Publication information
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Source: Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy
Source type: journal
Document type: article
Document title: “National Prison Congress”
Author(s): anonymous
Date of publication: January 1902
Volume number: none
Issue number: 41
Pagination: 47-62 (excerpt below includes only page 47)

“National Prison Congress.” Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy Jan. 1902 n41: pp. 47-62.
William H. Wallace (public statements); anarchism (personal response); anarchism (dealing with).
Named persons
Alexander M. Dockery; Jennings O’Brien Lowry; William H. Wallace; R. L. Yeager.


National Prison Congress [excerpt]



     The first session was called to order at 8.30 o’clock in Grand Avenue M. E. Church, delay having been caused by waiting for Governor Dockery’s arrival. W. H. Wallace, Chairman of the Kansas City Committee, introduced the Rev. J. O’B. Lowry, of Calvary Baptist Church, who offered prayer. Mr. Wallace, after thanking the assembly for the honor, spoke briefly and evoked applause by saying that every time he saw a prison he thought nowadays, “There’s where every Anarchist ought to be.” He held that the United States does not understand anarchy nor its principles, and, citing instances of anarchistic acts in the times of the Cæsars, contrasted them with the killing of three Presidents.
     “It took eighty-five years in heathen Rome and thirty-five in Christian America to produce three assassinations.”
     He then turned the meeting over to Hon. R. L. Yeager, who was to preside in place of Mr. Wallace, the latter being called away.


     Mr. Yeager’s remarks were along the line of education as a remedy for anarchy. If you could get all the children into the public schools we would very soon have very little anarchy introduced. By many Mr. Yeager was taken for Governor Dockery (who was not present) because of their close resemblance.



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