M’Kinley Memorial Services at Albany
Tribute to Late President by Assembly and State
An Address of Eulogy Delivered by Ex-Postmaster General Charles
Emory Smith.
ALBANY, N. Y., March 4.—The memory
of the late President, William McKinley, was appropriately honored
by the Legislature of the State to-night. The exercises were held
in the Assembly chamber, and were presided over by Gov. Odell.
Seated on the platform were United
States Senator Thomas C. Platt and the members of the Legislative
Committee which arranged for the exercises. Senator Depew had expected
to be present, but he was summoned to New York early this morning
and found it impossible to get back in time. The Chamber was decorated
with American flags, while royal purple draperies were hung from
the various galleries. Palms and potted plants in profusion were
placed about the speakers’ stand.
The opening prayer was delivered by
the Right Rev. William Croswell Doane, Protestant Episcopal Bishop
of Albany. The choir of All Saints’ Protestant Episcopal Cathedral
rendered appropriate music. Gov. Odell then introduced the speaker
of the evening, Charles Emory Smith, formerly Postmaster General,
who said in part:
“‘As long as he lived he was the
guiding star of a whole brave Nation, and when he died the little
children cried in the streets.’ So wrote Motley of William, the
great Prince of Orange, who enlarged a republic and fell under the
hand of an assassin. So may we speak of the dead President who by
a cruel fate was slain within the borders of your State and whose
memory you are assembled to honor. Thrice has our country been called
to mourn a murdered President. The hot passions engendered by civil
strife impelled the first blow. The aberration of a disturbed brain,
distorted by a perverted view of partisan contention, struck the
second. The third came in an hour of profound calm, at a time of
universal good feeling, and it was aimed not in any disordered frenzy
at the gentle individual, but with cool and stealthy design from
the lair of lurking anarchy at the head of the State. The first
two left a helpless sorrow; the third leaves a relentless duty.
The grace of President McKinley’s life and the vicariousness of
his sacrifice for the Republic added to the poignancy of the public
grief. ‘As long as he lived he was the guiding star of a whole brave
Nation, and when he died the little children cried in the streets.’
“Heritage molds character and character
shapes opportunity. The preparation of William McKinley for his
great work began long before he was born. It began with a sturdy
and rugged ancestry, imbued with high principle and with patriotic
impulse. He blended the thrift and force and enthusiasm of the Scotch-Irish
blood with the strength of the Puritan character. For more than
a century the robust union had been tempered with the uplifting
influence of our free institutions and with the glorious air of
American liberty, and an original stock of unsurpassed quality was
developed into the full flower of purest Americanism. On both sides
his ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War, as he fought in the
war for the Union, and frugal lives, sound intelligence, and sterling
citizenship distinguished the race through successive generations.
“Both of his parents, neither high-born
nor low-born, but well representing the plain people, were of superior
quality. In the benignity of the maternal love he was signally blest
like Washington, whose mother, when the whole world rang with his
fame, could proudly and modestly answer the paeans of praise with
the simple words, ‘He has been a good son, and I believe he has
done his whole duty as a man.’ Under the nurture of such a mother,
whom he always cherished with the fondest affection and who, happily,
lived to see him President, he learned the elemental lessons of
piety and faith and duty, and in his heart were early implanted
the enduring principles of conduct and the fixed sense of obedience
to obligation which ruled his whole life.”
The speaker reviewed briefly Mr. McKinley’s
record in the civil war, his return to civil life, and his entrance
into politics and a public career. Mr. Smith then continued:
“His success was swift and certain.
His incomparable charm of manner and beauty of character made friends
of all within his range. His skill and ability in counsel and in
speech marked him for sure and recognized leadership. Within three
years he was chosen Prosecuting Attorney, and in 1876, at the age
of thirty-three, he was elected to Congress and entered on his extraordinary
political career. Thenceforward to the untimely end he advanced
with an unbroken growth and a widening power till at last he stood
the foremost ruler with the broadest influence on the loftiest pedestal
in the world.”
Of Mr. McKinley’s course throughout
the events leading to the war with Spain and his conduct of the
war the speaker said:
“No one who did not see the President
at close hand during those stormy and trying days could measure
the greatness of his spirit or the courage of his purpose. Of all
men in the land he was the coolest, the calmest, and the most clear-sighted.
Profoundly moved, anxious beyond all expression he was, with his
waking hours and his sleepless couch filled with brooding care,
but tranquil, self-contained, sure of his own heart and sure of
his own lofty and unselfish aim. It were easy then to lead the way
in the passion for war. It needed only to ride the tempest and be
borne along by the swift and turbid current. There was everything
in such yielding complaisance to appeal to selfish ambition. War
is full of glory. This war was certain to be triumphant. Success
in war is the sure passport to fame and power. It would inevitably
bring enlarged domain, and his would be the honor. Beyond all, this
was a war with a righteous cause and a just object, as righteous
and just as ever impelled men to take up arms. But there was another
side. War at the best has its costly sacrifices. It makes widows
and orphans; it brings tears to the eyes of mothers, and fills households
with mourning. From all this sadder side the great and gentle soul
of William McKinley recoiled. Not for him the pathway of personal
ambition strewn with the bloody sacrifices of his people. Not for
him the mingled glory and misery or war, however just, unless it
were made clear that its rightful and necessary purpose could not
be accomplished through peaceful measures.
“He did not despair of such a pacific
and acceptable solution. In his purpose of rescuing Cuba he never
faltered. In more sober understanding and aim he shared the hot
determination of the country that the intolerable wrongs in the
unhappy isle must cease; he had reiterated the protests of other
Presidents, and, as the offenses grew, had gone further in action,
but he still hoped and believed that the redemption could be effected
without the dread necessity of war. With this conviction he judiciously
moderated and restrained the impetuous ardor of Congress, and, man
of the people as he was, stood undaunted while the storm of popular
clamor raged about him. The country does not yet know the full extent
of the effort he made to save Cuba and at the same time avert war.
For sixty days he held back an excited and impatient country. With
one hand he curbed his own impulsive people and with the other he
sought to lead a proud-spirited power up to such concessions as
would alone render peace possible. The conscience, the courage,
and the steadfastness of that joint undertaking cannot easily be
overstated. It must ever rank with the great acts of moral heroism
among the rulers of men. But it was not met with the same ingenuous
spirit; events outran every plan; the mighty issues hastened to
their deadly grapple, and the war was on.
“Once decreed it was fought with the
utmost vigor and power as the most humane mandate. Our arms were
triumphant on sea and on land. Our navy, always great in action,
repeated and added lustre to its earlier glories. The army was rapidly
organized, and on new fields, under tropic skies, with unwonted
experiences, separated by half the girdle of the globe, it exhibited
the eager spirit and unquailing courage of the American soldier.
It is but just to say that not only in the general direction, but
particularly in the culminating and crucial hour of the struggle,
when large consequences hung on grave questions in the field, the
President was literally the Commander in Chief, and when his judgment
was vindicated by the result of his orders, with characteristic
generosity, he discountenanced any ascription of the credit which
was rightfully his, lest it might in the slightest degree detract
from the well-won laurels of the Generals he delighted to honor.”
Of Mr. McKinley’s achievements in
the disposition of issues that grew out of the war and the foreign
policy of the United States, Mr. Smith said:
“His was the authority, his the responsibility,
his the decision in what, let us fully recognize it, was a turning
point in American history, and a new epoch in the course of civilization.
If there had been nothing else, this great act alone was sufficient
to give him a sure niche in the Temple of Fame. We do not undertake
to pass upon the questions of the future, but whatever may be its
course it is certain that the freedom which has spread its glorious
light in the Philippine Islands can never be dimmed. The Filipinos
may say with the hero of Italy: ‘We had rather take one step forward
and die than one backward and live.’ It was William McKinley who
lifted them out of the thralldom and darkness of three hundred years
into the liberty and enlightenment of the twentieth century, and,
whatever the vicissitudes of circumstance, it is sure that in the
coming time the millions of dark-visaged and disenthralled people
and their ten of millions of descendants will recognize him as the
blacks of America recognize Lincoln, and that not only in the stately
squares of Manila, but in the remoter provinces of Luzon and among
the dusky Viscayans of Cebu and Samar, then advanced in civilization,
will be found rising in honor the worthy monuments of bronze or
of granite, with the benignant face and figure so well known to
us, which shall commemorate the great Liberator.
“The first Summer of the President had
been given to the restoration of the conditions of prosperity; the
second to the war with Spain; the third to the insurrectionary troubles
in the Philippines; and the fourth, the year of his campaign for
re-election, was absorbed with the sudden and appalling outbreak
in China. That startling assault on civilization served to show
that the United States had taken its place at the council table
of the nations. The establishment of our authority in the East gave
us a recognized voice in dealing with the issues of the great Eastern
empire; the presence of our forces in the Philippines permitted
the quick transfer of a fair contingent to the new scene of action.
We were there by right, and we were there with visible strength.
In facing this trying and unforeseen exigency, for which there was
no precedent and no guide, the President evinced the easy assumption
of responsibility and direction to which the large experience of
four years, with the preparation of twenty years behind it, had
brought him.
“Under his guidance the United States
proceeded without hesitation and without truculence, acting with
other nations when their policy suited it, asserting its independent
judgment when occasion required it, entangling itself with none
and friendly with all. In two directions at least the United States
took the distinct lead. It was foremost in insisting that despite
the furious fighting and the dreadful conditions at Peking, there
was not a state of war, and thus localizing the conflict. It was
no less strenuous in upholding the integrity of the empire and in
moderating the terms of settlement. Whatever differences may remain
on controverted questions there is universal concurrence that our
Government handled the Chinese complication in a masterful and faultless
manner, and emerged from the arduous ordeal with increased prestige
and influence throughout the world.
“At last it seemed that for the President
a time of tranquility and measurable repose and well-earned enjoyment
of his great honors had come. He had been re-elected with every
mark of the high confidence of his countrymen. His great achievements
were secure, and his fixed and well-defined policies remained only
to be fulfilled on the lines he had marked out. He went to Buffalo,
and amid the brilliant surroundings of its beautiful Exposition
he made the impressive speech which, in its elevation of spirit,
in its clearness of vision and in its breadth of statesmanship,
is his fit legacy to the American people. He had renounced no article
of his lifelong creed. He only saw the consummation of the policy
he had sustained, only the expected results he had done his part
in bringing about. In his view reciprocity was but the ripened fruitage
of the harvest of protection, and when his unfaltering faith and
patient labor were rewarded by seeing his country in full command
of her own boundless resources, his hopes and aspirations naturally
reached out to the extension of her sceptre in the exchanges of
the world.
“His fate on the day following this
final speech gave it a sanctity commensurate with its significance.
If he was great in life he was sublime in death. The cruel shot
rang with horror around the world. His country and all mankind followed
the changing aspects with alternations of high hope and of deepest
gloom. But through all the fluctuations of that anguishing week,
whether encouraged by the highest human skill or looking through
the open portal to the eternal morn, he and he alone waited with
unquailing spirit, with serene patience, and with supreme trust.
In what hour he was lifted to his full height. What a noble exhibition
of a God-like nature! Would you know his generosity?—recall his
words as he looked upon the miscreant, ‘don’t let them hurt him.’
Would you understand his thoughtful chivalry?—remember his immediate
admonition,‘do not let them alarm my wife.’ Would you appreciate
his considerate courtesy?—turn to his fine sense, ‘I am sorry that
the Exposition has been shadowed.’ Would you measure his moral grandeur?—dwell
upon that final utterance of sublime submission, ‘It is God’s way;
His will, not ours be done.’”
The closing benediction was pronounced
by the Right Rev. T. M. A. Burke, Roman Catholic Bishop of Albany.