Publication information
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Source: Chicago Daily Tribune
Source type: newspaper
Document type: article
Document title: “Assassin’s Name Czologosz” [sic]
Author(s): anonymous
City of publication: Chicago, Illinois
Date of publication: 7 September 1901
Volume number: 60
Issue number: 250
Part/Section: 1
Pagination: [2]

“Assassin’s Name Czologosz” [sic]. Chicago Daily Tribune 7 Sept. 1901 v60n250: part 1, p. [2].
Leon Czolgosz (friends, acquaintances, coworkers, etc.); Leon Czolgosz; Leon Czolgosz (mental health); McKinley assassination (eyewitness accounts).
Named persons
Leon Czolgosz [identified as Fred Nieman below]; William McKinley; Louis J. Weichmann.
The identity of Senator Johnson (below) cannot be determined. Possibly it is a reference to Thomas Halleck Johnson.

The identity of Frederick Lawrence (below) cannot be determined. Possibly it is a reference to F. B. Lawrence of (at this time or later) the Fostoria Glass Company.

The identity of Frederick Vanderwater (below) cannot be determined.


Assassin’s Name Czologosz [sic] [excerpt]

     Anderson, Ind., Sept. 6.—[Special.]—Among the people who congregated about the bulletin boards tonight there was an unknown man, who casually remarked that he was acquainted with Fred Nieman. The stranger said he became acquainted with Nieman in Detroit, but had not met him for over two years past. He said Nieman was a printer in Detroit until he became violently insane, and then began roaming over the country. Among those who heard the stranger talk tonight were Professor L. J. Weichman, Senator Johnson, and Frederick Lawrence, the glass manufacturer.

Says He Knows Nieman.

     Lockport, N. Y., Sept. 6.—[Special.]—Frederick Vanderwater of Detroit, who is in Lockport this evening, claims that he was an eye-witness to the shooting of the President. He says he is slightly acquainted with Fred Nieman of Detroit, the man who did the shooting. He said:
     “I was near McKinley when Nieman walked up to him, apparently for the purpose of shaking his hand. He looked nervous and excited at the time, but I paid no attention to this and it made no impression on me until after he shook the handkerchief from the concealed weapon and fired.
     “I instinctively reached back toward my hip pocket. It was my intention to shoot the assassin on the spot, but my judgment returned in time to save me from so rash a deed. I worked my way out of the crowd as rapidly as possible and left the grounds.
     “Nieman is a rattled-brained fellow. He is a cigaret [sic] fiend, and there is hardly any doubt that he is and has been mentally unbalanced for some time. I don’t believe he is an Anarchist, as there is no organization of Anarchists in Detroit. Nieman came from Poland. I should think he is about 24 years old or thereabouts. He always was a shiftless fellow, and was employed in the Delray process salt works at Detroit. There are other Fred Niemans in Detroit.”



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