Publication information
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Source: Arena
Source type: magazine
Document type: article
Document title: “A Conversation with Eltweed Pomeroy, A. M., on the Present Political Outlook”
Author(s): anonymous
Date of publication: July 1902
Volume number: 28
Issue number: 1
Pagination: 66-74 (excerpt below includes only pages 69-70)

“A Conversation with Eltweed Pomeroy, A. M., on the Present Political Outlook.” Arena July 1902 v28n1: pp. 66-74.
Theodore Roosevelt (assumption of presidency); Theodore Roosevelt (relations with Marcus Hanna); Theodore Roosevelt.
Named persons
Ulysses S. Grant; Marcus Hanna; Abraham Lincoln; William McKinley; Theodore Roosevelt.
This article (excerpted below) is a two-person question-and-answer piece, with questions being directed at Eltweed Pomeroy. The identity of his interrogator is not revealed.

Alternate article title: “The Present Political Outlook.”


A Conversation with Eltweed Pomeroy, A. M., on the Present Political Outlook [excerpt]

     I feel sure that had McKinley lived the nomination of Hanna by the Republicans in 1904 would have been certain. The death of McKinley and the accession of so strong and independent a personality as Roosevelt have completely changed the situation. To change it back requires some extraordinary effort, and that effort is being made through a control of the press—particularly the country press and smaller papers—and a ridicule of Roosevelt and magnifying of Hanna. It is a still hunt of magnificent proportions, directed by one of the most astute and able politicians we have ever had, and worked through the finest political machine ever built. Moreover, Hanna has had a training in business life, where his commercial still hunts have been enormously successful, and this gives him an advantage over the average politician. He knows tricks that they do not. But he has a far more delicate task than if McKinley had lived. While upholding the party and what the party does before the people, he must discredit that party’s nominal head and the man who is actually putting into effect that party’s [69][70] policy—and all the time he must be friendly with that man. How skilfully [sic] this has been done is illustrated by what an ex-Governor of one of our Territories told me recently of the Federal appointments in his Territory: all but one of these are avowed Hanna men.
     On the other hand, the people believe Roosevelt to be strong, able, courageous, honest. He has done and will do decisive deeds. His strength does not lie with the politicians, but with the people. He may offend individuals, but his character and deeds stand out in striking relief before the masses. They know where to put him. They know him. The people are afraid of this lovely exterior that Hanna has put on—of a friend to labor and the head of this arbitration board. It looks too much like bait to catch gudgeon. Unless Roosevelt makes some serious popular mistake, he will have a hold on the masses that no other Republican leader has had since Lincoln and Grant.
     Moreover, Roosevelt is quietly and tactfully drawing around him the better elements in the Republican party. Under McKinley and Hanna these were being quietly dropped and the corporation men put in places of power. Roosevelt is starting a real rehabilitation of the Republican party. Time only will tell how successful he can be, but at least he will be partially successful.



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