Publication information
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Source: Evening Star
Source type: newspaper
Document type: news column
Document title: “Art Notes”
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Washington, DC
Date of publication: 28 March 1903
Volume number: none
Issue number: 15628
Part/Section: 2
Pagination: 27

“Art Notes.” Evening Star [Washington, DC] 28 Mar. 1903 n15628: part 2, p. 27.
William McKinley (paintings); McKinley memorialization.
Named persons
Wilbur C. Brown; Marcus Hanna; Abner McKinley; William McKinley; Harriet Anderson Stubbs Murphy [misidentified as her husband below].


Art Notes [excerpt]

     On Thursday of this week the portrait of the late President McKinley painted by W. D. Murphy of New York, which for some time has been on exhibition in the lower loan room at the Corcoran Gallery, was purchased by the government as the official portrait for the White House. This portrait of Major McKinley was painted from several photographs under the observation of his brother, Abner McKinley, and Col. Brown of Canton, Ohio, and was pronounced at once an excellent likeness. At the request of Senator Hanna it was brought to Washington and placed on exhibition, and certain competent critics were invited to suggest alterations and improvements. Within the past ten days, in compliance with the advice of these persons, the artist has completed his work, which now meets with the entire approval of both the late President’s friends and those in authority.
     In many ways save that of likeness this official portrait is quite a different painting from the one seen so recently in the Corcoran Gallery. A quiet, unobtrusive background has been substituted for the former somewhat theatrical one, and the figure of the President has been considerably and satisfactorily altered. There is now a quiet dignity in expression and pose which is excellent, and a sincerity in the manner of rendering which must win respect. From being the best of the many poor portraits of the martyred President it has become the best that could probably ever be painted, and neither as a likeness nor a work of art will unfittingly represent the man whom the country would thus commemorate and honor.



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