Publication information
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Source: The Devil in the Church
Source type: book
Document type: chapter
Document title: “The Evil Influence of Roman Catholicism Upon Our Country” [book 10]
Author(s): anonymous
American Publishing Company
Place of publication: Beaver Springs, Pennsylvania
Year of publication:
Pagination: 418-500 (excerpt below includes only page 452)

“The Evil Influence of Roman Catholicism Upon Our Country” [book 10]. The Devil in the Church. Beaver Springs: American Publishing, 1902: pp. 418-500.
excerpt of chapter
presidential assassinations (comparison); Leon Czolgosz (religion); Leon Czolgosz (incarceration: Auburn, NY: visitations).
Named persons
Leon Czolgosz; James A. Garfield; Charles J. Guiteau; Abraham Lincoln; William McKinley; Mary Surratt; Jacob A. Walter.
From title page: The Devil in the Church: His Secret Works Exposed and His Snares Laid to Destroy Our Public Schools: A History of Romanism for Nineteen Hundred Years; Its Opposition to Our Public School System and Effect Upon Our People and Government; Including an Account of Priestly Misrule in the Philippine Islands as Made Public by the U. S. Government; The Wide Difference Between the Popish Religion and Christianity.

From title page: A Plea for Patriotism and the Protestant Religion.


The Evil Influence of Roman Catholicism Upon Our Country [excerpt]



     The reader has already been given a history of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, and the part Romanists played in that awful tragedy. The grandparents of Guiteau were Roman Catholics and the assassin of Garfield, therefore, had papist blood in his veins. The death of our late lamented President McKinley is too fresh in the memory of the reader to require any details beyond stating the fact that Czolgosz, the assassin, was a devoted Roman Catholic. He was brought up in the Catholic parochial schools where no doubt he learned much of the hatred he entertained for American principles and government. Shortly before Czolgosz was electrocuted, he sent for a priest. The priest had quite an extended interview with him, but refused to tell the truth concerning it—giving out to the public a mess of trash. Without doubt Czolgosz confessed to him, and having done so, the ends of justice were defeated, for the fellow likely obtained “absolution” and the authorities will never know who his accomplices were—his confession to the priest being a final revelation. This was the case when Mrs. Surratt confessed to Priest Walter—the priest refusing to allow her to make a public statement, although she desired to do so.



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