“M’Kinley Is Shot”
This day marks the first anniversary
of one of the greatest public tragedies of modern times. It is just
a year since a message came down into the city from the Pan-American
grounds to chill every heart and cast a wave of sorrow that swept
to the utmost verge of civilization.
“McKinley is shot,” was the brief
word that still left place for hope and the prayers of humanity,
vain though they were and as unavailing as the highest skill of
scientific men. After the bitterness of the first grief is in some
degree spent they who are endowed with a robust faith in Special
Providence venture on explanations of the wisdom of the Ruler of
Mankind in permitting the fatal deed to be perpetrated, and even
argue that it was intended to take away the President to spare him
the battle expected over domestic questions in the near future.
But nothing is less satisfactory than
explanations of the inexplicable. For never was a truth set forth
with more crystal clearness than when Lowell wrote:
“Not all the preaching since Adam
Has made death other than death.”
Condolence, exhortation to hope,
argument and promise may have their place, but to the mass of men
is presented chiefly the unspeakably mournful spectacle of one of
the best of men stricken from the grandest position of earthly responsibility
in the height of his power to serve mankind and his own people especially,
and at the very summit of his prestige as a ruler devoted as few
men ever have been to the highest good of the nation.
Lapse of time and succession of events
can never diminish the weight of the calamity that befell America
in the murder of this noble man. There are names that are tragedies,
Jeanne d’Arc, William of Orange, Abraham Lincoln. They will remain
to the end of time to furnish some measure of the wickedness of
mortal hate and show that the greatest and most glorious of the
children of men are not exempt from the malignant efforts of the
worst. William McKinley is added to the roll of those whose name
and memory are most carefully guarded and cherished most tenderly
for the grievous manner in which they were deprived of their inheritance
of life.
It is fitting that there be a pause
in the business of life to pay some dues of respect today, and later
also, on the anniversary of the culmination of the greatest tragedy
thus far known to the century.