Publication information
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Source: Weekly Law Bulletin and the Ohio Law Journal
Source type: journal
Document type: article
Document title: none
Author(s): anonymous
Date of publication: 16 September 1901
Volume number: 46
Issue number: none
Pagination: 123-24

[untitled]. Weekly Law Bulletin and the Ohio Law Journal 16 Sept. 1901 v46: pp. 123-24.
full text
Franklin County Bar Association; McKinley memorialization (Franklin County, OH); resolutions (Franklin County Bar Association); William McKinley (death: government response).
Named persons
Henry J. Booth; Charles E. Burr [identified as Orr below]; Eli P. Evans; Richard A. Harrison; J. T. Holmes; Paul Jones; John G. McGuffey; William McKinley; George K. Nash; Selwyn N. Owen; E. L. Taylor; David K. Watson.
Click here to view more about the “resolutions and exercises of a memorial nature” referred to below.

Alternate journal title: Weekly Law Bulletin and Ohio Law Journal.



     The Franklin county [sic] Bar association held a special meeting Monday morning, Sept[.] 16, to adopt measures expressive of the deep sorrow which the members feel over the death of President McKinley and to arrange for resolutions and exercises of a memorial nature. There was a large attendance. The meeting was presided over by John G. McGuffey, the president of the organization.
     The first step taken by the association was to decide to ask the judges to adjourn court until Saturday morning. The motion docket only will be up for hearing on that day. [123][124]
     On motion of Hon. H. J. Booth, a committee of seven was appointed to draw up memorial resolutions regarding the president’s death, with instructions to report Friday. The venerable Hon. R. A. Harrison, the dean of the local and state bar, was made chairman of the committee. Governor Nash, who is a member of the association, and who was a close friend of the president, was also appointed on the committee. The remaining members are Hon. H. J .Booth [sic], Col. J. T. Holmes, Judge S. N. Owen, E. L. Taylor, Paul Jones, Judge E. P. Evans, Col. Charles E. Orr and Hon. D. K. Watson.
     The judges adjourned court after the meeting until Saturday morning, as requested by the association.



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