The Meschianza in aid of the proposed
McKinley Memorial Hospital for Philadelphia, Pa., was formally opened
in the Academy of Music, November 11. The first of the series of
entertainments was devoted to a portrayal of some phases of life
in China. This was given under the patronage of the Chinese Minister,
Wu Ting-Fang, LL.D.
Judge Ashman presided at the opening
entertainment, and before introducing the speakers made a brief
address, in which he pointed out the need for the city of a pay
hospital for contagious diseases. It was an axiom in medical science,
he said, that the proper way to deal with disease was, if possible,
to prevent its spread. When a child was attacked with diphtheria
the house was quarantined, social and business intercourse was interdicted,
and there was havoc in the household. There was prejudice in the
minds of many parents against allowing their children to be removed
to the Municipal Hospital, which was regarded as a “pest house.”
The purpose of the McKinley Memorial Hospital, said Judge Ashman,
“is to supply a place of refuge for our dear ones if they happened
to be attacked by contagious disease. It is not a charity in the
absolute sense, its main purpose being to afford a place where every
comfort can be provided, the family being relieved from quarantine,
and where the family physician can have free access to the patient.”
Dr. John Madison Taylor spoke of “The
William McKinley Hospital Association”; Dr. James Tyson, “The Needs
of a Pay Hospital for Contagious Diseases”; Dr. James C. Wilson,
“The Care of Contagious Diseases in Special Hospitals”; Dr. George
M. Gould, “The Practising Physician and Care of Contagious Diseases”;
Dr. John V. Shoemaker, “Contagious Diseases and the State.”
Entertainments were continued throughout
the week.