A Reply
An old Truth Seeker, which
has been sent me, expresses Geo. E. Macdonald’s wonder what grade
of intelligence I am addressing, and whether it is the highest I
am capable of manifesting, when I speak of the removal of five crowned
heads or statesmen with powers similar to kings’, as retribution
for the persecution of Anarchists; whose most important scene was
enacted at Chicago, November 11, 1887. Macdonald apparently thinks
there was as much connection of cause and effect between McKinley’s
death and the following alleged incentives. 1. He tolerated the
army canteen. 2. He betrayed the principle of republicanism. 3.
He pursued an imperialistic policy. 4. He omitted to recognize Jesus
Christ in his proclama- [5][6] tions.
5. He allowed vice to be licensed. 6. He swung ostentatiously around
the circle, and did not give God the glory. My own opinion is slightly
different; and perhaps, if Mac had read the whole of my article
on the martyrs’ day, he might have known my reasons well enough
not to require I should repeat them. McKinley’s errors were neither
few nor small, and no doubt they all had some bearing on his fate.
Probably the effect of No. 4 was infinitesimal. I am not prepared
to deny that that of No. 6 was somewhat serious. At any rate Terrified
Ted appears to think so. But between persecution of any opinion,
as Anarchism, and a spirit in the persecuted party which leads to
acts like those of Bresci, Czolgosz, Guy Fawkes, Balfour of Burley,
etc., the connection is pretty obvious. In asserting it, I address
any intelligence above that of Terrified Ted’s message; and regret
to find I shot over Mac’s head. The degree of intelligence I manifest
in asserting it may be about equal to that of Macaulay, who scarcely
ever refers to persecution without some similar remark. If a man
knows he may be punished for actions but not for opinions, he has
a motive to refrain from punishable actions. But if he may be punished
for opinions inferred to tend in the direction of such actions,
he reasons that it is as good to be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.
Thus persecution has a tendency to make dangerous fanatics. It also
has a tendency to attract them. Men like Guy Fawkes and Balfour
of Burley are not all made by persecution. In some measure they
exist at all times and everywhere, wanting only an excuse to exhibit
their innate propensities. Persecution of any particular opinion
furnishes an excuse so good, that such men are found professing
persecuted opinions which there is the best reason to think they
do not at all understand; and receiving a certain sympathy from
professors of those opinions, who otherwise would have no difficulty
in recognizing them for cranks of the homicidal type. If therefore
kings, presidents, money-grubs, hoc genus omne, want to increase
the frequency with which they will be made targets by persons calling
themselves Anarchists, they can do no better than adopt the Gary-Roosevelt
platform, and assume that every Anarchist is already guilty of making
some one a target.