Waddell, Carroll J.

“President McKinley’s Last Photograph.” Photographic Times Nov. 1901 v33n11: p. 527. VIEW


 Wade, John (a.k.a. Jack Wade; a.k.a. Kid McFadden)

“The Law and the Penalty.” Sunday Oregonian 9 Mar. 1902 v21n10: part 1, p. 4. VIEW


 Wadsworth, George

“Hon. Truman Clark White.” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 2, pp. 41-42. VIEW

“[Loran L. Lewis].” The Men of New York. Vol. 1. Buffalo: Geo. E. Matthews, 1898: pp. 51-53. VIEW


 Wagner, Charles

“Current Topics.” Youth’s Companion 26 Jan. 1905 v79n4: p. 42. VIEW


 Wagner, Hans

“Tarred and Feathered.” Daily Picayune 12 Sept. 1901 v65n231: part 1, p. 2. VIEW


 Wagner, Sarah

“Stamps on M’Kinley Picture.” Chicago Daily Tribune 18 Sept. 1901 v60n261: part 1, p. 4. VIEW


 Waisbrooker, Lois

Austin, Kate. “Pen Shots.” Free Society 18 May 1902 v9n20: p. 4. VIEW

“Free Love Colony Under Surveillance.” San Francisco Call 12 Sept. 1901 v90n104: p. 2 VIEW


 Wakeman, Grace M. H.

“Antidote for Anarchy.” Challenge 21 Sept. 1901 n38: p. 9. VIEW


 Wakeman, T. B.

Winn, Ross. “Current Comment.” Free Society 2 Feb. 1902 v9n5: p. 4. VIEW


 Waldeck-Rousseau, René

“How to Deal with Anarchists.” Spectator 14 Sept. 1901 n3820: pp. 340-41. VIEW

“In Somber Draping.” St. Paul Globe 15 Sept. 1901 v24n258: part 1, p. 6. VIEW


 Waldo, Samuel P.

“Jury Was Secured from One Original Panel.” Pittsburg Post 24 Sept. 1901 v60n15: p. 1. VIEW

“Trial of President McKiley’s [sic] Murderer.” Enterprise [Lancaster] 25 Sept. 1901 v6n80: p. 1. VIEW


 Walker, Charles T.

Floyd, Silas Xavier. “Extracts from Orations and Addresses” [chapter 17]. Life of Charles T. Walker, D. D. Nashville: National Baptist Publishing Board, 1902: pp. 138-54. VIEW


 Walker, E. C.

[notice]. Free Society 16 Feb. 1902 v9n7: p. 7. VIEW


 Walker, Henry O.

“Mississippi Valley Medical Association.” Medical Fortnightly 25 Sept. 1901 v20n6: pp. 635-38. VIEW

“Mississippi Valley Medical Association.” Medical Fortnightly 10 Oct. 1901 v20n7: pp. 663-74. VIEW


 Walker, J. P.

Walker, J. P. “Delay the Death of Czolgosz.” Washington Post 30 Sept. 1901 n9242: p. 10. VIEW


 Walker, Joel L.

“[Titus, Hon. Robert C.].” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 3, p. 519. VIEW


 Walker, Mary Edwards

[untitled]. Medical Record 28 Sept. 1901 v60n13: p. 500. VIEW

“Dr. Mary Walker on Czolgosz.” Wichita Daily Eagle 12 Nov. 1901 v35n152: p. 4. VIEW

“May Revoke Dr. Walker’s Pension.” Anadarko Daily Democrat 19 Nov. 1901 v1n61: p. [6]. VIEW

“Minor Intelligence.” Physician and Surgeon Dec. 1901 v23n12: pp. 572-73. VIEW

“Petition in Favor of Czolgosz.” Post Express 26 Sept. 1901 v43n93: p. 2. VIEW


 Walker, William

James, C. L. “Who Killed McKinley?” Free Society 28 Dec. 1902 v9n52: pp. 2-3. VIEW


 Wallace, Henry Lane

“Gen. Lew Wallace Talks of His Friend, M’Kinley.” Buffalo Courier 26 Sept. 1901 v66n269: p. 6. VIEW


 Wallace, J. Bruce

Flower, B. O. “Czolgosz the Product of a Materialistic, Greed-Crazed World.” Arena Jan. 1902 v27n1: pp. 100-01. VIEW


 Wallace, Jonathan H.

“McKinley, William.” The Encyclopedia Americana. Vol. 18. New York: Encyclopedia Americana, 1920: pp. 72-73. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th ed. Vol. 17. Cambridge: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911: pp. 256-59. VIEW


 Wallace, Lew

“Gen. Lew Wallace Talks of His Friend, M’Kinley.” Buffalo Courier 26 Sept. 1901 v66n269: p. 6. VIEW

James, C. L. “Our Friends, the Enemy, Again.” Free Society 5 Jan. 1902 v9n1: pp. 1-2. VIEW


 Wallace, William (a.k.a. Sir William Wallace)

Welsh, John T. “Eulogy of President William McKinley.” Addresses. Portland: [n.p.], 1915: pp. 7-21. VIEW


 Wallace, William H.

“National Prison Congress.” Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy Jan. 1902 n41: pp. 47-62. VIEW


 Walling, Alonzo

“Good Museum.” Carlisle News 25 May 1906 v11n46: p. [8]. VIEW


 Walsh, Thomas F.

“Arch to Honor M’Kinley.” Chicago Daily Tribune 28 Oct. 1901 v60n301: part 2, p. 9. VIEW

Macfarland, Henry B. F. “The McKinley Memorial Arch.” Saturday Evening Post 30 Nov. 1901 v174n22: p. 13. VIEW


 Walter, Jacob A.

“The Evil Influence of Roman Catholicism Upon Our Country” [book 10]. The Devil in the Church. Beaver Springs: American Publishing, 1902: pp. 418-500. VIEW


 Walters, Adella

“An Interview with the President’s Nurses.” Trained Nurse and Hospital Review Oct. 1901 v27n4: pp. 222-23. VIEW

“McKinley Won Hearts of All His Nurses.” Democrat and Chronicle 15 Sept. 1901: p. 15. VIEW

“M’Kinley Tragedy.” Paducah Evening Sun 12 Mar. 1909 v25n61: p. 8. VIEW

“Nurses Attending the President.” Trained Nurse and Hospital Review Oct. 1901 v27n4: p. 224. VIEW

“Pan-American Notes.” Buffalo Medical Journal July 1901 v40n12 (new series): pp. 926-27. VIEW

Park, Roswell. “Reminiscences of McKinley Week.” Selected Papers, Surgical and Scientific. Buffalo: [n.p.], 1914: pp. 374-81. VIEW

“The President’s Case.” Medical News 14 Sept. 1901 v79n11: pp. 401-04. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M. “Medical and Surgical Report of the Case of the Late President of the United States.” Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 297-318. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M., Matthew D. Mann, Herman Mynter, Roswell Park, Eugene Wasdin, Charles McBurney, and Charles G. Stockton. “The Case of President McKinley.” Medical Record 19 Oct. 1901 v60n16: pp. 601-06. VIEW

“Treatment of the President.” Southern California Practitioner Oct. 1901 v16n10: pp. 388-89. VIEW

Wilson, Nelson W. “Details of President McKinley’s Case.” Buffalo Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v41n3 (new series): pp. 207-25. VIEW


 Walton, Charles E.

“Notes.” Clinical Reporter Nov. 1901 v14n11: pp. 440-45. VIEW


 Wanamaker, John

Snow, Jane Elliott. “Opinions of Noted Men” [chapter 17]. The Life of William McKinley, Twenty-Fifth President of the United States. Cleveland: Imperial Press, 1908: pp. 89-90. VIEW

Wagner, Charles. “A Dinner with Heroes” [chapter 43]. My Impressions of America. Trans. Mary Louise Hendee. New York: McClure, Phillips, 1906: pp. 270-78. VIEW

“Where Hearst Gets His Support.” Jersey City News 14 Sept. 1901 v13n3780: p. [4]. VIEW


 Ward, J. Q. A.

“The McKinley Monument.” The McKinley Memorial in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: McKinley Memorial Association, 1909: pp. 3-20. VIEW


 Warden, Albert W.

Warden, Albert W. “Would Etherize Assassin.” New York Herald 27 Sept. 1901 v66n270: p. 7. VIEW


 Warner, John DeWitt

James, C. L. “Our Friends, the Enemy, Again.” Free Society 5 Jan. 1902 v9n1: pp. 1-2. VIEW


 Warren, E. Burgess

“The McKinley Monument.” The McKinley Memorial in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: McKinley Memorial Association, 1909: pp. 3-20. VIEW


 Warville, Jacques-Pierre Brissot de

SEE Brissot de Warville, Jacques-Pierre


 Warwick, John George

“McKinley, William.” The Encyclopedia Americana. Vol. 18. New York: Encyclopedia Americana, 1920: pp. 72-73. VIEW


 Wasdin, Eugene

“American News and Notes.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 21 Sept. 1901 v8n12: pp. 466-69. VIEW

“An Anarchist Shoots the President at the Pan-American Exposition.” Leslie’s Weekly 9 Sept. 1901 v93: [no pagination]. VIEW

“The Attempted Assassination of President McKinley.” Medical Record 14 Sept. 1901 v60n11: pp. 417-18. VIEW

“Authoritative Description of the Operation Performed on the President.” Daily Picayune 13 Sept. 1901 v65n232: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“Autopsy on the President.” Sunday News 15 Sept. 1901: p. 1. VIEW

“Better Than Yesterday.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle 13 Sept. 1901 v61n254: p. 1. VIEW

“The Blood Count in President McKinley’s Case.” Medicus Sept. 1901 v9n9: pp. 293-94. VIEW

“A Card from the Doctors.” News and Courier 18 Sept. 1901: p. 1. VIEW

“The Case of President McKinley.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 21 Sept. 1901 v8n12: pp. 480-81. VIEW

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW

“Criticism of the Medical Attendants of President McKinley.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 28 Sept. 1901 v8n13: p. 499. VIEW

“Czolgosz Will Die a Sane Man.” Post Express 12 Oct. 1901 v43n107: p. 1. VIEW

“Death of President McKinley.” International Clinics 1902 v1 (12th series): pp. 300-02. VIEW

“Dr Eugene Wasdin.” News and Courier 14 Sept. 1901: p. 8. VIEW

“Echoes and News.” Medical News 21 Sept. 1901 v79n12: pp. 470-74. VIEW

Everett, Marshall. “The Assassination of President McKinley” [chapter 1]. Complete Life of William McKinley and Story of His Assassination. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 33-40. VIEW

“God Disposes and Man Proposes.” Youngstown Vindicator 10 Sept. 1901 v13n8: p. 7. VIEW

“Harmony Among the President’s Surgeons.” Medical Record 21 Sept. 1901 v60n12: p. 460. VIEW

“An Interview with the President’s Nurses.” Trained Nurse and Hospital Review Oct. 1901 v27n4: pp. 222-23. VIEW

“A Lapse from Life into the Sleep of Death.” Daily Picayune 14 Sept. 1901 v65n233: part 1, p. 10. VIEW

Lee, Edward Wallace. “Wounds Described.” Topeka State Journal 9 Sept. 1901 v28n214: pp. 1, 3. VIEW

Matthews, Franklin. “The President’s Last Days.” Harper’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v45n2335: p. 943. VIEW

Matzinger, Herman G. “Report on the Bacteriologic Examination.” Medical Record 19 Oct. 1901 v60n16: pp. 609-10. VIEW

“McKinley Won Hearts of All His Nurses.” Democrat and Chronicle 15 Sept. 1901: p. 15. VIEW

“Minutes of the Proceedings of the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania, at Its Fifty-First Annual Session, Held at Philadelphia, Sep. 17, 24, 25 and 26, 1901.” Pennsylvania Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v5n1: pp. 42-56. VIEW

“News Items.” New York Medical Journal 5 July 1902 v76n1: pp. 26-28. VIEW

“No Trace of Poison Is Found.” San Francisco Call 12 Sept. 1901 v90n104: p. 2. VIEW

Olcott, Charles S. “The Tragedy at Buffalo” [chapter 34]. The Life of William McKinley. Vol. 2. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1916: pp. 313-33. VIEW

“One of McKinley’s Surgeons Passes Away.” Hawaiian Star 6 Dec. 1911 v19n6041: p. 2. VIEW

Park, Roswell. “Reminiscences of McKinley Week.” Selected Papers, Surgical and Scientific. Buffalo: [n.p.], 1914: pp. 374-81. VIEW

Parmenter, John. “The Surgery in President McKinley’s Case.” Buffalo Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v41n3 (new series): pp. 205-06. VIEW

“The People of the State of New York Against Leon F. Czolgosz.” Unpublished trial transcript. 23-24, 26 Sept. 1901. VIEW

“The Poisoned Bullet Theory.” Sunday News 15 Sept. 1901: p. 2. VIEW

“The Postmortem on the Late President.” Physician and Surgeon Sept. 1901 v23n9: p. 427. VIEW

“President Shot.” Enterprise [Lancaster] 7 Sept. 1901 v6n75: p. 1. VIEW

“The President’s Case.” Hot Springs Medical Journal 15 Oct. 1901 v10n10: pp. 305-09. VIEW

“The President’s Case.” Medical News 14 Sept. 1901 v79n11: pp. 401-04. VIEW

“The President’s Case.” Medical News 21 Sept. 1901 v79n12: pp. 465-67. VIEW

“The President’s Case.” Red Cross Notes 1901 s3n9: pp. 191-96. VIEW

“Professional Opinions of Prominent Surgeons Regarding the President’s Wounds.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 14 Sept. 1901 v8n11: pp. 438-39. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M. “Medical and Surgical Report of the Case of the Late President of the United States.” Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 297-318. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M., Matthew D. Mann, Herman Mynter, Roswell Park, Eugene Wasdin, Charles McBurney, and Charles G. Stockton. “The Case of President McKinley.” Medical Record 19 Oct. 1901 v60n16: pp. 601-06. VIEW

“Solid Food Given to the President.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle 12 Sept. 1901 v61n253: p. 1. VIEW

“Some Brief Notes Concerning the President’s Surgeons at Buffalo.” Medical News 14 Sept. 1901 v79n11: pp. 424-25. VIEW

“Treatment of the President.” Southern California Practitioner Oct. 1901 v16n10: pp. 388-89. VIEW

“Virus from Wounds Forced into Veins of Dogs and Cats.” Buffalo Courier 18 Sept. 1901 v66n261: p. 7. VIEW

Wellman, Walter. “The Last Days of President M’Kinley: His Visit to Buffalo, the Tragedy, and the Nation’s Mourning.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Oct. 1901 v24n4: pp. 414-30. VIEW

Wilson, Nelson W. “Details of President McKinley’s Case.” Buffalo Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v41n3 (new series): pp. 207-25. VIEW

“Wound Reopened by the Surgeons.” San Francisco Call 11 Sept. 1901 v90n103: p. 3. VIEW


 Washburn, Henry H.

“The Assassination of President McKinley.” Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine Oct. 1901 v31n4: p. 662. VIEW

Flower, B. O. “The Assassination of the President and the Aftermath.” Arena Nov. 1901 v26n5: pp. 532-38. VIEW


 Washington, Booker T.

“Black Whiteness.” Conservative 7 Nov. 1901 v4n18: p. 1. VIEW

Moore, Charles C. “His Accidency.” Blue Grass Blade 5 Jan. 1902 v10n46: p. 2. VIEW

“On Death of M’Kinley.” Atlanta Constitution 25 Sept. 1901 v34: p. 5. VIEW

Prillerman, Byrd. “Booker T. Washington Among His West Virginia Neighbors.” National Magazine Dec. 1902 v17n3: pp. 353-56. VIEW

“Summary of Events.” Friend 5 Oct. 1901 v75n12: pp. 95-96. VIEW

“William McKinley.” Southern Workman Oct. 1901 v30n10: p. [521]. VIEW


 Washington, George

[untitled]. Free Thought Magazine Oct. 1901 v19n10: p. 608. VIEW

[untitled]. Massachusetts Ploughman and New England Journal of Agriculture 28 Sept. 1901 v61n1: p. 4. VIEW

[untitled]. New Jersey Law Journal Oct. 1901 v24n10: p. 673. VIEW

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[untitled]. Popular Science Monthly Oct. 1901 v59: p. 604. VIEW

[untitled]. Socialist Spirit Oct. 1901 v1n2: pp. 16-17. VIEW

[untitled]. Western New-Yorker 26 Sept. 1901 v61n39: p. [4]. VIEW

Adam, J. Douglas. “Address.” William McKinley: Character Sketches of America’s Martyred Chieftain. Comp. Charles E. Benedict. New York: Blanchard Press, [1901?]: pp. 118-19. VIEW

“The Assassination of President McKinley.” World’s Work Oct. 1901 v2n6: pp. 1239-40. VIEW

Barton, Frederick. “A Christian Gentleman: William McKinley.” Chautauquan Nov. 1901 v34n2: pp. 134-37. VIEW

Beck, James M. “The Memory of McKinley.” The McKinley Memorial in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: McKinley Memorial Association, 1909: pp. 23-48. VIEW

Channing, Edward. “The United States in Our Own Times, 1898-1913” [chapter 16]. A Students’ History of the United States. 3rd rev. ed. New York: Macmillan, 1917: pp. 561-601. VIEW

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW

“The Church Universal and the Attempted Assassination.” Congregationalist and Christian World 14 Sept. 1901 v86n37: p. 396. VIEW

Clarke, Albert. “William McKinley.” Our Town Oct. 1901 v4n10: pp. 6-8. VIEW

“The Closing Scenes.” The Heroic Life of William McKinley, Our Third Martyr President. Boston: DeWolfe, Fiske, 1902: pp. 35-44. VIEW

Clowes, W. Laird. “President Roosevelt.” Nineteenth Century and After Oct. 1901 v50n296: pp. 529-35. VIEW

Cobb, Albert Winslow. “Teach More Respect for the President.” Leslie’s Weekly 5 Oct. 1901 v93n2404: p. 302. VIEW

Colegrove, Clinton. “A Narrative of the President’s Assassination by Dr. Colegrove of Holland, Who Was Present in the Temple of Music at the Time of the Tragedy.” Randolph Register 20 Sept. 1901 v37n20: p. [?]. VIEW

Colt, Le Baron Bradford. “Anarchy.” American Lawyer Apr. 1902 v10n4: pp. 148-54. VIEW

Creelman, James. “Mr. Cortelyou Explains President McKinley.” Pearson’s Magazine June 1908 v19n6: pp. 569-85. VIEW

D. “Yr Arlywydd McKinley.” Lamp Oct. 1901 v5n58: p. 312. VIEW

“Deep Sorrow for Dead President.” Buffalo Evening News 14 Sept. 1901 v42n133: p. [?]. VIEW

Depew, Chauncey M. “Interview on Return from Buffalo, September 15, 1901, After the Assassination of President Mc Kinley” [sic]. Orations, Addresses and Speeches of Chauncey M. Depew. Ed. John Denison Champlin. Vol. 8. New York: [n.p.], 1910: pp. 282-86. VIEW

Depew, Chauncey M. “Introduction.” Life and Distinguished Services of Hon. Wm. McKinley and the Great Issues of 1896. By Murat Halstead. [n.p.]: Edgewood Publishing, 1896: pp. vii-xiii. VIEW

“The Dilemma of Authority.” Freedom Oct. 1901 v15n161: pp. 59-60. VIEW

Dillon, Philip Robert. “Jan. 29 (1843).” American Anniversaries. New York: Philip R. Dillon Publishing, 1918: pp. 14-15. VIEW

Domer, Harry Tennyson. “John Hay: A Memorial History.” Shield Sept. 1905 v21n3: pp. 275-316. VIEW

“Editor’s Note Book.” American Monthly Magazine Oct. 1901 v19n4: pp. 428-29. VIEW

“Enough of This!” Truth Seeker 5 Oct. 1901 v28n40: p. 628. VIEW

Erickson, Julius. “A Letter.” Metaphysical Magazine Nov. 1901 v15n5: p. 271. VIEW

Everett, Marshall. “Funeral Services in All Churches” [chapter 39]. Complete Life of William McKinley and Story of His Assassination. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 395-403. VIEW

Fawcett, Frank L. “William McKinley.” Normal Pointer 15 May 1902 v7n7: pp. 77-79. VIEW

“The Foreign Press on the Assassination.” Literary Digest 5 Oct. 1901 v23n14: pp. 409-10. VIEW

Fowler, Charles Henry. “William McKinley.” Patriotic Orations. Ed. Carl Hitchcock Fowler. New York: Eaton and Mains, 1910: pp. 189-244. VIEW

Fowler, Jessie A. “A Tribute to the Martyred President.” Phrenological Journal and Phrenological Magazine Oct. 1901 v112n4: pp. 108-09. VIEW

Gregg, David. “Anarchy.” William McKinley: Character Sketches of America’s Martyred Chieftain. Comp. Charles E. Benedict. New York: Blanchard Press, [1901?]: pp. 95-101. VIEW

Hackett, Frank Warren. “Address Before the District of Columbia Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States.” Deck and Field. Washington, DC: W. H. Lowdermilk, 1909: pp. 145-51. VIEW

Halstead, Murat. “Mrs. McKinley.” Saturday Evening Post 6 Sept. 1902 v175n10: pp. 6-7. VIEW

Hamilton, J. W. “William McKinley.” Contemporary Review Oct. 1901 v80: pp. 457-62. VIEW

Harman, Moses. “‘Let Us Be Honest; Let Us Be Just.’” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 27 Mar. 1902 v6n11 (3rd series): pp. 83-84. VIEW

Harman, Moses. “Looking Backward.” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 26 Dec. 1901 v5n50 (3rd series): pp. 404-06. VIEW

Hawthorne, Julian, James Schouler, and E. Benjamin Andrews. “McKinley’s End and the Rise of Roosevelt” [chapter 30]. United States: From the Discovery of the North American Continent Up to the Present Time. Vol. 9. New York: Co-Operative Publication Society, 1904: pp. 289-310. VIEW

Hay, John. “William McKinley.” Addresses of John Hay. New York: Century, 1906: pp. 137-75. VIEW

Hill, Kendrick C. “William McKinley.” Stenographer Nov. 1901 v16n10: pp. 255-56. VIEW

Howland, Harold. “Roosevelt Becomes President” [chapter 6]. Theodore Roosevelt and His Times. Abraham Lincoln ed. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1921: pp. 73-83. VIEW

Hughes, Charles Hamilton. “Medical Aspects of the Czolgosz Case.” Alienist and Neurologist Jan. 1902 v23n1: pp. 40-52. VIEW

Huidekoper, Rush Shippen. “William McKinley.” Journal of Comparative Medicine and Veterinary Archives Oct. 1901 v22n10: p. 645. VIEW

“In Memory of Mr. McKinley.” New York Times 29 Oct. 1901 v51n16165: p. 7. VIEW

Jermain, W. W. “Capital Is Dazed.” Butte Inter Mountain 7 Sept. 1901 v21n143: p. 5. VIEW

Johnson, Francis. “Assassination of William McKinley” [chapter 24]. Famous Assassinations of History. Chicago: A. C. McClurg, 1903: pp. 381-95. VIEW

“The Lady of the White House.” Collier’s Weekly 28 Sept. 1901 v27n26: p. 17. VIEW

Lewis, Alfred Henry. “Roosevelt.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 13. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: pp. 6636C-36D. VIEW

Low, A. Maurice. “Theodore Roosevelt.” Forum Nov. 1901 v32: pp. 259-67. VIEW

M., E. D. A. “Ave Atque Vale.” Times [London] 20 Sept. 1901 n36565: p. 4. VIEW

Macfarland, Henry B. F. “The Character of William M’Kinley.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Oct. 1901 v24n4: pp. 430-32. VIEW

Masters, Edgar Lee. “Theodore Roosevelt.” The New Star Chamber and Other Essays. Chicago: Hammersmark Publishing, 1904: pp. 25-36. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “The Impressive State Funeral Ceremonies” [chapter 22]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 349-62. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “The Last Home-Coming to Canton” [chapter 23]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 365-78. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “The President’s Last Speech” [chapter 18]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 302-14. VIEW

McGaffin, Alexander. “The Great Sorrow.” William McKinley: Character Sketches of America’s Martyred Chieftain. Comp. Charles E. Benedict. New York: Blanchard Press, [1901?]: pp. 120-23. VIEW

“M’Kinley Memorial Services.” Northwestern Christian Advocate 17 Sept. 1902 v50n38: p. 6. VIEW

“M’Kinley Memorial Services at Albany.” New York Times 5 Mar. 1902 v51n16274: p. 8. VIEW

“The Mourning.” Nation 26 Sept. 1901 v73n1891: p. 238. VIEW

Norbury, Frank Parsons. “The Death of the President.” Medical Fortnightly 25 Oct. 1901 v20n8: pp. 677-78. VIEW

“Note and Comment.” Truth Seeker 28 Sept. 1901 v28n39: p. 609. VIEW

P., M. T. “Two Kinds of Anarchists.” Comet 18 Apr. 1907 v24n1188: p. [2]. VIEW

Peck, Harry Thurston. “Twenty Years of the Republic (1885-1905)” [part 15]. Bookman Apr. 1906 v23n2: pp. 153-84. VIEW

“The Personality of President Roosevelt.” Century Magazine Dec. 1901 v63n2: pp. 277-79. VIEW

Pocock, Roger. “The Cowboy President” [chapter 28]. Captains of Adventure. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1913: pp. 202-07. VIEW

Powers, Levi M. “Address.” Memory Book: Rev. James Minton Pullman, D.D. Lynn: Nichols Press, 1904: pp. 59-67. VIEW

“The President.” St. John Daily Sun 14 Sept. 1901 v24n221: p. 4. VIEW

“The President Is Dead.” Dakota Farmers Leader 20 Sept. 1901 v12n13: p. 1. VIEW

“President McKinley.” Ohio Farmer 12 Sept. 1901 v100n11: p. 186. VIEW

“President McKinley Buried at Canton.” Timely Topics 27 Sept. 1901 v6n4: pp. 52-53. VIEW

“President McKinley Dead.” Timely Topics 20 Sept. 1901 v6n3: pp. 36-37. VIEW

“President Roosevelt.” Outlook 21 Sept. 1901 v69n3: pp. 158-59. VIEW

“President Roosevelt.” World’s Work Oct. 1901 v2n6: pp. 1240, 1243. VIEW

“The President’s Independent Position.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Oct. 1901 v24n4: p. 394. VIEW

Remey, Oliver E., Henry F. Cochems, and Wheeler P. Bloodgood. “Schrank Describes Shooting” [chapter 17]. The Attempted Assassination of Ex-President Theodore Roosevelt. 2nd ed. Milwaukee: Progressive Publishing, 1912: pp. 202-07. VIEW

“The Responsibility of Public Opinion.” Gunton’s Magazine Oct. 1901 v21n4: pp. 305-08. VIEW

“Scene at Station Not to Be Forgotten.” Baltimore Morning Herald 17 Sept. 1901 n8324: p. 2. VIEW

Short, Frank H. “Our Untimely Dead.” Notable Speeches by Notable Speakers of the Greater West. Ed. Harr Wagner. San Francisco: Whitaker and Ray, 1902: pp. 126-35. VIEW

“Southern Press on McKinley.” Hot Springs Weekly Star 27 Sept. 1901 v16n22: p. [7]. VIEW

“Stamps for the Philippines.” Summary 13 May 1905 v33n19: p. 3. VIEW

“Statue of President M’Kinley.” Norwich Bulletin 6 Oct. 1917 v59n339: p. 1. VIEW

“Theodore Roosevelt.” Irrigation Age Nov. 1901 v16n2: pp. 39-42. VIEW

“The Turning Point.” Commoner 27 Sept. 1901 v1n36: pp. 1-2. VIEW

“Two Presidents and the Limits of American Supremacy.” Fortnightly Review 1 Oct. 1901 v70n418 (new series): pp. 555-70. VIEW

“Washington, September Seventeenth.” Outlook 28 Sept. 1901 v69n4: pp. 215-17. VIEW

Waterman, Nixon. “Columbia Triumphant.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: p. 4. VIEW

Wellman, Walter. “The Last Days of President M’Kinley: His Visit to Buffalo, the Tragedy, and the Nation’s Mourning.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Oct. 1901 v24n4: pp. 414-30. VIEW

West, Henry Litchfield. “William McKinley.” Forum Oct. 1901 v32: pp. 131-37. VIEW

Whibley, Charles. “Musings Without Method.” Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine Oct. 1901 v170n132: pp. 559-69. VIEW

Wilcox, Ansley. “Theodore Roosevelt, President.” How Theodore Roosevelt Became President of the United States in Buffalo, September 14, 1901. [Buffalo?]: Roosevelt Memorial Association, 1919: pp. 3-6. VIEW

“William McKinley.” Ohinemuri Gazette 16 Sept. 1901 v10n854: p. [2]. VIEW

Wilshire, H. Gaylord. “Free Ads for Willie Hearst.” Challenge 12 Oct. 1901 n40: p. 5. VIEW

“Wm. McKinley.” Journal and Herald 19 Sept. 1901 v35n35: p. [4]. VIEW


 Washington, Mary Ball

Fowler, Charles Henry. “William McKinley.” Patriotic Orations. Ed. Carl Hitchcock Fowler. New York: Eaton and Mains, 1910: pp. 189-244. VIEW


 Watson, A. H.

“Credit Men and Credit Associations.” American Lawyer Oct.-Nov. 1901 v9n10: p. 537. VIEW


 Watson, David K.

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 Watson, Richard

Macdonald, George E. “Observations.” Truth Seeker 5 Oct. 1901 v28n40: pp. 631-32. VIEW


 Watson, Thomas E.

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“Roosevelt, Theodore.—Sept. 14, 1901, to March 4, 1909.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW


 Watt, Rolla V.

“Chips.” Coast Review Oct. 1901 v60n4: pp. 566-72. VIEW


 Waudby, William S.

Harman, Moses. “‘Let Us Be Honest; Let Us Be Just.’” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 27 Mar. 1902 v6n11 (3rd series): pp. 83-84. VIEW


 Wayland, J. A.

“Radical Comment on the President’s Assassination.” Literary Digest 21 Sept. 1901 v23n12: pp. 336-37. VIEW


 Wazeter, Leon F.

“He Is a Pole, and the Law-Abiding Poles Deplore It.” Daily Picayune 13 Sept. 1901 v65n232: part 1, p. 7. VIEW


 Weatherwax, Chauncey

Weatherwax, Chauncey. “Not an American.” Buffalo Evening News 9 Sept. 1901 v42n128: p. 9. VIEW


 Weaver, E. W.

“Some of the Attractions for Our Street Fair.” New Enterprise 7 Nov. 1901 v1n10: p. 1. VIEW


 Webb, James H.

“Lesson of the Czolgosz Trial.” Nation 31 Oct. 1901 v73n1896: pp. 332-33. VIEW


 Webb, W. Seward

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Crockett, Walter Hill. “The Beginning of a New Century” [chapter 37]. Vermont: The Green Mountain State. Vol. 4. New York: Century History, 1921: pp. 303-450. VIEW


 Weber, Carl Maria von

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 Weber, Joe

“Plays and Players.” Theatre Oct. 1901 v1n8: pp. 2-13. VIEW


 Weber, John B.

Larned, J. N. “In the Era of the Railways: 1851-1908” [chapter 3]. A History of Buffalo. Vol. 1. New York: Progress of the Empire State, 1911: sect. 1, pp. 62-96. VIEW


 Webster, Daniel

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Depew, Chauncey M. “Introduction.” Life and Distinguished Services of Hon. Wm. McKinley and the Great Issues of 1896. By Murat Halstead. [n.p.]: Edgewood Publishing, 1896: pp. vii-xiii. VIEW

Gregg, David. “Anarchy.” William McKinley: Character Sketches of America’s Martyred Chieftain. Comp. Charles E. Benedict. New York: Blanchard Press, [1901?]: pp. 95-101. VIEW

Masters, Edgar Lee. “Theodore Roosevelt.” The New Star Chamber and Other Essays. Chicago: Hammersmark Publishing, 1904: pp. 25-36. VIEW

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Ramage, B. J., and John Bell Henneman. “President M’Kinley.” Sewanee Review Oct. 1901 v9n4: pp. 483-93. VIEW

Wade, M. J. “A Jury of Our Peers.” Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Session of the Iowa State Bar Association. Iowa City: The Association, 1911: pp. 106-12. VIEW

Welsh, John T. “Eulogy of President William McKinley.” Addresses. Portland: [n.p.], 1915: pp. 7-21. VIEW

“William McKinley.” Irrigation Age Oct. 1901 v16n1: pp. 1-2. VIEW


 Webster, Nelson P.

Rixey, Presley M. “Medical and Surgical Report of the Case of the Late President of the United States.” Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 297-318. VIEW


 Webster, Mrs. William C.

“Another Czolgosz Victim.” Washington Times 20 Nov. 1901 n2732: p. 3. VIEW


 Wechsler, Judah

“Interesting Ministers’ Meetings.” Indianapolis Journal 24 Dec. 1901 v51n358: p. 3. VIEW


 Wedgwood, George S.

“Saw Czolgosz Fire the Shots.” Wet Mountain Tribune 21 Sept. 1901 v22n1: p. [4]. VIEW


 Weichmann, Louis J.

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 Weinert, Albert

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Olcott, Charles S. “The McKinley Monuments” [appendix 3]. The Life of William McKinley. Vol. 2. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1916: pp. 389-95. VIEW


 Weinland, Charles

Harman, Moses. “Notes from the Picket Line.” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 5 Oct. 1901 v5n38 (3rd series): pp. 310-11. VIEW

Harman, Moses. “Who Are Anarchists?” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 28 Sept. 1901 v5n37 (3rd series): p. 301. VIEW


 Weisbach, Augustin

Channing, Walter. “The Mental Status of Czolgosz, the Assassin of President McKinley.” American Journal of Insanity Oct. 1902 v59n2: pp. 233-78. VIEW


 Welch, Samuel M.

“An Anarchist Shoots the President at the Pan-American Exposition.” Leslie’s Weekly 9 Sept. 1901 v93: [no pagination]. VIEW

Bull, William S. “Police Superintendent’s Report.” Annual Report of the Board of Police of the City of Buffalo. Buffalo: Wenborne-Sumner, 1902: pp. 7-48. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “The President’s Last Speech” [chapter 18]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 302-14. VIEW

“Police Didn’t Know the Great Men of Buffalo.” Buffalo Sunday Times 29 Sept. 1901 v44n55: part 2, p. [15]. VIEW

“President McKinley Crossing the Stadium at the Exposition.” The True Story of the Assassination of President McKinley at Buffalo. By Richard H. Barry. Buffalo: Robert Allan Reid, 1901: p. 11. VIEW

Skinner, Charles R. “Story of McKinley’s Assassination.” State Service Apr. 1919 v3n4: pp. 20-24. VIEW


 Welch, William

Dwyer, John. [untitled]. Railway Conductor Oct. 1901 v18n10: pp. 790-91. VIEW


 Welch, William Henry

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Matzinger, Herman G. “Report on the Bacteriologic Examination.” Medical Record 19 Oct. 1901 v60n16: pp. 609-10. VIEW


 Welker, Otto F.

“‘I Am Sorry’ Is Statement of Czolgosz.” Buffalo Evening Times 27 Sept. 1901 v36n11: p. 7. VIEW


 Wellesley, Arthur, 1st Duke of Wellington

Welsh, John T. “Eulogy of President William McKinley.” Addresses. Portland: [n.p.], 1915: pp. 7-21. VIEW


 Wellington, George L.

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“Wellington Explains.” Post Express 20 Sept. 1901 v43n88: p. 1. VIEW


 Wellman, Walter

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“News.” Public 14 Sept. 1901 v4n180: pp. 360-62. VIEW


 Welty, John C.

“M’Kinley Memorial Association.” Zion’s Herald 2 Oct. 1901 v79n39: p. 1251. VIEW


 Wendt, Henry W.

“The Final Scenes.” World 25 Sept. 1901 v42n14645: p. 3. VIEW

“Jury Was Secured from One Original Panel.” Pittsburg Post 24 Sept. 1901 v60n15: p. 1. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “Czolgosz Pays the Penalty” [chapter 29]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 448-53. VIEW

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 Werts, Frances Mason

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 Wesley, John

“Psychology of the Czolgosz Crime.” Public 26 Oct. 1901 v4n186: pp. 455-57. VIEW


 West, Henry

“Tried to Lynch the Doctor.” Atlanta Constitution 16 Sept. 1901 v34: p. 1. VIEW


 Weston, Albert T.

“Condition Very Grave, Say Local Physicians.” World 13 Sept. 1901 v42n14633: p. 3. VIEW


 Weston, George

Skinner, Charles R. “Story of McKinley’s Assassination.” State Service Apr. 1919 v3n4: pp. 20-24. VIEW


 Wettstein, H.

“The Letter-Box.” Free Society 23 Feb. 1902 v9n8: p. 3. VIEW


 Weyler y Nicolau, Valeriano

Beck, James M. “The Memory of McKinley.” The McKinley Memorial in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: McKinley Memorial Association, 1909: pp. 23-48. VIEW

James, C. L. “Who Killed McKinley?” Free Society 28 Dec. 1902 v9n52: pp. 2-3. VIEW

“The Lesson of the Attempted Assassination.” Worker 15 Sept. 1901 v11n24: p. 2. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The International Year Book. Ed. Frank Moore Colby. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1902: pp. 464-69. VIEW


 Wharton, Henry R.

“Professional Opinions of Prominent Surgeons Regarding the President’s Wounds.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 14 Sept. 1901 v8n11: pp. 438-39. VIEW


 Wheeler, Algar M.

Larned, J. N. “In the Era of the Railways: 1851-1908” [chapter 3]. A History of Buffalo. Vol. 1. New York: Progress of the Empire State, 1911: sect. 1, pp. 62-96. VIEW


 Wheeler, Benjamin Ide

“Hearst and His Judges.” San Francisco Call 25 Sept. 1901 v90n117: p. 6. VIEW

Olcott, Charles S. “The McKinley Monuments” [appendix 3]. The Life of William McKinley. Vol. 2. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1916: pp. 389-95. VIEW

P. “The Man McKinley.” Occident 20 Sept. 1901 v41n6: pp. 147-48. VIEW


 Wheeler, George B.

Neill, Charles P. “Anarchism.” American Catholic Quarterly Review Jan. 1902 v27n105: pp. 160-79. VIEW

Wheeler, George B. “A Plan That Is Not Approved.” Truth Seeker 23 Nov. 1901 v28n47: p. 746. VIEW

Wheeler, George B. “A Respectful Suggestion.” Truth Seeker 26 Oct. 1901 v28n43: p. 682. VIEW


 Wheeler, Gertrude

“Saw Czolgosz.” Tioga County Record 12 Sept. 1901 v31n27: p. 1. VIEW


 Wheeler, Joseph

Andrews, E. Benjamin. “Mr. McKinley’s End” [chapter 19]. History of the United States. Vol. 5. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1903: pp. 359-81. VIEW

“Death of President McKinley.” Hot Springs Medical Journal 15 Oct. 1901 v10n10: pp. 309-11. VIEW

Hawthorne, Julian, James Schouler, and E. Benjamin Andrews. “McKinley’s End and the Rise of Roosevelt” [chapter 30]. United States: From the Discovery of the North American Continent Up to the Present Time. Vol. 9. New York: Co-Operative Publication Society, 1904: pp. 289-310. VIEW

“Official Report of the Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association.” Public Health Papers and Reports 1902 v27: pp. 319-76. VIEW

Ramage, B. J., and John Bell Henneman. “President M’Kinley.” Sewanee Review Oct. 1901 v9n4: pp. 483-93. VIEW

“Twenty-Ninth Annual Session of the American Health Association.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 12 Oct. 1901 v8n15: pp. 600-01. VIEW


 Whipple, Leander E.

Erickson, Julius. “A Letter.” Metaphysical Magazine Nov. 1901 v15n5: p. 271. VIEW


 White, Albert Blakeslee

“Governors Order Mourning.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 15 Sept. 1901 v60n258: part 1, p. 3. VIEW


 White, Alma Wilber

“Hon. Truman Clark White.” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 2, pp. 41-42. VIEW


 White, Daniel Delevan

“Hon. Truman Clark White.” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 2, pp. 41-42. VIEW


 White, Edward D.

Gilman, Bradley. “A Reluctant Vice-President” [chapter 11]. Roosevelt: The Happy Warrior. Boston: Little, Brown, 1921: pp. 182-200. VIEW


 White, Emma Haskins

“Hon. Truman Clark White.” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 2, pp. 41-42. VIEW


 White, Frederick

Wood, News E. “Predictions on the Assassination.” Star of the Magi 1 Oct. 1901 v2n12: p. 11. VIEW


 White, George H.

Gibbs, Mifflin Wistar. “Chapter XXIX.” Shadow and Light. Washington, DC: [n.p.], 1902: pp. 327-35. VIEW


 White, James

ApMadoc, William. “Music Notes.” Cambrian Nov. 1901 v21n11: pp. 497-500. VIEW


 White, John

“Hon. Truman Clark White.” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 2, pp. 41-42. VIEW


 White, Lucie B.

White, Lucie B. “Drinking to Mr. McKinley’s Memory.” New York Times 22 Dec. 1901 v51n16211: part 1, p. 6. VIEW


 White, Rufus A.

[untitled]. Public 21 Sept. 1901 v4n181: pp. 369-72. VIEW


 White, Stanford

Aikin, Joseph M. “Paranoia.” Medical Herald July 1908 v27n7: pp. 300-06. VIEW


 White, Truman (grandfather)

“Hon. Truman Clark White.” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 2, pp. 41-42. VIEW


 White, Truman C.

[untitled]. Virginia Law Register Oct. 1901 v7n6: pp. 432-34. VIEW

“Apropos of Mr. McKinley’s Death.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Nov. 1901 v24n5: p. 532. VIEW

Bull, William S. “Police Superintendent’s Report.” Annual Report of the Board of Police of the City of Buffalo. Buffalo: Wenborne-Sumner, 1902: pp. 7-48. VIEW

Coe, Franklin. “Justice Swiftly Dealt to the President’s Assassin.” Leslie’s Weekly 5 Oct. 1901 v93n2404: pp. 305, 308. VIEW

“The Conviction of Czolgosz.” Collier’s Weekly 5 Oct. 1901 v28n1: p. 20. VIEW

“Conviction of Czolgosz.” Zion’s Herald 2 Oct. 1901 v79n39: p. 1251. VIEW

“Czolgosz Found Guilty.” Timely Topics 27 Sept. 1901 v6n4: p. 56. VIEW

“Czolgosz May Be Tried Next Week.” Buffalo Sunday News 15 Sept. 1901 v28n45: p. [?]. VIEW

“Czolgosz on Trial.” Morning Oregonian 24 Sept. 1901 v41n12725: p. 1. VIEW

“Czolgosz’s Death Warrant.” Buffalo Review 27 Sept. 1901 v19n96: p. 6. VIEW

“Day of Doom for Assassin Is Near.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 15 Sept. 1901 v60n258: part 1, p. 4. VIEW

“Famous Judge Dead.” Daily Times-Enterprise 7 Feb. 1912 v22n285: p. 1. VIEW

“The Final Scenes.” World 25 Sept. 1901 v42n14645: p. 3. VIEW

“For the Trial of Czolgosz.” Iowa State Register 15 Sept. 1901 v46n218: p. 3. VIEW

Hamilton, Allan McLane. “Political Murders” [chapter 21]. Recollections of an Alienist. New York: George H. Doran, 1916: pp. 342-68. VIEW

“Hon. Truman Clark White.” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 2, pp. 41-42. VIEW

“Law Magnified and Made Honorable.” Christian Advocate 3 Oct. 1901 v76n40: pp. 1564-65. VIEW

MacDonald, Carlos F. “The Trial, Execution, Autopsy and Mental Status of Leon F. Czolgosz, Alias Fred Nieman, the Assassin of President McKinley.” American Journal of Insanity Jan. 1902 v58n3: pp. 369-86. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “Czolgosz Pays the Penalty” [chapter 29]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 448-53. VIEW

“Murder in the First Degree.” Afro-American-Ledger 28 Sept. 1901 v10n8: p. [2]. VIEW

“News of the Week.” Christian Advocate 3 Oct. 1901 v76n40: p. 1599. VIEW

“News of the Week.” Public Opinion 3 Oct. 1901 v31n14: p. 443. VIEW

Olcott, Charles S. “The Trial of the Assassin” [appendix 2]. The Life of William McKinley. Vol. 2. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1916: pp. 385-88. VIEW

Parker, LeRoy. “The Trial of the Anarchist Murderer Czolgosz.” Yale Law Journal Dec. 1901 v11n2: pp. 80-94. VIEW

“The People of the State of New York Against Leon F. Czolgosz.” Unpublished trial transcript. 23-24, 26 Sept. 1901. VIEW

Powers, T. E. “Court-Room Scene During the Trial of President M’Kinley’s Assassin.” World 23 Sept. 1901: p. 2. VIEW

“Quick Work of Law.” Burlington Hawk-Eye 15 Sept. 1901 v63n84: p. 2. VIEW

“Relatives Talk with Murderer.” Post Express 25 Sept. 1901 v43n92: p. 1. VIEW

“Sentence of Death.” Spokane Daily Chronicle 26 Sept. 1901 v16n20: p. 1. VIEW

Steep, Thomas W. “Czolgosz May Never Live to Reach Electric Death Chair.” Buffalo Courier 28 Oct. 1901 v66n301: pp. 1-2. VIEW

“Supreme Court Room, Buffalo, Where Czolgosz Will Be Tried To-Day.” Philadelphia Record 23 Sept. 1901 n10795: p. 1. VIEW

Townsend, G. W. “Chapter XXIV.” Memorial Life of William McKinley. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 460-66. VIEW

“The Trial of Czolgosz.” Outlook 5 Oct. 1901 v69n5: pp. 242-43. VIEW

“Trial of President McKiley’s [sic] Murderer.” Enterprise [Lancaster] 25 Sept. 1901 v6n80: p. 1. VIEW

“Trial of the Assassin.” Daily Picayune 22 Sept. 1901 v65n241: part 1, p. 1. VIEW

Vizetelly, Ernest Alfred. “King Humbert—Bresci—President McKinley—Czolgosz (1898-1901)” [chapter 10]. The Anarchists: Their Faith and Their Record. London: Lane, 1911: pp. 240-59. VIEW


 Whitefield, George

“Psychology of the Czolgosz Crime.” Public 26 Oct. 1901 v4n186: pp. 455-57. VIEW


 Whitehead, Willis F.

Wood, News E. “Predictions on the Assassination.” Star of the Magi 1 Oct. 1901 v2n12: p. 11. VIEW


 Whitman, Charles S.

“Waited on McKinley at Last Dinner.” Buffalo Evening News 6 Sept. 1921 v76n125: sect. 2, p. 24. VIEW


 Whitman, John L.

“Mob Violence in Chicago.” Sunday News 15 Sept. 1901: p. 2. VIEW


 Whitman, Walt

“The Mattoid, or Crank.” Medical Summary Sept. 1915 v37n7: pp. 194-95. VIEW

Perry, Bliss. “The Death of the President.” Atlantic Monthly Oct. 1901 v88n527: pp. 432b-32d. VIEW


 Whittemore, George Francis

“Hearst and American People.” San Francisco Call 1 Oct. 1901 v90n123: p. 6. VIEW


 Whittemore, R. B.

“Senate.” Congressional Record 19 Dec. 1901 v35n14: pp. 398-405. VIEW


 Whittier, F. A.

“Mousso Is Insane.” Minneapolis Journal 14 Dec. 1901: part 1, p. 7. VIEW


 Whittier, John G.

Barton, Frederick. “A Christian Gentleman: William McKinley.” Chautauquan Nov. 1901 v34n2: pp. 134-37. VIEW

Hill, Kendrick C. “William McKinley.” Stenographer Nov. 1901 v16n10: pp. 255-56. VIEW

“Is M’Kinley Forgotten So Soon?” Blue Grass Blade 14 Sept. 1902 v11n30: p. [3]. VIEW

Welsh, John T. “Eulogy of President William McKinley.” Addresses. Portland: [n.p.], 1915: pp. 7-21. VIEW


 Whittlesey, Friend

“McKinley, William.” The International Year Book. Ed. Frank Moore Colby. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1902: pp. 464-69. VIEW


 Whitwell, Joseph T.

“Identification of Star Criminals Is Interesting Work.” Buffalo Courier 2 Oct. 1904 v69n276: part 5, pp. 37, 44. VIEW


 Wier, Thomas M.

Clark, E. Warren. “Florida Day.” Weekly Tallahasseean 20 Sept. 1901 v21n30: p. [2]. VIEW


 Wiggins, Frank

Wiggins, Frank. “Wire from Wiggins.” Los Angeles Times 7 Sept. 1901 v40n95: p. 1. VIEW


 Wilber, George

“Hon. Truman Clark White.” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 2, pp. 41-42. VIEW


 Wilber, Gideon

“[Fowler, Joseph].” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 3, pp. 518-19. VIEW


 Wilber, John S.

“A Roosevelt Experience.” Morning Star 24 Sept. 1901 v37n77: p. 8. VIEW


 Wilber, Ruth Bathrick

“[Fowler, Joseph].” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 3, pp. 518-19. VIEW


 Wilber, Samuel

“[Fowler, Joseph].” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 3, pp. 518-19. VIEW


 Wilber, Sarah Emes Close

“[Fowler, Joseph].” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 3, pp. 518-19. VIEW


 Wilber, Stephen

“Hon. Truman Clark White.” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 2, pp. 41-42. VIEW


 Wilbour, Joshua

“Notes and Comments.” Journal of the Institute of Bankers in Ireland Oct. 1901 v3n4: pp. 262-66. VIEW


 Wilcox, Ansley

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“[Ansley Wilcox].” The Men of New York. Vol. 1. Buffalo: Geo. E. Matthews, 1898: pp. 176-77. VIEW

“At the Milburn House.” New-York Tribune 16 Sept. 1901 v61n20028: pp. 1-2. VIEW

Banks, Charles Eugene, and Le Roy Armstrong. “Succeeds to the Presidency” [chapter 19]. Theodore Roosevelt, Twenty-Sixth President of the United States. Chicago: S. Stone, 1901: pp. 369-78. VIEW

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW

Croly, Herbert. “The Death of President McKinley” [chapter 23]. Marcus Alonzo Hanna: His Life and Work. New York: Macmillan, 1912: pp. 355-68. VIEW

“Death of the President.” Christian Observer 18 Sept. 1901 v89n38: p. 23. VIEW

Depew, Chauncey M. “William McKinley” [chapter 13]. My Memories of Eighty Years. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1922: pp. 147-57. VIEW

Everett, Marshall. “President Roosevelt Takes the Oath of Office” [chapter 28]. Complete Life of William McKinley and Story of His Assassination. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 304-18. VIEW

“Gloom Overspreads City.” Omaha Sunday Bee 8 Sept. 1901: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

Hagedorn, Hermann. “He Inaugurates a New Era” [chapter 14]. The Boys’ Life of Theodore Roosevelt. Ed. H. C. Newton. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1922: pp. 233-59. VIEW

Hamilton, Allan McLane. “Political Murders” [chapter 21]. Recollections of an Alienist. New York: George H. Doran, 1916: pp. 342-68. VIEW

Hopkins, Grace Porter. “History Made at Buffalo.” Ogdensburg Journal 20 Sept. 1901: p. [2]. VIEW

“The Inauguration of Theodore Roosevelt.” Harper’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v45n2335: p. 957. VIEW

Larned, J. N. “In the Era of the Railways: 1851-1908” [chapter 3]. A History of Buffalo. Vol. 1. New York: Progress of the Empire State, 1911: sect. 1, pp. 62-96. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “Theodore Roosevelt—President and Man” [chapter 32]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 492-503. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President” [chapter 31]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 466-91. VIEW

Mowbray, Jay Henry. “President Roosevelt’s Administration” [chapter 12]. Illustrious Career and Heroic Deeds of Colonel Roosevelt, “The Intellectual Giant. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1910: pp. 171-81. VIEW

Mowbray, Jay Henry. “Suddenly Called to Be President” [chapter 11]. Illustrious Career and Heroic Deeds of Colonel Roosevelt, “The Intellectual Giant. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1910: pp. 165-70. VIEW

“The New Administration.” Public 21 Sept. 1901 v4n181: pp. 372-74. VIEW

“Off to Washington.” Evening Bulletin 16 Sept. 1901 v20n253: p. 1. VIEW

“Our New President.” Lancaster Times 19 Sept. 1901 v22n16: p. [3]. VIEW

“People Talked About.” Leslie’s Weekly 28 Sept. 1901 v93n2403: p. 279. VIEW

“President Roosevelt.” Timely Topics 20 Sept. 1901 v6n3: pp. 41-42. VIEW

“Roosevelt and Hanna to Go Home.” World 10 Sept. 1901 v42n14630: p. 3. VIEW

“Roosevelt Does Not Fear Harm.” Chicago Daily Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v60n253: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“Roosevelt Guarded.” Burlington Hawk-Eye 10 Sept. 1901 v63n79: p. 2. VIEW

Roosevelt, Theodore. “McKinley’s Death—Roosevelt’s Succession.” Washington Herald 7 Dec. 1913 n2619: mag. sect., p. [2]. VIEW

“University Notes.” Harvard Graduates’ Magazine Dec. 1901 v10n38: p. 338. VIEW

“The Week.” Public Opinion 19 Sept. 1901 v31n12: p. 355. VIEW

Wellman, Walter. “The Last Days of President M’Kinley: His Visit to Buffalo, the Tragedy, and the Nation’s Mourning.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Oct. 1901 v24n4: pp. 414-30. VIEW

Wright, John. “Bibles Owned by the Presidents of the United States and Their Families.” Historic Bibles in America. New York: Thomas Whittaker, 1905: pp. 27-57. VIEW

“A Yale Man.” Daily Morning Journal and Courier 17 Sept. 1901 v67n222: p. 2. VIEW


 Wilcox, Cornelia Rumsey

“[Ansley Wilcox].” The Men of New York. Vol. 1. Buffalo: Geo. E. Matthews, 1898: pp. 176-77. VIEW


 Wilcox, Ella Wheeler

Benjamin, Louis, and Albert Durrant Watson. “Messages of Fifty-Five Minds Through One Soul.” Birth Through Death. New York: James A. McCann, 1920: pp. 244-56. VIEW

Hancock, La Touche. “The Poets of Printing House Square.” Bookman May 1902 v15n3: pp. 268-73. VIEW

“Verse Suited to the Day.” Semi-Weekly Messenger 24 Sept. 1901 v34n77: p. 2. VIEW


 Wilcox, Lizzie B. (a.k.a. Mrs. Frank B. Wilcox)

“Saw the President Shot.” Ouray Herald 12 Sept. 1901 v13n24: p. 1. VIEW


 Wilcox, Mary Rumsey

“[Ansley Wilcox].” The Men of New York. Vol. 1. Buffalo: Geo. E. Matthews, 1898: pp. 176-77. VIEW

Banks, Charles Eugene, and Le Roy Armstrong. “Succeeds to the Presidency” [chapter 19]. Theodore Roosevelt, Twenty-Sixth President of the United States. Chicago: S. Stone, 1901: pp. 369-78. VIEW

“Off to Washington.” Evening Bulletin 16 Sept. 1901 v20n253: p. 1. VIEW


 Wilde, Oscar

Goldman, Emma. “In Justice to Leon Szolgosz” [sic]. Mother Earth Oct. 1909 v4n8: pp. 239-41. VIEW

Kelley, William Valentine. “Oscar Wilde: The Consummate Flower of Æstheticism.” Down the Road and Other Essays of Nature, Life, Literature, and Religion. New York: Eaton and Mains, 1911: pp. 105-34. VIEW

Macdonald, George E. “Observations.” Truth Seeker 30 Nov. 1901 v28n48: p. 760. VIEW


 Wildman, Joseph A.

“Note and Comment.” Truth Seeker 28 Sept. 1901 v28n39: p. 609. VIEW

“Tarred and Feathered.” Cœur d’Alene Press 21 Sept. 1901 v10n33: p. 1. VIEW


 Wiles, Thomas M.

“Elder Wiles and Czolgosz.” Muncie Morning Star and News 14 Sept. 1901 v3n109: p. 3. VIEW


 Wilhelm, Kaiser

SEE William II, Emperor of Germany and King of Prussia


 Wilkie, John E.

“Chief Wilkie on M’Kinley’s Death.” Buffalo Evening Times 20 Mar. 1909 v50n157: p. 1. VIEW

“Chief Wilkie’s Defence.” Meriden Daily Journal 11 Sept. 1901 v31n61: p. 2. VIEW

“Guarding the President.” Sunday Morning Star 29 Sept. 1901 v21: p. 4. VIEW

“Loquacious LaFon.” Evening Star [Washington, DC] 13 Sept. 1901 n15148: p. 6. VIEW

Potter, Chester D. “Sad Breakdown of Best Precautions.” Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette 7 Sept. 1901 v116n36: p. 3. VIEW

R., C. A. “The Government’s Detectives.” Sun [New York] 10 Oct. 1901 v69n40: p. 6. VIEW

“Round-Up of Anarchists Made by the Secret Service.” St. Louis Post-Dispatch 8 Sept. 1901 v54n18: part 2, p. 4. VIEW

“Secret Service Detail.” Washington Times 17 Sept. 1901 n2669: p. 3. VIEW

“Summary of Events.” Friend 5 Oct. 1901 v75n12: pp. 95-96. VIEW

“Titus May Not Accept.” Daily Picayune 21 Sept. 1901 v65n240: p. 1. VIEW


 Wilkinson, C. P.

“Official Report of the Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association.” Public Health Papers and Reports 1902 v27: pp. 319-76. VIEW

“Twenty-Ninth Annual Session of the American Health Association.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 12 Oct. 1901 v8n15: pp. 600-01. VIEW


 Wilks, Samuel

Christison, J. Sanderson. “Epilepsy, Responsibility and the Czolgosz Case.” Kansas City Medical Index-Lancet Jan. 1902 v23n1: pp. 10-17. VIEW


 Willcocks, John

“Ansley Wilcox.” A History of Buffalo. By J. N. Larned. Vol. 1. New York: Progress of the Empire State, 1911: [unnumbered plate]. VIEW


 Willett, A. H.

“Saw the Assassination.” Morning Oregonian 24 Sept. 1901 v41n12725: p. 10. VIEW


 Willett, William H.

“Czolgosz May Be Tried Next Week.” Buffalo Sunday News 15 Sept. 1901 v28n45: p. [?]. VIEW


 William I, King of England

SEE William the Conqueror, King of England


 William I, Prince of Orange (a.k.a. William of Orange; a.k.a. William the Silent)

[untitled]. Bankers’ Magazine Oct. 1901 v63n4: pp. 561-64. VIEW

Adams, Charles Francis. “A National Change of Heart.” Lee at Appomattox and Other Papers. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1902: pp. 256-73. VIEW

Beck, James M. “The Memory of McKinley.” The McKinley Memorial in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: McKinley Memorial Association, 1909: pp. 23-48. VIEW

“Bismarck’s Opportunity.” Socialist Spirit Oct. 1901 v1n2: pp. 4-5. VIEW

“The Closing Scenes.” The Heroic Life of William McKinley, Our Third Martyr President. Boston: DeWolfe, Fiske, 1902: pp. 35-44. VIEW

Colt, Le Baron Bradford. “Anarchy.” American Lawyer Apr. 1902 v10n4: pp. 148-54. VIEW

Fowler, Charles Henry. “William McKinley.” Patriotic Orations. Ed. Carl Hitchcock Fowler. New York: Eaton and Mains, 1910: pp. 189-244. VIEW

“Great Surgeon Was Blunt.” Silverton Standard 21 Mar. 1903 v14n17: p. 10. VIEW

Ingersoll, E. P. “A Lesson to Be Learned.” William McKinley: Character Sketches of America’s Martyred Chieftain. Comp. Charles E. Benedict. New York: Blanchard Press, [1901?]: pp. 107-10. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “The Impressive State Funeral Ceremonies” [chapter 22]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 349-62. VIEW

“The Mental Condition of Political Assassins.” American Journal of Insanity Oct. 1901 v58n2: pp. 317-19. VIEW

“‘M’Kinley Is Shot.’” Buffalo Evening News 6 Sept. 1902 v44n126: p. 2. VIEW

“M’Kinley Memorial Services at Albany.” New York Times 5 Mar. 1902 v51n16274: p. 8. VIEW

“The Month.” Post-Graduate Nov. 1901 v16n11: pp. 1006-10. VIEW

“Note and Comment.” Truth Seeker 28 Sept. 1901 v28n39: p. 609. VIEW

“President McKinley Dead.” Timely Topics 20 Sept. 1901 v6n3: pp. 36-37. VIEW

“Reform by Assassination.” Liberal Review Sept. 1904 v1n8: pp. 446-47. VIEW


 William II, Emperor of Germany and King of Prussia (a.k.a. Kaiser Wilhelm)

[advertisement]. Standard 16 Sept. 1901 n24095: p. 1. VIEW

Beach, Jessie. “Death of McKinley.” The Baby Poetess. Lakeport: Jessie Beach, 1904: pp. 42-44. VIEW

Beck, James M. “The Memory of McKinley.” The McKinley Memorial in Philadelphia. Philadelphia: McKinley Memorial Association, 1909: pp. 23-48. VIEW

Clowes, W. Laird. “President Roosevelt.” Nineteenth Century and After Oct. 1901 v50n296: pp. 529-35. VIEW

Fowler, Charles Henry. “William McKinley.” Patriotic Orations. Ed. Carl Hitchcock Fowler. New York: Eaton and Mains, 1910: pp. 189-244. VIEW

Low, A. Maurice. “Theodore Roosevelt.” Forum Nov. 1901 v32: pp. 259-67. VIEW

Masters, Edgar Lee. “Theodore Roosevelt.” The New Star Chamber and Other Essays. Chicago: Hammersmark Publishing, 1904: pp. 25-36. VIEW

Olcott, Charles S. “The Tragedy at Buffalo” [chapter 34]. The Life of William McKinley. Vol. 2. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1916: pp. 313-33. VIEW

“The Pope Sends a Message.” Iowa State Register 9 Sept. 1901 v46n212: p. 1. VIEW

“President McKinley: What the World Thought of Him.” Outlook 21 Sept. 1901 v69n3: pp. 162-65. VIEW

“President’s Assassination Predicted.” Iowa State Register 7 Sept. 1901 v46n210: p. 2. VIEW

“The Rooseveldt [sic] Residuum.” St. James’s Gazette 16 Sept. 1901 v43n6599: p. 4. VIEW

“Underwear to Protect Monarchs.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 22 Sept. 1901 v60n265: part 6, p. 39. VIEW

Wellman, Walter. “The Last Days of President M’Kinley: His Visit to Buffalo, the Tragedy, and the Nation’s Mourning.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Oct. 1901 v24n4: pp. 414-30. VIEW

“The World’s Sympathy.” Outlook 14 Sept. 1901 v69n2: p. 97. VIEW

“The World-Wide Mourning.” Congregationalist and Christian World 21 Sept. 1901 v86n38: pp. 411-12. VIEW


 William the Conqueror, King of England (a.k.a. William I)

“This Comet Has Heralded the Assassination of 3 Presidents.” Toledo Sunday Bee 27 Oct. 1901 v26: part 3, p. 21. VIEW

Welsh, John T. “Eulogy of President William McKinley.” Addresses. Portland: [n.p.], 1915: pp. 7-21. VIEW


 Williams, Charles

Williams, Charles. [untitled]. Life 17 Oct. 1901 v38n989: p. 314. VIEW


 Williams, Charles D.

[untitled]. Public 21 Sept. 1901 v4n181: pp. 369-72. VIEW

“Citizenisms.” Cleveland Citizen 21 Sept. 1901 v11n35: p. 1. VIEW


 Williams, Fremont F.

“Mr. Williams Was There.” Broome Republican 14 Sept. 1901 v71n9: p. [3?]. VIEW


 Williams, George A.

Williams, George A. “The Late President McKinley.” Merck’s Archives of Materia Medica and Drug Therapy Oct. 1901 v3n10: p. 411. VIEW


 Williams, George L.

Banks, Charles Eugene, and Le Roy Armstrong. “Succeeds to the Presidency” [chapter 19]. Theodore Roosevelt, Twenty-Sixth President of the United States. Chicago: S. Stone, 1901: pp. 369-78. VIEW

Larned, J. N. “In the Era of the Railways: 1851-1908” [chapter 3]. A History of Buffalo. Vol. 1. New York: Progress of the Empire State, 1911: sect. 1, pp. 62-96. VIEW

“The President’s Programme Today.” Buffalo Evening News 6 Sept. 1901 v42n126: p. 1. VIEW

Wilcox, Ansley. “Theodore Roosevelt, President.” How Theodore Roosevelt Became President of the United States in Buffalo, September 14, 1901. [Buffalo?]: Roosevelt Memorial Association, 1919: pp. 3-6. VIEW


 Williams, Hamilton

“Condition Very Grave, Say Local Physicians.” World 13 Sept. 1901 v42n14633: p. 3. VIEW


 Williams, Herbert U.

“Discussion of the Papers of Drs. Guerry, Ransohoff, and Coffey.” Transactions of the Southern Surgical and Gynecological Association. Ed. W. D. Haggard. Vol. 22. [n.p.]: Southern Surgical and Gynecological Association, 1910: pp. 146-60. VIEW


 Williams, John Sharp

“Southerners on Committee.” Atlanta Constitution 16 Sept. 1901 v34: p. 1. VIEW


 Williams, Roger

Welsh, John T. “Eulogy of President William McKinley.” Addresses. Portland: [n.p.], 1915: pp. 7-21. VIEW


 Williams, Susan Boyer (a.k.a. Mrs. Charles Insco Williams)

“Mrs. M’Kinley’s Great Heroism.” Bisbee Daily Review 5 June 1907 v10n136: p. 2. VIEW


 Williams, William S.

Kay, William Bingham. “The Place of Sepulture of the Dead President.” New Castle Weekly Herald 25 Sept. 1901 v52n40: p. 1. VIEW


 Williamson, Alonzo P.

“His Face Is Weak.” Minneapolis Journal 11 Sept. 1901: p. 6. VIEW


 Wilshire, H. Gaylord

“Doesn’t Believe in It.” Challenge 21 Sept. 1901 n38: p. 6. VIEW

Hoke, George M. “Lawyer Hoke’s Tale of Woe.” Challenge 5 Oct. 1901 n39: p. 8. VIEW

McGrady, Thomas. “An Open Letter.” Challenge 5 Oct. 1901 n39: p. 2. VIEW

Stephens, George H. [untitled]. Wilshire’s Magazine Jan. 1902 n42: pp. 52-53. VIEW

Wilshire, H. Gaylord. [untitled]. Challenge 5 Oct. 1901 n39: pp. 8-9. VIEW

Wilshire, H. Gaylord. “O’tis Insignificant.” Wilshire’s Monthly Magazine Nov. 1901 n41: pp. 11-12. VIEW


 Wilson, C. V.

“Doctors Excluded Ministers.” Washington Post 17 Sept. 1901 n9229: p. 1. VIEW


 Wilson, Frank

“Traitor Hanged in Effigy.” Iowa State Register 17 Sept. 1901 v46n219: p. 5. VIEW


 Wilson, Grace

“Grieved by M’Kinley’s Death, Young Woman Takes Her Life.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 15 Sept. 1901 v60n258: part 1, p. 8. VIEW


 Wilson, Harrison

[untitled]. Weekly Law Bulletin and the Ohio Law Journal 16 Sept. 1901 v46: p. 123. VIEW


 Wilson, J. A.

Wilson, J. A. “The Archist and the Anarchist.” Truth Seeker 30 Nov. 1901 v28n48: p. 762. VIEW


 Wilson, James

“An Anarchist Shoots the President at the Pan-American Exposition.” Leslie’s Weekly 9 Sept. 1901 v93: [no pagination]. VIEW

“At the Milburn House.” New-York Tribune 16 Sept. 1901 v61n20028: pp. 1-2. VIEW

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW

“Day and Night Scenes at the Milburn House.” Post Express 10 Sept. 1901 v43n79: p. 2. VIEW

“Gloom Overspreads City.” Omaha Sunday Bee 8 Sept. 1901: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

Halstead, Murat. “Mrs. McKinley.” Saturday Evening Post 6 Sept. 1902 v175n10: pp. 6-7. VIEW

Hopkins, Grace Porter. “Grief Replaces Joy at Buffalo.” Ogdensburg Journal 9 Sept. 1901: p. [4]. VIEW

Hopkins, Grace Porter. “History Made at Buffalo.” Ogdensburg Journal 20 Sept. 1901: p. [2]. VIEW

Hunt, Evelyn. “My Experiences as a Nurse to Mrs McKinley and the Late President.” San Francisco Call 19 Jan. 1902 v91n50: mag. sect., p. 5. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “The Last Home-Coming to Canton” [chapter 23]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 365-78. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “Theodore Roosevelt—President and Man” [chapter 32]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 492-503. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th ed. Vol. 17. Cambridge: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911: pp. 256-59. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The International Year Book. Ed. Frank Moore Colby. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1902: pp. 464-69. VIEW

“McKinley, William.—March 4, 1897-Sept. 14, 1901.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW

“Medical Science—Our Late President.” Physical Culture Oct. 1901 v6n1: pp. C-F. VIEW

Morris, Charles. “A Vigorous Champion in the Presidential Chair” [chapter 8]. Battling for the Right: The Life-Story of Theodore Roosevelt. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1910: pp. 63-68. VIEW

“Mrs. M’Kinley Dies in Canton Cottage.” New York Times 27 May 1907 v56n18020: p. 1. VIEW

“No Trace of Poison Is Found.” San Francisco Call 12 Sept. 1901 v90n104: p. 2. VIEW

“Officials Back from Buffalo.” Washington Times 11 Sept. 1901 n2663: p. 2. VIEW

“Ovation to M’Kinley.” Warsaw Daily Times 6 Sept. 1901: p. 1. VIEW

Pearson, F. B. “Current History.” Ohio Educational Monthly Oct. 1901 v50n10: pp. 505-06. VIEW

“The President Is Dead.” Enterprise [Lancaster] 14 Sept. 1901 v6n77: p. 1. VIEW

“President McKinley Crossing the Stadium at the Exposition.” The True Story of the Assassination of President McKinley at Buffalo. By Richard H. Barry. Buffalo: Robert Allan Reid, 1901: p. 11. VIEW

“President McKinley Dead.” Timely Topics 20 Sept. 1901 v6n3: pp. 36-37. VIEW

“Roosevelt Cabinet Forecasted.” Buffalo Review 16 Sept. 1901 v19n86: p. 1. VIEW

“Roosevelt, Theodore.—Sept. 14, 1901, to March 4, 1909.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 20. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: [no pagination]. VIEW

“Secretary Wilson Confident.” Iowa State Register 11 Sept. 1901 v46n214: p. 3. VIEW

“Secretary Wilson Here.” Buffalo Evening News 4 Sept. 1901 v42n124: p. 1. VIEW

“Solid Food Given to the President.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle 12 Sept. 1901 v61n253: p. 1. VIEW

“Succession to the Presidential Chair.” Harper’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v45n2335: p. 946. VIEW

“’Twas Sad End to Happy Day.” Buffalo Courier 8 Sept. 1901 v66n251: part 3, p. [23?]. VIEW

Wilcox, Ansley. “Theodore Roosevelt, President.” How Theodore Roosevelt Became President of the United States in Buffalo, September 14, 1901. [Buffalo?]: Roosevelt Memorial Association, 1919: pp. 3-6. VIEW


 Wilson, James C.

[untitled]. Trained Nurse and Hospital Review Dec. 1901 v27n6: p. 336. VIEW

“American News and Notes.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 16 Nov. 1901 v8n20: pp. 801-03. VIEW


 Wilson, James H.

“Grieved by M’Kinley’s Death, Young Woman Takes Her Life.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 15 Sept. 1901 v60n258: part 1, p. 8. VIEW


 Wilson, James T.

“The Case of President McKinley.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 21 Sept. 1901 v8n12: pp. 480-81. VIEW

“Certificate of Death of President M’Kinley.” Atlanta Constitution 16 Sept. 1901 v34: p. 1. VIEW

“Coroner Wilson Says He Is Sorry He Gave News.” Buffalo Sunday Times 15 Sept. 1901 v44n53: part 2, p. [14]. VIEW

“Day of Doom for Assassin Is Near.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 15 Sept. 1901 v60n258: part 1, p. 4. VIEW

“Real Cause of Death.” Journal and Herald 19 Sept. 1901 v35n35: p. [4]. VIEW

“Root Spoils Coroner’s Plan.” Portage Daily Democrat 18 Sept. 1901: p. 1. VIEW


 Wilson, John M.

“Cleveland Will Attend Funeral.” Iowa State Register 17 Sept. 1901 v46n219: p. 5. VIEW

“Solemn Services.” Evening Bulletin 18 Sept. 1901 v20n255: p. 1. VIEW

“Story of the Tragedy of the Death of President McKinley.” Round-About New York. New York: Bloomingdale Brothers, 1902: pp. 244-46. VIEW


 Wilson, Lela

McGee, Anita Newcomb. “Second Annual Meeting of the Spanish-American War Nurses.” American Journal of Nursing Nov. 1901 v2n2: pp. 121-31. VIEW

McGee, Anita Newcomb. “Second Annual Meeting of the Spanish-American War Nurses.” Trained Nurse and Hospital Review Nov. 1901 v27n5: pp. 275-80. VIEW


 Wilson, Nelson W.

[untitled]. Buffalo Medical Journal Sept. 1901 v41n2 (new series): p. 137. VIEW

“American News and Notes.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 21 Sept. 1901 v8n12: pp. 466-69. VIEW

“The Assassination of President McKinley.” Buffalo Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v41n3 (new series): pp. 226-32. VIEW

Everett, Marshall. “The Assassination of President McKinley” [chapter 1]. Complete Life of William McKinley and Story of His Assassination. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 33-40. VIEW

“The Exposition—Farewell.” Buffalo Medical Journal Nov. 1901 v41n4 (new series): pp. 297-98. VIEW

“The Late President McKinley.” Canadian Practitioner and Review Nov. 1901 v26n11: pp. 633-37. VIEW

“The Medical Department of the Pan-American Exposition.” Albany Medical Annals Aug. 1901 v22n8: p. 459. VIEW

“Minor Intelligence.” Physician and Surgeon Apr. 1909 v31n4: pp. 185-87. VIEW

“M’Kinley Tragedy.” Paducah Evening Sun 12 Mar. 1909 v25n61: p. 8. VIEW

“Pan-American Notes.” Buffalo Medical Journal June 1901 v40n11 (new series): pp. 854-57. VIEW

Park, Roswell. “Reminiscences of McKinley Week.” Selected Papers, Surgical and Scientific. Buffalo: [n.p.], 1914: pp. 374-81. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M. “Medical and Surgical Report of the Case of the Late President of the United States.” Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 297-318. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M., Matthew D. Mann, Herman Mynter, Roswell Park, Eugene Wasdin, Charles McBurney, and Charles G. Stockton. “The Case of President McKinley.” Medical Record 19 Oct. 1901 v60n16: pp. 601-06. VIEW

“Some Brief Notes Concerning the President’s Surgeons at Buffalo.” Medical News 14 Sept. 1901 v79n11: pp. 424-25. VIEW

Wilson, Nelson W. “Details of President McKinley’s Case.” Buffalo Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v41n3 (new series): pp. 207-25. VIEW


 Wilson, Woodrow

[untitled]. Journal and Republican and Lowville Times 16 Apr. 1914 v55n23: p. [4]. VIEW

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine May 1914 v40n2: pp. 163-85. VIEW

“Condensed Telegrams.” Norwich Bulletin 9 July 1913 v55n163: p. 1. VIEW

“Statue of President M’Kinley.” Norwich Bulletin 6 Oct. 1917 v59n339: p. 1. VIEW

“Theodore Roosevelt.” A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 13. New York: Bureau of National Literature, [1922]: pp. 6637-38. VIEW


 Winer, Harry

“Waited on McKinley at Last Dinner.” Buffalo Evening News 6 Sept. 1921 v76n125: sect. 2, p. 24. VIEW


 Wing, H. J.

“Cried for His Blood.” Ottumwa Semi-Weekly Courier 17 Sept. 1901 v53n53: p. 7. VIEW


 Wing, Maria Hildreth

“Cried for His Blood.” Ottumwa Semi-Weekly Courier 17 Sept. 1901 v53n53: p. 7. VIEW


 Winkelried, Arnold von (a.k.a. Arnold Winkelried)

Harman, Moses. “Cowardly Murder—McKinley and Czolgosz.” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 31 Oct. 1901 v5n42 (3rd series): pp. 340-41. VIEW


 Winn, Ross

Winn, Ross. “Current Comment.” Free Society 20 Apr. 1902 v9n16: pp. 4-5. VIEW

Winn, Ross. “Current Comment.” Free Society 11 May 1902 v9n19: pp. 4-5. VIEW


 Winston, W. D.

[notice]. Afro-American-Ledger 2 Nov. 1901 v10n13: p. [5]. VIEW

[notice]. Afro-American-Ledger 16 Nov. 1901 v10n15: p. [8]. VIEW

“Moving Pictures.” Afro-American-Ledger 19 Oct. 1901 v10n11: p. [8]. VIEW


 Winter, William

[untitled]. NOW Oct. 1901 v2n8: p. 3. VIEW


 Winthrop, Robert C.

Adams, Charles Francis. “A National Change of Heart.” Lee at Appomattox and Other Papers. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1902: pp. 256-73. VIEW


 Wisser, John

“The Assassin Makes a Full Confession.” New York Times 8 Sept. 1901 v50n16121: part 1, pp. 1-2. VIEW

“Czolgosz’s Captors Reward.” Sunday Morning Star 29 Sept. 1901 v21: p. 4. VIEW

G. “Secret Service Agents.” Sun [New York] 23 Sept. 1901 v69n23: p. 6. VIEW

“Murder in the First Degree.” Afro-American-Ledger 28 Sept. 1901 v10n8: p. [2]. VIEW

“The People of the State of New York Against Leon F. Czolgosz.” Unpublished trial transcript. 23-24, 26 Sept. 1901. VIEW

“People Talked About.” Leslie’s Weekly 12 Oct. 1901 v93n2405: p. 327. VIEW

“Probing for the Bullets.” Chicago Daily News 6 Sept. 1901 v26n214: part 1, p. 1. VIEW

“Secret Service Detail.” Washington Times 17 Sept. 1901 n2669: p. 3. VIEW

“Sheriff of New York Is in Buffalo.” Buffalo Evening News 7 Sept. 1901 v42n127: p. [?]. VIEW


 Witherell, Lester J.

“Czolgosz’s Grave.” Tioga County Record 25 Sept. 1902 v32n29: p. [3?]. VIEW


 Withrow, John M.

“Was Composed.” Stark County Democrat 17 Sept. 1901 v67n135: p. 8. VIEW


 Withrow, Sarah Hickenlooper

“Was Composed.” Stark County Democrat 17 Sept. 1901 v67n135: p. 8. VIEW


 Witt, Antoinette

Corning, A. Elwood. “McKinley in the Home and as Commander-in-Chief” [chapter 6]. William McKinley: A Biographical Study. New York: Broadway Publishing, 1907: pp. 133-59. VIEW


 Witt, Peter

Labadie, Jo. “Anarchism and Crime.” Essays. Detroit: Labadie Shop, 1911: pp. 9-29. VIEW


 Witte, Albert

“Burns Out Buffalo Police.” New York Times 2 Nov. 1907 v57n18179: p. 1. VIEW


 Wittkowsky, Samuel

“How to Pronounce It.” Norfolk Landmark 20 Sept. 1901 v53n21: p. 4. VIEW


 Wolcott, Edward Oliver

Dawson, Thomas Fulton. “Mr. Wolcott’s Friendships.” Life and Character of Edward Oliver Wolcott. Vol. 1. New York: Knickerbocker Press, 1911: pp. 530-44. VIEW

“The President’s Host.” New-York Tribune 12 Sept. 1901 v61n20024: p. 2. VIEW


 Wolczyski, Edmund

“Edmund Wolczyski Gives Himself Up.” San Francisco Call 12 Sept. 1901 v90n104: p. 2. VIEW


 Wolf, Lone

SEE Lone Wolf


 Wolf, Simon

Wolf, Simon. “William McKinley.” The Presidents I Have Known from 1860-1918. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: Byron S. Adams, 1918: pp. 167-83. VIEW


 Wolfe, Arthur, 1st Viscount Kilwarden (a.k.a. Lord Kilwarden)

“The Law and the Lawyers.” Law Times 21 Sept. 1901 v111n3051: pp. 453-55. VIEW


 Wolff, William D.

“Humane, Decent, Orderly.” Auburn Weekly Bulletin 1 Nov. 1901 v20n88: p. 5. VIEW

Skinner, Charles R. “Story of McKinley’s Assassination.” State Service Apr. 1919 v3n4: pp. 20-24. VIEW


 Wolfson, Esther

“News.” Public 14 Sept. 1901 v4n180: pp. 360-62. VIEW


 Wolsey, Thomas

Warde, Frederick. “The Genesis of the Warde-James Combination” [chapter 18]. Fifty Years of Make-Believe. New York: International Press Syndicate, 1920: pp. 236-51. VIEW


 Wood, Leonard

[untitled]. Black and White Budget 5 Oct. 1901 v6n104: p. 52. VIEW

Abbott, Lawrence F. “Roosevelt, Theodore.” The Encyclopædia Britannica. 11th ed. Vol. 23. Cambridge: Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911: pp. 707-11. VIEW

“American News and Notes.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 21 Sept. 1901 v8n12: pp. 466-69. VIEW

Hawthorne, Julian, James Schouler, and E. Benjamin Andrews. “McKinley’s End and the Rise of Roosevelt” [chapter 30]. United States: From the Discovery of the North American Continent Up to the Present Time. Vol. 9. New York: Co-Operative Publication Society, 1904: pp. 289-310. VIEW

“Notes of the Week.” Sydney Mail 21 Sept. 1901 v72n2150: pp. 720-21. VIEW

“President Roosevelt.” Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Monthly Journal Nov. 1901 v35n11: pp. 688-89. VIEW

“Roosevelt at the Helm.” Bemidji Pioneer 26 Sept. 1901 v6n30: p. [8]. VIEW

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 Woodford, Stewart L.

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“Chronological Record of the Life of President William McKinley” [chapter 19]. Life of William McKinley, Our Martyred President. Ed. Samuel Fallows. Chicago: Regan Printing House, 1901: pp. 227-31. VIEW

“McKinley, William.” The International Year Book. Ed. Frank Moore Colby. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1902: pp. 464-69. VIEW

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 Woodruff, Timothy L.

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 Woodward, A. W.

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 Woodward, James T.

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 Woolley, George H.

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 Woolley, John G.

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 Woolley, Mary Emma

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 Woolston, C. Herbert

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“Yellow Papers Were to Blame.” Philadelphia Inquirer 9 Sept. 1901 v145n71: p. 5. VIEW


 Worcester, Dean C.

“McKinley, William.” The International Year Book. Ed. Frank Moore Colby. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1902: pp. 464-69. VIEW


 Worden, James A.

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 Wormley, Ralph

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 Worthington, Amy Titus

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 Worthington, Dan B.

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 Wright, Carroll D.

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 Wright, Charles R.

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 Wright, Luke E.

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 Wu Ting-Fang

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 Wyman, Walter

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 Wynne, Robert J.

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