.” Medical News 14 Sept. 1901 v79n11: pp. 424-25. VIEW

“Some Points in the President’s Case.” Alabama Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v12n11: pp. 607-08. VIEW

Stockton, Charles G. “Roswell Park: A Memoir.” Publications of the Buffalo Historical Society 1918 v22: pp. 91-111. VIEW

Stockwell, G. Archie. [untitled]. Detroit Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v1n7: p. 206. VIEW

“The Surgical and Medical Treatment of President McKinley.” Journal of Medicine and Science Oct. 1901 v7n11: pp. 389-90. VIEW

“These Men Were Cool While Terror Reigned.” Enterprise [Sheridan] 28 Sept. 1901 v14n45: p. [6]. VIEW

“Time Factor in M’Kinley’s Case.” Chicago Daily Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v60n253: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

Townsend, G. W. “Chapter XXIV.” Memorial Life of William McKinley. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 460-66. VIEW

“Was Composed.” Stark County Democrat 17 Sept. 1901 v67n135: p. 8. VIEW

Wellman, Walter. “The Last Days of President M’Kinley: His Visit to Buffalo, the Tragedy, and the Nation’s Mourning.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Oct. 1901 v24n4: pp. 414-30. VIEW

“What Moved Czolgosz.” New-York Tribune 9 Sept. 1901 v61n20021: p. 1. VIEW

Wilson, Nelson W. “Details of President McKinley’s Case.” Buffalo Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v41n3 (new series): pp. 207-25. VIEW

“The ‘Wise Men of Greece.’” Animals’ Defender Dec. 1901 v6n12: pp. 6-7. VIEW


 Mann, Tom

Hunter, Robert. “Seeking the Causes” [chapter 6]. Violence and the Labor Movement. New York: Macmillan, 1919: 90-122. VIEW


 Manners, William

Clowes, W. Laird. “President Roosevelt.” Nineteenth Century and After Oct. 1901 v50n296: pp. 529-35. VIEW


 Manning, Frank J.

“Issued Czolgosz Marriage License.” Times [Richmond] 22 Sept. 1901 v16n195: part 1, p. 1. VIEW


 Manning, John O.

“Corporation Proceedings” [Board of Aldermen]. Proceedings of the Common Council of the City of Buffalo 14 Sept. 1901 n36: pp. 1505-06. VIEW

“Corporation Proceedings” [Board of Councilmen]. Proceedings of the Common Council of the City of Buffalo 14 Sept. 1901 n36: pp. 1507-08. VIEW


 Manouvrier, Léonce

Drahms, August. “Leon F. Czolgosz: A Descriptive Analysis on the Basis of the Bertillon System of Identification.” Alienist and Neurologist Jan. 1902 v23n1: pp. 53-57. VIEW


 Mansergh, James

“Minutes of Meetings: Of the Society.” Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers Oct. 1901 v27n8: pp. 213-18. VIEW


 Mansfield, T. B.

Mansfield, T. B. “Bullet vs. Prayer.” Blue Grass Blade 27 Oct. 1901 v10n36: p. [3]. VIEW


 Marat, Jean-Paul

“Hearst a Coward as Well as an Assassin.” Jersey City News 14 Sept. 1901 v13n3780: p. [4]. VIEW

Lydston, G. Frank. “Social Hysteria.” Texas Medical Journal May 1908 v23n11: pp. 437-43. VIEW

“The Mental Condition of Political Assassins.” American Journal of Insanity Oct. 1901 v58n2: pp. 317-19. VIEW

Mills, Charles K. “Political Assassinations in Some of Their Relations to Psychiatry and Legal Medicine.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 26 Oct. 1901 v8n17: pp. 688-92. VIEW

“Roosevelt Too, Says Most.” New-York Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v61n20022: p. 3. VIEW

“‘Yellow’ Journalism.” Greenville Times 5 Oct. 1901 v34n9: p. [4]. VIEW


 Marcus, Mary

“Girl Insane Over M’Kinley’s Death.” Buffalo Enquirer 16 Sept. 1901 v58n41: p. 10. VIEW


 Marès, Roland de

“The Foreign Press on the Assassination.” Literary Digest 5 Oct. 1901 v23n14: pp. 409-10. VIEW


 Margherita, Queen of Italy

“President McKinley: What the World Thought of Him.” Outlook 21 Sept. 1901 v69n3: pp. 162-65. VIEW

“Queen Margherita Affected.” Madison County Times 13 Sept. 1901 v32n7: p. [3]. VIEW


 Maria Theresa, Archduchess of Austria and Queen of Hungary and Bohemia

Hamilton, J. W. “William McKinley.” Contemporary Review Oct. 1901 v80: pp. 457-62. VIEW


 Mariamne I, Queen of Judea (second wife of Herod)

Lloyd, Charles Edward. “The Pan-American.” Weekly Tallahasseean 27 Sept. 1901 v21n31: p. 6. VIEW


 Mariana, Juan de

James, C. L. “Who Killed McKinley?” Free Society 28 Dec. 1902 v9n52: pp. 2-3. VIEW

Kinghorn-Jones, J. Alfred. “Open Letter to Senator Hoar.” Free Society 9 Feb. 1902 v9n6: pp. 2-3. VIEW


 Marie-Antoinette, Queen of France

Mills, Charles K. “Political Assassinations in Some of Their Relations to Psychiatry and Legal Medicine.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 26 Oct. 1901 v8n17: pp. 688-92. VIEW


 Marion, Francis

“Is M’Kinley Forgotten So Soon?” Blue Grass Blade 14 Sept. 1902 v11n30: p. [3]. VIEW


 Marius, Gaius

Fowler, Charles Henry. “William McKinley.” Patriotic Orations. Ed. Carl Hitchcock Fowler. New York: Eaton and Mains, 1910: pp. 189-244. VIEW


 Marquis de Lafayette

SEE Lafayette, Marie Joseph


 Marquis de Sade

SEE Sade, Donatien Alphonse François


 Marshal Ney

SEE Ney, Michel, duc d’Elchingen


 Marshall, Hiram

“Driven Insane.” Houston Daily Post 15 Sept. 1901 n164: p. 5. VIEW


 Marshall, John

“Legal Status of One Who Assaults the President.” Case and Comment Sept. 1901 v8n4: pp. 182-84. VIEW

Richards, John K. “A Present Peril.” American Law Review May-June 1902 v36n3: pp. 405-11. VIEW


 Marshall, Stephen

“Salvation Army Will Dedicate a Baby.” St. Joseph Gazette-Herald 15 Sept. 1901 v111n46: sect. 2, p. 8. VIEW


 Marsters, John

“[Crego, Floyd S.].” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 3, p. 454. VIEW


 Martin, F. L.

Hopkins, Grace Porter. “History Made at Buffalo.” Ogdensburg Journal 20 Sept. 1901: p. [2]. VIEW


 Martin, James

Dennis, Howard. “Emma Goldman and the Cleveland Anarchists.” Modern Culture Nov. 1901 v14n3: pp. 180-82. VIEW


 Martin, John (a)

“Anti-Lynching Bill.” Buffalo Enquirer 1 Feb. 1922 v78n122: p. 4. VIEW

Bull, William S. “Police Superintendent’s Report.” Annual Report of the Board of Police of the City of Buffalo. Buffalo: Wenborne-Sumner, 1902: pp. 7-48. VIEW

“Crime Is Hated by His Family.” Atlanta Constitution 25 Sept. 1901 v34: p. 3. VIEW

Czolgosz, Leon. [untitled]. Senate Documents. Vol. 12. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1919: pp. 62-64. VIEW

“Investigation Activities of the Department of Justice.” Senate Documents. Vol. 12. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1919. VIEW

“Statement of Leon F. Czolgosz, Taken at Police Headquarters, 10.30 P. M., September 6, 1901, by Mr. Penney.” Senate Documents. Vol. 12. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1919: pp. 64-74. VIEW


 Martin, John (b)

“Murderer in a Cell.” Auburn Bulletin 27 Sept. 1901 v76n6766: p. 1. VIEW

Steep, Thomas W. “Czolgosz May Never Live to Reach Electric Death Chair.” Buffalo Courier 28 Oct. 1901 v66n301: pp. 1-2. VIEW


 Martin, Thomas Staples

“Anxiety in London.” Madison County Times 13 Sept. 1901 v32n7: p. [3]. VIEW


 Martineau, Harriet

Doyle, Patrick F. “Moral Consequences of Agnostic Teaching.” Holy Cross Purple Feb. 1903 v15n5: pp. 253-61. VIEW

“Juvenilia.” Nation 3 Oct. 1901 v73n1892: p. 258. VIEW


 Martinelli, Sebastiano

“Pope Expresses His Indignation.” New York Times 8 Sept. 1901 v50n16121: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“Pope Prays for President.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 8 Sept. 1901 v60n251: part 1, p. 4. VIEW

“The Pope Sends a Message.” Iowa State Register 8 Sept. 1901 v46n211: p. 1. VIEW

“The Pope Sends a Message.” Iowa State Register 9 Sept. 1901 v46n212: p. 1. VIEW


 Martinez, Philip

Olcott, Charles S. “The McKinley Monuments” [appendix 3]. The Life of William McKinley. Vol. 2. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1916: pp. 389-95. VIEW


 Martínez Silva, Carlos

“The Return of Diplomats.” Washington Times 9 Sept. 1901 n2661: p. 2. VIEW


 Martins de Pinho, Alfredo Montanha

Spitzka, Edward C. “The Czolgosz Case.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 26 Oct. 1901 v8n17: pp. 693-95. VIEW


 Martiny, Philip

Brush, E. H. “McKinley Memorials in Sculpture.” American Review of Reviews Oct. 1907 v36n4: pp. 467-71. VIEW

“Bust of Mr. McKinley.” New York Times 27 Oct. 1901 v51n16163: part 1, p. 5. VIEW

“Memorials to McKinley: Monuments That Have Been, and Are to Be, Erected in Honor of the Slain President.” Craftsman Oct. 1905 v9: pp. 23-35. VIEW


 Marvin, Ulysses L.

[untitled]. Weekly Law Bulletin and the Ohio Law Journal 16 Sept. 1901 v46: p. 123. VIEW


 Marx, Karl

[untitled]. Star of the Magi 1 Oct. 1901 v2n12: p. 16. VIEW

“Assassination a Fruit of Socialism.” Social-Democrat 15 Oct. 1901 v5n10: pp. 310-12. VIEW

Johnson, Francis. “Assassination of William McKinley” [chapter 24]. Famous Assassinations of History. Chicago: A. C. McClurg, 1903: pp. 381-95. VIEW

Langtoft, Geoffrey. “Assassination a Fruit of Socialism.” Fortnightly Review 1 Oct. 1901 v70n418 (new series): pp. 571-80. VIEW

“Radical Comment on the President’s Assassination.” Literary Digest 21 Sept. 1901 v23n12: pp. 336-37. VIEW

S. “Will This Induce Us to Respect Authority.” Freedom Nov. 1901 v15n162: p. 66. VIEW

Virstow, Henry. “Anarchism—A Study of Social Forces.” Modern Culture Oct. 1901 v14n2: pp. 140-42. VIEW


 Mary (a.k.a. Mary, mother of Jesus; a.k.a. Virgin Mary) (Biblical personage)

Sparks, Charles S. “Mr. C. S. Sparks, of Cincinnati.” Blue Grass Blade 27 Oct. 1901 v10n36: p. [2]. VIEW


 Mary, Queen of Scots (a.k.a. Mary Stuart)

James, C. L. “Who Killed McKinley?” Free Society 28 Dec. 1902 v9n52: pp. 2-3. VIEW


 Masaniello (a.k.a. Tommaso Aniello)

Spitzka, Edward C. “The Czolgosz Case.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 26 Oct. 1901 v8n17: pp. 693-95. VIEW


 Mason, Charles

P., M. T. “Two Kinds of Anarchists.” Comet 18 Apr. 1907 v24n1188: p. [2]. VIEW


 Mason, William E.

“Down with Them, Says Mason.” Atlanta Constitution 16 Sept. 1901 v34: p. 1. VIEW

“Roosevelt Honors a Conspicuous Negro.” San Francisco Call 22 Dec. 1901 v91n22: p. 22. VIEW


 Matchett, Charles H.

“McKinley, William.—March 4, 1897-Sept. 14, 1901.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW


 Matthews, Elizabeth St. John

“My Note Book.” Art Amateur Mar. 1902 v46n4: pp. 88-90. VIEW


 Matthews, Stanley

Depew, Chauncey M. “Introduction.” Life and Distinguished Services of Hon. Wm. McKinley and the Great Issues of 1896. By Murat Halstead. [n.p.]: Edgewood Publishing, 1896: pp. vii-xiii. VIEW

Fowler, Charles Henry. “William McKinley.” Patriotic Orations. Ed. Carl Hitchcock Fowler. New York: Eaton and Mains, 1910: pp. 189-244. VIEW

Sherman, John. “Personal Sketch of Hon. William McKinley” [chapter 1]. Life and Distinguished Services of Hon. Wm. McKinley and the Great Issues of 1896. By Murat Halstead. [n.p.]: Edgewood Publishing, 1896: pp. 17-29. VIEW


 Matzinger, Herman G.

“American News and Notes.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 21 Sept. 1901 v8n12: pp. 466-69. VIEW

“Autopsy on the President.” Sunday News 15 Sept. 1901: p. 1. VIEW

“The Bacteriological Report.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 26 Oct. 1901 v8n17: p. 665. VIEW

“Bullets Fired by Czolgosz.” Evening Times [Washington, DC] 27 Nov. 1901 n1975: p. 2. VIEW

“The Case of President McKinley.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 21 Sept. 1901 v8n12: pp. 480-81. VIEW

“Case of the Late President M’Kinley.” Southern Practitioner Nov. 1901 v23n11: pp. 517-21. VIEW

“Certificate of Death of President M’Kinley.” Atlanta Constitution 16 Sept. 1901 v34: p. 1. VIEW

“Czolgosz Case Now Before the Grand Jury.” Buffalo Evening News 16 Sept. 1901 v42n134: p. 1. VIEW

“Death of President McKinley.” International Clinics 1902 v1 (12th series): pp. 300-02. VIEW

Gaylord, Harvey R. “Report on the Autopsy.” Medical Record 19 Oct. 1901 v60n16: pp. 606-09. VIEW

Hunt, Evelyn. “My Experiences as a Nurse to Mrs McKinley and the Late President.” San Francisco Call 19 Jan. 1902 v91n50: mag. sect., p. 5. VIEW

“Minor Intelligence.” Physician and Surgeon Apr. 1909 v31n4: pp. 185-87. VIEW

“M’Kinley Tragedy.” Paducah Evening Sun 12 Mar. 1909 v25n61: p. 8. VIEW

“The People of the State of New York Against Leon F. Czolgosz.” Unpublished trial transcript. 23-24, 26 Sept. 1901. VIEW

“The Postmortem on the Late President.” Physician and Surgeon Sept. 1901 v23n9: p. 427. VIEW

“The President’s Case.” Hot Springs Medical Journal 15 Oct. 1901 v10n10: pp. 305-09. VIEW

“Real Cause of Death.” Journal and Herald 19 Sept. 1901 v35n35: p. [4]. VIEW

“Results of the Autopsy in President McKinley’s Case.” International Journal of Surgery Nov. 1901 v14n11: p. 343. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M. “Medical and Surgical Report of the Case of the Late President of the United States.” Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 297-318. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M., Matthew D. Mann, Herman Mynter, Roswell Park, Eugene Wasdin, Charles McBurney, and Charles G. Stockton. “The Case of President McKinley.” Medical Record 19 Oct. 1901 v60n16: pp. 601-06. VIEW

“Virus from Wounds Forced into Veins of Dogs and Cats.” Buffalo Courier 18 Sept. 1901 v66n261: p. 7. VIEW

Wilson, Nelson W. “Details of President McKinley’s Case.” Buffalo Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v41n3 (new series): pp. 207-25. VIEW


 Maudsley, Henry

Mills, Charles K. “Political Assassinations in Some of Their Relations to Psychiatry and Legal Medicine.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 26 Oct. 1901 v8n17: pp. 688-92. VIEW


 Mavor, William

[untitled]. Public 21 Sept. 1901 v4n181: pp. 369-72. VIEW


 Maxedon, Thomas V.

“Hotel Lobby Gleanings.” Indianapolis Journal 19 Mar. 1902 v52n78: p. 10. VIEW


 Maxwell, Herbert

Maxwell, Herbert. “How to Deal with Anarchists.” Spectator 21 Sept. 1901 n3821: p. 389. VIEW


 Maxwell, Robert A.

“Conditions Favorable.” Spirit of the Times 9 Sept. 1901 v83n106: p. 1. VIEW

“Sketch of Secretary Cortelyou.” Buffalo Enquirer 16 Sept. 1901 v58n41: p. 10. VIEW


 Maybury, William C.

“‘Kill Them,’ They Cried Out.” Atlanta Constitution 16 Sept. 1901 v34: p. 1. VIEW


 Mayo, William J.

“The Condition of the President’s Heart Once More.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 28 Sept. 1901 v8n13: pp. 500-01. VIEW


 Mazzini, Giuseppe

[untitled]. Socialist Spirit Mar. 1902 v1n7: pp. 16-19. VIEW


 Mazzoni, Gaetano

“Pope’s Surgeon’s Opinion.” St. Joseph Daily News 11 Sept. 1901 v23n36: p. 1. VIEW


 McAdam, David

“Anarchists Can Be Expelled.” Daily Picayune 11 Sept. 1901 v65n230: part 1, p. 2. VIEW


 McAdory, Isaac W.

“A Week in Ignorance of Assassination.” Age-Herald 26 Sept. 1901 v28n78: p. 2. VIEW


 McBurney, Charles

[untitled]. Black and White Budget 28 Sept. 1901 v6n103: p. 12. VIEW

“American News and Notes.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 2 Nov. 1901 v8n18: pp. 711-13. VIEW

“The Attempted Assassination of President McKinley.” Medical Record 14 Sept. 1901 v60n11: pp. 417-18. VIEW

“Better Than Yesterday.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle 13 Sept. 1901 v61n254: p. 1. VIEW

“The Case of President McKinley.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 21 Sept. 1901 v8n12: pp. 480-81. VIEW

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW

“Comments of Physicians.” Physical Culture Oct. 1901 v6n1: pp. G-H. VIEW

“The Crime and Its Results.” Gunton’s Magazine Oct. 1901 v21n4: pp. 292-93. VIEW

“Criticism of the Medical Attendants of President McKinley.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 28 Sept. 1901 v8n13: p. 499. VIEW

“Czolgosz Will Die a Sane Man.” Post Express 12 Oct. 1901 v43n107: p. 1. VIEW

“Death of President McKinley.” International Clinics 1902 v1 (12th series): pp. 300-02. VIEW

“Dowie Will Pray for the President.” Dayton Evening Herald 9 Sept. 1901 v21: p. 5. VIEW

“Dr. M’Burney Arrives.” St. Paul Globe 9 Sept. 1901 v24n252: p. 1. VIEW

“Dr. M’Burney Suspects the Bullet Had Been Poisoned.” Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette 16 Sept. 1901 v116n43: p. 1. VIEW

“Hanna’s Terrible Dream.” St. Louis Republic 10 Sept. 1901 v94n72: p. 4. VIEW

“How Dr. Mann Was Brought.” Milwaukee Sentinel 14 Sept. 1901 n23689: p. 8. VIEW

Howell, J. Morton. “Physiological Therapeutics Versus Drugs in the Treatment of Diseases of Infancy and Childhood.” Pediatrics Feb. 1905 v17n2: pp. 90-99. VIEW

“A Lapse from Life into the Sleep of Death.” Daily Picayune 14 Sept. 1901 v65n233: part 1, p. 10. VIEW

Matthews, Franklin. “The President’s Last Days.” Harper’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v45n2335: p. 943. VIEW

McBurney, Charles. “Dr. McBurney Says Danger Is Now Passed.” Philadelphia Inquirer 11 Sept. 1901 v145n73: p. 1. VIEW

“Medical Science—Our Late President.” Physical Culture Oct. 1901 v6n1: pp. C-F. VIEW

“Minor Intelligence.” Physician and Surgeon Apr. 1909 v31n4: pp. 185-87. VIEW

“Minutes of the Proceedings of the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania, at Its Fifty-First Annual Session, Held at Philadelphia, Sep. 17, 24, 25 and 26, 1901.” Pennsylvania Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v5n1: pp. 42-56. VIEW

“The M’Kinley Doctor Bills.” Buffalo Evening News 1 Mar. 1902 v43n118: p. 6. VIEW

“M’Kinley Tragedy.” Paducah Evening Sun 12 Mar. 1909 v25n61: p. 8. VIEW

“Mr. M’Kinley’s Doctor Reads His Report.” New York Times 16 Oct. 1901 v51n16154: p. 1. VIEW

“No Trace of Poison Is Found.” San Francisco Call 12 Sept. 1901 v90n104: p. 2. VIEW

Olcott, Charles S. “The Tragedy at Buffalo” [chapter 34]. The Life of William McKinley. Vol. 2. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1916: pp. 313-33. VIEW

Page, Charles E. “The Lesson of the Late President’s Case.” Physical Culture Nov. 1901 v6n2: pp. 59-61. VIEW

“The People of the State of New York Against Leon F. Czolgosz.” Unpublished trial transcript. 23-24, 26 Sept. 1901. VIEW

“The Postmortem on the Late President.” Physician and Surgeon Sept. 1901 v23n9: p. 427. VIEW

“The President Shot.” Madison County Times 13 Sept. 1901 v32n7: p. [3]. VIEW

“The President’s Case.” Red Cross Notes 1901 s3n9: pp. 191-96. VIEW

“Professional Opinions of Prominent Surgeons Regarding the President’s Wounds.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 14 Sept. 1901 v8n11: pp. 438-39. VIEW

“Recovery Not Barred.” New York Times 8 Sept. 1901 v50n16121: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M. “Medical and Surgical Report of the Case of the Late President of the United States.” Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 297-318. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M., Matthew D. Mann, Herman Mynter, Roswell Park, Eugene Wasdin, Charles McBurney, and Charles G. Stockton. “The Case of President McKinley.” Medical Record 19 Oct. 1901 v60n16: pp. 601-06. VIEW

“Solid Food Given to the President.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle 12 Sept. 1901 v61n253: p. 1. VIEW

Stockton, Charles G. “Roswell Park: A Memoir.” Publications of the Buffalo Historical Society 1918 v22: pp. 91-111. VIEW

“The Surgical and Medical Treatment of President McKinley.” Journal of Medicine and Science Oct. 1901 v7n11: pp. 389-90. VIEW

“These Men Were Cool While Terror Reigned.” Enterprise [Sheridan] 28 Sept. 1901 v14n45: p. [6]. VIEW

“Told of Czolgosz.” Afro-American-Ledger 14 Sept. 1901 v10n6: p. [2]. VIEW

Wellman, Walter. “The Last Days of President M’Kinley: His Visit to Buffalo, the Tragedy, and the Nation’s Mourning.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Oct. 1901 v24n4: pp. 414-30. VIEW

Wilcox, Ansley. “Theodore Roosevelt, President.” How Theodore Roosevelt Became President of the United States in Buffalo, September 14, 1901. [Buffalo?]: Roosevelt Memorial Association, 1919: pp. 3-6. VIEW

Wilson, Nelson W. “Details of President McKinley’s Case.” Buffalo Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v41n3 (new series): pp. 207-25. VIEW


 McCabe, C. C.

[untitled]. Truth Seeker 12 Oct. 1901 v28n41: p. 645. VIEW


 McCall, B. T.

[untitled]. Freeman 12 Oct. 1901 v14n41: p. [3]. VIEW


 McCall, Samuel W.

Harman, Moses. “Looking Backward.” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 26 Dec. 1901 v5n50 (3rd series): pp. 404-06. VIEW


 McCarthy, Dennis

“Stamps on M’Kinley Picture.” Chicago Daily Tribune 18 Sept. 1901 v60n261: part 1, p. 4. VIEW


 McCauley, John

“M’Kinley’s Guard Dead.” New Brunswick Times 7 Jan. 1914 n5: p. 7. VIEW

“News Summary of the Past Week.” Colorado Transcript 24 July 1913 v47n35: p. [2]. VIEW

“The World in Paragraphs.” Routt County Republican 16 Jan. 1914 v11n36: p. [2]. VIEW


 McCleary, James Thompson

“Senate.” Congressional Record 19 May 1902 v35pt6: pp. 5615-33. VIEW


 McClure, Alexander K.

[advertisement]. Western New-Yorker 31 Oct. 1901 v61n44: p. [3]. VIEW

“Halstead et al. v. Houston.” The Federal Reporter. Vol. 111. St. Paul: West Publishing, 1902: pp. 376-78. VIEW

“Life of President McKinley.” Rev. of The Authentic Life of William McKinley, by Alexander K. McClure and Charles Morris. Buffalo Sunday News 6 Oct. 1901 v28n48: p. 4. VIEW

Rev. of The Life of William McKinley, by Charles S. Olcott. Catholic Historical Review July 1916 v2n2: pp. 217-18. VIEW


 McClure, Samuel Sidney

George, Henry, Jr. “Physical, Mental and Moral Deterioration” [chapter 2]. The Menace of Privilege. New York: Macmillan, 1906: sect. 3, pp. 121-40. VIEW


 McComas, Louis E.

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW

Holt, Henry. “The Treatment of Anarchism.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Feb. 1902 v25n2: pp. 192-200. VIEW


 McConnell, Mabelle H.

“Pan-American Programme Today.” Buffalo Enquirer 5 Sept. 1901 v58n33: p. 14. VIEW


 McConnell, Marie F.

“Pan-American Programme Today.” Buffalo Enquirer 5 Sept. 1901 v58n33: p. 14. VIEW


 McConway, William

“McKinley Memorial Association.” Bankers’ Magazine Nov. 1901 v63n5: pp. 878-79. VIEW


 McCormick, Robert S.

“Current Thought and Events.” Werner’s Magazine July 1902 v29n5: pp. 713-22. VIEW


 McCulloch, Hugh

“M’Kinley’s Face on Notes.” Paterson Weekly Press 31 Oct. 1901 v37n44: p. [4]. VIEW


 McEachren, Neil

“Corporation Proceedings” [Board of Aldermen]. Proceedings of the Common Council of the City of Buffalo 14 Sept. 1901 n36: pp. 1505-06. VIEW


 McElveen, William T.

“The Church Universal and the Attempted Assassination.” Congregationalist and Christian World 14 Sept. 1901 v86n37: p. 396. VIEW


 McGaughey, Johnston

Allen, W. C. “N. R. Convention at Morning Sun, Ia.” Christian Nation 8 Jan. 1902 v36: pp. 13-14. VIEW


 McGee, Anita Newcomb

McGee, Anita Newcomb. “Second Annual Meeting of the Spanish-American War Nurses.” American Journal of Nursing Nov. 1901 v2n2: pp. 121-31. VIEW

McGee, Anita Newcomb. “Second Annual Meeting of the Spanish-American War Nurses.” Trained Nurse and Hospital Review Nov. 1901 v27n5: pp. 275-80. VIEW


 McGinnis, Demosthenes (fictional character)

“Short Cuts.” Evening Public Ledger 8 Feb. 1921 v7n126: p. 8. VIEW


 McGovern, Terry (a.k.a. Terrible Terry, the Brooklyn Terror)

“Terry M’Govern to Buy the Milburn Residence.” Stark County Democrat 26 Apr. 1904 v70n92: p. 7. VIEW


 McGrady, Thomas

McGrady, Thomas. “An Open Letter.” Challenge 5 Oct. 1901 n39: p. 2. VIEW


 McGregor, Charles A.

“Who He Is.” Alpena Evening News 7 Sept. 1901 v3n33: p. [4]. VIEW


 McGuffey, John G.

[untitled]. Weekly Law Bulletin and the Ohio Law Journal 16 Sept. 1901 v46: pp. 123-24. VIEW


 McIlvain, J. William

“He Prayed for the Assassin.” Baltimore Morning Herald 16 Sept. 1901 n8323: p. 7. VIEW


 McIlwaine, Richard

[untitled]. Socialist Spirit Oct. 1901 v1n2: pp. 16-17. VIEW


 McKay, Charles

“Was Nearby When the President Was Shot.” Evening Telegram [Providence] 12 Sept. 1901 v44n72: p. 10. VIEW


 McKee, Mary Harrison

“The Lady of the White House.” Collier’s Weekly 28 Sept. 1901 v27n26: p. 17. VIEW


 McKelway, St. Clair

Hopkins, Alphonso A. “A Curse, a Crime, and the Cure” [chapter 10]. Profit and Loss in Man. New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1909: pp. 251-82. VIEW


 McKenna, Joseph

“The Last Requiem.” Evening Bulletin 20 Sept. 1901 v20n256: p. 1. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th ed. Vol. 17. Cambridge: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911: pp. 256-59. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The International Year Book. Ed. Frank Moore Colby. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1902: pp. 464-69. VIEW

“McKinley, William.—March 4, 1897-Sept. 14, 1901.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW

Townsend, G. W. “Principal Events During President McKinley’s Administration.” Memorial Life of William McKinley. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 185-86. VIEW

Wayne, Flynn. “Collecting the Relics of a Martyred President.” National Magazine May 1914 v40n2: pp. 219-22. VIEW


 McKenzie, Barbara

“The President’s New Nurse.” Sun [New York] 12 Sept. 1901 v69n12: p. 8. VIEW


 McKenzie, Grace

“Baltimore Nurse Goes to Buffalo.” New-York Tribune 11 Sept. 1901 v61n20023: p. 1. VIEW

“The Case of President McKinley.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 21 Sept. 1901 v8n12: pp. 480-81. VIEW

“Events of the Last Days.” Buffalo Courier 18 Sept. 1901 v66n261: p. 8. VIEW

“Expert Nurse Who Waits on President.” New York World 13 Sept. 1901 v42n4600: p. 4. VIEW

“M’Kinley Tragedy.” Paducah Evening Sun 12 Mar. 1909 v25n61: p. 8. VIEW

“Nurses Attending the President.” Trained Nurse and Hospital Review Oct. 1901 v27n4: p. 224. VIEW

“The President’s Case.” Red Cross Notes 1901 s3n9: pp. 191-96. VIEW

“The President’s New Nurse.” Sun [New York] 12 Sept. 1901 v69n12: p. 8. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M. “Medical and Surgical Report of the Case of the Late President of the United States.” Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 297-318. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M., Matthew D. Mann, Herman Mynter, Roswell Park, Eugene Wasdin, Charles McBurney, and Charles G. Stockton. “The Case of President McKinley.” Medical Record 19 Oct. 1901 v60n16: pp. 601-06. VIEW

“Two Nurses Who Attended the Late President M’Kinley.” Los Angeles Herald 19 Sept. 1901 v28n354: p. [11]. VIEW


 McKinley, Abner

[untitled]. Weekly Law Bulletin and the Ohio Law Journal 16 Sept. 1901 v46: p. 123. VIEW

“Abner M’Kinley Leaves for Buffalo.” Buffalo Review 7 Sept. 1901 v19n79: p. 1. VIEW

“Art Notes.” Evening Star [Washington, DC] 28 Mar. 1903 n15628: part 2, p. 27. VIEW

“Bulletins Don’t Tell All.” Morning Oregonian 10 Sept. 1901 v41n12713: p. 1. VIEW

“Canton Has Martyr Dead.” Norfolk Weekly News-Journal 20 Sept. 1901: p. 5. VIEW

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW

“The Church Universal and the Attempted Assassination.” Congregationalist and Christian World 14 Sept. 1901 v86n37: p. 396. VIEW

Croly, Herbert. “The Death of President McKinley” [chapter 23]. Marcus Alonzo Hanna: His Life and Work. New York: Macmillan, 1912: pp. 355-68. VIEW

“Events of the Last Days.” Buffalo Courier 18 Sept. 1901 v66n261: p. 8. VIEW

“The Funeral of President McKinley.” Harper’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v45n2335: p. 946. VIEW

“Hanna.” Akron Daily Democrat 10 Sept. 1901 v10n122: p. 1. VIEW

Havel, Hippolyte. “A Reminiscence.” Mother Earth Oct. 1908 v3n8: pp. 320-24. VIEW

“How Brother Heard the News.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 8 Sept. 1901 v60n251: part 1, p. 4. VIEW

“Impressive Sight.” Times [Richmond] 19 Sept. 1901 v16n192: pp. 1, 3. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “The Last Home-Coming to Canton” [chapter 23]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 365-78. VIEW

“McKinley Memorial.” Daily Picayune 22 Sept. 1901 v65n241: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“M’Kinley at Brother’s Tomb.” McCook Tribune 29 Nov. 1901 v20n29: p. [6]. VIEW

“Mrs. McKinley in Good Health.” Akron Daily Democrat 22 Nov. 1901 v10n185: p. [3?]. VIEW

“Mrs. M’Kinley Asks to See Husband Twice.” World 12 Sept. 1901 v42n14632: p. 1. VIEW

“Mrs. M’Kinley Dies in Canton Cottage.” New York Times 27 May 1907 v56n18020: p. 1. VIEW

Pendel, Thomas F. “Chapter X.” Thirty-Six Years in the White House. Washington, DC: Neale Publishing, 1902: pp. 153-68. VIEW

“The President Is Dead.” Enterprise [Lancaster] 14 Sept. 1901 v6n77: p. 1. VIEW

“President McKinley Dead.” Timely Topics 20 Sept. 1901 v6n3: pp. 36-37. VIEW

“President’s Brother Informed.” Iowa State Register 7 Sept. 1901 v46n210: p. 2. VIEW

“Solid Food Given to the President.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle 12 Sept. 1901 v61n253: p. 1. VIEW

“Those Present at the Death-Bed.” Harper’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v45n2335: p. 946. VIEW

“Wears the Loyal Legion Button.” New-York Tribune 16 Sept. 1901 v61n20028: p. 1. VIEW

“Widow’s Grief Is Pitiful.” Philadelphia Record 16 Sept. 1901 n10788: p. 1. VIEW


 McKinley, Anna (sister)

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “The Last Home-Coming to Canton” [chapter 23]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 365-78. VIEW

“William McKinley, the Noble-Hearted President.” Leslie’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v93n2402: [no pagination]. VIEW


 McKinley, Anna Endsley (sister-in-law)

“How Brother Heard the News.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 8 Sept. 1901 v60n251: part 1, p. 4. VIEW

“The President Is Dead.” Enterprise [Lancaster] 14 Sept. 1901 v6n77: p. 1. VIEW

“President McKinley Dead.” Timely Topics 20 Sept. 1901 v6n3: pp. 36-37. VIEW

“Those Present at the Death-Bed.” Harper’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v45n2335: p. 946. VIEW


 McKinley, David (great grandfather)

“McKinley, William.” The Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th ed. Vol. 17. Cambridge: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911: pp. 256-59. VIEW

“William McKinley.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 13. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: pp. 6234-36. VIEW


 McKinley, Helen

“Bulletins Don’t Tell All.” Morning Oregonian 10 Sept. 1901 v41n12713: p. 1. VIEW

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW

“His Sisters.” Stark County Democrat 10 Sept. 1901 v67n133: p. 5. VIEW

“M’Kinley at Brother’s Tomb.” McCook Tribune 29 Nov. 1901 v20n29: p. [6]. VIEW

“Mrs. McKinley in Good Health.” Akron Daily Democrat 22 Nov. 1901 v10n185: p. [3?]. VIEW

“Mrs. M’Kinley Dies in Canton Cottage.” New York Times 27 May 1907 v56n18020: p. 1. VIEW

Olcott, Charles S. “The McKinley Monuments” [appendix 3]. The Life of William McKinley. Vol. 2. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1916: pp. 389-95. VIEW

Olcott, Charles S. “The Tragedy at Buffalo” [chapter 34]. The Life of William McKinley. Vol. 2. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1916: pp. 313-33. VIEW

“President McKinley Dead.” Timely Topics 20 Sept. 1901 v6n3: pp. 36-37. VIEW

“President McKinley’s Will.” Virginia Law Register Oct. 1901 v7n6: pp. 440-41. VIEW

“Statue of President M’Kinley.” Norwich Bulletin 6 Oct. 1917 v59n339: p. 1. VIEW

“Those Present at the Death-Bed.” Harper’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v45n2335: p. 946. VIEW


 McKinley, Ida

Click here to see the listing for Ida McKinley.


 McKinley, Ida (daughter)

“Chronological Record of the Life of President William McKinley” [chapter 19]. Life of William McKinley, Our Martyred President. Ed. Samuel Fallows. Chicago: Regan Printing House, 1901: pp. 227-31. VIEW

Halstead, Murat. “Mrs. McKinley.” Saturday Evening Post 6 Sept. 1902 v175n10: pp. 6-7. VIEW

“McKinley, Ida Saxton.” The Twentieth Century Biographical Dictionary of Notable Americans. Ed. Rossiter Johnson. Vol. 7. Boston: Biographical Society, 1904: [no pagination]. VIEW

“Mrs. M’Kinley Dies in Canton Cottage.” New York Times 27 May 1907 v56n18020: p. 1. VIEW

“The President at Canton.” Moderator-Topics 10 Oct. 1907 v28n5: p. 94. VIEW

Stratemeyer, Edward. “Chronology of the Life of William McKinley” [appendix B]. American Boys’ Life of William McKinley. Boston: Lothrop, Lee, and Shephard, 1901: pp. 309-16. VIEW

“William McKinley, the Noble-Hearted President.” Leslie’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v93n2402: [no pagination]. VIEW


 McKinley, James (grandfather)

“McKinley, William.” The Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th ed. Vol. 17. Cambridge: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911: pp. 256-59. VIEW


 McKinley, James F. (nephew)

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW

Salisbury, William. “Chapter XXXI.” The Career of a Journalist. New York: B. W. Dodge, 1908: pp. 293-300. VIEW

“Those Present at the Death-Bed.” Harper’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v45n2335: p. 946. VIEW


 McKinley, James Rose (brother)

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “The Last Home-Coming to Canton” [chapter 23]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 365-78. VIEW


 McKinley, Katie

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW

“Chronological Record of the Life of President William McKinley” [chapter 19]. Life of William McKinley, Our Martyred President. Ed. Samuel Fallows. Chicago: Regan Printing House, 1901: pp. 227-31. VIEW

Halstead, Murat. “Mrs. McKinley.” Saturday Evening Post 6 Sept. 1902 v175n10: pp. 6-7. VIEW

“McKinley, Ida Saxton.” The Twentieth Century Biographical Dictionary of Notable Americans. Ed. Rossiter Johnson. Vol. 7. Boston: Biographical Society, 1904: [no pagination]. VIEW

“Mrs. M’Kinley Dies in Canton Cottage.” New York Times 27 May 1907 v56n18020: p. 1. VIEW

“The President at Canton.” Moderator-Topics 10 Oct. 1907 v28n5: p. 94. VIEW

Stratemeyer, Edward. “Chronology of the Life of William McKinley” [appendix B]. American Boys’ Life of William McKinley. Boston: Lothrop, Lee, and Shephard, 1901: pp. 309-16. VIEW

“William McKinley, the Noble-Hearted President.” Leslie’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v93n2402: [no pagination]. VIEW


 McKinley, Mary Rose

“William McKinley.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 13. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: pp. 6234-36. VIEW


 McKinley, Nancy Allison

“Certificate of Death of President M’Kinley.” Atlanta Constitution 16 Sept. 1901 v34: p. 1. VIEW

“Chronological Record of the Life of President William McKinley” [chapter 19]. Life of William McKinley, Our Martyred President. Ed. Samuel Fallows. Chicago: Regan Printing House, 1901: pp. 227-31. VIEW

“Death of William McKinley, President of the United States.” Monthly Bulletin of the Bureau of the American Republics Sept. 1901 v11n3: pp. 445-47. VIEW

Fowler, Charles Henry. “William McKinley.” Patriotic Orations. Ed. Carl Hitchcock Fowler. New York: Eaton and Mains, 1910: pp. 189-244. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th ed. Vol. 17. Cambridge: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911: pp. 256-59. VIEW

“President McKinley Is Dead.” Douglas Island News 18 Sept. 1901 v3n44: p. [2]. VIEW

Stratemeyer, Edward. “Chronology of the Life of William McKinley” [appendix B]. American Boys’ Life of William McKinley. Boston: Lothrop, Lee, and Shephard, 1901: pp. 309-16. VIEW

Vizetelly, Ernest Alfred. “King Humbert—Bresci—President McKinley—Czolgosz (1898-1901)” [chapter 10]. The Anarchists: Their Faith and Their Record. London: Lane, 1911: pp. 240-59. VIEW

“William McKinley.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 13. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: pp. 6234-36. VIEW


 McKinley, William

Click here to see the listing for William McKinley.


 McKinley, William (relative)

“American News and Notes.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 21 Sept. 1901 v8n12: pp. 466-69. VIEW

“Echoes and News.” Medical News 21 Sept. 1901 v79n12: pp. 470-74. VIEW


 McKinley, William , Sr.

“Career of President McKinley.” Collier’s Weekly 14 Sept. 1901 v27n24: p. 5. VIEW

“Certificate of Death of President M’Kinley.” Atlanta Constitution 16 Sept. 1901 v34: p. 1. VIEW

“Chronological Record of the Life of President William McKinley” [chapter 19]. Life of William McKinley, Our Martyred President. Ed. Samuel Fallows. Chicago: Regan Printing House, 1901: pp. 227-31. VIEW

“Death of William McKinley, President of the United States.” Monthly Bulletin of the Bureau of the American Republics Sept. 1901 v11n3: pp. 445-47. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th ed. Vol. 17. Cambridge: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911: pp. 256-59. VIEW

“President McKinley Is Dead.” Douglas Island News 18 Sept. 1901 v3n44: p. [2]. VIEW

Stratemeyer, Edward. “Chronology of the Life of William McKinley” [appendix B]. American Boys’ Life of William McKinley. Boston: Lothrop, Lee, and Shephard, 1901: pp. 309-16. VIEW

Vizetelly, Ernest Alfred. “King Humbert—Bresci—President McKinley—Czolgosz (1898-1901)” [chapter 10]. The Anarchists: Their Faith and Their Record. London: Lane, 1911: pp. 240-59. VIEW

“William McKinley.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 13. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: pp. 6234-36. VIEW

“William McKinley, the Noble-Hearted President.” Leslie’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v93n2402: [no pagination]. VIEW


 McLaurin, Anselm J.

L., R. A. “The South and President McKinley’s Death.” Outlook 28 Sept. 1901 v69n4: p. 245. VIEW


 McLean, Emily N. Ritchie (a.k.a. Mrs. Donald McLean)

“President McKinley.” American Monthly Magazine Oct. 1901 v19n4: pp. 443-45. VIEW


 McLeod, Charlotte

Coleman, Cornelia. “A Report of the International Congress of Nurses.” Northwestern Lancet 15 Nov. 1901 v21n22: pp. 465-67. VIEW


 McMahon, John A.

[untitled]. Weekly Law Bulletin and the Ohio Law Journal 23 Sept. 1901 v46: p. 133. VIEW


 McMaster, Charles E.

“Auburn Chief Talks of Assassin.” Evening Telegram [Syracuse] 27 Sept. 1901 v45n35: p. 6. VIEW

“Czolgosz Taken to Auburn.” Times [Richmond] 27 Sept. 1901 v16n199: p. 3. VIEW


 McMillan, Howard

“‘I Am Sorry’ Is Statement of Czolgosz.” Buffalo Evening Times 27 Sept. 1901 v36n11: p. 7. VIEW


 McMillan, James

[untitled]. American Architect and Building News 23 Nov. 1901 v74n1352: p. 57. VIEW

“Senate.” Congressional Record 19 May 1902 v35pt6: pp. 5615-33. VIEW


 McParland, James

“Pinkerton Cunning.” International Wood Worker Dec. 1901 v10n12: p. 136. VIEW


 McPherson, John B.

“Halstead et al. v. Houston.” The Federal Reporter. Vol. 111. St. Paul: West Publishing, 1902: pp. 376-78. VIEW

“Halstead et al. v. John C. Winston Co. et al.” The Federal Reporter. Vol. 111. St. Paul: West Publishing, 1902: pp. 35-36. VIEW


 McRae, Thomas C.

“Southerners on Committee.” Atlanta Constitution 16 Sept. 1901 v34: p. 1. VIEW


 McWilliams, Mary Goodman (a.k.a. Mrs. Lafayette McWilliams)

“Mrs. M’Kinley Asks to See Husband Twice.” World 12 Sept. 1901 v42n14632: p. 1. VIEW

“The President Is Dead.” Enterprise [Lancaster] 14 Sept. 1901 v6n77: p. 1. VIEW

 Mead, J. Warren

[untitled]. Hawaiian Gazette 12 Nov. 1901 v36n99: p. 8. VIEW

“Acid Did Its Work.” Auburn Weekly Bulletin 1 Nov. 1901 v20n88: p. 5. VIEW

“Assassin’s Body Destroyed.” St. Louis Post-Dispatch 29 Oct. 1901 v54n69: p. 2. VIEW

“Assassin’s Body Now Consumed.” Syracuse Journal 31 Oct. 1901 v57n257: p. [3?]. VIEW

“Awaiting Death He Writes of Czolgosz.” Elmira Gazette and Free Press 10 Oct. 1901 v77n205: p. [5]. VIEW

“Czolgosz Awaits Execution.” Afro-American-Ledger 19 Oct. 1901 v10n11: p. [2]. VIEW

“Czolgosz Executed in Auburn Prison.” Afro-American-Ledger 2 Nov. 1901 v10n13: p. [2]. VIEW

“Czolgosz Fearless of Death.” Pittsburg Press 28 Oct. 1901 v18n299: p. 1. VIEW

“Czolgosz Is Feeling Well.” Buffalo Courier 15 Oct. 1901 v66n288: p. 3. VIEW

“Czolgosz, President’s Assassin,—Refusing Spiritual Consolation—Executed in the Auburn Prison.” National Police Gazette 16 Nov. 1901 v79n1265: p. 7. VIEW

“Czolgosz Recovers His Nerve.” Chicago Daily Tribune 1 Oct. 1901 v60n274: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“Czolgosz Sees a Priest, but He Refuses to Repent.” Chicago Daily Tribune 23 Oct. 1901 v60n296: part 2, p. 9. VIEW

“Czolgosz Still Silent.” Auburn Bulletin 30 Sept. 1901 v76n6768: p. 4. VIEW

“Czolgosz to Die at 7 Tomorrow.” Chicago Daily Tribune 28 Oct. 1901 v60n301: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“Czolgosz Will Die a Sane Man.” Post Express 12 Oct. 1901 v43n107: p. 1. VIEW

“Czolgosz’s Body Dissected and Buried in Acid.” Philadelphia Record 30 Oct. 1901 n10832: pp. 1, 3. VIEW

“Destroyed by Acid.” Phillipsburg Herald 2 Nov. 1901 v23n1: p. 1. VIEW

“Disposal of Czolgosz’s Body.” New York Times 27 Oct. 1901 v51n16163: part 1, p. 5. VIEW

“Execution of Czolgosz.” New York Times 25 Oct. 1901 v51n16162: p. 3. VIEW

“First Day of His Last Week.” News and Courier 1 Oct. 1901: p. 2. VIEW

Graham, George Edward. “A Nation Is Avenged.” Auburn Weekly Bulletin 29 Oct. 1901 v20n87: p. 1. VIEW

Halstead, Murat. “The Author’s Letter: From the Scene of Execution and the Autopsy of the Assassin.” The Illustrious Life of William McKinley, Our Martyred President. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 465-72. VIEW

“Humane, Decent, Orderly.” Auburn Weekly Bulletin 1 Nov. 1901 v20n88: p. 5. VIEW

“An Impressive Scene.” Madison County Times 1 Nov. 1901 v32n14: p. [3]. VIEW

“In the Shadow of Death, to Superintendent Collins, the Assassin Talked.” St. Louis Post-Dispatch 29 Oct. 1901 v54n69: p. 2. VIEW

“The Last Guest.” Socialist Spirit Nov. 1901 v1n3: pp. 13-14. VIEW

“Many Want Czolgosz’s Autograph.” New-York Tribune 29 Sept. 1901 v61n20041: part 1, p. 3. VIEW

“Murderer in a Cell.” Auburn Bulletin 27 Sept. 1901 v76n6766: p. 1. VIEW

“Saw the Assassin Die.” Buffalo Morning Express 30 Oct. 1901 v56n248: p. 7. VIEW

Skinner, Charles R. “Story of McKinley’s Assassination.” State Service Apr. 1919 v3n4: pp. 20-24. VIEW

Steep, Thomas W. “Czolgosz May Never Live to Reach Electric Death Chair.” Buffalo Courier 28 Oct. 1901 v66n301: pp. 1-2. VIEW

Steep, Thomas W. “Czolgosz’s Last Hours and Death.” Buffalo Courier 29 Oct. 1901 v66n302: pp. 1-2. VIEW

“To Blow Up the Prison.” Sunday Herald 8 Dec. 1901 v22n1122: p. [21?]. VIEW

“To See Czolgosz Die.” Auburn Bulletin 20 Sept. 1901 v76n6760: p. [6?]. VIEW


 Mears, David Otis

Davidson, H. A. “The Albany Pastorate—1895-1910” [chapter 12]. David Otis Mears, D.D.: An Autobiography, 1842-1893. By David Otis Mears. Ed. H. A. Davidson. Boston: Pilgrim Press, 1920: pp. 182-205. VIEW


 Mechanic, Julia

“Deny Bail to Anarchists.” Chicago Daily Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v60n253: part 1, p. 1. VIEW

“Emma Goldman Arrested.” Albuquerque Daily Citizen 10 Sept. 1901 v15n251: p. 1. VIEW

Harman, Lillian. “‘Free Society’ and the Outlook.” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 14 Sept. 1901 v5n35 (3rd series): p. 285. VIEW


 Meek, C. F.

“How Brother Heard the News.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 8 Sept. 1901 v60n251: part 1, p. 4. VIEW


 Melville, William

Whibley, Charles. “Musings Without Method.” Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine Oct. 1901 v170n132: pp. 559-69. VIEW


 Mendelssohn, Felix

Croswell, James Greenleaf. [untitled]. Letters and Writings of James Greenleaf Croswell. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1917: pp. 87-88. VIEW


 Menocal, Mario García

SEE García Menocal, Mario


 Menzies, George C.

“Trained Nurse’s Testimony.” Philadelphia Record 12 Sept. 1901 n10784: p. 1. VIEW


 Mercier, Charles A.

Channing, Walter. “The Mental Status of Czolgosz, the Assassin of President McKinley.” American Journal of Insanity Oct. 1902 v59n2: pp. 233-78. VIEW


 Merlino, Francesco Saverio

“John Most’s Great Scheme.” New-York Tribune 25 Dec. 1901 v61n20128: p. 3. VIEW


 Merrill, Mary I.

Hazard, Rowland Gibson. “[To M. I. M., in London].” Letters of Rowland Gibson Hazard. Boston: [n.p.], 1922: p. 65. VIEW


 Merriman, La Frone

“Tragedy As It Was Seen by Debutante Singer.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle 9 Sept. 1901 v61n250: p. 2. VIEW


 Mertens, Joachim H.

“Jury Was Secured from One Original Panel.” Pittsburg Post 24 Sept. 1901 v60n15: p. 1. VIEW

“Trial of President McKiley’s [sic] Murderer.” Enterprise [Lancaster] 25 Sept. 1901 v6n80: p. 1. VIEW


 Metcalf, Victor H.

“Roosevelt, Theodore.—Sept. 14, 1901, to March 4, 1909.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW


 Metcalfe, George S.

Bull, William S. “Police Superintendent’s Report.” Annual Report of the Board of Police of the City of Buffalo. Buffalo: Wenborne-Sumner, 1902: pp. 7-48. VIEW


 Metzler, William

“‘I Am Sorry’ Is Statement of Czolgosz.” Buffalo Evening Times 27 Sept. 1901 v36n11: p. 7. VIEW


 Meunier, Théodule

“The Anarchists and Royalty.” Sydney Mail 28 Sept. 1901 v72n2151: p. 784. VIEW


 Meyer, Edward J.

Wilson, Nelson W. “Details of President McKinley’s Case.” Buffalo Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v41n3 (new series): pp. 207-25. VIEW


 Meyer, Frederick B.

“Anxiety in London.” Madison County Times 13 Sept. 1901 v32n7: p. [3]. VIEW

“The Church Universal and the Attempted Assassination.” Congregationalist and Christian World 14 Sept. 1901 v86n37: p. 396. VIEW


 Meyer, George von Lengerke

“Roosevelt, Theodore.—Sept. 14, 1901, to March 4, 1909.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW

“Second Class Privilege Taken from Paterson Newspaper.” Fourth Estate 4 Apr. 1908 n736: p. 6. VIEW


 Meyer, Gustave

“Astrologer.” Akron Daily Democrat 7 Sept. 1901 v10n120: p. 1. VIEW


 Michel, Louise

Lombroso, Cesare. “Anarchy: The Status of Anarchism To-Day in Europe and the United States.” Trans. Lionel Strachey. Everybody’s Magazine Feb. 1902 v6n2: pp. 165-68. VIEW

Neill, Charles P. “Anarchism.” American Catholic Quarterly Review Jan. 1902 v27n105: pp. 160-79. VIEW

“Recent Events.” Phrenological Journal and Phrenological Magazine Oct. 1901 v112n4: pp. 133-36. VIEW


 Michie, Harry

Rixey, Presley M. “Medical and Surgical Report of the Case of the Late President of the United States.” Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 297-318. VIEW


 Mickiewicz, Adam

Havel, Hippolyte. “A Reminiscence.” Mother Earth Oct. 1908 v3n8: pp. 320-24. VIEW


 Mihailo Obrenović III, Prince of Serbia (a.k.a. Michael III)

Langtoft, Geoffrey. “Assassination a Fruit of Socialism.” Fortnightly Review 1 Oct. 1901 v70n418 (new series): pp. 571-80. VIEW


 Milburn, Devereux (a.k.a. Devereaux Milburn)

“The President’s Host.” New-York Tribune 12 Sept. 1901 v61n20024: p. 2. VIEW

“There Are All the Comforts of Home in the Milburn House for Mr. and Mrs. M’Kinley.” Buffalo Courier 11 Sept. 1901 v66n254: p. [9?]. VIEW


 Milburn, John G.

Click here to see the listing for John G. Milburn.


 Milburn, John G., Jr.

“The President’s Host.” New-York Tribune 12 Sept. 1901 v61n20024: p. 2. VIEW

“There Are All the Comforts of Home in the Milburn House for Mr. and Mrs. M’Kinley.” Buffalo Courier 11 Sept. 1901 v66n254: p. [9?]. VIEW


 Milburn, Joseph A.

“The President’s Host.” New-York Tribune 12 Sept. 1901 v61n20024: p. 2. VIEW


 Milburn, Mary

“An Anarchist Shoots the President at the Pan-American Exposition.” Leslie’s Weekly 9 Sept. 1901 v93: [no pagination]. VIEW

Banks, Charles Eugene, and Le Roy Armstrong. “Succeeds to the Presidency” [chapter 19]. Theodore Roosevelt, Twenty-Sixth President of the United States. Chicago: S. Stone, 1901: pp. 369-78. VIEW

“Concerning the Event.” Post Express 21 Sept. 1901 v43n89: p. 4. VIEW

Kessel, Sara Hirschfield. “Buffalo Women Are the Aid and Comfort of Mrs. M’Kinley in Her Trouble.” Buffalo Courier 9 Sept. 1901 v66n252: p. [5?]. VIEW

“Mrs. McKinley Courageous.” New York Times 7 Sept. 1901 v50n16121: p. 1. VIEW

“Mrs. Milburn’s Tact.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle 25 Sept. 1901 v61n266: p. 6. VIEW

“The President’s Host.” New-York Tribune 12 Sept. 1901 v61n20024: p. 2. VIEW


 Milburn, Ralph

“The President’s Host.” New-York Tribune 12 Sept. 1901 v61n20024: p. 2. VIEW


 Milburn, William Henry

“House of Representatives.” Congressional Record 20 Jan. 1902 v35n25: pp. 771-89. VIEW


 Miles, Mary Sherman

“Solemn Services.” Evening Bulletin 18 Sept. 1901 v20n255: p. 1. VIEW


 Miles, Nelson A.

[untitled]. Commerce Accounts and Finance Sept. 1901 v3n5: p. 16. VIEW

“Army Order Approved.” Sentinel 19 Sept. 1901 v9n5 (new series): p. [6]. VIEW

“Czolgosz’s Captors Reward.” Sunday Morning Star 29 Sept. 1901 v21: p. 4. VIEW

“Impressive Sight.” Times [Richmond] 19 Sept. 1901 v16n192: pp. 1, 3. VIEW

Macfarland, Henry B. F. “The McKinley Memorial Arch.” Saturday Evening Post 30 Nov. 1901 v174n22: p. 13. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “The President’s Last Speech” [chapter 18]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 302-14. VIEW

McKinley, William. [untitled]. Memorial Life of William McKinley. By G. W. Townsend. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 513-19. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The International Year Book. Ed. Frank Moore Colby. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1902: pp. 464-69. VIEW

McKinley, William. “President M’Kinley’s Address at Buffalo, September 5, 1901.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Oct. 1901 v24n4: pp. 432-34. VIEW

McKinley, William. “William McKinley’s Last Public Address” [appendix A]. American Boys’ Life of William McKinley. By Edward Stratemeyer. Boston: Lothrop, Lee, and Shepard, 1901: pp. 297-307. VIEW

Montgomery, Benjamin F. “Report of Capt. Benjamin F. Montgomery, Signal Corps, in Charge of Telegraph and Cipher Bureau at the White House.” Annual Reports of the War Department. Vol. 1. Part 2. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 1058-61. VIEW

Moore, Charles C. “His Accidency.” Blue Grass Blade 5 Jan. 1902 v10n46: p. 2. VIEW

“President McKinley on Telegraphy and Cables.” Electrical World and Engineer 21 Sept. 1901 v38n12: p. 472. VIEW

“Solemn Services.” Evening Bulletin 18 Sept. 1901 v20n255: p. 1. VIEW

“Story of the Tragedy of the Death of President McKinley.” Round-About New York. New York: Bloomingdale Brothers, 1902: pp. 244-46. VIEW

T., J. W. “Scenes.” Evening Tribune 24 Sept. 1901 v4n2: p. [2]. VIEW


 Mill, John Stuart

George, Henry, Jr. “Physical, Mental and Moral Deterioration” [chapter 2]. The Menace of Privilege. New York: Macmillan, 1906: sect. 3, pp. 121-40. VIEW


 Miller, Charles

“Will Not Kill Any One.” Cleveland Leader 16 Sept. 1901 v54n259: p. 7. VIEW


 Miller, Edward, Jr.

“Was Czolgosz Hypnotized?” St. Louis Republic 13 Nov. 1901 v94n136: p. 1. VIEW


 Miller, Edwin G. S.

Larned, J. N. “In the Era of the Railways: 1851-1908” [chapter 3]. A History of Buffalo. Vol. 1. New York: Progress of the Empire State, 1911: sect. 1, pp. 62-96. VIEW


 Miller, Emil

“Played.” Marietta Daily Leader 20 Sept. 1901 v7n223: p. [5]. VIEW


 Miller, James W.

“Miller Saw Shooting.” North Platte Semi-Weekly Tribune 20 Sept. 1901 v17n70: p. [2]. VIEW


 Miller, Leslie W.

“The McKinley Monument.” The McKinley Memorial in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: McKinley Memorial Association, 1909: pp. 3-20. VIEW


 Miller, W. K.

Barton, Frederick. “A Christian Gentleman: William McKinley.” Chautauquan Nov. 1901 v34n2: pp. 134-37. VIEW


 Miller, William H. H.

Wellman, Walter. “The Last Days of President M’Kinley: His Visit to Buffalo, the Tragedy, and the Nation’s Mourning.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Oct. 1901 v24n4: pp. 414-30. VIEW


 Millerand, Alexandre

Morton, James F., Jr. “Certain Comments.” Free Society 24 Aug. 1902 v9n34: p. 3. VIEW


 Milligan, O. B.

“Canton Has Martyr Dead.” Norfolk Weekly News-Journal 20 Sept. 1901: p. 5. VIEW

“President McKinley Buried at Canton.” Timely Topics 27 Sept. 1901 v6n4: pp. 52-53. VIEW

“Services at the Church.” Evening Bulletin 20 Sept. 1901 v20n256: p. 1. VIEW


 Mills, Charles K.

“The Case of the Assassin.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 26 Oct. 1901 v8n17: p. 665. VIEW

“Death of President McKinley.” International Clinics 1902 v1 (12th series): pp. 300-02. VIEW

“The Mental Condition of Political Assassins.” American Journal of Insanity Oct. 1901 v58n2: pp. 317-19. VIEW

Mills, Charles K. “The Czolgosz Trial: A Unique Event.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 19 Oct. 1901 v8n16: pp. 651-52. VIEW

Moyer, Harold N. “Forensic Medicine.” The Practical Medicine Series of Year Books. Ed. George F. Butler, Henry B. Favill, Norman Bridge, and Harold N. Moyer. Vol. 7. Chicago: Year Book, 1902: pp. 243-62. VIEW


 Mills, Clark

Watkins, John Elfreth, Jr. “M’Kinley Death Mask.” Sunday Journal 29 Dec. 1901 v51n363: part 2, p. 13. VIEW


 Milner, Alfred

“European Comment on President Roosevelt and His Policy.” Literary Digest 26 Oct. 1901 v23n17: pp. 504-06. VIEW


 Milton, John

Adams, Charles Francis. “A National Change of Heart.” Lee at Appomattox and Other Papers. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1902: pp. 256-73. VIEW

Bonaparte, Charles J. “Anarchism and Its Remedy.” Maryland Law Review Dec. 1901 v1n1: pp. 6-9. VIEW

“The Financial Situation.” Commercial and Financial Chronicle 21 Sept. 1901 v73n1891: pp. 582-84. VIEW

Masters, Edgar Lee. “Theodore Roosevelt.” The New Star Chamber and Other Essays. Chicago: Hammersmark Publishing, 1904: pp. 25-36. VIEW

“M’Kinley Memorial Fund.” Chicago Daily Tribune 28 Oct. 1901 v60n301: part 2, p. 12. VIEW

Welsh, John T. “Eulogy of President William McKinley.” Addresses. Portland: [n.p.], 1915: pp. 7-21. VIEW


 Miner, Worthington C.

“[Ansley Wilcox].” The Men of New York. Vol. 1. Buffalo: Geo. E. Matthews, 1898: pp. 176-77. VIEW


 Minerva (Roman mythological personage)

Beck, James M. “The Memory of McKinley.” The McKinley Memorial in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: McKinley Memorial Association, 1909: pp. 23-48. VIEW

“Yellow Journalism.” Inland Printer Oct. 1901 v28n1: pp. 88-89. VIEW


 Minkowski, Oskar (a.k.a. Oskaras Minkovskis)

“Affections of the Pancreas and Diabetes.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 21 Sept. 1901 v8n12: p. 462. VIEW


 Minshull, Thomas W.

“Borne to the Grave.” Evening Bulletin 20 Sept. 1901 v20n256: p. 1. VIEW


 Mintz, Jacob

“Crime Is Hated by His Family.” Atlanta Constitution 25 Sept. 1901 v34: p. 3. VIEW

“Family of Assassin in Buffalo.” Buffalo Enquirer 25 Sept. 1901 v58n48: p. 9. VIEW

“Throws Light on Czolgasz” [sic]. Cleveland Plain Dealer 13 Sept. 1901 v60n256: p. 12. VIEW

“To Buffalo Under Watchful Eyes.” Cleveland Plain Dealer 24 Sept. 1901 v60n267: pp. 1, 3. VIEW


 Misgalski, Valentine

“Czolgosz Says He Had No Aid.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 8 Sept. 1901 v60n251: part 1, pp. 1, 4. VIEW


 Mitchel, John Purroy

Villard, Oswald Garrison. “Some Weaknesses of Modern Journalism.” University of Kansas News-Bulletin 2 Nov. 1914 v15n6: [no pagination]. VIEW


 Mitchell, George N.

“Broke Down Completely.” Iowa State Register 28 Sept. 1901 v46n229: p. 1. VIEW

“Court Room Bulletins.” Buffalo Enquirer 26 Sept. 1901 v58n49: p. 1. VIEW

“Czolgosz in Death Cell.” Chicago Daily Tribune 28 Sept. 1901 v60n271: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“Czolgosz Taken to Auburn.” Times [Richmond] 27 Sept. 1901 v16n199: p. 3. VIEW

“Deputies Are Back from the Trip to Prison.” Buffalo Courier 28 Sept. 1901 v66n271: p. 6. VIEW

“‘I Am Sorry’ Is Statement of Czolgosz.” Buffalo Evening Times 27 Sept. 1901 v36n11: p. 7. VIEW

“Murderer in a Cell.” Auburn Bulletin 27 Sept. 1901 v76n6766: p. 1. VIEW

“Relatives Talk with Murderer.” Post Express 25 Sept. 1901 v43n92: p. 1. VIEW

“Sentence of Death.” Spokane Daily Chronicle 26 Sept. 1901 v16n20: p. 1. VIEW

“With His Yells Prison Echoed.” Atlanta Constitution 28 Sept. 1901 v34: p. 3. VIEW


 Mitchell, John

Steffens, Lincoln. “A Labor Leader of To-Day: John Mitchell and What He Stands For.” McClure’s Magazine Aug. 1902 v19n4: pp. 355-57. VIEW


 Mitchell, John Hipple (a.k.a. John Mitchell Hipple)

James, C. L. “Our Friends, the Enemy, Again.” Free Society 5 Jan. 1902 v9n1: pp. 1-2. VIEW


 Mitchell, S. Weir

Halstead, Murat. “Mrs. McKinley.” Saturday Evening Post 6 Sept. 1902 v175n10: pp. 6-7. VIEW


 Mitsukuri, Genpachi

“Oriental Tributes to Americans.” Zion’s Herald 4 Dec. 1901 v79n49: p. 1547. VIEW


 Mlle. La Belle

SEE La Belle, Mademoiselle


 Mock, John

“‘I Am Sorry’ Is Statement of Czolgosz.” Buffalo Evening Times 27 Sept. 1901 v36n11: p. 7. VIEW


 Moffat, John L.

“New York State Homeopathic Medi[c]al Society.” Medical Advance Oct. 1901 v39n10: pp. 468-72. VIEW


 Mohan, Annie G.

“Canadian Nurse.” St. John Daily Sun 12 Sept. 1901 v24n219: p. 3. VIEW

“She’s Nursing McKinley.” Ogdensburg News 10 Sept. 1901 n6460: p. 1. VIEW


 Mohan, Maud

[untitled]. Trained Nurse and Hospital Review Oct. 1919 v63n4: p. 268. VIEW

“Brockville Girl Was Chosen to Be the President’s Nurse.” Sunday Herald 15 Sept. 1901 v22n1110: p. [23?]. VIEW

“Canadian Nurse.” St. John Daily Sun 12 Sept. 1901 v24n219: p. 3. VIEW

“The Case of President McKinley.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 21 Sept. 1901 v8n12: pp. 480-81. VIEW

“Events of the Last Days.” Buffalo Courier 18 Sept. 1901 v66n261: p. 8. VIEW

Hunt, Evelyn. “My Experiences as a Nurse to Mrs McKinley and the Late President.” San Francisco Call 19 Jan. 1902 v91n50: mag. sect., p. 5. VIEW

“M’Kinley Tragedy.” Paducah Evening Sun 12 Mar. 1909 v25n61: p. 8. VIEW

“Nurses Attending the President.” Trained Nurse and Hospital Review Oct. 1901 v27n4: p. 224. VIEW

Park, Roswell. “Reminiscences of McKinley Week.” Selected Papers, Surgical and Scientific. Buffalo: [n.p.], 1914: pp. 374-81. VIEW

“President McKinley’s Nurse Dead.” Yonkers Statesman 16 Aug. 1919 v36n10962: p. 4. VIEW

“The President’s ‘Alien’ Nurse.” Canada Lancet Oct. 1901 v35n2: pp. 104-05. VIEW

“The President’s Case.” Red Cross Notes 1901 s3n9: pp. 191-96. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M. “Medical and Surgical Report of the Case of the Late President of the United States.” Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 297-318. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M., Matthew D. Mann, Herman Mynter, Roswell Park, Eugene Wasdin, Charles McBurney, and Charles G. Stockton. “The Case of President McKinley.” Medical Record 19 Oct. 1901 v60n16: pp. 601-06. VIEW

“She’s Nursing McKinley.” Ogdensburg News 10 Sept. 1901 n6460: p. 1. VIEW


 Moireau, Auguste

“Foreign Comment on the Character and Policy of Mr. McKinley.” Literary Digest 19 Oct. 1901 v23n16: p. 473. VIEW


 Molière (a.k.a. Jean-Baptiste Poquelin)

Bonaparte, Charles J. “Anarchism and Its Remedy.” Maryland Law Review Dec. 1901 v1n1: pp. 6-9. VIEW

Welsh, John T. “Eulogy of President William McKinley.” Addresses. Portland: [n.p.], 1915: pp. 7-21. VIEW


 Molineux, Roland B.

[untitled]. Burlington Hawk-Eye 1 Oct. 1901 v63n97: p. 4. VIEW

[untitled]. Virginia Law Register Oct. 1901 v7n6: pp. 432-34. VIEW

“The Trial of Czolgosz.” American Lawyer Dec. 1901 v9n11: p. 563. VIEW

“The Trial of Czolgosz.” Outlook 5 Oct. 1901 v69n5: pp. 242-43. VIEW

“Trial of the President’s Murderer.” Daily Picayune 24 Sept. 1901 v65n243: p. 4. VIEW


 Molitor, Albert

“Assassin’s Father.” Cleveland Leader 20 Sept. 1901 v54n263: p. 4. VIEW

Channing, Walter. “The Mental Status of Czolgosz, the Assassin of President McKinley.” American Journal of Insanity Oct. 1902 v59n2: pp. 233-78. VIEW

“Elder Czolgosz Not Involved in a Shooting.” Buffalo Evening News 20 Sept. 1901 v42n137: p. 7. VIEW

“Hot Stuff.” Alpena Evening News 13 Sept. 1901 v3n38: p. [2]. VIEW


 Mommsen, Theodor

Beck, James M. “The Memory of McKinley.” The McKinley Memorial in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: McKinley Memorial Association, 1909: pp. 23-48. VIEW


 Moncusi, Juan Oliva

SEE Oliva Moncusi, Juan


 Monroe, James

Beck, James M. “The Memory of McKinley.” The McKinley Memorial in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: McKinley Memorial Association, 1909: pp. 23-48. VIEW

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW

Masters, Edgar Lee. “Theodore Roosevelt.” The New Star Chamber and Other Essays. Chicago: Hammersmark Publishing, 1904: pp. 25-36. VIEW

P., M. T. “Two Kinds of Anarchists.” Comet 18 Apr. 1907 v24n1188: p. [2]. VIEW

Peck, Harry Thurston. “Twenty Years of the Republic (1885-1905)” [part 15]. Bookman Apr. 1906 v23n2: pp. 153-84. VIEW


 Montesquieu (a.k.a. Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu)

McClurg, Monroe. “Tribute to President McKinley.” Oratory of the South. Ed. Edwin DuBois Shurter. New York: Neale Publishing, 1908: pp. 70-71. VIEW

“The Shooting of the President.” Harper’s Weekly 14 Sept. 1901 v45n2334: p. 908. VIEW


 Montgomery, Benjamin F.

Bolce, Harold. “The Telephone at the White House—The President’s Private Branch Exchange.” American Telephone Journal 14 Mar. 1903 v7n11: pp. 161-62. VIEW

Carmichael, Otto. “Startled the Country.” Indianapolis Journal 7 Sept. 1901 v51n250: pp. 1-2. VIEW

Crook, W. H. “The Home Life of McKinley.” Saturday Evening Post 3 Dec. 1910 v183n23: pp. 26-30. VIEW

“Official Action.” Indianapolis Journal 7 Sept. 1901 v51n250: p. 2. VIEW

“Probing for the Bullets.” Chicago Daily News 6 Sept. 1901 v26n214: part 1, p. 1. VIEW

“Wire to White House.” Evening Star [Washington, DC] 9 Sept. 1901 n15144: p. 2. VIEW


 Montgomery, Loyal Bryson (a.k.a. Lloyd Montgomery)

“The Law and the Penalty.” Sunday Oregonian 9 Mar. 1902 v21n10: part 1, p. 4. VIEW


 Montizambert, Frederick

“Official Report of the Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association.” Public Health Papers and Reports 1902 v27: pp. 319-76. VIEW

“Twenty-Ninth Annual Session of the American Health Association.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 12 Oct. 1901 v8n15: pp. 600-01. VIEW


 Moody, D. L.

Barton, Frederick. “A Christian Gentleman: William McKinley.” Chautauquan Nov. 1901 v34n2: pp. 134-37. VIEW


 Moody, William H.

“Roosevelt, Theodore.—Sept. 14, 1901, to March 4, 1909.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW


 Mooney, Thomas J.

Lombroso, Cesare. “Anarchy: The Status of Anarchism To-Day in Europe and the United States.” Trans. Lionel Strachey. Everybody’s Magazine Feb. 1902 v6n2: pp. 165-68. VIEW


 Moore, Charles C.

Hamlin, B. [untitled]. Blue Grass Blade 27 Oct. 1901 v10n36: p. 4. VIEW

Mansfield, T. B. “Bullet vs. Prayer.” Blue Grass Blade 27 Oct. 1901 v10n36: p. [3]. VIEW

Moore, Charles C. “His Accidency.” Blue Grass Blade 5 Jan. 1902 v10n46: p. 2. VIEW


 Moore, Thomas M.

Larned, J. N. “In the Era of the Railways: 1851-1908” [chapter 3]. A History of Buffalo. Vol. 1. New York: Progress of the Empire State, 1911: sect. 1, pp. 62-96. VIEW


 Moot, Adelbert

“Assassin Was Sane and Deserves His Fate, Says Dr. MacDonald, the Alienist.” World 25 Sept. 1901 v42n14645: p. 3. VIEW

“Legislation Wanted for Anarchists.” American Law Review Sept.-Oct. 1901 v35n5: pp. 744-47. VIEW

“[Loran L. Lewis].” The Men of New York. Vol. 1. Buffalo: Geo. E. Matthews, 1898: pp. 51-53. VIEW

MacDonald, Carlos F. “The Trial, Execution, Autopsy and Mental Status of Leon F. Czolgosz, Alias Fred Nieman, the Assassin of President McKinley.” American Journal of Insanity Jan. 1902 v58n3: pp. 369-86. VIEW

Parker, LeRoy. “The Trial of the Anarchist Murderer Czolgosz.” Yale Law Journal Dec. 1901 v11n2: pp. 80-94. VIEW

“Trial of the Assassin.” Daily Picayune 22 Sept. 1901 v65n241: part 1, p. 1. VIEW


 Moot, Carrie A.

Kessel, Sara Hirschfield. “Buffalo Women Are the Aid and Comfort of Mrs. M’Kinley in Her Trouble.” Buffalo Courier 9 Sept. 1901 v66n252: p. [5?]. VIEW


 Moran, William H.

“The Cleverness of Czolgosz.” Washington Times 8 Sept. 1901 n2661: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“Round-Up of Anarchists Made by the Secret Service.” St. Louis Post-Dispatch 8 Sept. 1901 v54n18: part 2, p. 4. VIEW

Shepherd, William G. “The President’s Body-Guard.” Everybody’s Magazine Feb. 1920 v42n2: pp. 35-38. VIEW


 Moreno, Gabriel García

SEE García Moreno, Gabriel


 Morgan, J. Pierpont

[untitled]. Cigar Makers’ Official Journal Oct. 1901 v27n1: p. 8. VIEW

“Anxious Day in Wall Street.” Chicago Daily Tribune 14 Sept. 1901 v60n257: p. 11. VIEW

“The Assassination—Its Cause.” Socialist 15 Sept. 1901 n58: p. 1. VIEW

“Big Flurry in Stocks.” Milwaukee Sentinel 14 Sept. 1901 n23689: p. 6. VIEW

“Financial View of Occurrence.” Chicago Daily News 6 Sept. 1901 v26n214: part 1, p. 1. VIEW

Fox, Jay. “Roosevelt, Czolgosz and Anarchy.” Roosevelt, Czolgosz and Anarchy; and Communism. By Jay Fox and Henry Addis. [New York]: New York Anarchists, [1902?]: pp. 2-13. VIEW

“Gave Czolgasz [sic] an Atomizer.” Cleveland Plain Dealer 23 Sept. 1901 v60n266: p. 4. VIEW

“The Idiocy of Murder as a Means of Propaganda.” Advance 14 Sept. 1901 n371: p. 1. VIEW

Lauer, Solon. “A Prefatory Postscript.” Mark Hanna. Cleveland: Nike Publishing House, 1901: pp. iii-xiv. VIEW

Lefèvre, Edwin. “The News in Wall Street.” Harper’s Weekly 14 Sept. 1901 v45n2334: p. 913. VIEW

“Little Chance of a Panic.” Washington Times 7 Sept. 1901 n2660: p. 3. VIEW

“The New Administration.” Public 21 Sept. 1901 v4n181: pp. 372-74. VIEW

“President M’Kinley Shot.” Chicago Daily News 6 Sept. 1901 v26n214: part 1, p. 1. VIEW

Twitchell, E. A. “Mc Kinley [sic] Shot.” Representative 19 Sept. 1901 v9n10: p. [2]. VIEW

“What Moved Czolgosz.” New-York Tribune 9 Sept. 1901 v61n20021: p. 1. VIEW

“‘Yellow’ Journalism.” Greenville Times 5 Oct. 1901 v34n9: p. [4]. VIEW

“Yellow Journalism.” Pacific 19 Sept. 1901 v51n38: pp. 4-5. VIEW


 Morgan, James

Abbott, Lawrence F. “Roosevelt, Theodore.” The Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th ed. Vol. 23. Cambridge: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911: pp. 707-11. VIEW


 Morgan, John

Stratemeyer, Edward. “Chronology of the Life of William McKinley” [appendix B]. American Boys’ Life of William McKinley. Boston: Lothrop, Lee, and Shephard, 1901: pp. 309-16. VIEW


 Morgan, John Tyler

Havel, Hippolyte. “A Reminiscence.” Mother Earth Oct. 1908 v3n8: pp. 320-24. VIEW


 Morgan, Theo. D.

Malloch, Douglas. “The First McKinley Statue.” National Magazine July 1902 v16n4: pp. 398-401. VIEW


 Morgan, Thomas J.

“Proceedings of the Board of Indian Commissioners at the Nineteenth Lake Mohonk Indian Conference” [appendix C]. Annual Reports of the Department of the Interior: Indian Affairs. Part 2. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1902: pp. 800-52. VIEW


 Morley, Susan L.

“In the Nursing World.” Trained Nurse and Hospital Review Nov. 1901 v27n5: pp. 285-91. VIEW


 Morrill, G. L.

“How to Raise Immense Sum.” Minneapolis Tribune 19 Sept. 1901 v35n118: p. 4. VIEW


 Morris, Charles

“Halstead et al. v. Houston.” The Federal Reporter. Vol. 111. St. Paul: West Publishing, 1902: pp. 376-78. VIEW


 Morris, Gouverneur

Bangs, John Kendrick. “Theodore Roosevelt.” Harper’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v45n2335: pp. 947-48. VIEW

Low, A. Maurice. “Theodore Roosevelt.” Forum Nov. 1901 v32: pp. 259-67. VIEW

“The Personality of President Roosevelt.” Century Magazine Dec. 1901 v63n2: pp. 277-79. VIEW


 Morris, Henry

“Mortality from Gunshot Wounds of the Abdomen.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 14 Sept. 1901 v8n11: pp. 417. VIEW


 Morris, Margaret

“An Interview with the President’s Nurses.” Trained Nurse and Hospital Review Oct. 1901 v27n4: pp. 222-23. VIEW

“McKinley Won Hearts of All His Nurses.” Democrat and Chronicle 15 Sept. 1901: p. 15. VIEW

“M’Kinley Tragedy.” Paducah Evening Sun 12 Mar. 1909 v25n61: p. 8. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M. “Medical and Surgical Report of the Case of the Late President of the United States.” Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 297-318. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M., Matthew D. Mann, Herman Mynter, Roswell Park, Eugene Wasdin, Charles McBurney, and Charles G. Stockton. “The Case of President McKinley.” Medical Record 19 Oct. 1901 v60n16: pp. 601-06. VIEW

“Trained Nurse’s Testimony.” Philadelphia Record 12 Sept. 1901 n10784: p. 1. VIEW

“Treatment of the President.” Southern California Practitioner Oct. 1901 v16n10: pp. 388-89. VIEW

Wilson, Nelson W. “Details of President McKinley’s Case.” Buffalo Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v41n3 (new series): pp. 207-25. VIEW

“Words of Forgiveness.” Minneapolis Journal 16 Sept. 1901: p. 4. VIEW


 Morris, Robert

“Is M’Kinley Forgotten So Soon?” Blue Grass Blade 14 Sept. 1902 v11n30: p. [3]. VIEW


 Morris, William

Addis, Henry. “Philosophic Anarchists and Reds.” Truth Seeker 16 Nov. 1901 v28n46: p. 730. VIEW

H., W. “The Island Scheme.” Free Society 5 Jan. 1902 v9n1: p. 3. VIEW

James, C. L. “Our Friends, the Enemy, Again.” Free Society 5 Jan. 1902 v9n1: pp. 1-2. VIEW

Winchevsky, M. “The Blues Versus the Reds: Suggestions for Laws Against the Anarchists.” Comrade Nov. 1901 v1n2: pp. 34-35. VIEW


 Morrison, W. V.

Barton, Frederick. “A Christian Gentleman: William McKinley.” Chautauquan Nov. 1901 v34n2: pp. 134-37. VIEW


 Morrison, William Ralls

West, Henry Litchfield. “William McKinley.” Forum Oct. 1901 v32: pp. 131-37. VIEW


 Morrow, Quincy Lee

“Worse Than Goldman.” Plymouth Republican 19 Sept. 1901 v45n44: p. [4?]. VIEW


 Morschauser, Joseph

“Justice Is Swift.” Pioneer Express 8 Nov. 1901 v23n18: p. [6]. VIEW


 Morse, Richard C.

“Medical Notes.” Boston Medical and Surgical Journal 21 Dec. 1911 v165n25: pp. 963-67. VIEW


 Morse, Samuel F. B.

“Is M’Kinley Forgotten So Soon?” Blue Grass Blade 14 Sept. 1902 v11n30: p. [3]. VIEW


 Morton, A. D.

Barton, Frederick. “A Christian Gentleman: William McKinley.” Chautauquan Nov. 1901 v34n2: pp. 134-37. VIEW


 Morton, Charles

“President Roosevelt.” Conservative 24 Oct. 1901 v4n16: p. 1. VIEW


 Morton, James F., Jr.

Livesey, Francis B. “‘Reds’ vs. Philosophical Anarchists.” Truth Seeker 19 Oct. 1901 v28n42: p. 666. VIEW

Morris, John A. “A Psychic View of Anarchy.” Mind Feb. 1902 v9n5: pp. 330-35. VIEW


 Morton, Levi P.

[untitled]. Burlington Hawk-Eye 1 Oct. 1901 v63n97: p. 4. VIEW

“Chronological Record of the Life of President William McKinley” [chapter 19]. Life of William McKinley, Our Martyred President. Ed. Samuel Fallows. Chicago: Regan Printing House, 1901: pp. 227-31. VIEW

“[MacDonald, Carlos F.].” Biographical Directory of the State of New York, 1900. New York: Biographical Directory, 1900: p. 281. VIEW

“People Talked About.” Leslie’s Weekly 5 Oct. 1901 v93n2404: p. 303. VIEW


 Morton, Paul

“Roosevelt, Theodore.—Sept. 14, 1901, to March 4, 1909.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW


 Morton, Thomas S. K.

“Mortality from Gunshot Wounds of the Abdomen.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 14 Sept. 1901 v8n11: pp. 417. VIEW


 Morton, W. J.

[untitled]. Current Advertising Oct. 1901 v10n4: p. 54. VIEW


 Moses (Biblical personage)

“Anarchy.” Christian Observer 18 Sept. 1901 v89n38: p. 3. VIEW

Iglehart, Ferdinand C. “The Contrasts of the Tragedy.” The Speaking Oak and 300 Other Tales of Life, Love and Achievement. New York: Christian Herald, 1902: pp. 382-84. VIEW

Jones, George James. “William McKinley.” Cambrian Oct. 1901 v21n10: pp. 433-35. VIEW

Macdonald, George E. “Interview with an Assassin.” Truth Seeker 2 Nov. 1901 v28n44: p. 691. VIEW

Reisner, Christian F. “Providentially Prepared for His Career” [chapter 4]. Roosevelt’s Religion. New York: Abingdon Press, 1922: pp. 71-89. VIEW

Welsh, John T. “Eulogy of President William McKinley.” Addresses. Portland: [n.p.], 1915: pp. 7-21. VIEW


 Moses, H. S.

“Borne to the Grave.” Evening Bulletin 20 Sept. 1901 v20n256: p. 1. VIEW


 Moss, Octavia A. (a.k.a. Mrs. Theodore Moss)

“Plays and Players.” Theatre Oct. 1901 v1n8: pp. 2-13. VIEW


 Moss, Royal E.

“Gossip from Gotham.” Philadelphia Inquirer 22 Sept. 1901 v145n84: sect. 2, p. 14. VIEW


 Most, Johann (a.k.a. John Most; a.k.a. Herr Most)

[untitled]. Bangor Daily News 19 Sept. 1901: p. 4. VIEW

[untitled]. Evening Star [Ocala] 14 Sept. 1901 v7n78: p. [2]. VIEW

[untitled]. Houston Daily Post 25 Oct. 1901 n204: p. 4. VIEW

[untitled]. Irish-American 14 Sept. 1901 v53n37: p. 4. VIEW

[untitled]. Morning Oregonian 16 Apr. 1902 v42n12900: p. 6. VIEW

[untitled]. New Jersey Law Journal Oct. 1901 v24n10: pp. 675-76. VIEW

[untitled]. Star of the Magi 1 Oct. 1901 v2n12: p. 16. VIEW

[untitled]. Western New-Yorker 12 Sept. 1901 v61n37: p. [4]. VIEW

“The Anarchistic Saloon.” Backbone Sept. 1901 v5n9: p. 1. VIEW

“Anarchy.” Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Monthly Journal Nov. 1901 v35n11: pp. 689-90. VIEW

“Anent the Word Assassin.” Catholic Union and Times 12 Sept. 1901 v30n23: p. 4. VIEW

“The Assailant.” Outlook 14 Sept. 1901 v69n2: pp. 96-97. VIEW

“Assassination a Fruit of Socialism.” Social-Democrat 15 Oct. 1901 v5n10: pp. 310-12. VIEW

“Barbed Wire.” Conservative 21 Nov. 1901 v4n20: pp. 6-7. VIEW

“Black Whiteness.” Conservative 7 Nov. 1901 v4n18: p. 1. VIEW

“Brazen Anarchists.” Evening Star [Washington, DC] 9 Dec. 1901 n15221: p. 4. VIEW

Brooks, George C. [untitled]. Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 16 Oct. 1901 v5n40 (3rd series): p. 326. VIEW

Bryce, James. “The Press in a Democracy” [chapter 10]. Modern Democracies. Vol. 1. New York: Macmillan, 1921: pp. 92-110. VIEW

“Can We Deal with Anarchy Under the Law as It Is.” Law Notes Nov. 1901 v5: pp. 142-43. VIEW

“Cause and Cure of Anarchy.” Rural Californian Dec. 1901 v24n12: p. 457. VIEW

“Citizenisms.” Cleveland Citizen 14 Sept. 1901 v11n34: p. 1. VIEW

“The Crime of Anarchy.” American Lawyer Oct.-Nov. 1901 v9n10: p. 513. VIEW

“Czolgosz Heard From.” Davis Weekly News 14 Nov. 1901 v8n16: p. 1. VIEW

“Czolgosz Sought Notoriety.” Burlington Hawk-Eye 14 Sept. 1901 v63n83: p. 8. VIEW

Davis, Rebecca Harding. “Is It All for Nothing?” Independent 24 Oct. 1901 v53n2760: pp. 2513-14. VIEW

“Death of the President.” Christian Observer 18 Sept. 1901 v89n38: p. 23. VIEW

“A Duty to Civilization.” Watchman 12 Sept. 1901 v83n36: p. 8. VIEW

“Enemies of Liberty.” Truth Seeker 12 Oct. 1901 v28n41: pp. 644-45. VIEW

Fox, Jay. “Anarchist Trio Jailed.” Free Society 13 July 1902 v9n28: p. 5. VIEW

Gale, Zona. “Most Fumes in His Defense.” World 13 Sept. 1901 v42n14633: p. 3. VIEW

Harman, Moses. “Anarchy on the Boulevards.” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 28 Sept. 1901 v5n37 (3rd series): pp. 300-01. VIEW

“Hearst a Coward as Well as an Assassin.” Jersey City News 14 Sept. 1901 v13n3780: p. [4]. VIEW

“Herr Most Arraigned.” Daily Picayune 17 Sept. 1901 v65n236: p. 1. VIEW

“Herr Most Gets Year’s Sentence.” St. Louis Post-Dispatch 14 Oct. 1901 v54n54: p. 1. VIEW

“Herr Most Mostly Mouth.” Wichita Daily Eagle 12 Dec. 1901 v36n22: p. [4]. VIEW

Hinsdale, Elizur Brace. “Opinion in Case of John Most the Anarchist.” Autobiography with Reports and Documents. New York: J. J. Little, 1901: pp. 306-13. VIEW

Hinsdale, Elizur Brace. “Public Questions” [chapter 9]. Autobiography with Reports and Documents. New York: J. J. Little, 1901: pp. 52-58. VIEW

Holt, Henry. “The Treatment of Anarchism.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Feb. 1902 v25n2: pp. 192-200. VIEW

Hopkins, Alphonso A. “A Curse, a Crime, and the Cure” [chapter 10]. Profit and Loss in Man. New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1909: pp. 251-82. VIEW

Isaak, Abraham, Jr. “Splinters.” Free Society 20 Apr. 1902 v9n16: p. 4. VIEW

Isaak, Abraham, Jr. “Splinters.” Free Society 12 Oct. 1902 v9n41: p. 4. VIEW

Jackson, Ada Martin. “A Midnight Struggle.” Gordon League Ballads. 2nd series. London: Skeffington and Son, 1903: pp. 105-07. VIEW

James, C. L. “Our Friends, the Enemy, Again.” Free Society 5 Jan. 1902 v9n1: pp. 1-2. VIEW

“Johann Most Dead.” Watertown Re-Union 21 Mar. 1906: p. 1. VIEW

“Johann Most out on Bail.” Sunday News 15 Sept. 1901: p. 2. VIEW

“John L. in Boston.” Albany Evening Journal 21 Sept. 1901 v72n22090: p. 2. VIEW

“John Most.” Freedom Nov. 1901 v15n162: p. 67. VIEW

“John Most’s Great Scheme.” New-York Tribune 25 Dec. 1901 v61n20128: p. 3. VIEW

Johnson, Francis. “Assassination of William McKinley” [chapter 24]. Famous Assassinations of History. Chicago: A. C. McClurg, 1903: pp. 381-95. VIEW

La Fayette. [untitled]. Railway Conductor Oct. 1901 v18n10: pp. 793-94. VIEW

Langtoft, Geoffrey. “Assassination a Fruit of Socialism.” Fortnightly Review 1 Oct. 1901 v70n418 (new series): pp. 571-80. VIEW

“Legislating Against Anarchists.” Nation 27 Mar. 1902 v74n1917: pp. 243-44. VIEW

“Legislation Wanted for Anarchists.” American Law Review Sept.-Oct. 1901 v35n5: pp. 744-47. VIEW

Lombroso, Cesare. “Anarchy: The Status of Anarchism To-Day in Europe and the United States.” Trans. Lionel Strachey. Everybody’s Magazine Feb. 1902 v6n2: pp. 165-68. VIEW

Lydston, G. Frank. “Social Hysteria.” Texas Medical Journal May 1908 v23n11: pp. 437-43. VIEW

Mitchell, Frederic W. “John Most and Freiheit.” Truth Seeker 30 Nov. 1901 v28n48: p. 759. VIEW

“Most Still Languishes in Jail.” Journal and Herald 26 Sept. 1901 v35n36: p. [4]. VIEW

“A Natural Sequence.” Western New-Yorker 12 Sept. 1901 v61n37: p. [4]. VIEW

Neill, Charles P. “Anarchism.” American Catholic Quarterly Review Jan. 1902 v27n105: pp. 160-79. VIEW

“Notes and Remarks.” Ave Maria 12 Oct. 1901 v53n15: pp. 470-73. [excerpt 1 of 2] VIEW

“Our Monthly Talk.” Medical World Oct. 1901 v19n10: pp. 449-52. VIEW

“Our Monthly Talk.” Medical World Nov. 1901 v19n11: pp. 493-96, 18. VIEW

Peck, Harry Thurston. “Twenty Years of the Republic (1885-1905)” [part 15]. Bookman Apr. 1906 v23n2: pp. 153-84. VIEW

“Present Laws Against Anarchism.” Outlook 21 Sept. 1901 v69n3: pp. 146-47. VIEW

“Psychology of the Czolgosz Crime.” Public 26 Oct. 1901 v4n186: pp. 455-57. VIEW

“Radical Comment on the President’s Assassination.” Literary Digest 21 Sept. 1901 v23n12: pp. 336-37. VIEW

“The Responsibility of Public Opinion.” Gunton’s Magazine Oct. 1901 v21n4: pp. 305-08. VIEW

“Roosevelt Too, Says Most.” New-York Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v61n20022: p. 3. VIEW

“She Lauds Czolgosz for His Act.” World 10 Sept. 1901 v42n14630: p. 3. VIEW

Simons, A. M. “Anarchy vs. Socialism.” International Socialist Review Oct. 1901 v2n4: pp. 241-50. VIEW

“Summary of Events.” Friend 21 Sept. 1901 v75n10: pp. 79-80. VIEW

“The Viper’s Hiss.” National Tribune 26 Sept. 1901 v20n51: p. 4. VIEW

Vizetelly, Ernest Alfred. “King Humbert—Bresci—President McKinley—Czolgosz (1898-1901)” [chapter 10]. The Anarchists: Their Faith and Their Record. London: Lane, 1911: pp. 240-59. VIEW

“The Week.” Public Opinion 12 Sept. 1901 v31n11: p. 323. VIEW

Winn, Ross. “Current Comment.” Free Society 9 Feb. 1902 v9n6: pp. 4-5. VIEW

“Worse Than Goldman.” Plymouth Republican 19 Sept. 1901 v45n44: p. [4?]. VIEW

“Yellow Journalism.” Pacific 19 Sept. 1901 v51n38: pp. 4-5. VIEW


 Motley, John Lothrop

“M’Kinley Memorial Services at Albany.” New York Times 5 Mar. 1902 v51n16274: p. 8. VIEW


 Mousso, Ernest

“Mousso Is Insane.” Minneapolis Journal 14 Dec. 1901: part 1, p. 7. VIEW


 Moxom, Philip S.

“McKinley Memorial Sunday.” Congregationalist and Christian World 20 Sept. 1902 v87n38: p. 395. VIEW


 Moyer, Harold N.

Moyer, Harold N. “Dr. Moyer, Alienist, Thinks Czolgosz Sane; No Mental Defect or Degeneracy in Face.” Chicago Daily Tribune 9 Sept. 1901 v60n252: part 1, p. 2. VIEW


 Moyer, James B.

“Believe Czolgosz Had Confederates.” Rome Daily Sentinel 19 Sept. 1901 v20: p. 5. VIEW

“Did Czolgosz Have Aids?” Iowa State Register 22 Sept. 1901 v46n224: p. 12. VIEW


 Mudd, Samuel A.

“Legal Rights of Leon Czolgosz.” Baltimore American 23 Sept. 1901 v191n34821: p. 3. VIEW

“W. C. T. U. Column.” Logan County News 23 Feb. 1912 v9n15: p. [8]. VIEW


 Muenter, Erich (a.k.a. Frank Holt)

“The Mattoid, or Crank.” Medical Summary Sept. 1915 v37n7: pp. 194-95. VIEW


 Muhammad (a.k.a. Mohammed; a.k.a. Mahomet) (prophet of Islam)

Clarke, W. B. “Static Electricity Transmitted to a Distance and Several X-Ray Tubes Operated from One Machine.” American Physician Apr. 1902 v28n4: p. 114. VIEW


 Muldoon, Peter J.

[untitled]. Public 21 Sept. 1901 v4n181: pp. 369-72. VIEW


 Mulford, Elisha

Crooks, E. A. “The Higher Power” [part 2]. Christian Nation 9 Apr. 1902 v36n916: pp. 1-2. VIEW


 Mullens, Martin

“Mob Violence in Chicago.” Sunday News 15 Sept. 1901: p. 2. VIEW


 Mulligan, Charles J.

“McKinley Monument, McKinley Park.” One Hundred and Twenty-Five Photographic Views of Chicago. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1916: [no pagination]. VIEW

“Memorials to McKinley: Monuments That Have Been, and Are to Be, Erected in Honor of the Slain President.” Craftsman Oct. 1905 v9: pp. 23-35. VIEW

Olcott, Charles S. “The McKinley Monuments” [appendix 3]. The Life of William McKinley. Vol. 2. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1916: pp. 389-95. VIEW


 Mullins, Alex.

Penn, G. W. “A Case of Gunshot Wound of the Stomach in Which the Patient Recovered.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 12 Oct. 1901 v8n15: pp. 603-04. VIEW


 Munger, Harry L.

[untitled]. Weekly Law Bulletin and the Ohio Law Journal 23 Sept. 1901 v46: p. 133. VIEW


 Munier, H. H.

Munier, H. H. “In Suspense.” St. Louis Post-Dispatch 10 Sept. 1901 v54n20: p. 6. VIEW


 Munson, Edward L.

“Autopsy on the President.” Sunday News 15 Sept. 1901: p. 1. VIEW

“The Case of President McKinley.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 21 Sept. 1901 v8n12: pp. 480-81. VIEW

“The Postmortem on the Late President.” Physician and Surgeon Sept. 1901 v23n9: p. 427. VIEW

“The President’s Case.” Hot Springs Medical Journal 15 Oct. 1901 v10n10: pp. 305-09. VIEW

“Promotion for Nurses of M’Kinley.” Buffalo Courier 10 Oct. 1901 v66n283: part 1, p. 7. VIEW

“Real Cause of Death.” Journal and Herald 19 Sept. 1901 v35n35: p. [4]. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M. “Medical and Surgical Report of the Case of the Late President of the United States.” Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 297-318. VIEW

Wilson, Nelson W. “Details of President McKinley’s Case.” Buffalo Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v41n3 (new series): pp. 207-25. VIEW


 Munson, James E.

Marshall, L. V. “A Representative Stenographer.” Typewriter and Phonographic World Oct. 1901 v18n2: pp. 103-05. VIEW


 Murat, Joachim, King of Naples

[untitled]. Bankers’ Magazine Oct. 1901 v63n4: pp. 561-64. VIEW


 Murphy, Charles F.

Hunter, Robert. “Seeking the Causes” [chapter 6]. Violence and the Labor Movement. New York: Macmillan, 1919: 90-122. VIEW


 Murphy, Francis E.

Steep, Thomas W. “Czolgosz May Never Live to Reach Electric Death Chair.” Buffalo Courier 28 Oct. 1901 v66n301: pp. 1-2. VIEW


 Murphy, Franklin

“McKinley Memorial Association.” Bankers’ Magazine Nov. 1901 v63n5: pp. 878-79. VIEW


 Murphy, Harriet Anderson Stubbs (a.k.a. Mrs. W. D. Murphy)

“Art Notes.” Evening Star [Washington, DC] 28 Mar. 1903 n15628: part 2, p. 27. VIEW

“Revised National Picture of President McKinley.” St. Louis Republic 12 July 1903 v96n12: mag. sect., p. [5]. VIEW


 Murphy, J. H.

Larned, J. N. “In the Era of the Railways: 1851-1908” [chapter 3]. A History of Buffalo. Vol. 1. New York: Progress of the Empire State, 1911: sect. 1, pp. 62-96. VIEW


 Murphy, John B.

“Chicago Surgeon’s Opinion.” New York Times 8 Sept. 1901 v50n16121: part 1, p. 2. VIEW


 Murphy, Joseph E.

Shepherd, William G. “The President’s Body-Guard.” Everybody’s Magazine Feb. 1920 v42n2: pp. 35-38. VIEW


 Murphy, Michael C.

“Siftings.” Irish-American 14 Sept. 1901 v53n37: p. 5. VIEW

“Will Take a Census of Anarchists.” Norfolk Landmark 11 Sept. 1901 v53n13: p. 8. VIEW


 Murray, Stansbury, Jr.

“Parker to Get Medal.” Sun [Wilmington] 13 Sept. 1901 v4n253: p. 1. VIEW


 Musser, John H.

Stockton, Charles G. “Roswell Park: A Memoir.” Publications of the Buffalo Historical Society 1918 v22: pp. 91-111. VIEW


 Mynter, Herman

“American News and Notes.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 21 Sept. 1901 v8n12: pp. 466-69. VIEW

“The Attempted Assassination of President McKinley.” Medical Record 14 Sept. 1901 v60n11: pp. 417-18. VIEW

“Autopsy on the President.” Sunday News 15 Sept. 1901: p. 1. VIEW

“Better Than Yesterday.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle 13 Sept. 1901 v61n254: p. 1. VIEW

“A Card from the Doctors.” News and Courier 18 Sept. 1901: p. 1. VIEW

“The Case of President McKinley.” Homeopathic Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Pediatrics Nov. 1901 v23n6: pp. 571-72. VIEW

“The Case of President McKinley.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 21 Sept. 1901 v8n12: pp. 480-81. VIEW

“A Celebrated Case.” Animals’ Defender Nov. 1901 v6n11: pp. 3-4. VIEW

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW

“Cincinnati Woman Nursed M’Kinley.” Commercial Tribune 13 Sept. 1901 v6n91: p. 10. VIEW

“Czolgosz Case Now Before the Grand Jury.” Buffalo Evening News 16 Sept. 1901 v42n134: p. 1. VIEW

“Czolgosz on Trial.” Morning Oregonian 24 Sept. 1901 v41n12725: p. 1. VIEW

“Czolgosz Will Die a Sane Man.” Post Express 12 Oct. 1901 v43n107: p. 1. VIEW

“Death of President McKinley.” Hot Springs Medical Journal 15 Oct. 1901 v10n10: pp. 309-11. VIEW

“Death of President McKinley.” International Clinics 1902 v1 (12th series): pp. 300-02. VIEW

“The Deed.” Outlook 14 Sept. 1901 v69n2: pp. 95-96. VIEW

“Dr. N. J. Senn on M’Kinley’s Hurts.” Chicago Daily News 6 Sept. 1901 v26n214: part 1, p. 1. VIEW

“Echoes and News.” Medical News 21 Sept. 1901 v79n12: pp. 470-74. VIEW

Everett, Marshall. “The Assassination of President McKinley” [chapter 1]. Complete Life of William McKinley and Story of His Assassination. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 33-40. VIEW

Ferris, Ralph H. “McKinley’s Doctors Want an Appropriation.” Physical Culture Jan. 1902 v6n4: p. 181. VIEW

“God Disposes and Man Proposes.” Youngstown Vindicator 10 Sept. 1901 v13n8: p. 7. VIEW

“Great Surgeon Was Blunt.” Silverton Standard 21 Mar. 1903 v14n17: p. 10. VIEW

“Harmony Among the President’s Surgeons.” Medical Record 21 Sept. 1901 v60n12: p. 460. VIEW

Hayd, H. E. “Matthew D. Mann, M.D., 1845-1921.” American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Apr. 1921 v1n7: p. 782. VIEW

“‘Heart Affection Probable Cause.’” Philadelphia Inquirer 14 Sept. 1901 v145n76: p. 6. VIEW

“A Lapse from Life into the Sleep of Death.” Daily Picayune 14 Sept. 1901 v65n233: part 1, p. 10. VIEW

“The Late President McKinley.” Canadian Practitioner and Review Nov. 1901 v26n11: pp. 633-37. VIEW

Lee, Edward Wallace. “Wounds Described.” Topeka State Journal 9 Sept. 1901 v28n214: pp. 1, 3. VIEW

Matthews, Franklin. “The President’s Last Days.” Harper’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v45n2335: p. 943. VIEW

“Medical Items.” Maryland Medical Journal Mar. 1903 v46n3: pp. 135-36. VIEW

“Medical Science—Our Late President.” Physical Culture Oct. 1901 v6n1: pp. C-F. VIEW

“The Medical Treatment.” Burlington Hawk-Eye 17 Sept. 1901 v63n85: p. 3. VIEW

“Minor Intelligence.” Physician and Surgeon Apr. 1909 v31n4: pp. 185-87. VIEW

“Minutes of the Proceedings of the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania, at Its Fifty-First Annual Session, Held at Philadelphia, Sep. 17, 24, 25 and 26, 1901.” Pennsylvania Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v5n1: pp. 42-56. VIEW

“The M’Kinley Doctor Bills.” Buffalo Evening News 1 Mar. 1902 v43n118: p. 6. VIEW

“M’Kinley Tragedy.” Paducah Evening Sun 12 Mar. 1909 v25n61: p. 8. VIEW

“The Month.” Post-Graduate Oct. 1901 v16n10: pp. 874-78. VIEW

“The Month.” Post-Graduate Nov. 1901 v16n11: pp. 1006-10. VIEW

“Mr. McKinley’s Humor.” Florence Times 27 Sept. 1901 v12n13: p. [7]. VIEW

“[Mynter, H.].” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 3, p. 48. VIEW

“No Trace of Poison Is Found.” San Francisco Call 12 Sept. 1901 v90n104: p. 2. VIEW

“The Official Report of President McKinley’s Case.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 26 Oct. 1901 v8n17: pp. 663-64. VIEW

Olcott, Charles S. “The Tragedy at Buffalo” [chapter 34]. The Life of William McKinley. Vol. 2. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1916: pp. 313-33. VIEW

Page, Charles E. “The Lesson of the Late President’s Case.” Physical Culture Nov. 1901 v6n2: pp. 59-61. VIEW

Park, Roswell. “Reminiscences of McKinley Week.” Selected Papers, Surgical and Scientific. Buffalo: [n.p.], 1914: pp. 374-81. VIEW

Parmenter, John. “The Surgery in President McKinley’s Case.” Buffalo Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v41n3 (new series): pp. 205-06. VIEW

“The People of the State of New York Against Leon F. Czolgosz.” Unpublished trial transcript. 23-24, 26 Sept. 1901. VIEW

“Pharmaceutical Aspect of the National Tragedy.” Pharmaceutical Era 26 Sept. 1901 v26n13: pp. 357-60. VIEW

“The Poisoned Bullet Theory.” Sunday News 15 Sept. 1901: p. 2. VIEW

“The Postmortem on the Late President.” Physician and Surgeon Sept. 1901 v23n9: p. 427. VIEW

“The President Joked.” Buffalo Enquirer 9 Sept. 1901 v58n36: p. 6. VIEW

“President M’Kinley Shot.” Chicago Daily News 6 Sept. 1901 v26n214: part 1, p. 1. VIEW

“President Shot.” Enterprise [Lancaster] 7 Sept. 1901 v6n75: p. 1. VIEW

“The President’s Case.” Hot Springs Medical Journal 15 Oct. 1901 v10n10: pp. 305-09. VIEW

“The President’s Case.” Medical News 21 Sept. 1901 v79n12: pp. 465-67. VIEW

“The President’s Case.” Red Cross Notes 1901 s3n9: pp. 191-96. VIEW

“Probing for the Bullets.” Chicago Daily News 6 Sept. 1901 v26n214: part 1, p. 1. VIEW

“Professional Opinions of Prominent Surgeons Regarding the President’s Wounds.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 14 Sept. 1901 v8n11: pp. 438-39. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M. “Medical and Surgical Report of the Case of the Late President of the United States.” Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 297-318. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M., Matthew D. Mann, Herman Mynter, Roswell Park, Eugene Wasdin, Charles McBurney, and Charles G. Stockton. “The Case of President McKinley.” Medical Record 19 Oct. 1901 v60n16: pp. 601-06. VIEW

“Science Fights Death.” Congregationalist and Christian World 14 Sept. 1901 v86n37: p. 379. VIEW

“Solid Food Given to the President.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle 12 Sept. 1901 v61n253: p. 1. VIEW

“Some Brief Notes Concerning the President’s Surgeons at Buffalo.” Medical News 14 Sept. 1901 v79n11: pp. 424-25. VIEW

“Some Points in the President’s Case.” Alabama Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v12n11: pp. 607-08. VIEW

Stockton, Charles G. “Roswell Park: A Memoir.” Publications of the Buffalo Historical Society 1918 v22: pp. 91-111. VIEW

“The Surgical and Medical Treatment of President McKinley.” Journal of Medicine and Science Oct. 1901 v7n11: pp. 389-90. VIEW

“Was Composed.” Stark County Democrat 17 Sept. 1901 v67n135: p. 8. VIEW

Wellman, Walter. “The Last Days of President M’Kinley: His Visit to Buffalo, the Tragedy, and the Nation’s Mourning.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Oct. 1901 v24n4: pp. 414-30. VIEW

“What Moved Czolgosz.” New-York Tribune 9 Sept. 1901 v61n20021: p. 1. VIEW

Wilson, Nelson W. “Details of President McKinley’s Case.” Buffalo Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v41n3 (new series): pp. 207-25. VIEW

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