Publication information
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Source: Irish-American
Source type: newspaper
Document type: news column
Document title: “Siftings”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: New York, New York
Date of publication: 14 September 1901
Volume number: 53
Issue number: 37
Pagination: 5

“Siftings.” Irish-American 14 Sept. 1901 v53n37: p. 5.
Michael C. Murphy (public statements); anarchism (New York, NY); anarchism (government response); Leon Czolgosz (name, pronunciation of).
Named persons
Leon Czolgosz; William McKinley; Michael C. Murphy.
The excerpt below comprises two nonconsecutive portions of the column. Omission of text within the excerpt is denoted with a bracketed indicator (e.g., [omit]).


Siftings [excerpt]

     Police Commissioner Murphy says that all the Anarchists in the city are now under close surveillance. “The Anarchists here,” he adds, “up to date have not been violent, and as they undoubtedly know that a large portion of our detective bureau are watching them unceasingly, I do not think they will become violent. Under instructions from me no meetings of any sort will be allowed to be held under the auspices of any one known to be an Anarchist.”


     The name of the man, Czolgosz, who shot President McKinley, is one which the English alphabet cannot represent phonetically, and which the average English-speaking person stumbles over in trying to express it, after hearing it spoken by a Russian. Written according to its sound, the name of Czolgosz, or its nearest equivalent, is “Tchollgosch,” or more broadly speaking, “Shollgosch.” “Cz” is represented in the Russian alphabet by a character which is pronounced sch, the same as though one were suppressing a sneeze—“tch.” The next two letters “ol,” are pronounced in combination as though written “oll,” and the remaining letters of the name, “gosz,” have the sound of “gosch.”



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