H., L. M.

H., L. M. [untitled]. Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 24 Oct. 1901 v5n41 (3rd series): p. 335. VIEW


 H., T. H.

H., T. H. [untitled]. Sun [New York] 13 Sept. 1901 v69n13: p. 6. VIEW


 H., T. T.

Goldman, Emma. “In Justice to Leon Szolgosz” [sic]. Mother Earth Oct. 1909 v4n8: pp. 239-41. VIEW


 Haag, Frank A.

“Adopted a Memorial.” Buffalo Evening News 16 Sept. 1901 v42n134: p. 8. VIEW


 Haas, Christian

Steep, Thomas W. “Czolgosz May Never Live to Reach Electric Death Chair.” Buffalo Courier 28 Oct. 1901 v66n301: pp. 1-2. VIEW


 Habakkuk (a.k.a. Hàbhàqqûq; a.k.a. Habacuc) (Biblical personage)

Woelfkin, Cornelius. “Sermon.” William McKinley: Character Sketches of America’s Martyred Chieftain. Comp. Charles E. Benedict. New York: Blanchard Press, [1901?]: pp. 91-94. VIEW


 Hackett, Frank Warren

“Army Order Approved.” Sentinel 19 Sept. 1901 v9n5 (new series): p. [6]. VIEW

“For Official Use.” Youngstown Vindicator 9 Sept. 1901 v13n7: p. 5. VIEW

“Official Action.” Indianapolis Journal 7 Sept. 1901 v51n250: p. 2. VIEW


 Hackett, James K.

“Gossip from Gotham.” Philadelphia Inquirer 22 Sept. 1901 v145n84: sect. 2, p. 14. VIEW

“Plays and Players.” Theatre Oct. 1901 v1n8: pp. 2-13. VIEW


 Hackley, Charles H.

Brush, E. H. “McKinley Memorials in Sculpture.” American Review of Reviews Oct. 1907 v36n4: pp. 467-71. VIEW

Malloch, Douglas. “The First McKinley Statue.” National Magazine July 1902 v16n4: pp. 398-401. VIEW

Olcott, Charles S. “The McKinley Monuments” [appendix 3]. The Life of William McKinley. Vol. 2. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1916: pp. 389-95. VIEW


 Hadfield, James

“Erskine’s Defence of Hadfield.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 5 Oct. 1901 v8n14: pp. 539-40. VIEW

Graham, George S. “The Trial of Czolgosz.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 19 Oct. 1901 v8n16: p. 649. VIEW

“The Trial of the Assassin.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 5 Oct. 1901 v8n14: p. 539. VIEW


 Hadley, Arthur T.

Snow, Jane Elliott. “Opinions of Noted Men” [chapter 17]. The Life of William McKinley, Twenty-Fifth President of the United States. Cleveland: Imperial Press, 1908: pp. 89-90. VIEW


 Haese, William

“Corporation Proceedings” [Board of Aldermen]. Proceedings of the Common Council of the City of Buffalo 14 Sept. 1901 n36: pp. 1505-06. VIEW


 Hagerty, Michael

“Burns Out Buffalo Police.” New York Times 2 Nov. 1907 v57n18179: p. 1. VIEW


 Haggerty, Frank T.

Czolgosz, Leon. [untitled]. Senate Documents. Vol. 12. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1919: pp. 62-64. VIEW

“Investigation Activities of the Department of Justice.” Senate Documents. Vol. 12. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1919. VIEW

“The People of the State of New York Against Leon F. Czolgosz.” Unpublished trial transcript. 23-24, 26 Sept. 1901. VIEW

“Statement of Leon F. Czolgosz, Taken at Police Headquarters, 10.30 P. M., September 6, 1901, by Mr. Penney.” Senate Documents. Vol. 12. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1919: pp. 64-74. VIEW

Townsend, G. W. “Chapter XXIV.” Memorial Life of William McKinley. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 460-66. VIEW


 Hahnemann, Samuel

“The Death of the President.” Medical Counselor Sept. 1901 v10n9: pp. 216-17. VIEW

Duncan, Thomas C. “High Pulse Rate; Causes and Remedies.” Hahnemannian Advocate 15 Oct. 1901 v40n10: pp. 375-77. VIEW


 Haight, Albert

Banks, Charles Eugene, and Le Roy Armstrong. “Succeeds to the Presidency” [chapter 19]. Theodore Roosevelt, Twenty-Sixth President of the United States. Chicago: S. Stone, 1901: pp. 369-78. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “Theodore Roosevelt—President and Man” [chapter 32]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 492-503. VIEW

Wilcox, Ansley. “Theodore Roosevelt, President.” How Theodore Roosevelt Became President of the United States in Buffalo, September 14, 1901. [Buffalo?]: Roosevelt Memorial Association, 1919: pp. 3-6. VIEW


 Halderman, Stephen S.

[untitled]. Portsmouth Daily Times 12 Sept. 1901 v9n9: p. [2]. VIEW


 Hale, Edward Everett

“Notes and Remarks.” Ave Maria 12 Oct. 1901 v53n15: pp. 470-73. [excerpt 1 of 2] VIEW


 Hale, Eugene

“McKinley, William.” The Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th ed. Vol. 17. Cambridge: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911: pp. 256-59. VIEW


 Halford, Henry

“Medical Bulletins.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 19 Oct. 1901 v8n16: p. 622. VIEW


 Hall, Alice Crossette

Hall, Alice Crossette. “A Reminiscence of the Pan-American.” Woman’s Journal 26 Oct. 1901 v32n43: p. 342. VIEW


 Hall, Charles Cuthbert

“The First Collegiate.” Evangelist 19 Sept. 1901 v72n38: p. 4. VIEW


 Hall, G. Stanley

“What the Public Might Think.” Worcester Magazine Sept. 1901 v2n3: pp. 99-101. VIEW


 Hall, George McKenzie

“The Attempted Assassination of President McKinley.” Medical Record 14 Sept. 1901 v60n11: pp. 417-18. VIEW

“The Emergency Hospital at the Buffalo Exposition.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 12 Oct. 1901 v8n15: p. 578. VIEW

“Minor Intelligence.” Physician and Surgeon Apr. 1909 v31n4: pp. 185-87. VIEW

“M’Kinley Tragedy.” Paducah Evening Sun 12 Mar. 1909 v25n61: p. 8. VIEW

“The President’s Case.” Medical News 14 Sept. 1901 v79n11: pp. 401-04. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M. “Medical and Surgical Report of the Case of the Late President of the United States.” Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 297-318. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M., Matthew D. Mann, Herman Mynter, Roswell Park, Eugene Wasdin, Charles McBurney, and Charles G. Stockton. “The Case of President McKinley.” Medical Record 19 Oct. 1901 v60n16: pp. 601-06. VIEW

Wilson, Nelson W. “Details of President McKinley’s Case.” Buffalo Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v41n3 (new series): pp. 207-25. VIEW


 Hall, H. W.

“Hard Hustle of Hall.” Minneapolis Journal 11 Sept. 1901: p. 6. VIEW


 Hall, John A.

“Services at the Church.” Evening Bulletin 20 Sept. 1901 v20n256: p. 1. VIEW


 Hall-Edwards, John F.

“A Celebrated Case.” Animals’ Defender Nov. 1901 v6n11: pp. 3-4. VIEW


 Haller, Frederick

Bull, William S. “Police Superintendent’s Report.” Annual Report of the Board of Police of the City of Buffalo. Buffalo: Wenborne-Sumner, 1902: pp. 7-48. VIEW

“Crime Is Hated by His Family.” Atlanta Constitution 25 Sept. 1901 v34: p. 3. VIEW

“Czolgosz Case Now Before the Grand Jury.” Buffalo Evening News 16 Sept. 1901 v42n134: p. 1. VIEW

“Czolgosz on Trial.” Morning Oregonian 24 Sept. 1901 v41n12725: p. 1. VIEW

“Family of Assassin in Buffalo.” Buffalo Enquirer 25 Sept. 1901 v58n48: p. 9. VIEW

“[Haller, Frederick].” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 3, p. 28. VIEW

“Kiss Assassin for Last Time.” Atlanta Constitution 26 Sept. 1901 v34: p. 2. VIEW

MacDonald, Carlos F. “The Trial, Execution, Autopsy and Mental Status of Leon F. Czolgosz, Alias Fred Nieman, the Assassin of President McKinley.” American Journal of Insanity Jan. 1902 v58n3: pp. 369-86. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “Czolgosz Pays the Penalty” [chapter 29]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 448-53. VIEW

“Once Cigarmaker, Now Lawyer.” Morning Telegraph 30 Sept. 1901 v63n234: p. 12. VIEW

Parker, LeRoy. “The Trial of the Anarchist Murderer Czolgosz.” Yale Law Journal Dec. 1901 v11n2: pp. 80-94. VIEW

“The People of the State of New York Against Leon F. Czolgosz.” Unpublished trial transcript. 23-24, 26 Sept. 1901. VIEW

Powers, T. E. “Court-Room Scene During the Trial of President M’Kinley’s Assassin.” World 23 Sept. 1901: p. 2. VIEW

“Relatives Talk with Murderer.” Post Express 25 Sept. 1901 v43n92: p. 1. VIEW

“Statement of Leon F. Czolgosz, Taken at Police Headquarters, 10.30 P. M., September 6, 1901, by Mr. Penney.” Senate Documents. Vol. 12. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1919: pp. 64-74. VIEW

“Temple of Music Will Reopen Tomorrow.” Buffalo Evening News 7 Sept. 1901 v42n127: p. 8. VIEW

Townsend, G. W. “Chapter XXIV.” Memorial Life of William McKinley. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 460-66. VIEW

“Trial of President McKiley’s [sic] Murderer.” Enterprise [Lancaster] 25 Sept. 1901 v6n80: p. 1. VIEW


 Halser, Frank

“The Assassin Is Recognized in Cleveland.” St. Louis Post-Dispatch 7 Sept. 1901 v54n17: p. 4. VIEW

“Czolgosz Says He Had No Aid.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 8 Sept. 1901 v60n251: part 1, pp. 1, 4. VIEW

“Tracing Career of Czolgosz.” Buffalo Evening News 7 Sept. 1901 v42n127: p. [?]. VIEW


 Halstead, Albert

[advertisement]. Plymouth Tribune 12 Dec. 1901 v1n10: p. 1. VIEW


 Halstead, Murat

[advertisement]. Plymouth Tribune 12 Dec. 1901 v1n10: p. 1. VIEW

Abbott, Lawrence F. “Roosevelt, Theodore.” The Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th ed. Vol. 23. Cambridge: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911: pp. 707-11. VIEW

“Halstead et al. v. Houston.” The Federal Reporter. Vol. 111. St. Paul: West Publishing, 1902: pp. 376-78. VIEW

“Halstead et al. v. John C. Winston Co. et al.” The Federal Reporter. Vol. 111. St. Paul: West Publishing, 1902: pp. 35-36. VIEW

Halstead, Murat. “The Author’s Letter: From the Scene of Execution and the Autopsy of the Assassin.” The Illustrious Life of William McKinley, Our Martyred President. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 465-72. VIEW

Rev. of The Life of William McKinley, by Charles S. Olcott. Catholic Historical Review July 1916 v2n2: pp. 217-18. VIEW


 Haman (a.k.a. Haman the Agagite) (Biblical personage)

“‘It Is Not God’s Way.’” Cleveland Plain Dealer 23 Sept. 1901 v60n266: p. 8. VIEW


 Hamel, J. A. van

Ellis, Havelock. “Additional Notes to Fourth Edition” [appendix E]. The Criminal. 4th ed., rev. and enlarged. London: Walter Scott Publishing, 1913: pp. 412-32. VIEW


 Hamilton, Alexander

Beck, James M. “The Memory of McKinley.” The McKinley Memorial in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: McKinley Memorial Association, 1909: pp. 23-48. VIEW

Depew, Chauncey M. “Introduction.” Life and Distinguished Services of Hon. Wm. McKinley and the Great Issues of 1896. By Murat Halstead. [n.p.]: Edgewood Publishing, 1896: pp. vii-xiii. VIEW

Smith, F. S. Key. “Our New Problem—An Old Idea Enlarged Upon.” Albany Law Journal Dec. 1901 v63n12: pp. 451-54. VIEW

Welsh, John T. “Eulogy of President William McKinley.” Addresses. Portland: [n.p.], 1915: pp. 7-21. VIEW

“Wild Scramble at the Funeral.” Baltimore Sunday Herald 29 Sept. 1901 n2007: part 4, p. 28. VIEW


 Hamilton, Allan McLane

“Czolgosz Will Die a Sane Man.” Post Express 12 Oct. 1901 v43n107: p. 1. VIEW

Graham, George S. “The Trial of Czolgosz.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 19 Oct. 1901 v8n16: p. 649. VIEW

Kempf, Edward J. “The Psychopathology of Paranoia” [chapter 9]. Psychopathology. St. Louis: C. V. Mosby, 1920: pp. 421-76. VIEW

Parker, LeRoy. “The Trial of the Anarchist Murderer Czolgosz.” Yale Law Journal Dec. 1901 v11n2: pp. 80-94. VIEW

“What Moved Czolgosz.” New-York Tribune 9 Sept. 1901 v61n20021: p. 1. VIEW

“Yellow Journalism.” Pacific 19 Sept. 1901 v51n38: pp. 4-5. VIEW

“‘Yellow Journalism’s’ Responsibility.” Congregationalist and Christian World 14 Sept. 1901 v86n37: p. 379. VIEW


 Hamilton, Florence

“Pan-American Notes.” Buffalo Medical Journal July 1901 v40n12 (new series): pp. 926-27. VIEW


 Hamilton, Frank Hastings

“American News and Notes.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 2 Nov. 1901 v8n18: pp. 711-13. VIEW

“Senator Foraker.” Sunday Morning Globe 24 Nov. 1901 v2n4: p. 1. VIEW


 Hamilton, John Marshall

“Journalism and Cranks.” Daily Courier-Light 25 July 1904 v24n97: p. [3]. VIEW


 Hamilton, Louis McLane

Hopkins, Grace Porter. “History Made at Buffalo.” Ogdensburg Journal 20 Sept. 1901: p. [2]. VIEW

“On the Mournful Way.” Minneapolis Journal 16 Sept. 1901: p. 2. VIEW

“President McKinley Buried at Canton.” Timely Topics 27 Sept. 1901 v6n4: pp. 52-53. VIEW


 Hamlet (fictional character)

Bonnet, Theodore. “William R. Hearst: A Critical Study.” Lantern Mar. 1916 v1n12: pp. 365-80. VIEW


 Hamlin, B.

Hamlin, B. [untitled]. Blue Grass Blade 27 Oct. 1901 v10n36: p. 4. VIEW


 Hamlin, Grace Enos [a.k.a. Mrs. Harry Hamlin]

Kessel, Sara Hirschfield. “Buffalo Women Are the Aid and Comfort of Mrs. M’Kinley in Her Trouble.” Buffalo Courier 9 Sept. 1901 v66n252: p. [5?]. VIEW


 Hamlin, Harry

“Coroner Wilson Says He Is Sorry He Gave News.” Buffalo Sunday Times 15 Sept. 1901 v44n53: part 2, p. [14]. VIEW

Kessel, Sara Hirschfield. “Buffalo Women Are the Aid and Comfort of Mrs. M’Kinley in Her Trouble.” Buffalo Courier 9 Sept. 1901 v66n252: p. [5?]. VIEW

Larned, J. N. “In the Era of the Railways: 1851-1908” [chapter 3]. A History of Buffalo. Vol. 1. New York: Progress of the Empire State, 1911: sect. 1, pp. 62-96. VIEW

“Senator Hanna at M’Kinley’s Bedside.” Buffalo Evening News 7 Sept. 1901 v42n127: p. 2. VIEW

“Senator Mark Hanna Hastens to the Bedside.” Buffalo Review 7 Sept. 1901 v19n79: p. 1. VIEW


 Hamlin, Kate Louise [a.k.a. Mrs. William Hamlin]

“The Closing Scenes.” The Heroic Life of William McKinley, Our Third Martyr President. Boston: DeWolfe, Fiske, 1902: pp. 35-44. VIEW

Kessel, Sara Hirschfield. “Buffalo Women Are the Aid and Comfort of Mrs. M’Kinley in Her Trouble.” Buffalo Courier 9 Sept. 1901 v66n252: p. [5?]. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “The President’s Last Speech” [chapter 18]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 302-14. VIEW


 Hammerstein, Oscar, I

“Plays and Players.” Theatre Oct. 1901 v1n8: pp. 2-13. VIEW


 Hammond, Charles D.

“The Search for Roosevelt.” St. Paul Globe 15 Sept. 1901 v24n258: part 1, p. 6. VIEW


 Hammond, E. S.

“McKinley Memorial Association.” Bankers’ Magazine Nov. 1901 v63n5: pp. 878-79. VIEW


 Hammond, William C.

“College Notes.” Mount Holyoke Oct. 1901 v11n2: pp. 97-103. VIEW


 Hamon, Augustin Frédéric

Ellis, Havelock. “Additional Notes to Fourth Edition” [appendix E]. The Criminal. 4th ed., rev. and enlarged. London: Walter Scott Publishing, 1913: pp. 412-32. VIEW


 Hancock, DeWitt

“Czolgosz’s Captors Reward.” Sunday Morning Star 29 Sept. 1901 v21: p. 4. VIEW


 Hancock, John

Harman, Moses. “‘Let Us Be Honest; Let Us Be Just.’” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 27 Mar. 1902 v6n11 (3rd series): pp. 83-84. VIEW


 Hancock, Winfield Scott

[untitled]. Law Times 21 Sept. 1901 v111n3051: pp. 469-70. VIEW

“Career of President McKinley.” Collier’s Weekly 14 Sept. 1901 v27n24: p. 5. VIEW

“Chronological Record of the Life of President William McKinley” [chapter 19]. Life of William McKinley, Our Martyred President. Ed. Samuel Fallows. Chicago: Regan Printing House, 1901: pp. 227-31. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The International Year Book. Ed. Frank Moore Colby. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1902: pp. 464-69. VIEW

Ramage, B. J., and John Bell Henneman. “President M’Kinley.” Sewanee Review Oct. 1901 v9n4: pp. 483-93. VIEW

Stratemeyer, Edward. “Chronology of the Life of William McKinley” [appendix B]. American Boys’ Life of William McKinley. Boston: Lothrop, Lee, and Shephard, 1901: pp. 309-16. VIEW

Welsh, John T. “Eulogy of President William McKinley.” Addresses. Portland: [n.p.], 1915: pp. 7-21. VIEW

“William McKinley.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 13. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: pp. 6234-36. VIEW

“William McKinley, the Noble-Hearted President.” Leslie’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v93n2402: [no pagination]. VIEW


 Hand, Edward

“Gives Up Czolgosz Tomb.” Chicago Daily Tribune 28 Oct. 1901 v60n301: part 1, p. 2. VIEW


 Hand, Enoch

“Gives Up Czolgosz Tomb.” Chicago Daily Tribune 28 Oct. 1901 v60n301: part 1, p. 2. VIEW


 Hank, Uncle

SEE Uncle Hank


 Hanna, Dan R.

“Interview with Senator Hanna.” Daily Picayune 8 Sept. 1901 v65n227: part 1, p. 9. VIEW

Kay, William Bingham. “Canton People Say Bulletins Were Doctored.” New Castle Weekly Herald 25 Sept. 1901 v52n40: p. 1. VIEW


 Hanna, Howard Melville

“Senator Hanna at M’Kinley’s Bedside.” Buffalo Evening News 7 Sept. 1901 v42n127: p. 2. VIEW

“These Men Were Cool While Terror Reigned.” Enterprise [Sheridan] 28 Sept. 1901 v14n45: p. [6]. VIEW

Wellman, Walter. “The Last Days of President M’Kinley: His Visit to Buffalo, the Tragedy, and the Nation’s Mourning.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Oct. 1901 v24n4: pp. 414-30. VIEW


 Hanna, Marcus

[untitled]. Birmingham News 30 Sept. 1901 v14n173: p. 4. VIEW

[untitled]. Daily Leaf-Chronicle 12 Sept. 1901 n154: p. 4. VIEW

[untitled]. Pascagoula Democrat-Star 27 Sept. 1901 v57n33: p. [2]. VIEW

[untitled]. Times [London] 17 Sept. 1901 n36562: p. 7. VIEW

[untitled]. Weekly News-Review 4 Oct. 1901 v64: p. [2]. VIEW

“Amateur Photographs of Czolgosz’s Crime.” Buffalo Courier 8 Sept. 1901 v66n251: part 3, p. [23?]. VIEW

Andrews, E. Benjamin. “Mr. McKinley’s End” [chapter 19]. History of the United States. Vol. 5. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1903: pp. 359-81. VIEW

“Art Notes.” Evening Star [Washington, DC] 28 Mar. 1903 n15628: part 2, p. 27. VIEW

“The Assassination—Its Cause.” Socialist 15 Sept. 1901 n58: p. 1. VIEW

“The Assassin’s Deed.” Independent 12 Sept. 1901 v53n2754: pp. 2186-87. VIEW

“At the Milburn House.” New-York Tribune 16 Sept. 1901 v61n20028: pp. 1-2. VIEW

“Attempt to Rob the Grave.” Knoxville Sentinel 24 Sept. 1901 v15n229: p. 4. VIEW

Babbott, William M. “[Letter VIII].” Letters Touching Unrest, Cause and Remedy. New York: William M. Babbott, 1904: pp. 96-141. VIEW

Berger, Victor L. “The End of the Roosevelt Episode.” Berger’s Broadsides. Milwaukee: Social-Democratic Publishing, 1912: pp. 193-99. VIEW

“Better Than Yesterday.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle 13 Sept. 1901 v61n254: p. 1. VIEW

“Blames Hanna More Than Czolgosz.” Pittsburg Press 23 Sept. 1901 v18n264: p. 9. VIEW

“The Case of Jim Parker.” Atlanta Constitution 26 Sept. 1901 v34: p. 6. VIEW

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW

“A Conversation with Eltweed Pomeroy, A. M., on the Present Political Outlook.” Arena July 1902 v28n1: pp. 66-74. VIEW

Corning, A. Elwood. “McKinley in the Home and as Commander-in-Chief” [chapter 6]. William McKinley: A Biographical Study. New York: Broadway Publishing, 1907: pp. 133-59. VIEW

“A Covert Attack on the Freedom of the Press.” Southern Mercury 2 Jan. 1902 v22n1: p. 13. VIEW

Creelman, James. “Mr. Cortelyou Explains President McKinley.” Pearson’s Magazine June 1908 v19n6: pp. 569-85. VIEW

Croly, Herbert. “The Death of President McKinley” [chapter 23]. Marcus Alonzo Hanna: His Life and Work. New York: Macmillan, 1912: pp. 355-68. VIEW

Croly, Herbert. “The Panama Canal” [chapter 24]. Marcus Alonzo Hanna: His Life and Work. New York: Macmillan, 1912: pp. 369-85. VIEW

Cunningham, G. W. “A Study of Important Horary Figures for President McKinley’s Inauguration and Assassination.” Star of the Magi 1 Oct. 1901 v2n12: p. 14. VIEW

“Cut Up the Man Who Disarmed Czolgosz.” Virginia Gazette 4 Apr. 1908 v15n45 (new series): p. [7]. VIEW

“Day and Night Scenes at the Milburn House.” Post Express 10 Sept. 1901 v43n79: p. 2. VIEW

Depew, Chauncey M. “Interview on Return from Buffalo, September 15, 1901, After the Assassination of President Mc Kinley” [sic]. Orations, Addresses and Speeches of Chauncey M. Depew. Ed. John Denison Champlin. Vol. 8. New York: [n.p.], 1910: pp. 282-86. VIEW

Depew, Chauncey M. “William McKinley” [chapter 13]. My Memories of Eighty Years. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1922: pp. 147-57. VIEW

“Dissecting Was the End.” Pensacola Journal 28 Mar. 1908 v11n76: p. 2. VIEW

“Emma Goldman and Cartoons.” Commercial Tribune 12 Sept. 1901 v6n90: p. 4. VIEW

Ferris, Ralph H. “McKinley’s Doctors Want an Appropriation.” Physical Culture Jan. 1902 v6n4: p. 181. VIEW

“The Funeral Begins.” New-York Tribune 16 Sept. 1901 v61n20028: p. 1. VIEW

Hamilton, Allan McLane. “Political Murders” [chapter 21]. Recollections of an Alienist. New York: George H. Doran, 1916: pp. 342-68. VIEW

“Hanna.” Akron Daily Democrat 10 Sept. 1901 v10n122: p. 1. VIEW

Hanna, Marcus. “William McKinley as I Knew Him.” National Magazine Jan. 1902 v15n4: pp. 405-10. VIEW

“Hanna Refuses to Talk.” Daily Picayune 22 Sept. 1901 v65n241: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“Hanna Thanks ‘Big Jim.’” Chicago Daily Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v60n253: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“Hanna Very Confident.” St. Louis Republic 10 Sept. 1901 v94n72: p. 4. VIEW

“Hanna’s Terrible Dream.” St. Louis Republic 10 Sept. 1901 v94n72: p. 4. VIEW

Havel, Hippolyte. “A Reminiscence.” Mother Earth Oct. 1908 v3n8: pp. 320-24. VIEW

Haworth, Paul Leland. “The Golden Age of Materialism” [chapter 8]. Reconstruction and Union, 1865-1912. New York: Henry Holt, 1912: pp. 195-209. VIEW

“‘Heart Affection Probable Cause.’” Philadelphia Inquirer 14 Sept. 1901 v145n76: p. 6. VIEW

Herrick, John P. “Sights and Scenes in Buffalo.” Bolivar Breeze 12 Sept. 1901 v11n2: p. 1. VIEW

Hughes, Charles Hamilton. [untitled]. Alienist and Neurologist Oct. 1901 v22n4: pp. 720-21. VIEW

Hunt, Evelyn. “My Experiences as a Nurse to Mrs McKinley and the Late President.” San Francisco Call 19 Jan. 1902 v91n50: mag. sect., p. 5. VIEW

“Hypocrital [sic] Newspapers.” International Wood Worker Sept. 1901 v10n9: p. 101. VIEW

“In Room Where He Died.” Decatur Herald 15 Sept. 1901 n141: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“Interview with Senator Hanna.” Daily Picayune 8 Sept. 1901 v65n227: part 1, p. 9. VIEW

Kay, William Bingham. “Canton People Say Bulletins Were Doctored.” New Castle Weekly Herald 25 Sept. 1901 v52n40: p. 1. VIEW

Kinghorn-Jones, J. Alfred. “Open Letter to Senator Hoar.” Free Society 9 Feb. 1902 v9n6: pp. 2-3. VIEW

Lauer, Solon. “A Prefatory Postscript.” Mark Hanna. Cleveland: Nike Publishing House, 1901: pp. iii-xiv. VIEW

Lynch, George. [untitled]. Sphere 5 Oct. 1901 v7n89: p. ii. VIEW

“McKinley Memorial.” Daily Picayune 22 Sept. 1901 v65n241: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“McKinley Memorial Association.” Bankers’ Magazine Nov. 1901 v63n5: pp. 878-79. VIEW

“McKinley Monument Day.” Summary 19 Sept. 1903 v31n38: p. 1. VIEW

“McKinley National Memorial.” Chautauquan Jan. 1902 v34n4: pp. 358-59. VIEW

“McKinley Press Comment.” Meade County News 30 Jan. 1902 v3n4: p. [3]. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th ed. Vol. 17. Cambridge: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911: pp. 256-59. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The International Year Book. Ed. Frank Moore Colby. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1902: pp. 464-69. VIEW

“Memorials to McKinley: Monuments That Have Been, and Are to Be, Erected in Honor of the Slain President.” Craftsman Oct. 1905 v9: pp. 23-35. VIEW

“The M’Kinley Doctor Bills.” Buffalo Evening News 1 Mar. 1902 v43n118: p. 6. VIEW

Morgenthau, Henry. “Early Political Experiences” [chapter 7]. All in a Life-Time. Garden City: Doubleday, Page, 1922: pp. 109-27. VIEW

“Mr. Hanna’s ‘If.’” Boston Evening Transcript 24 Sept. 1901: p. 8. VIEW

“Mrs McKinley’s Condition.” News and Courier 30 Sept. 1901: p. 1. VIEW

“New Men to the Front.” Milwaukee Journal 14 Sept. 1901 v19: p. 2. VIEW

“The New President.” Daily Clarion-Ledger 14 Sept. 1901 v12n206: p. 4. VIEW

“The New President.” Irish-American 21 Sept. 1901 v53n38: p. 1. VIEW

“Notes on Politics.” Buffalo Enquirer 6 Sept. 1901 v58n34: p. 2. VIEW

“Observations and Comments.” Mother Earth Oct. 1912 v7n8: pp. 238-43. VIEW

“Off to Washington.” Evening Bulletin 16 Sept. 1901 v20n253: p. 1. VIEW

“Official Action.” Indianapolis Journal 7 Sept. 1901 v51n250: p. 2. VIEW

Olcott, Charles S. “The Tragedy at Buffalo” [chapter 34]. The Life of William McKinley. Vol. 2. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1916: pp. 313-33. VIEW

“Our Excerpt.” Sunday Morning Globe 15 Sept. 1901 v1n20: p. 5. VIEW

“Our Monthly Talk.” Medical World Oct. 1901 v19n10: pp. 449-52. VIEW

“P. R. R. to Carry President’s Body.” Philadelphia Inquirer 15 Sept. 1901 v145n77: sect. 1, p. 3. VIEW

“Parker’s Story Discredited.” Oswego Daily Times 23 Dec. 1901 v58n275: p. 1. VIEW

Paxson, Frederic L. “The Campaign of 1900” [chapter 27]. Recent History of the United States. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1921: pp. 264-73. VIEW

“The President Is Dead.” Enterprise [Lancaster] 14 Sept. 1901 v6n77: p. 1. VIEW

“President McKinley.” Statist 14 Sept. 1901 v48n1229: pp. 477-78. VIEW

“President M’Kinley Shot.” Chicago Daily News 6 Sept. 1901 v26n214: part 1, p. 1. VIEW

“The President’s Last Hours.” Leslie’s Weekly 28 Sept. 1901 v93n2403: pp. 290-91. VIEW

“Public Memorial at Canton.” Omaha Sunday Bee 8 Dec. 1901: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

Reedy, William Marion. “The Position of Mr. Hanna.” Mirror 19 Sept. 1901 v11n32: pp. 3-4. VIEW

“Rejoicing in Buffalo.” New-York Tribune 9 Sept. 1901 v61n20021: p. 2. VIEW

“Revised National Picture of President McKinley.” St. Louis Republic 12 July 1903 v96n12: mag. sect., p. [5]. VIEW

Ridpath, John Clark. “The McKinley-Roosevelt Administration” [chapter 117]. The New Complete History of the United States of America. Official ed. Vol. 14. Washington, DC: Ridpath History, 1907: pp. 5765-820. VIEW

“Roosevelt and Hanna to Go Home.” World 10 Sept. 1901 v42n14630: p. 3. VIEW

“Roosevelt Does Not Fear Harm.” Chicago Daily Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v60n253: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“Roosevelt Has Been ‘Found.’” Missoulian 22 Sept. 1901 v23n128: p. 4. VIEW

“Roosevelt Honors a Conspicuous Negro.” San Francisco Call 22 Dec. 1901 v91n22: p. 22. VIEW

“Scenes at the Milburn House.” Buffalo Evening Times 7 Sept. 1901 v35n154: p. 8. VIEW

“Scraps and Facts.” Yorkville Enquirer 31 Mar. 1908 n26: p. [2]. VIEW

“Secular News.” Christian Observer 11 Sept. 1901 v89n37: pp. 23-24. VIEW

“Senator Hanna at M’Kinley’s Bedside.” Buffalo Evening News 7 Sept. 1901 v42n127: p. 2. VIEW

“Senator Hanna’s Position.” Modern Culture Nov. 1901 v14n3: p. 177. VIEW

“Senator Mark Hanna Hastens to the Bedside.” Buffalo Review 7 Sept. 1901 v19n79: p. 1. VIEW

Sinclair, Upton. “The Revolution” [chapter 6]. The Industrial Republic. New York: Doubleday, Page, 1907: pp. 179-214. VIEW

Slobodin, Henry L. “Roosevelt’s Idea.” International Socialist Review Sept. 1910 v11n3: pp. 129-32. VIEW

Smith, William Henry. “The Assassination of President McKinley” [chapter 11]. The Life and Speeches of Hon. Charles Warren Fairbanks. Indianapolis: Wm. B. Burford, 1904: pp. 154-61. VIEW

“Solemn Services.” Evening Bulletin 18 Sept. 1901 v20n255: p. 1. VIEW

Stratemeyer, Edward. “Chapter XXIX.” American Boys’ Life of William McKinley. Boston: Lothrop, Lee, and Shepard, 1901: pp. 281-89. VIEW

“Stroke of the Rattlesnake.” San Francisco Call 24 Sept. 1901 v90n116: p. 6. VIEW

T., J. W. “Scenes.” Evening Tribune 24 Sept. 1901 v4n2: p. [2]. VIEW

“Tariff and Reciprocity.” Chautauquan Nov. 1901 v34n2: pp. 118-19. VIEW

“These Men Were Cool While Terror Reigned.” Enterprise [Sheridan] 28 Sept. 1901 v14n45: p. [6]. VIEW

“‘Via Dei,—Eius Voluntas Fiat. . . .’” Præco Latinvs Oct. 1901 v8n1: pp. 3-4. VIEW

“Was Sent to Buffalo Early Sunday Morning.” Democrat and Chronicle 16 Sept. 1901: p. 9. VIEW

Wellman, Walter. “The Last Days of President M’Kinley: His Visit to Buffalo, the Tragedy, and the Nation’s Mourning.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Oct. 1901 v24n4: pp. 414-30. VIEW

“What Moved Czolgosz.” New-York Tribune 9 Sept. 1901 v61n20021: p. 1. VIEW

Wilshire, H. Gaylord. “Free Ads for Willie Hearst.” Challenge 12 Oct. 1901 n40: p. 5. VIEW

Wise, John S. “Theodore Roosevelt” [chapter 13]. Recollections of Thirteen Presidents. New York: Doubleday, Page, 1906: pp. 237-76. VIEW

“Yellow Cartoons.” Broad Axe 3 Oct. 1901 v11n3: p. 1. VIEW

“Yellow Journalism.” Pacific 19 Sept. 1901 v51n38: pp. 4-5. VIEW


 Hannah (fictional character)

“The Last Guest.” Socialist Spirit Nov. 1901 v1n3: pp. 13-14. VIEW


 Hannis, William C.

“Halstead et al. v. Houston.” The Federal Reporter. Vol. 111. St. Paul: West Publishing, 1902: pp. 376-78. VIEW

“Halstead et al. v. John C. Winston Co. et al.” The Federal Reporter. Vol. 111. St. Paul: West Publishing, 1902: pp. 35-36. VIEW


 Hanson, H.

Hanson, H. [untitled]. Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 24 Oct. 1901 v5n41 (3rd series): p. 335. VIEW


 Happersberger, Frank

“The McKinley Monument Competition.” Mark Hopkins Institute Review of Art June 1902 v1n5: p. 22. VIEW


 Hardie, James Keir

“The Foreign Press on the Assassination.” Literary Digest 5 Oct. 1901 v23n14: pp. 409-10. VIEW

Hunter, Robert. “Seeking the Causes” [chapter 6]. Violence and the Labor Movement. New York: Macmillan, 1919: 90-122. VIEW


 Harding, Warren G.

“Dr. Pease Assails Nicotine, but Doesn’t Rebuke Senate.” New York Tribune 7 Feb. 1921 v80n27112: p. 3. VIEW

“Statue of President M’Kinley.” Norwich Bulletin 6 Oct. 1917 v59n339: p. 1. VIEW


 Hardy, Anna Kendall (a.k.a. Mrs. L. E. Hardy)

“Strange Scene.” Portville Autograph 11 Oct. 1901 v9n9: p. 1. VIEW



“The Anarchist and His Victim.” Truth 12 Sept. 1901 v50n1289: pp. 659-60. VIEW


 Harper, George

“Legal Rights of Leon Czolgosz.” Baltimore American 23 Sept. 1901 v191n34821: p. 3. VIEW


 Harper, William Rainey

Harman, Moses. “Anarchy on the Boulevards.” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 28 Sept. 1901 v5n37 (3rd series): pp. 300-01. VIEW

Macfarland, Henry B. F. “The McKinley Memorial Arch.” Saturday Evening Post 30 Nov. 1901 v174n22: p. 13. VIEW

Snow, Jane Elliott. “Opinions of Noted Men” [chapter 17]. The Life of William McKinley, Twenty-Fifth President of the United States. Cleveland: Imperial Press, 1908: pp. 89-90. VIEW


 Harriman, E. H.

Lefèvre, Edwin. “The News in Wall Street.” Harper’s Weekly 14 Sept. 1901 v45n2334: p. 913. VIEW


 Harrington, Devillo W.

“Probing for the Bullets.” Chicago Daily News 6 Sept. 1901 v26n214: part 1, p. 1. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M. “Medical and Surgical Report of the Case of the Late President of the United States.” Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 297-318. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M., Matthew D. Mann, Herman Mynter, Roswell Park, Eugene Wasdin, Charles McBurney, and Charles G. Stockton. “The Case of President McKinley.” Medical Record 19 Oct. 1901 v60n16: pp. 601-06. VIEW


 Harris, Andrew L.

Olcott, Charles S. “The McKinley Monuments” [appendix 3]. The Life of William McKinley. Vol. 2. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1916: pp. 389-95. VIEW


 Harris, Earl R.

“His End Near.” Missouri Valley Times 31 Oct. 1901 v34n19: p. [9]. VIEW


 Harris, Frank

“A New Business.” Semi-Weekly Messenger 24 Oct. 1902 v35n82: p. 5. VIEW

“Speculators Are Bidding for Temple of Music.” Buffalo Courier 7 Mar. 1902 v67n66: p. 8. VIEW


 Harris, Ira

Browne, Irving. “Hon. Loran L. Lewis.” Albany Law Journal 7 Jan. 1899 v59n1: pp. 55-56. VIEW


 Harrison, Benjamin

[untitled]. Collier’s Weekly 28 Sept. 1901 v27n26: p. 3. VIEW

[untitled]. Daily Clarion-Ledger 10 Sept. 1901 v12n204: p. [4]. VIEW

[untitled]. Public 14 Sept. 1901 v4n180: pp. 353-55. VIEW

Abbott, Lawrence F. “Roosevelt, Theodore.” The Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th ed. Vol. 23. Cambridge: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911: pp. 707-11. VIEW

“The Assassination of the President.” Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Monthly Journal Oct. 1901 v35n10: pp. 634-35. VIEW

Bangs, John Kendrick. “Theodore Roosevelt.” Harper’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v45n2335: pp. 947-48. VIEW

“Banks, Bankers, and Trust Companies.” Chicago Banker Oct. 1901 v9n2: pp. 116-25. VIEW

Beck, James M. “The Memory of McKinley.” The McKinley Memorial in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: McKinley Memorial Association, 1909: pp. 23-48. VIEW

“The Career of Theodore Roosevelt.” Harper’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v45n2335: p. 946. VIEW

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW

“Chronological Record of the Life of President William McKinley” [chapter 19]. Life of William McKinley, Our Martyred President. Ed. Samuel Fallows. Chicago: Regan Printing House, 1901: pp. 227-31. VIEW

“The Death of President McKinley.” Collier’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v27n25: p. 5. VIEW

“Forbids Drapery of Buildings.” Chicago Daily Tribune 14 Sept. 1901 v60n257: p. 3. VIEW

Fowler, Charles Henry. “William McKinley.” Patriotic Orations. Ed. Carl Hitchcock Fowler. New York: Eaton and Mains, 1910: pp. 189-244. VIEW

Harman, Moses. “Looking Backward.” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 26 Dec. 1901 v5n50 (3rd series): pp. 404-06. VIEW

“The Lady of the White House.” Collier’s Weekly 28 Sept. 1901 v27n26: p. 17. VIEW

Masters, Edgar Lee. “Theodore Roosevelt.” The New Star Chamber and Other Essays. Chicago: Hammersmark Publishing, 1904: pp. 25-36. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The Encyclopedia Americana. Vol. 18. New York: Encyclopedia Americana, 1920: pp. 72-73. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th ed. Vol. 17. Cambridge: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911: pp. 256-59. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The International Year Book. Ed. Frank Moore Colby. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1902: pp. 464-69. VIEW

“M’Kinley’s Face on Notes.” Paterson Weekly Press 31 Oct. 1901 v37n44: p. [4]. VIEW

Nelson, Henry Loomis. “William McKinley—Theodore Roosevelt.” Collier’s Weekly 28 Sept. 1901 v27n26: p. 18. VIEW

“The New Administration.” Public 21 Sept. 1901 v4n181: pp. 372-74. VIEW

“Original and Selected Miscellany.” Cambrian Nov. 1901 v21n11: pp. 524-27. VIEW

“P. R. R. to Carry President’s Body.” Philadelphia Inquirer 15 Sept. 1901 v145n77: sect. 1, p. 3. VIEW

Pendel, Thomas F. “Thanksgiving at the White House.” Collier’s Weekly 23 Nov. 1901 v28n8: p. 20. VIEW

Powers, Levi M. “Address.” Memory Book: Rev. James Minton Pullman, D.D. Lynn: Nichols Press, 1904: pp. 59-67. VIEW

“Roosevelt, Theodore.—Sept. 14, 1901, to March 4, 1909.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW

Sherman, John. “Personal Sketch of Hon. William McKinley” [chapter 1]. Life and Distinguished Services of Hon. Wm. McKinley and the Great Issues of 1896. By Murat Halstead. [n.p.]: Edgewood Publishing, 1896: pp. 17-29. VIEW

“Strain on a President.” Cœur d’Alene Press 28 Sept. 1901 v10n34: p. [2]. VIEW

Stratemeyer, Edward. “Chronology of the Life of William McKinley” [appendix B]. American Boys’ Life of William McKinley. Boston: Lothrop, Lee, and Shephard, 1901: pp. 309-16. VIEW

“Theodore Roosevelt.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 13. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: pp. 6637-38. VIEW

Townsend, G. W. “Principal Events During President McKinley’s Administration.” Memorial Life of William McKinley. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 185-86. VIEW

West, Henry Litchfield. “William McKinley.” Forum Oct. 1901 v32: pp. 131-37. VIEW

“William McKinley.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 13. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: pp. 6234-36. VIEW

“William McKinley, the Noble-Hearted President.” Leslie’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v93n2402: [no pagination]. VIEW


 Harrison, Caroline Scott

“The Lady of the White House.” Collier’s Weekly 28 Sept. 1901 v27n26: p. 17. VIEW


 Harrison, Carter H., Jr.

[untitled]. Public 21 Sept. 1901 v4n181: pp. 369-72. VIEW

“Brazen Anarchists.” Evening Star [Washington, DC] 9 Dec. 1901 n15221: p. 4. VIEW

“Deny Bail to Anarchists.” Chicago Daily Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v60n253: part 1, p. 1. VIEW

Harman, Lillian. “Emma Goldman Denied a Hearing.” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 12 Oct. 1901 v5n39 (3rd series): p. 315. VIEW

“Saw Czolgosz Fire the Shots.” Wet Mountain Tribune 21 Sept. 1901 v22n1: p. [4]. VIEW


 Harrison, Carter H., Sr.

Becker, Tracy C., and Charles Anderson Boston. “Mental Unsoundness in Its Legal Relations.” Medical Jurisprudence, Forensic Medicine, and Toxicology. By R. A. Witthaus and Tracy C. Becker. 2nd ed. Vol. 3. New York: William Wood, 1909: pp. 347-576. VIEW

Fox, Jay. “Roosevelt, Czolgosz and Anarchy.” Roosevelt, Czolgosz and Anarchy; and Communism. By Jay Fox and Henry Addis. [New York]: New York Anarchists, [1902?]: pp. 2-13. VIEW

Harman, Moses. “The Lesson of the Hour.” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 21 Sept. 1901 v5n36 (3rd series): pp. 292-93. VIEW

Labadie, Jo. “Anarchism and Crime.” Essays. Detroit: Labadie Shop, 1911: pp. 9-29. VIEW

Lydston, G. Frank. “‘The Diseases of Society.’—Letter from the Author.” Buffalo Medical Journal Oct. 1905 v61n3: pp. 185-88. VIEW

“The Mattoid, or Crank.” Medical Summary Sept. 1915 v37n7: pp. 194-95. VIEW

“Most Shocking of It All.” Weekly People 14 Sept. 1901 v11n24: p. 4. VIEW

Moyer, Harold N. “Dr. Moyer, Alienist, Thinks Czolgosz Sane; No Mental Defect or Degeneracy in Face.” Chicago Daily Tribune 9 Sept. 1901 v60n252: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

Pershing, C. L. “The Importance to the Community of Provision for the Feeble-Minded.” Colorado Medicine Mar. 1921 v18n3: pp. 60-62. VIEW

Talbot, Eugene S. “Degeneracy and Political Assassination.” Developmental Pathology. Chicago: [n.p.], 1905: pp. 1-24. VIEW


 Harrison, James T.

“Governors Order Mourning.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 15 Sept. 1901 v60n258: part 1, p. 3. VIEW


 Harrison, Mary Saunders

“The Lady of the White House.” Collier’s Weekly 28 Sept. 1901 v27n26: p. 17. VIEW


 Harrison, Richard A.

[untitled]. Weekly Law Bulletin and the Ohio Law Journal 16 Sept. 1901 v46: pp. 123-24. VIEW

[untitled]. Weekly Law Bulletin and the Ohio Law Journal 23 Sept. 1901 v46: pp. 134-37. VIEW


 Harrison, Sela Paine

Tichenor, Harry M. “Suicides and Martyrs.” Free Society 15 June 1902 v9n24: p. 6. VIEW


 Harrison, William Greer

“Chips.” Coast Review Oct. 1901 v60n4: pp. 566-72. VIEW


 Harrison, William Henry

[untitled]. Bankers’ Magazine Oct. 1901 v63n4: pp. 567-69. VIEW

[untitled]. Irish-American 28 Sept. 1901 v53n39: p. 4. VIEW

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW

Hawthorne, Julian, James Schouler, and E. Benjamin Andrews. “McKinley’s End and the Rise of Roosevelt” [chapter 30]. United States: From the Discovery of the North American Continent Up to the Present Time. Vol. 9. New York: Co-Operative Publication Society, 1904: pp. 289-310. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “Theodore Roosevelt—President and Man” [chapter 32]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 492-503. VIEW

Morris, Charles. “A Vigorous Champion in the Presidential Chair” [chapter 8]. Battling for the Right: The Life-Story of Theodore Roosevelt. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1910: pp. 63-68. VIEW

“Mr. Roosevelt’s Theory of the Vice-Presidency.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Oct. 1901 v24n4: p. 392. VIEW

“The New Administration.” Public 21 Sept. 1901 v4n181: pp. 372-74. VIEW

“President Roosevelt.” Bradstreet’s 21 Sept. 1901 v29n1212: p. 594. VIEW

“President Roosevelt.” Commercial and Financial Chronicle 21 Sept. 1901 v73n1891: pp. 584-85. VIEW

“William McKinley.” Irrigation Age Oct. 1901 v16n1: pp. 1-2. VIEW

Wise, John S. “Theodore Roosevelt” [chapter 13]. Recollections of Thirteen Presidents. New York: Doubleday, Page, 1906: pp. 237-76. VIEW


 Hartenstein, E. A.

“Senate.” Congressional Record 19 Dec. 1901 v35n14: pp. 398-405. VIEW


 Harter, Elizabeth Aultman (a.k.a. Mrs. George Harter)

“Canton Has Martyr Dead.” Norfolk Weekly News-Journal 20 Sept. 1901: p. 5. VIEW


 Harter, Henry W.

“M’Kinley Memorial Association.” Zion’s Herald 2 Oct. 1901 v79n39: p. 1251. VIEW


 Hartman, Joseph M.

“Arbor Day in Pennsylvania.” Forest Leaves June 1902 v8n9: p. 134. VIEW


 Hartzell, Frederic S.

“Corner Stone.” Stark County Democrat 14 Nov. 1905 v72n45: p. 1. VIEW

“Senate.” Congressional Record 19 May 1902 v35pt6: pp. 5615-33. VIEW


 Harvey, Caleb

“Died from Grief.” Burlington Hawk-Eye 27 Sept. 1901 v63n94: p. 2. VIEW


 Harwood, Elizabeth Franklin

Gilder, Richard Watson. “Roosevelt in the White House.” Letters of Richard Watson Gilder. Ed. Rosamond Gilder. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1916: pp. 341-42. VIEW


 Hasan ibn al-Sabbāh (a.k.a. Hassan-i Sabbāh; a.k.a. Hassan Ben Sabbah)

“Anent the Word Assassin.” Catholic Union and Times 12 Sept. 1901 v30n23: p. 4. VIEW


 Hasdrubal the Fair

Spitzka, Edward C. “The Czolgosz Case.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 26 Oct. 1901 v8n17: pp. 693-95. VIEW


 Haskins, Roswell W.

“Hon. Truman Clark White.” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 2, pp. 41-42. VIEW


 Hatch, Charles S.

“‘I Am Sorry’ Is Statement of Czolgosz.” Buffalo Evening Times 27 Sept. 1901 v36n11: p. 7. VIEW


 Hatton, Frank

Stealey, O. O. “At the White House” [chapter 5]. Twenty Years in the Press Gallery. New York: O. O. Stealey, 1906: pp. 27-32. VIEW


 Havel, Hippolyte

“Deny Bail to Anarchists.” Chicago Daily Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v60n253: part 1, p. 1. VIEW

“Emma Goldman Arrested.” Albuquerque Daily Citizen 10 Sept. 1901 v15n251: p. 1. VIEW

“‘I Am Sorry’ Is Statement of Czolgosz.” Buffalo Evening Times 27 Sept. 1901 v36n11: p. 7. VIEW


 Hawley, Joseph R.

Hackett, Frank Warren. “Address Before the District of Columbia Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States.” Deck and Field. Washington, DC: W. H. Lowdermilk, 1909: pp. 145-51. VIEW

Isaak, Abraham, Jr. “Splinters.” Free Society 30 Mar. 1902 v9n13: p. 4. VIEW

“Legislating Against Anarchists.” Nation 27 Mar. 1902 v74n1917: pp. 243-44. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “The Impressive State Funeral Ceremonies” [chapter 22]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 349-62. VIEW

Winn, Ross. “Current Comment.” Free Society 20 Apr. 1902 v9n16: pp. 4-5. VIEW


 Hawthorne, Julian

H., W. “The Island Scheme.” Free Society 5 Jan. 1902 v9n1: p. 3. VIEW

Herrick, John P. “Sights and Scenes in Buffalo.” Bolivar Breeze 12 Sept. 1901 v11n2: p. 1. VIEW


 Hawthorne, Nathaniel

“Prompted by a Look.” Minneapolis Journal 18 Sept. 1901: p. 4. VIEW


 Hay, Adelbert

“Social and Personal.” Washington Times 12 Oct. 1901 n2694: p. 7. VIEW


 Hay, John

Banks, Charles Eugene, and Le Roy Armstrong. “Succeeds to the Presidency” [chapter 19]. Theodore Roosevelt, Twenty-Sixth President of the United States. Chicago: S. Stone, 1901: pp. 369-78. VIEW

Beck, James M. “The Memory of McKinley.” The McKinley Memorial in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: McKinley Memorial Association, 1909: pp. 23-48. VIEW

“The Call to a Day of Mourning.” Congregationalist and Christian World 21 Sept. 1901 v86n38: p. 411. VIEW

“Czolgosz Awaits Execution.” Afro-American-Ledger 19 Oct. 1901 v10n11: p. [2]. VIEW

Domer, Harry Tennyson. “John Hay: A Memorial History.” Shield Sept. 1905 v21n3: pp. 275-316. VIEW

“Effect of Death on Business.” Chicago Daily Tribune 14 Sept. 1901 v60n257: p. 11. VIEW

“European Comment on President Roosevelt and His Policy.” Literary Digest 26 Oct. 1901 v23n17: pp. 504-06. VIEW

Everett, Marshall. “President Roosevelt Takes the Oath of Office” [chapter 28]. Complete Life of William McKinley and Story of His Assassination. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 304-18. VIEW

Ewan, John A. “Current Events Abroad.” Canadian Magazine Oct. 1901 v17n6: pp. 568-71. VIEW

Fawcett, Frank L. “William McKinley.” Normal Pointer 15 May 1902 v7n7: pp. 77-79. VIEW

Hagedorn, Hermann. “He Inaugurates a New Era” [chapter 14]. The Boys’ Life of Theodore Roosevelt. Ed. H. C. Newton. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1922: pp. 233-59. VIEW

Harman, Lillian. [untitled]. Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 14 Nov. 1901 v5n44 (3rd series): p. 353. VIEW

“Hay in New Hampshire.” Daily Picayune 8 Sept. 1901 v65n227: part 1, p. 9. VIEW

Hay, John. “Hay to Roosevelt.” The Life and Letters of John Hay. By William Roscoe Thayer. Vol. 2. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1916: pp. 344-45. VIEW

Hopkins, Grace Porter. “History Made at Buffalo.” Ogdensburg Journal 20 Sept. 1901: p. [2]. VIEW

“House of Representatives.” Congressional Record 15 Jan. 1902 v35n22: pp. 652-70. VIEW

“The Inauguration of Theodore Roosevelt.” Harper’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v45n2335: p. 957. VIEW

“Items About Banks, Bankers and Trust Co’s.” Commercial and Financial Chronicle 21 Sept. 1901 v73n1891: pp. 589-91. VIEW

Low, A. Maurice. “The News in Washington.” Harper’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v45n2335: p. 946. VIEW

“Many Flowers for Czolgosz.” St. Louis Post-Dispatch 15 Oct. 1901 v54n55: p. 1. VIEW

Matthews, Franklin. “The President’s Last Days.” Harper’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v45n2335: p. 943. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “The Impressive State Funeral Ceremonies” [chapter 22]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 349-62. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “Theodore Roosevelt—President and Man” [chapter 32]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 492-503. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th ed. Vol. 17. Cambridge: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911: pp. 256-59. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The International Year Book. Ed. Frank Moore Colby. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1902: pp. 464-69. VIEW

“McKinley, William.—March 4, 1897-Sept. 14, 1901.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW

“Memorial Addresses on Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley.” The Statutes at Large of the United States of America. Vol. 33. Part 2. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1905: pp. 2081-82. VIEW

Mowbray, Jay Henry. “Suddenly Called to Be President” [chapter 11]. Illustrious Career and Heroic Deeds of Colonel Roosevelt, “The Intellectual Giant. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1910: pp. 165-70. VIEW

“Neat Question Now Discussed.” Baltimore American 13 Jan. 1901 v190n34568: p. 13. VIEW

“News of the Week.” Public Opinion 19 Sept. 1901 v31n12: p. 379. VIEW

“Notes of the Week.” Sydney Mail 21 Sept. 1901 v72n2150: pp. 720-21. VIEW

“Official Action.” Indianapolis Journal 7 Sept. 1901 v51n250: p. 2. VIEW

Paxson, Frederic L. “The Campaign of 1900” [chapter 27]. Recent History of the United States. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1921: pp. 264-73. VIEW

“People Talked About.” Leslie’s Weekly 28 Sept. 1901 v93n2403: p. 279. VIEW

“Policy of the New Administration.” Modern Culture Nov. 1901 v14n3: pp. 176-77. VIEW

“President McKinley.” Statist 14 Sept. 1901 v48n1229: pp. 477-78. VIEW

“President McKinley: What the World Thought of Him.” Outlook 21 Sept. 1901 v69n3: pp. 162-65. VIEW

“President Roosevelt.” Timely Topics 20 Sept. 1901 v6n3: pp. 41-42. VIEW

“Program for the Funeral Services in Washington Today.” Chicago Daily Tribune 17 Sept. 1901 v60n260: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“Roosevelt, Theodore.—Sept. 14, 1901, to March 4, 1909.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW

“Secretary Gage Is Confident.” Iowa State Register 10 Sept. 1901 v46n213: p. 1. VIEW

“Secretary Hay Arrives.” New-York Tribune 11 Sept. 1901 v61n20023: p. 1. VIEW

“Secretary Hay Blames the Yellow Journals.” New York Press 8 Sept. 1901 v14n5030: part 1, p. 1. VIEW

“Senate.” Congressional Record 16 Jan. 1902 v35n23: pp. 682-96. VIEW

“The Shooting of President McKinley.” Collier’s Weekly 14 Sept. 1901 v27n24: p. 5. VIEW

Skinner, Charles R. “Story of McKinley’s Assassination.” State Service Apr. 1919 v3n4: pp. 20-24. VIEW

“Solemn Services.” Evening Bulletin 18 Sept. 1901 v20n255: p. 1. VIEW

“Succession to the Presidential Chair.” Harper’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v45n2335: p. 946. VIEW

“Theodore Roosevelt, President.” Collier’s Weekly 28 Sept. 1901 v27n26: p. 3. VIEW

“Washington, September Seventeenth.” Outlook 28 Sept. 1901 v69n4: pp. 215-17. VIEW

Watkins, John Elfreth, Jr. “M’Kinley Death Mask.” Sunday Journal 29 Dec. 1901 v51n363: part 2, p. 13. VIEW

Wellman, Walter. “The Last Days of President M’Kinley: His Visit to Buffalo, the Tragedy, and the Nation’s Mourning.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Oct. 1901 v24n4: pp. 414-30. VIEW

“Will Not See Czolgosz Die.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 20 Oct. 1901 v60n293: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“The World-Wide Mourning.” Congregationalist and Christian World 21 Sept. 1901 v86n38: pp. 411-12. VIEW


 Hay, William

“Australians Speak of McKinley.” Manila Times 24 Sept. 1901 v2n161: p. 1. VIEW


 Hayes, Charles W.

“Bust of Mr. McKinley.” New York Times 27 Oct. 1901 v51n16163: part 1, p. 5. VIEW


 Hayes, Horace P.

“Pharmaceutical Aspect of the National Tragedy.” Pharmaceutical Era 26 Sept. 1901 v26n13: pp. 357-60. VIEW


 Hayes, Lucy

Short, Frank H. “Our Untimely Dead.” Notable Speeches by Notable Speakers of the Greater West. Ed. Harr Wagner. San Francisco: Whitaker and Ray, 1902: pp. 126-35. VIEW


 Hayes, Rutherford B.

[untitled]. Archbald Citizen 14 Sept. 1901 v8n393: p. [2]. VIEW

[untitled]. Law Times 21 Sept. 1901 v111n3051: pp. 469-70. VIEW

“The Assassination of the President.” Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Monthly Journal Oct. 1901 v35n10: pp. 634-35. VIEW

“The Assault Upon the President.” Outlook 14 Sept. 1901 v69n2: pp. 106-08. VIEW

“Attempt to Rob the Grave.” Knoxville Sentinel 24 Sept. 1901 v15n229: p. 4. VIEW

Beck, James M. “The Memory of McKinley.” The McKinley Memorial in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: McKinley Memorial Association, 1909: pp. 23-48. VIEW

“Career of President McKinley.” Collier’s Weekly 14 Sept. 1901 v27n24: p. 5. VIEW

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW

“Chronological Record of the Life of President William McKinley” [chapter 19]. Life of William McKinley, Our Martyred President. Ed. Samuel Fallows. Chicago: Regan Printing House, 1901: pp. 227-31. VIEW

Depew, Chauncey M. “Introduction.” Life and Distinguished Services of Hon. Wm. McKinley and the Great Issues of 1896. By Murat Halstead. [n.p.]: Edgewood Publishing, 1896: pp. vii-xiii. VIEW

Fowler, Charles Henry. “William McKinley.” Patriotic Orations. Ed. Carl Hitchcock Fowler. New York: Eaton and Mains, 1910: pp. 189-244. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “Opening Words to the Story of a Martyr” [introduction]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. vii-xii. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The Encyclopedia Americana. Vol. 18. New York: Encyclopedia Americana, 1920: pp. 72-73. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th ed. Vol. 17. Cambridge: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911: pp. 256-59. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The International Year Book. Ed. Frank Moore Colby. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1902: pp. 464-69. VIEW

“Mrs. McKinley Courageous.” New York Times 7 Sept. 1901 v50n16121: p. 1. VIEW

Pendel, Thomas F. “Thanksgiving at the White House.” Collier’s Weekly 23 Nov. 1901 v28n8: p. 20. VIEW

“President M’Kinley’s Death.” Nation 19 Sept. 1901 v73n1890: p. 218. VIEW

Ramage, B. J., and John Bell Henneman. “President M’Kinley.” Sewanee Review Oct. 1901 v9n4: pp. 483-93. VIEW

“A Reality and a Possibility.” Musician Oct. 1901 v6n10: p. 304. VIEW

Sherman, John. “Personal Sketch of Hon. William McKinley” [chapter 1]. Life and Distinguished Services of Hon. Wm. McKinley and the Great Issues of 1896. By Murat Halstead. [n.p.]: Edgewood Publishing, 1896: pp. 17-29. VIEW

Short, Frank H. “Our Untimely Dead.” Notable Speeches by Notable Speakers of the Greater West. Ed. Harr Wagner. San Francisco: Whitaker and Ray, 1902: pp. 126-35. VIEW

Stratemeyer, Edward. “Chronology of the Life of William McKinley” [appendix B]. American Boys’ Life of William McKinley. Boston: Lothrop, Lee, and Shephard, 1901: pp. 309-16. VIEW

“The Turning Point.” Commoner 27 Sept. 1901 v1n36: pp. 1-2. VIEW

Welsh, John T. “Eulogy of President William McKinley.” Addresses. Portland: [n.p.], 1915: pp. 7-21. VIEW

“Wept Because His Major Is Dead.” Cleveland Leader 15 Sept. 1901 v54n258: p. 7. VIEW

West, Henry Litchfield. “William McKinley.” Forum Oct. 1901 v32: pp. 131-37. VIEW

“William McKinley.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 13. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: pp. 6234-36. VIEW

“William McKinley, the Noble-Hearted President.” Leslie’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v93n2402: [no pagination]. VIEW


 Hayes, Thomas G.

“Will Pray for the President’s Recovery.” Norfolk Landmark 10 Sept. 1901 v53n12: p. 8. VIEW


 Hayes, W. L.

Czolgosz, Leon. [untitled]. Senate Documents. Vol. 12. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1919: pp. 62-64. VIEW


 Hayes, Webb C.

“An Anarchist Shoots the President at the Pan-American Exposition.” Leslie’s Weekly 9 Sept. 1901 v93: [no pagination]. VIEW

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW

“Mrs. McKinley Courageous.” New York Times 7 Sept. 1901 v50n16121: p. 1. VIEW

Olcott, Charles S. “The Tragedy at Buffalo” [chapter 34]. The Life of William McKinley. Vol. 2. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1916: pp. 313-33. VIEW

“Those Present at the Death-Bed.” Harper’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v45n2335: p. 946. VIEW


 Hazel, John R.

“The Accession of President Roosevelt.” Outlook 21 Sept. 1901 v69n3: p. 144. VIEW

Banks, Charles Eugene, and Le Roy Armstrong. “Succeeds to the Presidency” [chapter 19]. Theodore Roosevelt, Twenty-Sixth President of the United States. Chicago: S. Stone, 1901: pp. 369-78. VIEW

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW

“Death of the President.” Christian Observer 18 Sept. 1901 v89n38: p. 23. VIEW

Depew, Chauncey M. “William McKinley” [chapter 13]. My Memories of Eighty Years. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1922: pp. 147-57. VIEW

Everett, Marshall. “President Roosevelt Takes the Oath of Office” [chapter 28]. Complete Life of William McKinley and Story of His Assassination. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 304-18. VIEW

Hagedorn, Hermann. “He Inaugurates a New Era” [chapter 14]. The Boys’ Life of Theodore Roosevelt. Ed. H. C. Newton. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1922: pp. 233-59. VIEW

“[Hazel, John R.].” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 3, p. 37. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “Theodore Roosevelt—President and Man” [chapter 32]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 492-503. VIEW

Morris, Charles. “A Vigorous Champion in the Presidential Chair” [chapter 8]. Battling for the Right: The Life-Story of Theodore Roosevelt. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1910: pp. 63-68. VIEW

Mowbray, Jay Henry. “Suddenly Called to Be President” [chapter 11]. Illustrious Career and Heroic Deeds of Colonel Roosevelt, “The Intellectual Giant. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1910: pp. 165-70. VIEW

“News of the Week.” Public Opinion 19 Sept. 1901 v31n12: p. 379. VIEW

“Our New President.” Lancaster Times 19 Sept. 1901 v22n16: p. [3]. VIEW

“People Talked About.” Leslie’s Weekly 28 Sept. 1901 v93n2403: p. 279. VIEW

“President Roosevelt.” Timely Topics 20 Sept. 1901 v6n3: pp. 41-42. VIEW

“Theodore Roosevelt, President.” Collier’s Weekly 28 Sept. 1901 v27n26: p. 3. VIEW

“University Notes.” Harvard Graduates’ Magazine Dec. 1901 v10n38: p. 338. VIEW

“The Week.” Public Opinion 19 Sept. 1901 v31n12: p. 355. VIEW

Wellman, Walter. “The Last Days of President M’Kinley: His Visit to Buffalo, the Tragedy, and the Nation’s Mourning.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Oct. 1901 v24n4: pp. 414-30. VIEW

Wilcox, Ansley. “Theodore Roosevelt, President.” How Theodore Roosevelt Became President of the United States in Buffalo, September 14, 1901. [Buffalo?]: Roosevelt Memorial Association, 1919: pp. 3-6. VIEW

Wright, John. “Bibles Owned by the Presidents of the United States and Their Families.” Historic Bibles in America. New York: Thomas Whittaker, 1905: pp. 27-57. VIEW


 Hazen, William P.

R., C. A. “The Government’s Detectives.” Sun [New York] 10 Oct. 1901 v69n40: p. 6. VIEW

“Secret Service at Fault.” Evening Post [New York] 21 Sept. 1901 v100: p. 5. VIEW

 Heard, Sarah Harper (a.k.a. Mrs. Eugene B. Heard)

“McKinley Memorial Libraries for Public Schools.” Public Libraries Mar. 1902 v7n3: p. 116. VIEW


 Hearn, Lafcadio

Salisbury, William. “Chapter XXVI.” The Career of a Journalist. New York: B. W. Dodge, 1908: pp. 247-60. VIEW

 Hearst, Phoebe A.

Macfarland, Henry B. F. “The McKinley Memorial Arch.” Saturday Evening Post 30 Nov. 1901 v174n22: p. 13. VIEW


 Hearst, William Randolph

[untitled]. Choteau Acantha 7 Apr. 1904 v10n31: p. [4]. VIEW

[untitled]. Commoner 4 Oct. 1901 v1n37: p. 6. VIEW

[untitled]. Indianapolis Journal 12 Sept. 1901 v51n255: p. 4. VIEW

[untitled]. Journal and Republican and Lowville Times 16 Apr. 1914 v55n23: p. [4]. VIEW

[untitled]. Liberator Sept. 1901 v3n2: p. 12. VIEW

[untitled]. Los Angeles Times 22 Sept. 1901 v40n110: part 3, p. 4. VIEW

[untitled]. Passaic Daily News 11 Sept. 1901 v25: p. 4. VIEW

[untitled]. Punxsutawney Spirit 31 Oct. 1906 v1n39: p. [4]. VIEW

[untitled]. San Francisco Call 26 Oct. 1907 v102n148: p. 14. VIEW

[untitled]. Tacoma Daily Ledger 26 Sept. 1901 v19n269: p. 4. VIEW

[untitled]. Western New-Yorker 26 Sept. 1901 v61n39: p. [4]. VIEW

“Attempt to Rob the Grave.” Knoxville Sentinel 24 Sept. 1901 v15n229: p. 4. VIEW

Bierce, Ambrose. “A Thumb-Nail Sketch.” The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce. Vol. 12. New York: Neale Publishing, 1912: pp. 305-15. VIEW

Bonnet, Theodore. “William R. Hearst: A Critical Study.” Lantern Mar. 1916 v1n12: pp. 365-80. VIEW

“Brisbane to Ministers on Candidate Hearst.” New York Times 31 Oct. 1905 v55n17447: p. 4. VIEW

“The Chief Anarchist.” New York Press 10 Sept. 1901 v14n5032: p. 6. VIEW

“Citizens of Hanford Burn William R. Hearst in Effigy.” San Francisco Call 7 Sept. 1901 v90n99: p. 5. VIEW

“The Coin of the Yellow.” San Francisco Call 27 Sept. 1901 v90n119: p. 6. VIEW

Cowley-Brown, John Stapleton. “Skinning a Skunk.” Goose-Quill 1 Nov. 1901 v1n1 (new series): pp. 15-16. VIEW

Creelman, James. “The Real Mr. Hearst.” Pearson’s Magazine Apr. 1912 v27n4: pp. 504-14. VIEW

“A Disgraceful Exhibition.” Hanford Daily Journal 7 Sept. 1901 v7n99: p. [2]. VIEW

“The Examiner’s Justification.” San Francisco Call 25 Oct. 1901 v90n147: p. 6. VIEW

“A Good Thing for Journalism.” Passaic Daily News 19 Sept. 1901 v25: p. 4. VIEW

“Hearst a Coward as Well as an Assassin.” Jersey City News 14 Sept. 1901 v13n3780: p. [4]. VIEW

“Hearst and American People.” San Francisco Call 1 Oct. 1901 v90n123: p. 6. VIEW

“Hearst and His ‘Journal.’” Weekly People 5 Oct. 1901 v11n26: p. 4. VIEW

“Hearst and His Judges.” San Francisco Call 25 Sept. 1901 v90n117: p. 6. VIEW

“Hearst Hanged in Three Places.” New York Press 20 Sept. 1901 v14n5042: p. 4. VIEW

“Hearst the Abominable.” Jersey City News 9 Sept. 1901 v13n3775: p. [2]. VIEW

“Hearst’s Peculiar Papers.” Tacoma Daily Ledger 17 Sept. 1901 v19n260: p. 4. VIEW

“Just Indignation.” Daily Delta 8 Sept. 1901 v20: p. 1. VIEW

Masson, Tom. “The Power of the Press.” Life 26 Sept. 1901 v38n986: pp. 247-49. VIEW

“Musings.” Daily Delta 21 Sept. 1901 v20: p. [2]. VIEW

“Newspaper Yellowism.” Sioux City Journal 11 Sept. 1901: p. 4. VIEW

Pratt, E. A. “Crawling, Not Repenting.” New York Press 12 Sept. 1901 v14n5034: p. 6. VIEW

“Prove Your Allegations.” Plain Speaker 2 Oct. 1901 v20: p. [2]. VIEW

“Random Shots.” Fremont Tri-Weekly Tribune 26 Sept. 1901 v34n36: p. [2]. VIEW

“Roosevelt, Theodore.—Sept. 14, 1901, to March 4, 1909.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW

“Root and Czolgosz.” Mirror 8 Nov. 1906 v16n37: p. 2. VIEW

Russell, Charles Edward. “Comment on Things Doing.” Coming Nation 2 Nov. 1912 n112 (new series): pp. 3-4. VIEW

“The Spirit of the Press.” San Francisco Call 26 Sept. 1901 v90n118: p. 6. VIEW

“Stroke of the Rattlesnake.” San Francisco Call 24 Sept. 1901 v90n116: p. 6. VIEW

“Throwing Stones from Glass Houses.” Evening Mail 20 Sept. 1901 v44n36: p. 4. VIEW

“Topics of the Times.” Daily Tulare Register 23 Sept. 1901 v15n44: p. 1. VIEW

Villard, Oswald Garrison. “Some Weaknesses of Modern Journalism.” University of Kansas News-Bulletin 2 Nov. 1914 v15n6: [no pagination]. VIEW

“W. R. Hearst Hung in Effigy.” Milwaukee Sentinel 20 Sept. 1901 n23694: p. 12. VIEW

“Where Hearst Gets His Support.” Jersey City News 14 Sept. 1901 v13n3780: p. [4]. VIEW

Wilshire, H. Gaylord. “Free Ads for Willie Hearst.” Challenge 12 Oct. 1901 n40: p. 5. VIEW

Wilshire, H. Gaylord. “O’tis Insignificant.” Wilshire’s Monthly Magazine Nov. 1901 n41: pp. 11-12. VIEW

“Yello Wjournals” [sic]. Fresno Morning Republican 11 Sept. 1901 v21n90: p. 4. VIEW

“Yellow Cartoons.” Broad Axe 3 Oct. 1901 v11n3: p. 1. VIEW

“Yellow Journalism.” Evening Standard 25 Sept. 1901 v31: p. 2. VIEW

“‘Yellow’ Journalism.” Greenville Times 5 Oct. 1901 v34n9: p. [4]. VIEW

“Yellow Journalism.” Pacific 19 Sept. 1901 v51n38: pp. 4-5. VIEW

“Yellow Journalism Not Responsible.” Coast Mail 5 Oct. 1901 v23n40: p. [2]. VIEW

“A Yellow Proceeding.” Life 7 Nov. 1901 v38n992: p. 367. VIEW


 Hecock, Ray

Drake, Timothy. “Newspapers and New Thought.” Physical Culture Jan. 1902 v6n4: pp. 174-76. VIEW


 Hector, J. H. (a.k.a. The Black Knight)

“The Captor of Czolgosz.” Manitoba Morning Free Press 20 Sept. 1901 v29n60: p. 3. VIEW


 Heine, Heinrich

Fox, Jay. “Roosevelt, Czolgosz and Anarchy.” Roosevelt, Czolgosz and Anarchy; and Communism. By Jay Fox and Henry Addis. [New York]: New York Anarchists, [1902?]: pp. 2-13. VIEW


 Heinrich, Prince of Prussia (a.k.a. Prince Henry of Prussia)

Domer, Harry Tennyson. “John Hay: A Memorial History.” Shield Sept. 1905 v21n3: pp. 275-316. VIEW

Fowler, Charles Henry. “William McKinley.” Patriotic Orations. Ed. Carl Hitchcock Fowler. New York: Eaton and Mains, 1910: pp. 189-244. VIEW


 Heinzen, Karl

Fox, Jay. “Anarchist Trio Jailed.” Free Society 13 July 1902 v9n28: p. 5. VIEW

Gale, Zona. “Most Fumes in His Defense.” World 13 Sept. 1901 v42n14633: p. 3. VIEW

Hinsdale, Elizur Brace. “Opinion in Case of John Most the Anarchist.” Autobiography with Reports and Documents. New York: J. J. Little, 1901: pp. 306-13. VIEW

“John Most.” Freedom Nov. 1901 v15n162: p. 67. VIEW


 Heiser, William

“Czolgosz’s Captors Reward.” Sunday Morning Star 29 Sept. 1901 v21: p. 4. VIEW


 Helms, P. I.

“Australians Speak of McKinley.” Manila Times 24 Sept. 1901 v2n161: p. 1. VIEW


 Helms, Professor (a.k.a. The Great Helms)

[untitled]. National Police Gazette 7 Dec. 1901 v79n1268: p. 2. VIEW


 Heltz, Christian F.

“Czolgosz May Be Tried Next Week.” Buffalo Sunday News 15 Sept. 1901 v28n45: p. [?]. VIEW


 Hemmeter, John C.

Hemmeter, John C. “Hopeful of Recovery.” Sun [Baltimore] 7 Sept. 1901 v129n98: p. 1. VIEW


 Henafelt, Lewis W.

Bull, William S. “Police Superintendent’s Report.” Annual Report of the Board of Police of the City of Buffalo. Buffalo: Wenborne-Sumner, 1902: pp. 7-48. VIEW

“Statement of Leon F. Czolgosz, Taken at Police Headquarters, 10.30 P. M., September 6, 1901, by Mr. Penney.” Senate Documents. Vol. 12. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1919: pp. 64-74. VIEW


 Henderson, David B.

“The Last Requiem.” Evening Bulletin 20 Sept. 1901 v20n256: p. 1. VIEW

“Solemn Services.” Evening Bulletin 18 Sept. 1901 v20n255: p. 1. VIEW

“Southerners on Committee.” Atlanta Constitution 16 Sept. 1901 v34: p. 1. VIEW

“Speaker Henderson’s Message.” Iowa State Register 8 Sept. 1901 v46n211: p. 1. VIEW


 Hendler, George

“Corporation Proceedings” [Board of Aldermen]. Proceedings of the Common Council of the City of Buffalo 14 Sept. 1901 n36: pp. 1505-06. VIEW


 Hendrick, Thomas A.

“Awaiting Death He Writes of Czolgosz.” Elmira Gazette and Free Press 10 Oct. 1901 v77n205: p. [5]. VIEW


 Hendricks, Thomas

Fawcett, Waldon. “How the President Is Guarded.” Leslie’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v93n2402: p. 260. VIEW

“Mr. McKinley.” Manila Times 10 Sept. 1901 v2n149: p. 4. VIEW

“President Roosevelt.” Commercial and Financial Chronicle 21 Sept. 1901 v73n1891: pp. 584-85. VIEW

“Raise Point of Disability.” Chicago Daily Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v60n253: part 1, p. 2. VIEW


 Hengerer, William

Larned, J. N. “In the Era of the Railways: 1851-1908” [chapter 3]. A History of Buffalo. Vol. 1. New York: Progress of the Empire State, 1911: sect. 1, pp. 62-96. VIEW


 Hennessy, Mr. (fictional character)

“The Dilemma of Authority.” Freedom Oct. 1901 v15n161: pp. 59-60. VIEW


 Henry III, King of France (a.k.a. Henry of Valois)

James, C. L. “Who Killed McKinley?” Free Society 28 Dec. 1902 v9n52: pp. 2-3. VIEW

“The Mental Condition of Political Assassins.” American Journal of Insanity Oct. 1901 v58n2: pp. 317-19. VIEW

Mills, Charles K. “Political Assassinations in Some of Their Relations to Psychiatry and Legal Medicine.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 26 Oct. 1901 v8n17: pp. 688-92. VIEW


 Henry IV, King of France (a.k.a. Henry III of Navarre)

[untitled]. Bankers’ Magazine Oct. 1901 v63n4: pp. 561-64. VIEW

Adams, Charles Francis. “A National Change of Heart.” Lee at Appomattox and Other Papers. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1902: pp. 256-73. VIEW

Colt, Le Baron Bradford. “Anarchy.” American Lawyer Apr. 1902 v10n4: pp. 148-54. VIEW

Depew, Chauncey M. “Interview on Return from Buffalo, September 15, 1901, After the Assassination of President Mc Kinley” [sic]. Orations, Addresses and Speeches of Chauncey M. Depew. Ed. John Denison Champlin. Vol. 8. New York: [n.p.], 1910: pp. 282-86. VIEW

“The Foreign Press on the Assassination.” Literary Digest 5 Oct. 1901 v23n14: pp. 409-10. VIEW

“How to Deal with Anarchists.” Spectator 14 Sept. 1901 n3820: pp. 340-41. VIEW

Macdonald, George E. “Interview with an Assassin.” Truth Seeker 2 Nov. 1901 v28n44: p. 691. VIEW

“The Mental Condition of Political Assassins.” American Journal of Insanity Oct. 1901 v58n2: pp. 317-19. VIEW

Mills, Charles K. “Political Assassinations in Some of Their Relations to Psychiatry and Legal Medicine.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 26 Oct. 1901 v8n17: pp. 688-92. VIEW

Neihardt, John G. “Czolgosz.” Man-Song. New York: Mitchell Kennerley, 1909: p. 34. VIEW

Smith, Goldwin. “Shall the Press Be Muzzled?” Sun [New York] 30 Oct. 1901 v69n60: p. 6. VIEW


 Henry VII, King of England

Astor, William Waldorf. “William McKinley.” Pall Mall Magazine Nov. 1901 v25n103: pp. 289-92. VIEW


 Henry VIII, King of England

Bibbins, Ruthella Mory. “‘Madame Too-So’s Wax-Wu’ks’” [chapter 15]. Mammy ’Mongst the Wild Nations of Europe. New York: Frederick A. Stokes, 1904: pp. 146-51. VIEW

Naylor, A. H. “The Death Penalty.” Hamilton Review Dec. 1901 v15n3: pp. 75-77. VIEW

Warde, Frederick. “The Genesis of the Warde-James Combination” [chapter 18]. Fifty Years of Make-Believe. New York: International Press Syndicate, 1920: pp. 236-51. VIEW


 Henry, Émile

Lombroso, Cesare. “Anarchy: The Status of Anarchism To-Day in Europe and the United States.” Trans. Lionel Strachey. Everybody’s Magazine Feb. 1902 v6n2: pp. 165-68. VIEW

Malagodi, Olindo. “Psychology of the Anarchist.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 15 Sept. 1901 v60n258: part 2, p. 13. VIEW

“Observations and Comments.” Mother Earth Oct. 1911 v6n8: pp. 226-32. VIEW

Philippe, Charles-Louis. “L’Assassinat du Président Mac-Kinley — Czolgosz.” L’Ermitage Dec. 1901 v12n12: pp. 464-66. VIEW


 Henry, Patrick

[untitled]. Public 21 Sept. 1901 v4n181: pp. 369-72. VIEW

Banks, Charles Eugene, and Le Roy Armstrong. “The Future” [chapter 21]. Theodore Roosevelt, Twenty-Sixth President of the United States. Chicago: S. Stone, 1901: pp. 394-413. VIEW

Fox, Jay. “Roosevelt, Czolgosz and Anarchy.” Roosevelt, Czolgosz and Anarchy; and Communism. By Jay Fox and Henry Addis. [New York]: New York Anarchists, [1902?]: pp. 2-13. VIEW

Harman, Moses. “‘Let Us Be Honest; Let Us Be Just.’” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 27 Mar. 1902 v6n11 (3rd series): pp. 83-84. VIEW

Macdonald, George E. “Observations.” Truth Seeker 16 Nov. 1901 v28n46: p. 728. VIEW

“The Mourning.” Nation 26 Sept. 1901 v73n1891: p. 238. VIEW


 Henshaw, Harry F.

“Charles J. Close a Witness of the Shooting.” Buffalo Evening News 7 Sept. 1901 v42n127: p. 8. VIEW

“First in Line Day President Was Shot.” Buffalo Evening News 13 Sept. 1901 v42n132: p. [?]. VIEW

“The People of the State of New York Against Leon F. Czolgosz.” Unpublished trial transcript. 23-24, 26 Sept. 1901. VIEW


 Heppner, Frederick

“Free Thinking Policemen Suspended.” Daily Picayune 12 Sept. 1901 v65n231: part 1, p. 2. VIEW


 Hepworth, George H.

Masson, Tom. “The Power of the Press.” Life 26 Sept. 1901 v38n986: pp. 247-49. VIEW


 Herbruck, Emil P.

“Services at the Church.” Evening Bulletin 20 Sept. 1901 v20n256: p. 1. VIEW


 Hercules (a.k.a. Herakles; a.k.a. Heracles) (Greek mythological personage)

“Outlines of Oklahoma.” Wichita Daily Eagle 20 Sept. 1901 v35n107: p. 4. VIEW

Stalker, James. “Courage” [chapter 2]. The Seven Cardinal Virtues. New York: American Tract Society, 1902: pp. 24-40. VIEW


 Herman, Prof.

[notice]. Barber County Index 11 Dec. 1901 v21n27: p. [3]. VIEW


 Herod, King of Judea (a.k.a. Herod the Great; a.k.a. Herod I)

Lloyd, Charles Edward. “The Pan-American.” Weekly Tallahasseean 27 Sept. 1901 v21n31: p. 6. VIEW


 Herold, David

“Executed Lincoln’s Murderers.” San Juan County Index 8 Nov. 1901 v12n41: p. [3]. VIEW

“Legal Rights of Leon Czolgosz.” Baltimore American 23 Sept. 1901 v191n34821: p. 3. VIEW

Shollenbarger, Benton. “Oklahoma Fish Story.” Garfield County Democrat 18 June 1903 v6n28: p. [4]. VIEW



Marvin, Frederic Rowland. “Appendix.” The Last Words (Real and Traditional) of Distinguished Men and Women. New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1902: pp. 323-38. VIEW


 Herrán, Tomás (a.k.a. Thomas Herran)

“Official Action.” Indianapolis Journal 7 Sept. 1901 v51n250: p. 2. VIEW


 Herrick, Cordello C.

“Auburn Prison.” Star [Reynoldsville] 8 June 1904 v13n5: p. [5]. VIEW


 Herrick, John P.

Herrick, John P. “Sights and Scenes in Buffalo.” Bolivar Breeze 12 Sept. 1901 v11n2: p. 1. VIEW


 Herrick, Myron T.

“Apropos of Mr. McKinley’s Death.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Nov. 1901 v24n5: p. 532. VIEW

“Band Played Prophetic Selection.” Milwaukee Journal 11 Sept. 1901 v19: p. 6. VIEW

“Better Than Yesterday.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle 13 Sept. 1901 v61n254: p. 1. VIEW

Croly, Herbert. “The Death of President McKinley” [chapter 23]. Marcus Alonzo Hanna: His Life and Work. New York: Macmillan, 1912: pp. 355-68. VIEW

Farquhar, A. B., and Samuel Crowther. “Here and There and the Presidents” [chapter 11]. The First Million the Hardest. Garden City: Doubleday, Page, 1922: pp. 206-31. VIEW

“His Sisters.” Stark County Democrat 10 Sept. 1901 v67n133: p. 5. VIEW

“McKinley Memorial.” Daily Picayune 22 Sept. 1901 v65n241: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“McKinley Memorial Association.” Bankers’ Magazine Nov. 1901 v63n5: pp. 878-79. VIEW

“McKinley National Memorial.” Chautauquan Jan. 1902 v34n4: pp. 358-59. VIEW

“McKinley National Memorial Association.” Iowa Normal Monthly Jan. 1902 v25n6: pp. 290-91. VIEW

“Mrs McKinley’s Condition.” News and Courier 30 Sept. 1901: p. 1. VIEW

Olcott, Charles S. “The Tragedy at Buffalo” [chapter 34]. The Life of William McKinley. Vol. 2. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1916: pp. 313-33. VIEW

“Public Memorial at Canton.” Omaha Sunday Bee 8 Dec. 1901: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“Statue of President M’Kinley.” Norwich Bulletin 6 Oct. 1917 v59n339: p. 1. VIEW

Wayne, Flynn. “Collecting the Relics of a Martyred President.” National Magazine May 1914 v40n2: pp. 219-22. VIEW


 Herrick, Samuel E.

“The Church Universal and the Attempted Assassination.” Congregationalist and Christian World 14 Sept. 1901 v86n37: p. 396. VIEW


 Herrman, Thomas B.

[untitled]. Weekly Law Bulletin and the Ohio Law Journal 23 Sept. 1901 v46: p. 133. VIEW


 Herwegh, Georg

Winchevsky, M. “The Blues Versus the Reds: Suggestions for Laws Against the Anarchists.” Comrade Nov. 1901 v1n2: pp. 34-35. VIEW


 Hess, Frank

“The People of the State of New York Against Leon F. Czolgosz.” Unpublished trial transcript. 23-24, 26 Sept. 1901. VIEW


 Hewitt, Abram S.

Abbott, Lawrence F. “Roosevelt, Theodore.” The Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th ed. Vol. 23. Cambridge: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911: pp. 707-11. VIEW

“The Financial Situation.” Commercial and Financial Chronicle 21 Sept. 1901 v73n1891: pp. 582-84. VIEW

Hamilton, Allan McLane. “Political Murders” [chapter 21]. Recollections of an Alienist. New York: George H. Doran, 1916: pp. 342-68. VIEW

“He Will Be a Failure.” Social Democratic Herald 28 Sept. 1901 n13: p. 1. VIEW

“Hearst and His Judges.” San Francisco Call 25 Sept. 1901 v90n117: p. 6. VIEW

“Note and Comment.” Truth Seeker 28 Sept. 1901 v28n39: p. 609. VIEW

“President Roosevelt.” Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Monthly Journal Nov. 1901 v35n11: pp. 688-89. VIEW

“The Problem of Anarchy.” Chautauquan Nov. 1901 v34n2: pp. 119-20. VIEW

“Roosevelt, Theodore.” Who’s Who in New York City and State. Ed. John W. Leonard. 3rd ed. New York: L. R. Hamersly, 1907: pp. 1124-25. VIEW

“Roosevelt, Theodore.” Who’s Who in New York City and State. Ed. John W. Leonard. 4th biennial ed. New York: L. R. Hamersly, 1909: pp. 1122-23. VIEW

“The Spirit of the Press.” San Francisco Call 26 Sept. 1901 v90n118: p. 6. VIEW


 Hewlett, F. J.

“Senate.” Congressional Record 19 Dec. 1901 v35n14: pp. 398-405. VIEW


 Hickenlooper, Andrew

“Was Composed.” Stark County Democrat 17 Sept. 1901 v67n135: p. 8. VIEW


 Hickey, John J.

Steep, Thomas W. “Czolgosz May Never Live to Reach Electric Death Chair.” Buffalo Courier 28 Oct. 1901 v66n301: pp. 1-2. VIEW


 Hickey, William A.

“Memory of Dead President.” Sunday Star 8 Sept. 1907 n17150: part 1, p. 16. VIEW


 Hill, David Bennett

[untitled]. Public 21 Sept. 1901 v4n181: pp. 369-72. VIEW

“American News and Notes.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 5 Oct. 1901 v8n14: pp. 543-45. VIEW

“Anarchist Exclusion Bill.” Madison County Times 13 Sept. 1901 v32n7: p. [2]. VIEW

“Dealing with the Anarchists.” Bradstreet’s 14 Sept. 1901 v29n1211: pp. 578-79. VIEW

James, C. L. “Our Friends, the Enemy, Again.” Free Society 5 Jan. 1902 v9n1: pp. 1-2. VIEW

“Legislating Against Anarchists.” Nation 27 Mar. 1902 v74n1917: pp. 243-44. VIEW

“[MacDonald, Carlos F.].” Biographical Directory of the State of New York, 1900. New York: Biographical Directory, 1900: p. 281. VIEW

“President McKinley: What the World Thought of Him.” Outlook 21 Sept. 1901 v69n3: pp. 162-65. VIEW

“The President’s Host.” New-York Tribune 12 Sept. 1901 v61n20024: p. 2. VIEW

Steep, Thomas W. “Czolgosz’s Last Hours and Death.” Buffalo Courier 29 Oct. 1901 v66n302: pp. 1-2. VIEW

“The Week.” Nation 12 Sept. 1901 v73n1889: pp. 197-99. [excerpt 3 of 3] VIEW


 Hill, Herbert M.

“Alumni Notes.” Hamilton Review Nov. 1901 v15n2: pp. 52-59. VIEW

“Bullets Fired by Czolgosz.” Evening Times [Washington, DC] 27 Nov. 1901 n1975: p. 2. VIEW

“Case of the Late President M’Kinley.” Southern Practitioner Nov. 1901 v23n11: pp. 517-21. VIEW

“Chemist Won’t Talk.” Reading Eagle 21 Sept. 1901 v34n237: p. 1. VIEW

“Death of President McKinley.” International Clinics 1902 v1 (12th series): pp. 300-02. VIEW

“Many Cranks Pester the District Attorney with Absurd Advice.” Buffalo Courier 21 Sept. 1901 v66n264: p. 8. VIEW

Matzinger, Herman G. “Report on the Bacteriologic Examination.” Medical Record 19 Oct. 1901 v60n16: pp. 609-10. VIEW

“Pharmaceutical Aspect of the National Tragedy.” Pharmaceutical Era 26 Sept. 1901 v26n13: pp. 357-60. VIEW

“Results of the Autopsy in President McKinley’s Case.” International Journal of Surgery Nov. 1901 v14n11: p. 343. VIEW

“Virus from Wounds Forced into Veins of Dogs and Cats.” Buffalo Courier 18 Sept. 1901 v66n261: p. 7. VIEW


 Hill, Jenkin

“McKinley’s Monument Unveiled.” Summary 10 June 1905 v33n23: p. 1. VIEW


 Hillis, Newell Dwight

Hopkins, Alphonso A. “A Curse, a Crime, and the Cure” [chapter 10]. Profit and Loss in Man. New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1909: pp. 251-82. VIEW


 Hindle, Frank L.

“Resolutions on the Deaths of Dr. Charles S. Inglis and President William McKinley.” Dental Brief Dec. 1901 v6n12: pp. 750-51. VIEW


 Hine, James W.

“Saw the Dead President.” Evening Journal 17 Sept. 1901 v32n222: p. 8. VIEW


 Hines, Solon

“‘I Am Sorry’ Is Statement of Czolgosz.” Buffalo Evening Times 27 Sept. 1901 v36n11: p. 7. VIEW


 Hinsdale, Elizur Brace

“Can We Deal with Anarchy Under the Law as It Is.” Law Notes Nov. 1901 v5: pp. 142-43. VIEW


 Hinshaw, William E.

Dailey, M. A. “Mr. Dailey Hits the Centre.” Truth Seeker 19 Oct. 1901 v28n42: p. 666. VIEW


 Hipple, John Mitchell

SEE Mitchell, John Hipple



“The President’s Case.” Red Cross Notes 1901 s3n9: pp. 191-96. VIEW


 Hiram Abiff

“An Irreparable Loss.” Masonic Voice-Review Oct. 1901 v3n10: p. 404. VIEW


 Hirsch, Emil G.

Macfarland, Henry B. F. “The McKinley Memorial Arch.” Saturday Evening Post 30 Nov. 1901 v174n22: p. 13. VIEW


 Hirschfelder, Joseph O.

Hunt, Evelyn. “My Experiences as a Nurse to Mrs McKinley and the Late President.” San Francisco Call 19 Jan. 1902 v91n50: mag. sect., p. 5. VIEW


 Hitchcock, Ethan A.

“At the Milburn House.” New-York Tribune 16 Sept. 1901 v61n20028: pp. 1-2. VIEW

Banks, Charles Eugene, and Le Roy Armstrong. “Succeeds to the Presidency” [chapter 19]. Theodore Roosevelt, Twenty-Sixth President of the United States. Chicago: S. Stone, 1901: pp. 369-78. VIEW

“Buderus Is Out.” St. Paul Globe 17 Nov. 1901 v24n321: p. 6. VIEW

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW

“Day and Night Scenes at the Milburn House.” Post Express 10 Sept. 1901 v43n79: p. 2. VIEW

“Gloom Overspreads City.” Omaha Sunday Bee 8 Sept. 1901: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“Hanna Very Confident.” St. Louis Republic 10 Sept. 1901 v94n72: p. 4. VIEW

Hopkins, Grace Porter. “History Made at Buffalo.” Ogdensburg Journal 20 Sept. 1901: p. [2]. VIEW

Hunt, Evelyn. “My Experiences as a Nurse to Mrs McKinley and the Late President.” San Francisco Call 19 Jan. 1902 v91n50: mag. sect., p. 5. VIEW

“The Last Photograph Taken at the Request of President M’Kinley.” Pacific Commercial Advertiser 4 Oct. 1901 v34n5979: p. [13]. VIEW

“The Last Requiem.” Evening Bulletin 20 Sept. 1901 v20n256: p. 1. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “Theodore Roosevelt—President and Man” [chapter 32]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 492-503. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th ed. Vol. 17. Cambridge: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911: pp. 256-59. VIEW

“McKinley, William.—March 4, 1897-Sept. 14, 1901.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW

Morris, Charles. “A Vigorous Champion in the Presidential Chair” [chapter 8]. Battling for the Right: The Life-Story of Theodore Roosevelt. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1910: pp. 63-68. VIEW

“No Trace of Poison Is Found.” San Francisco Call 12 Sept. 1901 v90n104: p. 2. VIEW

“Official Action.” Indianapolis Journal 7 Sept. 1901 v51n250: p. 2. VIEW

“Officials Back from Buffalo.” Washington Times 11 Sept. 1901 n2663: p. 2. VIEW

“The President Is Dead.” Enterprise [Lancaster] 14 Sept. 1901 v6n77: p. 1. VIEW

“President McKinley Dead.” Timely Topics 20 Sept. 1901 v6n3: pp. 36-37. VIEW

“Roosevelt, Theodore.—Sept. 14, 1901, to March 4, 1909.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW

“The Shooting of President McKinley.” Collier’s Weekly 14 Sept. 1901 v27n24: p. 5. VIEW

“Solemn Services.” Evening Bulletin 18 Sept. 1901 v20n255: p. 1. VIEW

“Solid Food Given to the President.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle 12 Sept. 1901 v61n253: p. 1. VIEW

“Succession to the Presidential Chair.” Harper’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v45n2335: p. 946. VIEW

Wilcox, Ansley. “Theodore Roosevelt, President.” How Theodore Roosevelt Became President of the United States in Buffalo, September 14, 1901. [Buffalo?]: Roosevelt Memorial Association, 1919: pp. 3-6. VIEW


 Hitt, Rector C.

Hitt, Rector C. “Anarchy—A Novel Suggestion for Its Suppression.” Central Law Journal 18 Oct. 1901 v53n16: p. 313. VIEW


 Hoar, George F.

Andrews, E. Benjamin. “Mr. McKinley’s End” [chapter 19]. History of the United States. Vol. 5. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1903: pp. 359-81. VIEW

“Anti-Anarchist Legislation.” San Francisco Call 17 Dec. 1901 v91n17: p. 6. VIEW

“Anti-Anarchy Measures.” Chautauquan Feb. 1902 v34n5: pp. 461-62. VIEW

Beck, James M. “The Memory of McKinley.” The McKinley Memorial in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: McKinley Memorial Association, 1909: pp. 23-48. VIEW

Colt, Le Baron Bradford. “Anarchy.” American Lawyer Apr. 1902 v10n4: pp. 148-54. VIEW

“Current Topics.” Times [Richmond] 10 Dec. 1901 v16n262: p. 4. VIEW

H., W. “The Island Scheme.” Free Society 5 Jan. 1902 v9n1: p. 3. VIEW

Hamilton, J. W. “William McKinley.” Contemporary Review Oct. 1901 v80: pp. 457-62. VIEW

Havel, Hippolyte. “A Reminiscence.” Mother Earth Oct. 1908 v3n8: pp. 320-24. VIEW

Hawthorne, Julian, James Schouler, and E. Benjamin Andrews. “McKinley’s End and the Rise of Roosevelt” [chapter 30]. United States: From the Discovery of the North American Continent Up to the Present Time. Vol. 9. New York: Co-Operative Publication Society, 1904: pp. 289-310. VIEW

“Herr Most Mostly Mouth.” Wichita Daily Eagle 12 Dec. 1901 v36n22: p. [4]. VIEW

Hoar, George F. “Free Speech and Constitutional Liberty.” The American Idea. Comp. Joseph B. Gilder. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1902: pp. 295-98. VIEW

Holt, Henry. “The Treatment of Anarchism.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Feb. 1902 v25n2: pp. 192-200. VIEW

Isaak, Abraham, Jr. “Splinters.” Free Society 30 Mar. 1902 v9n13: p. 4. VIEW

Kinghorn-Jones, J. Alfred. “Open Letter to Senator Hoar.” Free Society 9 Feb. 1902 v9n6: pp. 2-3. VIEW

Long, John D. “Some Personal Characteristics of President McKinley.” Century Magazine Nov. 1901 v63n1: pp. 144-46. VIEW

Macdonald, George E. “Observations.” Truth Seeker 28 Dec. 1901 v28n52: pp. 823-24. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th ed. Vol. 17. Cambridge: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911: pp. 256-59. VIEW

“Senator Hoar Declines to Eulogize McKinley.” New York Times 29 Oct. 1901 v51n16165: p. 1. VIEW

“Senator Hoar Hears Sad News.” Buffalo Review 7 Sept. 1901 v19n79: p. 1. VIEW

“The Week.” Nation 31 Oct. 1901 v73n1896: pp. 329-32. VIEW

“What the Public Might Think.” Worcester Magazine Sept. 1901 v2n3: pp. 99-101. VIEW

“William McKinley.” Westminster Review Mar. 1902 v157n3: pp. 323-25. VIEW

Winn, Ross. “Current Comment.” Free Society 2 Feb. 1902 v9n5: p. 4. VIEW

“Yellow Journalism.” Evening Standard 25 Sept. 1901 v31: p. 2. VIEW


 Hoard, William D.

Watrous, J. A. “A Busy Day for McKinley.” Richard Epps and Other Stories. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1906: pp. 95-98. VIEW


 Hoban, Michael John

“Priest Enjoined by Bishop.” Sun [New York] 11 Apr. 1902 v69n223: p. 1. VIEW


 Hobart, Addison W.

“For a Memorial Window.” Paterson Weekly Press 17 Oct. 1901 v37n42: p. [3]. VIEW


 Hobart, Edward

“Overheard a Plot.” Cairo Bulletin 24 Sept. 1905 v37n278: p. 1. VIEW


 Hobart, Garret A.

[untitled]. Argus 14 Sept. 1901: p. 4. VIEW

“Effect of Death on Business.” Chicago Daily Tribune 14 Sept. 1901 v60n257: p. 11. VIEW

“For a Memorial Window.” Paterson Weekly Press 17 Oct. 1901 v37n42: p. [3]. VIEW

Howland, Harold. “Roosevelt Becomes President” [chapter 6]. Theodore Roosevelt and His Times. Abraham Lincoln ed. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1921: pp. 73-83. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th ed. Vol. 17. Cambridge: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911: pp. 256-59. VIEW

“McKinley, William.—March 4, 1897-Sept. 14, 1901.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW

“Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. McKinley.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Oct. 1901 v24n4: p. 393. VIEW

“Mr. Roosevelt’s Theory of the Vice-Presidency.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Oct. 1901 v24n4: p. 392. VIEW

“Neat Question Now Discussed.” Baltimore American 13 Jan. 1901 v190n34568: p. 13. VIEW

Stratemeyer, Edward. “Chronology of the Life of William McKinley” [appendix B]. American Boys’ Life of William McKinley. Boston: Lothrop, Lee, and Shephard, 1901: pp. 309-16. VIEW


 Hobart, Garret A., Jr.

“President McKinley Dead.” Timely Topics 20 Sept. 1901 v6n3: pp. 36-37. VIEW


 Hobart, Jennie

“At the Milburn House.” New-York Tribune 16 Sept. 1901 v61n20028: pp. 1-2. VIEW

“McKinley, Mrs. Ida Saxton.” American Women: Fifteen Hundred Biographies. Ed. Frances E. Willard and Mary A. Livermore. Rev. ed. Vol. 2. New York: Mast, Crowell, and Kirkpatrick, 1897: pp. 487-88. VIEW

“President McKinley Dead.” Timely Topics 20 Sept. 1901 v6n3: pp. 36-37. VIEW

“She Bears Her Grief Bravely.” Buffalo Sunday News 15 Sept. 1901 v28n45: p. [?]. VIEW

“Solemn Services.” Evening Bulletin 18 Sept. 1901 v20n255: p. 1. VIEW

“Widow’s Grief Is Pitiful.” Philadelphia Record 16 Sept. 1901 n10788: p. 1. VIEW


 Hobson, Richmond Pearson

“Ovation to M’Kinley.” Warsaw Daily Times 6 Sept. 1901: p. 1. VIEW

Townsend, G. W. “Principal Events During President McKinley’s Administration.” Memorial Life of William McKinley. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 185-86. VIEW


 Hodge, O. J.

Hodge, O. J. “Czolgosz, the Assassin.” Reminiscences. Vol. 2. Cleveland: Brooks, 1910: pp. 128-30. VIEW


 Hodge, Virginia Shedd (a.k.a. Mrs. O. J. Hodge)

“Editor’s Note Book.” American Monthly Magazine Nov. 1901 v19n5: pp. 527-28. VIEW


 Hodgins, John

“Army Orders.” Washington Times 12 Sept. 1901 n2664: p. 5. VIEW

“The Case of President McKinley.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 21 Sept. 1901 v8n12: pp. 480-81. VIEW

“The President’s Case.” Red Cross Notes 1901 s3n9: pp. 191-96. VIEW

“Promotion for Nurses of M’Kinley.” Buffalo Courier 10 Oct. 1901 v66n283: part 1, p. 7. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M. “Medical and Surgical Report of the Case of the Late President of the United States.” Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 297-318. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M., Matthew D. Mann, Herman Mynter, Roswell Park, Eugene Wasdin, Charles McBurney, and Charles G. Stockton. “The Case of President McKinley.” Medical Record 19 Oct. 1901 v60n16: pp. 601-06. VIEW


 Hoedel, Emil

“Bismarck’s Opportunity.” Socialist Spirit Oct. 1901 v1n2: pp. 4-5. VIEW


 Hoffman, William T.

“Suppression of Anarchy.” New Jersey Law Journal Nov. 1901 v24n11: p. 732. VIEW


 Hofsten, Hugo von

Hofsten, Hugo von. “President William McKinley.” McKinley, Garfield, Lincoln: Their Lives—Their Deeds—Their Deaths. By William Dixon Bancroft. Chicago: United States Newspaper Syndicate, 1901: frontispiece. VIEW


 Hoke, George M.

Hoke, George M. “Lawyer Hoke’s Tale of Woe.” Challenge 5 Oct. 1901 n39: p. 8. VIEW


 Hölder, Hermann von

Drahms, August. “Leon F. Czolgosz: A Descriptive Analysis on the Basis of the Bertillon System of Identification.” Alienist and Neurologist Jan. 1902 v23n1: pp. 53-57. VIEW


 Holland, Henry Scott

“President McKinley: What the World Thought of Him.” Outlook 21 Sept. 1901 v69n3: pp. 162-65. VIEW


 Holmes, J. T.

[untitled]. Weekly Law Bulletin and the Ohio Law Journal 16 Sept. 1901 v46: pp. 123-24. VIEW

[untitled]. Weekly Law Bulletin and the Ohio Law Journal 23 Sept. 1901 v46: pp. 134-37. VIEW


 Holmes, O. W.

“Memorial.” Stark County Democrat 10 July 1906 v73n8: p. 5. VIEW


 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Sr.

[untitled]. Allegany County Republican 4 Oct. 1901 v81n40: p. [?]. VIEW

Vibrator. “The Most Recent Notorious Exhibition of Medical Fallacy.” Vegetarian and Our Fellow Creatures 15 Nov. 1901 v6n2: pp. 37, 39, 41, 43. VIEW


 Holmes, Wheeler C.

“Czolgosz May Be Tried Next Week.” Buffalo Sunday News 15 Sept. 1901 v28n45: p. [?]. VIEW


 Holmes, William J.

“Corporation Proceedings” [Board of Aldermen]. Proceedings of the Common Council of the City of Buffalo 14 Sept. 1901 n36: pp. 1505-06. VIEW


 Holmlund, John W.

“Statement of Leon F. Czolgosz, Taken at Police Headquarters, 10.30 P. M., September 6, 1901, by Mr. Penney.” Senate Documents. Vol. 12. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1919: pp. 64-74. VIEW


 Holofernes (Biblical personage)

Mills, Charles K. “Political Assassinations in Some of Their Relations to Psychiatry and Legal Medicine.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 26 Oct. 1901 v8n17: pp. 688-92. VIEW


 Holt, Frank

SEE Muenter, Erich


 Holt, George C.

“The Pistol Habit: Stop It.” Independent 18 Aug. 1910 v69n3220: pp. 371-72. VIEW


 Holton, Henry D.

“Official Report of the Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association.” Public Health Papers and Reports 1902 v27: pp. 319-76. VIEW

“Twenty-Ninth Annual Session of the American Health Association.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 12 Oct. 1901 v8n15: pp. 600-01. VIEW



Welsh, John T. “Eulogy of President William McKinley.” Addresses. Portland: [n.p.], 1915: pp. 7-21. VIEW


 Hongzhang, Li

SEE Li Hongzhang


 Hooker, Thomas

“Hon. Truman Clark White.” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 2, pp. 41-42. VIEW


 Hooker, Warren B.

“Bullets Fired by Czolgosz.” Evening Times [Washington, DC] 27 Nov. 1901 n1975: p. 2. VIEW


 Hopkins, Albert Jarvis

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “The Impressive State Funeral Ceremonies” [chapter 22]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 349-62. VIEW


 Hopkins, Alphonso A.

Hopkins, Alphonso A. “A Curse, a Crime, and the Cure” [chapter 10]. Profit and Loss in Man. New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1909: pp. 251-82. VIEW


 Hopkins, Nelson K.

“Hon. Truman Clark White.” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 2, pp. 41-42. VIEW


 Horton, Katharine Pratt (a.k.a. Mrs. John Miller Horton)

“Editor’s Note Book.” American Monthly Magazine Dec. 1901 v19n6: p. 624. VIEW

Horton, Katharine Pratt. “Personal Reminiscences of President’s Day.” Memorial to the Late President McKinley. Buffalo: Buffalo Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, 1901: pp. 7-13. VIEW

Kessel, Sara Hirschfield. “Buffalo Women Are the Aid and Comfort of Mrs. M’Kinley in Her Trouble.” Buffalo Courier 9 Sept. 1901 v66n252: p. [5?]. VIEW


 Horwitz, Orville

“Professional Opinions of Prominent Surgeons Regarding the President’s Wounds.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 14 Sept. 1901 v8n11: pp. 438-39. VIEW


 Hotchkiss, William H.

Larned, J. N. “In the Era of the Railways: 1851-1908” [chapter 3]. A History of Buffalo. Vol. 1. New York: Progress of the Empire State, 1911: sect. 1, pp. 62-96. VIEW


 Houk, David A.

[untitled]. Weekly Law Bulletin and the Ohio Law Journal 23 Sept. 1901 v46: p. 133. VIEW


 How, William Walsham

“Church and Organ Music.” Musical Times and Singing-Class Circular 1 Oct. 1901 v42n704: pp. 672-73. VIEW


 Howard, Emmons

“The Exposition.” Official Catalogue and Guide Book to the Pan-American Exposition. Buffalo: Charles Ahrhart, 1901: pp. 11-63. VIEW


 Howard, John Galen

Andrews, E. Benjamin. “The Pan-American Exposition, 1901” [chapter 18]. History of the United States. Vol. 5. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1903: pp. 341-58. VIEW

Larned, J. N. “In the Era of the Railways: 1851-1908” [chapter 3]. A History of Buffalo. Vol. 1. New York: Progress of the Empire State, 1911: sect. 1, pp. 62-96. VIEW


 Howard, Michael

“‘I Am Sorry’ Is Statement of Czolgosz.” Buffalo Evening Times 27 Sept. 1901 v36n11: p. 7. VIEW


 Howe, C. R.

“Senate.” Congressional Record 19 Dec. 1901 v35n14: pp. 398-405. VIEW


 Howe, Edgar

“Senate.” Congressional Record 19 Dec. 1901 v35n14: pp. 398-405. VIEW


 Howe, William A.

“A Phelps Man at the Execution.” Phelps Citizen 31 Oct. 1901 v70n40: p. [3?]. VIEW

“Saw the Assassin Die.” Buffalo Morning Express 30 Oct. 1901 v56n248: p. 7. VIEW

Skinner, Charles R. “Story of McKinley’s Assassination.” State Service Apr. 1919 v3n4: pp. 20-24. VIEW


 Howland, William Holmes

“Great Indignation Expressed in Toronto.” Buffalo Evening News 7 Sept. 1901 v42n127: p. 1. VIEW


 Hubbard, Elbert

H., W. “The Island Scheme.” Free Society 5 Jan. 1902 v9n1: p. 3. VIEW

Pentecost, Hugh O. “Roosevelt as a Sociologist.” Truth Seeker 28 Dec. 1901 v28n52: p. 819. VIEW


 Hubbell, William H.

Macfarland, Henry B. F. “The McKinley Memorial Arch.” Saturday Evening Post 30 Nov. 1901 v174n22: p. 13. VIEW


 Hudnell, S. C.

Hudnell, S. C. [untitled]. Sun [New York] 12 Sept. 1901 v69n12: p. 6. VIEW


 Hudson, Roberts P.

“The Fraternity.” Brief Oct. 1901 v3n4: pp. 435-45. VIEW


 Hudson, W. H.

“In Memory of M’Kinley.” Burlington Hawk-Eye 3 Oct. 1901 v63n99: p. 2. VIEW


 Hugh, Evans

Wood, News E. “Predictions on the Assassination.” Star of the Magi 1 Oct. 1901 v2n12: p. 11. VIEW


 Hughes, Charles Evans

Brush, E. H. “McKinley Memorials in Sculpture.” American Review of Reviews Oct. 1907 v36n4: pp. 467-71. VIEW

“Dedication of the McKinley Monument.” New York Observer 19 Sept. 1907 v85n38: p. 360. VIEW

“Waited on McKinley at Last Dinner.” Buffalo Evening News 6 Sept. 1921 v76n125: sect. 2, p. 24. VIEW


 Hughes, Charles Hamilton

Rev. of Medical Aspects of the Czolgosz Case, by Charles Hamilton Hughes. Alkaloidal Clinic Mar. 1902 v9n3: pp. 275-76. VIEW


 Hughes, John

Larned, J. N. “In the Era of the Railways: 1851-1908” [chapter 3]. A History of Buffalo. Vol. 1. New York: Progress of the Empire State, 1911: sect. 1, pp. 62-96. VIEW


 Hughes, Laura A. C.

McGee, Anita Newcomb. “Second Annual Meeting of the Spanish-American War Nurses.” American Journal of Nursing Nov. 1901 v2n2: pp. 121-31. VIEW

McGee, Anita Newcomb. “Second Annual Meeting of the Spanish-American War Nurses.” Trained Nurse and Hospital Review Nov. 1901 v27n5: pp. 275-80. VIEW


 Hughes, W. E.

“Champions Emma Goldman.” Milwaukee Sentinel 11 Sept. 1901 n23686: part 1, p. 3. VIEW


 Hugo, Victor

“The Cure for Anarchy.” Commoner 20 Sept. 1901 v1n35: p. 2. VIEW

Ellis, Havelock. “Additional Notes to Fourth Edition” [appendix E]. The Criminal. 4th ed., rev. and enlarged. London: Walter Scott Publishing, 1913: pp. 412-32. VIEW

Flower, B. O. “The Assassination of the President and the Aftermath.” Arena Nov. 1901 v26n5: pp. 532-38. VIEW

Fox, Jay. “Roosevelt, Czolgosz and Anarchy.” Roosevelt, Czolgosz and Anarchy; and Communism. By Jay Fox and Henry Addis. [New York]: New York Anarchists, [1902?]: pp. 2-13. VIEW

Wentworth, Marion Craig. “The Higher Way.” Socialist Spirit Oct. 1901 v1n2: pp. 19-20. VIEW


 Humbert I, King of Italy (a.k.a. Umberto I)

[untitled]. Dakota Farmers Leader 27 Sept. 1901 v12n14: p. [4]. VIEW

[untitled]. Morning Oregonian 16 Apr. 1902 v42n12900: p. 6. VIEW

[untitled]. Sunday Times 8 Sept. 1901 v24n4260: part 1, p. 6. VIEW

Adams, Charles Francis. “A National Change of Heart.” Lee at Appomattox and Other Papers. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1902: pp. 256-73. VIEW

Allstorm, Oliver. “Leon F. Czolgosz.” Chords from a Strange Lyre. Chicago: Sims, Wilson and Sims, 1902: pp. 121-24. VIEW

“Anarchism.” Jewish Messenger 4 Oct. 1901 v90n14: p. 6. VIEW

“Anarchism and the Law.” Independent 12 Sept. 1901 v53n2754: pp. 2187-89. VIEW

“An Anarchist Hotbed Existing in London.” New York Times 11 Sept. 1901 v50n16124: p. 1. VIEW

“The Anarchists and Royalty.” Sydney Mail 28 Sept. 1901 v72n2151: p. 784. VIEW

“Anarchy and Its Victim.” Canada Law Journal 1 Oct. 1901 v37n18: pp. 678-80. VIEW

“The Assassin Makes a Full Confession.” New York Times 8 Sept. 1901 v50n16121: part 1, pp. 1-2. VIEW

“The Assassination.” St. John Daily Sun 7 Sept. 1901 v24n215: p. 4. VIEW

“Assassination and Anarchy.” Advocate of Peace Oct. 1901 v63n10: pp. 193-94. VIEW

Astor, William Waldorf. “William McKinley.” Pall Mall Magazine Nov. 1901 v25n103: pp. 289-92. VIEW

“The Attack on the President.” Commercial and Financial Chronicle 14 Sept. 1901 v73n1890: pp. 527-28. VIEW

“The Attempted Assassination of the President.” Sydney Morning Herald 9 Sept. 1901 n19811: p. 6. VIEW

Channing, Walter. “The Mental Status of Czolgosz, the Assassin of President McKinley.” American Journal of Insanity Oct. 1902 v59n2: pp. 233-78. VIEW

Colt, Le Baron Bradford. “Anarchy.” American Lawyer Apr. 1902 v10n4: pp. 148-54. VIEW

“Confession of the Assassin; His Almost Toy Pistol.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 8 Sept. 1901 v60n251: part 1, p. 4. VIEW

Davis, Rebecca Harding. “Is It All for Nothing?” Independent 24 Oct. 1901 v53n2760: pp. 2513-14. VIEW

“Death of the President.” Christian Observer 18 Sept. 1901 v89n38: p. 23. VIEW

Depew, Chauncey M. “Interview on Return from Buffalo, September 15, 1901, After the Assassination of President Mc Kinley” [sic]. Orations, Addresses and Speeches of Chauncey M. Depew. Ed. John Denison Champlin. Vol. 8. New York: [n.p.], 1910: pp. 282-86. VIEW

Draper, William F. “Third Year in Rome—Close of Diplomatic Service” [chapter 21]. Recollections of a Varied Career. Boston: Little, Brown, 1908: pp. 317-33. VIEW

“A Duty to Civilization.” Watchman 12 Sept. 1901 v83n36: p. 8. VIEW

Ellis, Havelock. “Additional Notes to Fourth Edition” [appendix E]. The Criminal. 4th ed., rev. and enlarged. London: Walter Scott Publishing, 1913: pp. 412-32. VIEW

“Expel Anarchists.” Congregationalist and Christian World 14 Sept. 1901 v86n37: pp. 380-81. VIEW

“The Fate of Czolgosz as Viewed Abroad.” Literary Digest 2 Nov. 1901 v23n18: p. 541. VIEW

“The Foreign Press on the Assassination.” Literary Digest 5 Oct. 1901 v23n14: pp. 409-10. VIEW

Gale, Zona. “Most Fumes in His Defense.” World 13 Sept. 1901 v42n14633: p. 3. VIEW

“Government by Assassination.” Leslie’s Weekly 28 Sept. 1901 v93n2403: p. 278. VIEW

Hamilton, Allan McLane. “Political Murders” [chapter 21]. Recollections of an Alienist. New York: George H. Doran, 1916: pp. 342-68. VIEW

Harman, Moses. “The Lesson of the Hour.” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 21 Sept. 1901 v5n36 (3rd series): pp. 292-93. VIEW

Harman, Moses. “Looking Backward.” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 26 Dec. 1901 v5n50 (3rd series): pp. 404-06. VIEW

Holt, Henry. “The Treatment of Anarchism.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Feb. 1902 v25n2: pp. 192-200. VIEW

“How to Deal with Anarchists.” Spectator 14 Sept. 1901 n3820: pp. 340-41. VIEW

“The Idiocy of Murder as a Means of Propaganda.” Advance 14 Sept. 1901 n371: p. 1. VIEW

“Italian Anarchists Celebrated.” Iowa State Register 9 Sept. 1901 v46n212: p. 1. VIEW

Johnson, Francis. “Assassination of William McKinley” [chapter 24]. Famous Assassinations of History. Chicago: A. C. McClurg, 1903: pp. 381-95. VIEW

Joubert, Carl. “Anarchists and Nihilists” [chapter 5]. The Fall of Tsardom. London: Eveleigh Nash, 1905: pp. 64-76. VIEW

Langtoft, Geoffrey. “Anarchy a Crime, Not a Disease.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 15 Sept. 1901 v60n258: part 2, p. 13. VIEW

Langtoft, Geoffrey. “Assassination a Fruit of Socialism.” Fortnightly Review 1 Oct. 1901 v70n418 (new series): pp. 571-80. VIEW

“Leon F. Czolgosz, Cowardly Assassin, Makes Statement.” Buffalo Evening News 7 Sept. 1901 v42n127: p. 9. VIEW

“The Lesson for Canada.” St. John Daily Sun 9 Sept. 1901 v24n216: p. 4. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “The Assassin and the Anarchists” [chapter 28]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 438-47. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “The Last Home-Coming to Canton” [chapter 23]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 365-78. VIEW

“The Mental Condition of Political Assassins.” American Journal of Insanity Oct. 1901 v58n2: pp. 317-19. VIEW

Mills, Charles K. “Political Assassinations in Some of Their Relations to Psychiatry and Legal Medicine.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 26 Oct. 1901 v8n17: pp. 688-92. VIEW

Morris, John A. “A Psychic View of Anarchy.” Mind Feb. 1902 v9n5: pp. 330-35. VIEW

“The Nations and the Anarchist.” Literary Digest 12 Oct. 1901 v23n15: pp. 443-44. VIEW

“A Natural Sequence.” Western New-Yorker 12 Sept. 1901 v61n37: p. [4]. VIEW

Neill, Charles P. “Anarchism.” American Catholic Quarterly Review Jan. 1902 v27n105: pp. 160-79. VIEW

“News.” Public 14 Sept. 1901 v4n180: pp. 360-62. VIEW

“Note and Comment.” Truth Seeker 5 Oct. 1901 v28n40: p. 625. VIEW

“Paterson Banishes Mrs Bresci.” Morning Telegraph 19 Sept. 1901 v63n225: p. 7. VIEW

“The Plain Truth.” Leslie’s Weekly 19 Oct. 1901 v93n2406: p. 350. VIEW

“President McKinley: What the World Thought of Him.” Outlook 21 Sept. 1901 v69n3: pp. 162-65. VIEW

“President’s Assassination Predicted.” Iowa State Register 7 Sept. 1901 v46n210: p. 2. VIEW

“Rome.” Tablet 21 Sept. 1901 v98n3202: pp. 453-54. VIEW

Scott, Montagu. “How Some Anarchists Are Made.” Arrow 21 Sept. 1901 n284: p. 4. VIEW

“The Shooting of the President.” Harper’s Weekly 14 Sept. 1901 v45n2334: p. 908. VIEW

“Statement by Assassin.” Iowa State Register 8 Sept. 1901 v46n211: pp. 1, 3. VIEW

“Suppress the Anarchists.” Iowa State Register 8 Sept. 1901 v46n211: p. 12. VIEW

Twain, Mark. “[To Rev. J. H. Twichell, in Hartford].” Mark Twain’s Letters. Ed. Albert Bigelow Paine. Vol. 2. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1917: pp. 713-16. VIEW


 Humbert, Alphonse

“The Nations and the Anarchist.” Literary Digest 12 Oct. 1901 v23n15: pp. 443-44. VIEW


 Humble, Samuel B.

“Detective Humble Visits Czolgosz.” Bellefontaine Republican 13 Sept. 1901 v47n74: p. [2]. VIEW


 Humphrey, John

“Veteran Sounds Taps at Soldiers’ Home Memorial and Then Expires.” Milwaukee Journal 19 Sept. 1901 v19: p. 12. VIEW


 Humphrey, William A.

“Family of Assassin in Buffalo.” Buffalo Enquirer 25 Sept. 1901 v58n48: p. 9. VIEW


 Hung-chang, Li

SEE Li Hongzhang


 Hunnicutt, W. L. C.

Hunnicutt, W. L. C. “One Lesson from the Assassination of President McKinley.” Atlanta Constitution 16 Sept. 1901 v34: p. 6. VIEW


 Hunt, Charles Warren

“Minutes of Meetings: Of the Society.” Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers Oct. 1901 v27n8: pp. 213-18. VIEW


 Hunt, Evelyn (a.k.a. Eva Hunt)

“The Case of President McKinley.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 21 Sept. 1901 v8n12: pp. 480-81. VIEW

“Events of the Last Days.” Buffalo Courier 18 Sept. 1901 v66n261: p. 8. VIEW

Hunt, Evelyn. “My Experiences as a Nurse to Mrs McKinley and the Late President.” San Francisco Call 19 Jan. 1902 v91n50: mag. sect., p. 5. VIEW

“Ministers to Late President in the Last Days of His Life.” San Francisco Call 17 Sept. 1901 v90n109: p. 12. VIEW

“M’Kinley Tragedy.” Paducah Evening Sun 12 Mar. 1909 v25n61: p. 8. VIEW

“Nurses Attending the President.” Trained Nurse and Hospital Review Oct. 1901 v27n4: p. 224. VIEW

“The President’s Case.” Red Cross Notes 1901 s3n9: pp. 191-96. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M. “Medical and Surgical Report of the Case of the Late President of the United States.” Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 297-318. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M., Matthew D. Mann, Herman Mynter, Roswell Park, Eugene Wasdin, Charles McBurney, and Charles G. Stockton. “The Case of President McKinley.” Medical Record 19 Oct. 1901 v60n16: pp. 601-06. VIEW

“Two Nurses Who Attended the Late President M’Kinley.” Los Angeles Herald 19 Sept. 1901 v28n354: p. [11]. VIEW


 Hunt, Frank W.

“Public Memorial at Canton.” Omaha Sunday Bee 8 Dec. 1901: part 1, p. 2. VIEW


 Hunt, William H.

“McKinley National Memorial.” Chautauquan Jan. 1902 v34n4: pp. 358-59. VIEW

“Public Memorial at Canton.” Omaha Sunday Bee 8 Dec. 1901: part 1, p. 2. VIEW


 Hunter, David

“Legal Rights of Leon Czolgosz.” Baltimore American 23 Sept. 1901 v191n34821: p. 3. VIEW


 Huntington, Collis P.

Cowley-Brown, John Stapleton. “Skinning a Skunk.” Goose-Quill 1 Nov. 1901 v1n1 (new series): pp. 15-16. VIEW

“Stroke of the Rattlesnake.” San Francisco Call 24 Sept. 1901 v90n116: p. 6. VIEW


 Huntington, DeWitt Clinton

Severy, Melvin L. “The Lawlessness of the Law. Strikes and Injunctions” [chapter 3]. Gillette’s Social Redemption. Boston: Herbert B. Turner, 1907: book 6, pp. 295-310. VIEW

“Would Bury Czolgosz in the Deep Sea.” Buffalo Evening News 3 Oct. 1901 v42n147: p. 9. VIEW


 Huntington, William Reed

“Note and Comment.” Truth Seeker 28 Sept. 1901 v28n39: p. 609. VIEW

“President McKinley: What the World Thought of Him.” Outlook 21 Sept. 1901 v69n3: pp. 162-65. VIEW


 Huntley, Charles R.

“The Attempted Assassination of President McKinley.” Electrical World and Engineer 14 Sept. 1901 v38n11: p. 416. VIEW

Larned, J. N. “In the Era of the Railways: 1851-1908” [chapter 3]. A History of Buffalo. Vol. 1. New York: Progress of the Empire State, 1911: sect. 1, pp. 62-96. VIEW

Park, Roswell. “Reminiscences of McKinley Week.” Selected Papers, Surgical and Scientific. Buffalo: [n.p.], 1914: pp. 374-81. VIEW

“Saw the Assassin Die.” Buffalo Morning Express 30 Oct. 1901 v56n248: p. 7. VIEW

Skinner, Charles R. “Story of McKinley’s Assassination.” State Service Apr. 1919 v3n4: pp. 20-24. VIEW


 Hurd, Arthur W.

Chapin, John B. “The Crime of Czolgosz, the Assassin.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 19 Oct. 1901 v8n16: pp. 649-50. VIEW

“Czolgosz Will Die a Sane Man.” Post Express 12 Oct. 1901 v43n107: p. 1. VIEW

MacDonald, Carlos F. “The Execution of Czolgosz.” Medical News 9 Nov. 1901 v79n19: pp. 752-53. VIEW

MacDonald, Carlos F. “The Trial, Execution, Autopsy and Mental Status of Leon F. Czolgosz, Alias Fred Nieman, the Assassin of President McKinley.” American Journal of Insanity Jan. 1902 v58n3: pp. 369-86. VIEW

“Proceedings in the Czolgosz Case.” American Journal of Insanity Oct. 1901 v58n2: pp. 315-17. VIEW

Putnam, James W. “The Opinion of an Expert Who Examined Czolgosz.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 19 Oct. 1901 v8n16: pp. 650-51. VIEW

Ravogli, A. “Syphilis in Relation to Degeneracy” [chapter 2]. Syphilis in Its Medical, Medico-Legal and Sociological Aspects. New York: Grafton Press, 1907: pp. 343-411. VIEW

“Resignation of Dr. Arthur W. Hurd.” State Hospital Quarterly May 1918 v3n3: pp. 278-79. VIEW

“Seat Number ‘13’ Is Banished from Court.” Buffalo Courier 23 Sept. 1901 v66n266: pp. 1, 6. VIEW


 Hurd, Frank

West, Henry Litchfield. “William McKinley.” Forum Oct. 1901 v32: pp. 131-37. VIEW


 Hurst, John Fletcher

“Bishop Hurst Dead.” Topeka State Journal 4 May 1903 v30n104: p. 1. VIEW


 Husmann, George

Husmann, George. “From California.” Colman’s Rural World 18 Sept. 1901 v54n37: p. 1. VIEW


 Huster, John

“Corporation Proceedings” [Board of Aldermen]. Proceedings of the Common Council of the City of Buffalo 14 Sept. 1901 n36: pp. 1505-06. VIEW


 Hutchinson, Jonathan

“President McKinley’s Case.” Uric Acid Monthly Oct.-Nov. 1901 v1n10-11: pp. 339-42. VIEW


 Huttman, Fritz

“President’s Assassination Predicted.” Iowa State Register 7 Sept. 1901 v46n210: p. 2. VIEW


 Huttman, Henry

“President’s Assassination Predicted.” Iowa State Register 7 Sept. 1901 v46n210: p. 2. VIEW


 Huxley, Thomas Henry

Bonaparte, Charles J. “Anarchism and Its Remedy.” Maryland Law Review Dec. 1901 v1n1: pp. 6-9. VIEW

Holt, Henry. “The Treatment of Anarchism.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Feb. 1902 v25n2: pp. 192-200. VIEW

“Insane Folly.” Truth Seeker 14 Sept. 1901 v28n37: p. 580. VIEW

Macdonald, George E. “Observations.” Truth Seeker 14 Dec. 1901 v28n50: pp. 791-92. VIEW

“Notes.” Freedom Oct. 1901 v15n161: p. 56. VIEW


 Hyde, Nelson A.

“Czolgosz May Be Tried Next Week.” Buffalo Sunday News 15 Sept. 1901 v28n45: p. [?]. VIEW

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