P. E. C. Lally

“As Others See Us: Comments of the Press Concerning the Recent Editorial Convention.” Denison Review 1 Oct. 1901 v36n67: p. [3]. VIEW


 Packard, William G.

SEE William G. Packard


 Palmer A. Eliot

SEE ALSO McKinley nurses

“Army Orders.” Washington Times 12 Sept. 1901 n2664: p. 5. VIEW

“Promotion for Nurses of M’Kinley.” Buffalo Courier 10 Oct. 1901 v66n283: part 1, p. 7. VIEW


 Panama Canal

SEE Isthmian Canal


 Pan-American Exposition

SEE ALSO Temple of Music

[untitled]. Collier’s Weekly 16 Nov. 1901 v28n7: p. 3. VIEW

Andrews, E. Benjamin. “The Pan-American Exposition, 1901” [chapter 18]. History of the United States. Vol. 5. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1903: pp. 341-58. VIEW

“Buffalo Fair Is Hard Hit.” Chicago Daily Tribune 23 Sept. 1901 v60n266: p. 7. VIEW

Carey, Joseph. “Westward” [chapter 1]. By the Golden Gate. Albany: Albany Diocesan Press, 1902: pp. 11-40. VIEW

“The Exposition—Farewell.” Buffalo Medical Journal Nov. 1901 v41n4 (new series): pp. 297-98. VIEW

Godoy, Mercedes. “The Buffalo Exposition. President McKinley’s Assassination” [chapter 16]. When I Was a Girl in Mexico. Boston: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard, 1919: pp. 104-08. VIEW

Grenell, Judson. “Slow Movement of Great Reforms” [chapter 29]. Economic Tangles. Lansing: [n.p.], 1902: pp. 194-98. VIEW

Hopkins, Grace Porter. “History Made at Buffalo.” Ogdensburg Journal 20 Sept. 1901: p. [2]. VIEW

Johnson, Francis. “Assassination of William McKinley” [chapter 24]. Famous Assassinations of History. Chicago: A. C. McClurg, 1903: pp. 381-95. VIEW

Larned, J. N. “In the Era of the Railways: 1851-1908” [chapter 3]. A History of Buffalo. Vol. 1. New York: Progress of the Empire State, 1911: sect. 1, pp. 62-96. VIEW

Lloyd, Charles Edward. “The Pan-American.” Weekly Tallahasseean 27 Sept. 1901 v21n31: p. 6. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K., and Charles Morris. “Nearing the End” [chapter 17]. The Authentic Life of William McKinley. Memorial ed. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: pp. 290-301. VIEW

Ridpath, John Clark. “The McKinley-Roosevelt Administration” [chapter 117]. The New Complete History of the United States of America. Official ed. Vol. 14. Washington, DC: Ridpath History, 1907: pp. 5765-820. VIEW

“Were at Buffalo.” Nashua Daily Telegraph 10 Sept. 1901 v34n162: p. 1. VIEW

Young, Frederick. “Introductory—Voyage to Canada viâ New York” [chapter 1]. A Pioneer of Imperial Federation in Canada. London: George Allen, 1902: pp. 1-23. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (closure and related matters)

SEE ALSO Pan-American Exposition (financial assistance)

SEE ALSO Pan-American Exposition (financial outcome)

“A New Business.” Semi-Weekly Messenger 24 Oct. 1902 v35n82: p. 5. VIEW

“The News Condensed.” Post 3 June 1903 v19n31: p. 1. VIEW

“Pan-American a Memory Only.” Bolivar Breeze 8 Dec. 1904 v13n2: p. [?]. VIEW

“Speculators Are Bidding for Temple of Music.” Buffalo Courier 7 Mar. 1902 v67n66: p. 8. VIEW

“Temple of Music May Go to St. Louis.” Democrat and Chronicle 24 Sept. 1901: p. 2. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (emergency hospital)

SEE ALSO Pan-American Exposition (medical matters)

“Doctors Excluded Ministers.” Washington Post 17 Sept. 1901 n9229: p. 1. VIEW

“The Emergency Hospital at the Buffalo Exposition.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 12 Oct. 1901 v8n15: p. 578. VIEW

“Emergency Hospital at the Pan-American Exposition.” Buffalo Medical Journal Apr. 1901 v40n9 (new series): pp. 701-04. VIEW

“The Exposition.” Official Catalogue and Guide Book to the Pan-American Exposition. Buffalo: Charles Ahrhart, 1901: pp. 11-63. VIEW

“The Exposition—Farewell.” Buffalo Medical Journal Nov. 1901 v41n4 (new series): pp. 297-98. VIEW

“The Exposition in Its Medical Aspects.” Buffalo Medical Journal Sept. 1901 v41n2 (new series): pp. 130-36. VIEW

Lee, Edward Wallace. “Wounds Described.” Topeka State Journal 9 Sept. 1901 v28n214: pp. 1, 3. VIEW

“The Medical Department of the Pan-American Exposition.” Albany Medical Annals Aug. 1901 v22n8: p. 459. VIEW

“A New Business.” Semi-Weekly Messenger 24 Oct. 1902 v35n82: p. 5. VIEW

“Pan-American a Memory Only.” Bolivar Breeze 8 Dec. 1904 v13n2: p. [?]. VIEW

Park, Roswell. “Reminiscences of McKinley Week.” Selected Papers, Surgical and Scientific. Buffalo: [n.p.], 1914: pp. 374-81. VIEW

“The President’s Case.” Red Cross Notes 1901 s3n9: pp. 191-96. VIEW

Shaerer, Herbert. “Emergency Hospital at the Pan-American.” St. Louis Medical Review 30 Mar. 1901 v43n13: pp. 219-20. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (emergency hospital: ambulances: photographs)

“The Automobile Ambulance in Which President M’Kinley Was Carried to Emergency Hospital from the Temple of Music After Being Shot.” Cleveland Leader 8 Sept. 1901 v54n251: p. 2. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (emergency hospital: curiosity seekers)

“McKinley Won Hearts of All His Nurses.” Democrat and Chronicle 15 Sept. 1901: p. 15. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (emergency hospital: illustrations)

SEE ALSO Pan-American Exposition (emergency hospital: photographs)

“New Emergency Hospital—Pan-American in Background.” The Iris. Vol. 4. [Buffalo]: Iris Board, University of Buffalo, 1901: p. 84. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (emergency hospital: photographs)

SEE ALSO Pan-American Exposition (emergency hospital: illustrations)

“The Emergency Hospital at the Pan-American Exposition.” The True Story of the Assassination of President McKinley at Buffalo. By Richard H. Barry. Buffalo: Robert Allan Reid, 1901: p. 19. VIEW

“The Hospital.” Cosmopolitan Sept. 1901 v31n5: p. 514. VIEW

“Hospital.” Gaillard’s Medical Journal Apr. 1901 v74n4: p. 127. VIEW

“Scene in Front of the Emergency Hospital at 5 P. M., Friday, When the President Had Just Been Conveyed Within.” New-York Tribune 9 Sept. 1901 v61n20021: p. 3. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (financial assistance)

SEE ALSO Pan-American Exposition (financial outcome)

“The Exposition and the Assassination.” Democrat and Chronicle 7 Dec. 1901: p. 6. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (financial outcome)

SEE ALSO Pan-American Exposition (financial assistance)

“End of the Pan-American.” New York Times 3 Nov. 1901 v51n16169: p. 12. VIEW

“End of the Pan-American.” Scientific American 16 Nov. 1901 v85n20: p. 309. VIEW

“The Exposition and the Assassination.” Democrat and Chronicle 7 Dec. 1901: p. 6. VIEW

Larned, J. N. “In the Era of the Railways: 1851-1908” [chapter 3]. A History of Buffalo. Vol. 1. New York: Progress of the Empire State, 1911: sect. 1, pp. 62-96. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (Florida Day)

Clark, E. Warren. “Florida Day.” Weekly Tallahasseean 20 Sept. 1901 v21n30: p. [2]. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (Government Building)

“Law Stamping Out Anarchy.” New-York Tribune 15 Sept. 1901 v61n20027: part 2, p. 2. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (ground plans)

“Ground Plan of the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo.” Memorial Life of William McKinley. By G. W. Townsend. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: p. 191. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (illustrations)

SEE ALSO McKinley assassination (crime scene: illustrations)

SEE ALSO Pan-American Exposition (emergency hospital: illustrations)

SEE ALSO Pan-American Exposition (ground plans)

SEE ALSO Pan-American Exposition (photographs)

SEE ALSO Temple of Music (illustrations)

“Czolgosz Hurried into a Cab by the Police and Soldiers.” Our Martyr Presidents. By John Coulter. [n.p.]: Memorial Publishing House, 1901: [unnumbered plate]. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (impact of assassination)

SEE ALSO Buffalo, NY (impact of assassination)

[untitled]. Bradstreet’s 28 Sept. 1901 v29n1213: p. 609. VIEW

[untitled]. Buffalo Commercial 8 Sept. 1901 v70n21440: p. 4. VIEW

[untitled]. Evening Sentinel 7 Sept. 1901 v6n84: p. [2]. VIEW

“Amateur Photographs of Czolgosz’s Crime.” Buffalo Courier 8 Sept. 1901 v66n251: part 3, p. [23?]. VIEW

Benedict, Bernard C. “Dastard Deed.” Evening Herald 7 Sept. 1901 v25n7576: p. [2]. VIEW

“Buffalo Bill Wept.” Buffalo Evening Times 7 Sept. 1901 v35n154: p. 8. VIEW

“Buffalo Fair Is Hard Hit.” Chicago Daily Tribune 23 Sept. 1901 v60n266: p. 7. VIEW

“C. E. Cheney.” Alpena Evening News 9 Sept. 1901 v3n34: p. 1. VIEW

Clark, E. Warren. “Florida Day.” Weekly Tallahasseean 20 Sept. 1901 v21n30: p. [2]. VIEW

“End of the Pan-American.” New York Times 3 Nov. 1901 v51n16169: p. 12. VIEW

“End of the Pan-American.” Scientific American 16 Nov. 1901 v85n20: p. 309. VIEW

“The Exposition and the Assassination.” Democrat and Chronicle 7 Dec. 1901: p. 6. VIEW

“Exposition Closed Today and Tomorrow.” Buffalo Evening News 14 Sept. 1901 v42n133: p. [?]. VIEW

“Exposition Dark for First Time.” Buffalo Review 7 Sept. 1901 v19n79: p. 6. VIEW

“Exposition Notes.” Illustrated Buffalo Express 15 Sept. 1901 v18n50: part 2, p. 14. VIEW

“Fell Like a Pall.” Minneapolis Journal 9 Sept. 1901: p. 7. VIEW

Herrick, John P. “Sights and Scenes in Buffalo.” Bolivar Breeze 12 Sept. 1901 v11n2: p. 1. VIEW

“J. G. Jarvis Was There.” Cortland Standard 7 Sept. 1901 n2912: p. 6. VIEW

“Mr. Williams Was There.” Broome Republican 14 Sept. 1901 v71n9: p. [3?]. VIEW

“School Teacher Describes Scene After Shooting.” Philadelphia Inquirer 12 Sept. 1901 v145n74: p. 9. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (Indian Congress)

“Indian Memorial Service.” Pan-American Daily 20 Sept. 1901 v1n58: p. 3. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (McKinley speech)

SEE William McKinley (last public address)


 Pan-American Exposition (McKinley visit)

SEE Pan-American Exposition (President’s Day)

SEE William McKinley (at Buffalo, NY)

SEE William McKinley (at Pan-American Exposition)

SEE William McKinley (last public address)


 Pan-American Exposition (medical matters)

SEE ALSO Pan-American Exposition (emergency hospital)

[untitled]. Buffalo Medical Journal Sept. 1901 v41n2 (new series): p. 137. VIEW

“The Exposition—Farewell.” Buffalo Medical Journal Nov. 1901 v41n4 (new series): pp. 297-98. VIEW

“The Exposition in Its Medical Aspects.” Buffalo Medical Journal Sept. 1901 v41n2 (new series): pp. 130-36. VIEW

“Pan-American Notes.” Buffalo Medical Journal June 1901 v40n11 (new series): pp. 854-57. VIEW

“Pan-American Notes.” Buffalo Medical Journal July 1901 v40n12 (new series): pp. 926-27. VIEW

“Pan-American Notes.” Buffalo Medical Journal Aug. 1901 v41n1 (new series): pp. 72-76. VIEW

Park, Roswell. “Reminiscences of McKinley Week.” Selected Papers, Surgical and Scientific. Buffalo: [n.p.], 1914: pp. 374-81. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (New York State Building)

“Reminder of M’Kinley.” Lancaster Times 3 Oct. 1901 v22n18: p. 1. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (opening and related matters)

“Death of William McKinley, President of the United States.” Monthly Bulletin of the Bureau of the American Republics Sept. 1901 v11n3: pp. 445-47. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (personal response)

[untitled]. Bradstreet’s 28 Sept. 1901 v29n1213: p. 609. VIEW

“Death of William McKinley, President of the United States.” Monthly Bulletin of the Bureau of the American Republics Sept. 1901 v11n3: pp. 445-47. VIEW

“The Exposition and the Assassination.” Democrat and Chronicle 7 Dec. 1901: p. 6. VIEW

“Tumultuous Excitement.” Arizona Silver Belt 19 Sept. 1901 v24n23: p. 6. VIEW

“Was Present at Exposition.” Nashua Daily Telegraph 9 Sept. 1901 v34n161: p. 8. VIEW

“What McKinley Said About the Illumination.” Buffalo Evening News 6 Sept. 1901 v42n126: p. 1. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (photographs)

SEE ALSO McKinley assassination (crime scene: photographs)

SEE ALSO Pan-American Exposition (emergency hospital: photographs)

SEE ALSO Pan-American Exposition (illustrations)

SEE ALSO Temple of Music (photographs)

SEE ALSO William McKinley (at Pan-American Exposition: photographs)

SEE ALSO William McKinley (last public address: photographs)

“Amateur Photographs of Czolgosz’s Crime.” Buffalo Courier 8 Sept. 1901 v66n251: part 3, p. [23?]. VIEW

Hare, James H. “Waiting for Their Turn to Shake the President’s Hand.” Collier’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v27n25: p. 8. VIEW

Stead, W. T. “The Mission of the Cinematograph.” The Americanisation of the World. London: Review of Reviews, 1902: pp. 174-82. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (poetry)

SEE ALSO Buffalo, NY (poetry)

SEE ALSO William McKinley (at Pan-American Exposition: poetry)

Beach, Jessie. “Death of McKinley.” The Baby Poetess. Lakeport: Jessie Beach, 1904: pp. 42-44. VIEW

“Bill’s Day.” Buffalo Courier 5 Sept. 1901 v66n248: p. 4. VIEW

“But We Must Jest Tomorrow.” Buffalo Courier 20 Sept. 1901 v66n263: p. 4. VIEW

Coates, Florence Earle. “Buffalo.” Independent 10 Oct. 1901 v53n2758: p. 2389. VIEW

Coates, Florence Earle. “Buffalo.” Poems of American History. Ed. Burton Egbert Stevenson. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1908: p. 649. VIEW

Copeland, Benjamin. “‘Hail to the Chief!’” Niagara, and Other Poems. Buffalo: Matthews-Northrup Works, 1904: pp. 30-31. VIEW

Forwood, J. L. “President McKinley’s Farewell to Canton.” After Hours. Chester: Press of the Chester Times, 1922: pp. 101-08. VIEW

Howe, Julia Ward. “Buffalo, September 6.” Atlanta Constitution 22 Sept. 1901 v34: part 1, p. 7. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (police protection)

Bull, William S. “Police Superintendent’s Report.” Annual Report of the Board of Police of the City of Buffalo. Buffalo: Wenborne-Sumner, 1902: pp. 7-48. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (popular culture)

[advertisement]. Arkansas City Daily Traveler 29 Oct. 1901 v16n88: p. 5. VIEW

“Interest in President McKinley at the Eden Musee.” Deaf-Mutes’ Journal 12 Sept. 1901 v30n37: p. [3?]. VIEW

“The News Condensed.” Post 3 June 1903 v19n31: p. 1. VIEW

“Speculators Are Bidding for Temple of Music.” Buffalo Courier 7 Mar. 1902 v67n66: p. 8. VIEW

“Temple of Music May Go to St. Louis.” Democrat and Chronicle 24 Sept. 1901: p. 2. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (President’s Day)

SEE ALSO William McKinley (at Pan-American Exposition)

SEE ALSO William McKinley (last public address)

Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW

“The Closing Scenes.” The Heroic Life of William McKinley, Our Third Martyr President. Boston: DeWolfe, Fiske, 1902: pp. 35-44. VIEW

Colegrove, Clinton. “A Narrative of the President’s Assassination by Dr. Colegrove of Holland, Who Was Present in the Temple of Music at the Time of the Tragedy.” Randolph Register 20 Sept. 1901 v37n20: p. [?]. VIEW

Horton, Katharine Pratt. “Personal Reminiscences of President’s Day.” Memorial to the Late President McKinley. Buffalo: Buffalo Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, 1901: pp. 7-13. VIEW

Miller, Samuel. “From the Pan-American Exposition.” Colman’s Rural World 18 Sept. 1901 v54n37: p. 3. VIEW

Nathan, J. “From Joy to Sorrow.” Alpena Evening News 13 Sept. 1901 v3n38: p. [2]. VIEW

“Ovation to M’Kinley.” Warsaw Daily Times 6 Sept. 1901: p. 1. VIEW

“President’s Day Tomorrow.” Buffalo Evening News 4 Sept. 1901 v42n124: p. 1. VIEW

Snow, Jane Elliott. “President’s Day” [chapter 13]. The Life of William McKinley, Twenty-Fifth President of the United States. Cleveland: Imperial Press, 1908: pp. 65-68. VIEW

Warner, Mason. “Great Precautions Were Taken.” Toledo Bee 7 Sept. 1901 v26: p. 4. VIEW

Watrous, J. A. “A Busy Day for McKinley.” Richard Epps and Other Stories. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1906: pp. 95-98. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (President’s Day: events, schedule, etc.)

“Pan-American Programme Today.” Buffalo Enquirer 5 Sept. 1901 v58n33: p. 14. VIEW

“President’s Day Tomorrow.” Buffalo Evening News 4 Sept. 1901 v42n124: p. 1. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (President’s Day: luncheon)

“Details of Luncheon in President’s Honor.” Buffalo Evening Times 3 Sept. 1901 v35n150: p. 1. VIEW

“Ovation to M’Kinley.” Warsaw Daily Times 6 Sept. 1901: p. 1. VIEW

“Waited on McKinley at Last Dinner.” Buffalo Evening News 6 Sept. 1921 v76n125: sect. 2, p. 24. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (President’s Day: official guests)

“Secretary Wilson Here.” Buffalo Evening News 4 Sept. 1901 v42n124: p. 1. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (President’s Day: personal response)

“President’s Day Notes.” Buffalo Evening Times 6 Sept. 1901 v35n153: p. 8. VIEW

“Splendid Record of President’s Day.” Buffalo Enquirer 6 Sept. 1901 v58n34: p. 2. VIEW

Watrous, J. A. “A Busy Day for McKinley.” Richard Epps and Other Stories. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1906: pp. 95-98. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (President’s Day: proposed second occurrence)

“Celebrate Recovery with Special Day.” Buffalo Enquirer 10 Sept. 1901 v58n37: p. 8. VIEW

“Solid Food Given to the President.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle 12 Sept. 1901 v61n253: p. 1. VIEW

“Told of Czolgosz.” Afro-American-Ledger 14 Sept. 1901 v10n6: p. [2]. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (religious response)

Gifford, O. P. “A Curious Change.” Search-Light Oct. 1901 v6n5: p. 1. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (Streets of Mexico)

“Strains of Marimbon.” Illustrated Buffalo Express 22 Sept. 1901 v18n51: part 2, p. 14. VIEW


 Pan-American Exposition (Temple of Music)

SEE Temple of Music


 Pan-American Exposition (U.S. Army Hospital Corps)

Leiblinger, Julius. “Army Hospital Corps.” Meyer Brothers Druggist June 1905 v26n6: pp. 166-67. VIEW


 Paramore, E. H.

SEE E. H. Paramore


 Park, Roswell

SEE Roswell Park


 Parker, James B.

SEE James B. Parker


 Parkhurst, Charles H.

SEE Charles H. Parkhurst


 Parmenter, John

SEE John Parmenter


 Parsons, A. A.

SEE A. A. Parsons


 Parsons, Lucy E.

SEE Lucy E. Parsons


 Partridge, William Ordway

SEE William Ordway Partridge


 Paterson, NJ

[untitled]. Lexington Leader 25 Sept. 1901: p. 4. VIEW

[untitled]. Sunday Times 8 Sept. 1901 v24n4260: part 1, p. 6. VIEW


 Patrick John Ryan


 Patrick John Ryan (public statements)

“Notes and Remarks.” Ave Maria 5 Oct. 1901 v53n14: pp. 436-39. [excerpt 2 of 2] VIEW


 Patrick S. Byrne


 Patrick S. Byrne (public statements)

“His Chances Poor.” Spokesman-Review 8 Sept. 1901 v19n85: p. 9. VIEW


 Patrick V. Cusack

“[Cusack, Patrick V.].” Our County and Its People. Ed. Truman C. White. Vol. 2. [n.p.]: Boston History, 1898: part 3, p. 559. VIEW


 Patrick V. Cusack (illustrations)

“Patrick V. Cusack.” Meade County News 3 Oct. 1901 v2n39: p. [3]. VIEW



“Our Monthly Talk.” Medical World Nov. 1901 v19n11: pp. 493-96, 18. VIEW

Richards, S. G. “Random Thoughts.” Iowa Normal Monthly Nov. 1901 v25n4: pp. 197-98. VIEW

Welsh, John T. “Eulogy of President William McKinley.” Addresses. Portland: [n.p.], 1915: pp. 7-21. VIEW


 patriotism (fostering)

“Editor’s Note Book.” American Monthly Magazine Oct. 1901 v19n4: pp. 428-29. VIEW

Hite-Smith, Charles. [untitled]. American Homes Oct. 1901 v13n4: pp. 235-36. VIEW

Richards, S. G. “Random Thoughts.” Iowa Normal Monthly Nov. 1901 v25n4: pp. 197-98. VIEW


 Patterson, Raymond

SEE Raymond Patterson


 Patterson, William C.

SEE William C. Patterson


 Paul Czolgosz

SEE ALSO Czolgosz family

[untitled]. Butler Weekly Times 12 Sept. 1912 v34n47: p. [5]. VIEW

“Assassin’s Father.” Cleveland Leader 20 Sept. 1901 v54n263: p. 4. VIEW

“Assassin’s Father to Aid.” Afro-American-Ledger 21 Sept. 1901 v10n7: p. [7]. VIEW

Banks, Charles Eugene, and Le Roy Armstrong. “Assassination of President Mc Kinley” [sic] [chapter 18]. Theodore Roosevelt, Twenty-Sixth President of the United States. Chicago: S. Stone, 1901: pp. 354-68. VIEW

Channing, Walter. “The Mental Status of Czolgosz, the Assassin of President McKinley.” American Journal of Insanity Oct. 1902 v59n2: pp. 233-78. VIEW

“Elder Czolgosz Not Involved in a Shooting.” Buffalo Evening News 20 Sept. 1901 v42n137: p. 7. VIEW

“Family Indifferent.” Houston Daily Post 29 Oct. 1901 n208: p. 1. VIEW

“Family of the Assassin.” Atlanta Constitution 16 Sept. 1901 v34: p. 1. VIEW

“Find No Plot in Cleveland.” Chicago Daily Tribune 11 Sept. 1901 v60n254: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

Hodge, O. J. “Czolgosz, the Assassin.” Reminiscences. Vol. 2. Cleveland: Brooks, 1910: pp. 128-30. VIEW

“Leon Czolgosz’s Brother.” Alpena Evening News 10 Sept. 1901 v3n35: p. 1. VIEW

“The Parents of Czolgosz.” Timely Topics 13 Sept. 1901 v6n2: pp. 21-22. VIEW

“Throws Light on Czolgasz” [sic]. Cleveland Plain Dealer 13 Sept. 1901 v60n256: p. 12. VIEW

“To Buffalo Under Watchful Eyes.” Cleveland Plain Dealer 24 Sept. 1901 v60n267: pp. 1, 3. VIEW

“Wants to See Assassin.” Cleveland Plain Dealer 19 Sept. 1901 v60n262: p. 4. VIEW

“Will Not Desert Him.” Cleveland Press 14 Sept. 1901 n7249: p. [6]. VIEW


 Paul Czolgosz (illustrations)

“The Assassin Father.” Richmond Dispatch 10 Sept. 1901 n15722: p. 1. VIEW

“Paweł Czołgosz, Ojciec Leona.” Ameryka 14 Sept. 1901 v15n37: p. 1. VIEW


 Paul Czolgosz (informed about execution)

“Parent Hears the News.” Afro-American-Ledger 2 Nov. 1901 v10n13: p. [2]. VIEW


 Paul Czolgosz (informed about McKinley death)

“Heard News with Tears and Cries.” Cleveland Plain Dealer 15 Sept. 1901 v60n258: part 1, p. 5. VIEW


 Paul Czolgosz (interrogation)

SEE ALSO Czolgosz family (interrogation)

“Throws Light on Czolgasz” [sic]. Cleveland Plain Dealer 13 Sept. 1901 v60n256: p. 12. VIEW


 Paul Czolgosz (public statements)

SEE ALSO Czolgosz family (public statements)

“Assassin’s Father.” Cleveland Leader 20 Sept. 1901 v54n263: p. 4. VIEW

“Czolgosz to Die at 7 Tomorrow.” Chicago Daily Tribune 28 Oct. 1901 v60n301: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“Czolgosz’s Father Mourns.” St. Louis Post-Dispatch 27 Oct. 1901 v54n67: part 2, p. 2. VIEW

“Heard News with Tears and Cries.” Cleveland Plain Dealer 15 Sept. 1901 v60n258: part 1, p. 5. VIEW

“Home of Czolgosz Is In Cleveland.” Cleveland Leader 8 Sept. 1901 v54n251: p. 2. VIEW

“The President Shot.” Madison County Times 13 Sept. 1901 v32n7: p. [3]. VIEW

“Throws Light on Czolgasz” [sic]. Cleveland Plain Dealer 13 Sept. 1901 v60n256: p. 12. VIEW

“Wants to See Assassin.” Cleveland Plain Dealer 19 Sept. 1901 v60n262: p. 4. VIEW


 Paul Dana

Masson, Tom. “The Power of the Press.” Life 26 Sept. 1901 v38n986: pp. 247-49. VIEW


 Pausch, Eduard L. A.

SEE Eduard L. A. Pausch


 Payne, Henry C.

SEE Henry C. Payne


 Pearcy, Robert B.

SEE Robert B. Pearcy


 Pearre, George A.

SEE George A. Pearre


 Pease, Charles G.

SEE Charles G. Pease


 Pedro Esteve

“Esteve Defies Police.” World 10 Sept. 1901 v42n14630: p. 3. VIEW


 Pedro Esteve (public statements)

“Anarchists Toast Nieman.” News and Courier 7 Sept. 1901: p. 2. VIEW

“Esteve Defies Police.” World 10 Sept. 1901 v42n14630: p. 3. VIEW

“Suppress the Anarchists.” Iowa State Register 8 Sept. 1901 v46n211: p. 12. VIEW


 penal colonies (anarchists)

SEE ALSO anarchism (dealing with)

SEE ALSO anarchism (legal penalties)

[untitled]. Canada Law Journal 1 Nov. 1901 v37n20: p. 757. VIEW

[untitled]. Minneapolis Journal 13 Sept. 1901: p. 4. VIEW

[untitled]. Sunday Times 8 Sept. 1901 v24n4260: part 1, p. 6. VIEW

[untitled]. Truth Seeker 12 Oct. 1901 v28n41: p. 645. VIEW

[untitled]. Western New-Yorker 12 Sept. 1901 v61n37: p. [4]. VIEW

“Anti-Anarchist Legislation.” San Francisco Call 17 Dec. 1901 v91n17: p. 6. VIEW

“Anti-Anarchy Measures.” Chautauquan Feb. 1902 v34n5: pp. 461-62. VIEW

“The Crime of Anarchy.” American Lawyer Oct.-Nov. 1901 v9n10: p. 513. VIEW

“Current Topics.” Times [Richmond] 10 Dec. 1901 v16n262: p. 4. VIEW

Goodell, Charles E. “American Sobriety and Common Sense.” Industrialist 12 Nov. 1901 v28n7: pp. 85-88. VIEW

H., W. “The Island Scheme.” Free Society 5 Jan. 1902 v9n1: p. 3. VIEW

Harman, Lillian. “From My Point of View.” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 5 Oct. 1901 v5n38 (3rd series): pp. 309-10. VIEW

“Herr Most Mostly Mouth.” Wichita Daily Eagle 12 Dec. 1901 v36n22: p. [4]. VIEW

Hitt, Rector C. “Anarchy—A Novel Suggestion for Its Suppression.” Central Law Journal 18 Oct. 1901 v53n16: p. 313. VIEW

Holt, Henry. “The Treatment of Anarchism.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Feb. 1902 v25n2: pp. 192-200. VIEW

“Indian River Ripples.” Florida Star 20 Sept. 1901 v22n22: p. 8. VIEW

Isaak, Abraham, Jr. “Splinters.” Free Society 30 Mar. 1902 v9n13: p. 4. VIEW

“Jetsam and Flotsam.” Central Law Journal 13 Dec. 1901 v53n24: p. 471. VIEW

Kinghorn-Jones, J. Alfred. “Open Letter to Senator Hoar.” Free Society 9 Feb. 1902 v9n6: pp. 2-3. VIEW

Macdonald, George E. “Observations.” Truth Seeker 28 Dec. 1901 v28n52: pp. 823-24. VIEW

Pierce, Mel. “The ‘Island Plan’ Proposed.” Truth Seeker 9 Nov. 1901 v28n45: p. 714. VIEW

“The President—the Remedy.” Hebrew Standard 13 Sept. 1901 v42n36: p. 6. VIEW

“Strong Words from Jacob Riis.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle 19 Sept. 1901 v61n260: p. 4. VIEW

Twitchell, E. A. “Mc Kinley [sic] Shot.” Representative 19 Sept. 1901 v9n10: p. [2]. VIEW

Wheeler, George B. “A Plan That Is Not Approved.” Truth Seeker 23 Nov. 1901 v28n47: p. 746. VIEW

Winn, Ross. “Current Comment.” Free Society 2 Feb. 1902 v9n5: p. 4. VIEW


 penal colonies (anarchists: editorial cartoons)

SEE ALSO anarchism (editorial cartoons)

SEE ALSO anarchists (editorial cartoons)

Bartholomew, Charles Lewis. “A Good Beginning.” Minneapolis Journal 18 Sept. 1901: p. 1. VIEW


 Pendel, Thomas F.

SEE Thomas F. Pendel


 Pendell, C. D.

SEE C. D. Pendell


 Penney, Thomas

SEE Thomas Penney


 Pennsylvania Prison Society

“In Memoriam.” Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy Jan. 1902 n41: p. 24. VIEW


 Pennsylvania Railroad

“P. R. R. to Carry President’s Body.” Philadelphia Inquirer 15 Sept. 1901 v145n77: sect. 1, p. 3. VIEW


 Penrose, Boies

SEE Boies Penrose


 People’s Store (Fort Wayne, IN)

“An Artistic Window.” Fort Wayne Sentinel 18 Sept. 1901: p. 2. VIEW


 Perry, John

SEE John Perry


 Perry Magazine

“Notes.” Perry Magazine Oct. 1901 v4n2: p. 80. VIEW


 Pershing, C. L.

SEE C. L. Pershing


 personal safety (McKinley)

SEE William McKinley (protection)


 personal safety (presidents)

SEE presidents (protection)


 personal safety (Roosevelt)

SEE Theodore Roosevelt (protection)


 personal safety (rulers)

SEE rulers (protection)


 Peter Arp

Drake, Timothy. “Newspapers and New Thought.” Physical Culture Jan. 1902 v6n4: pp. 174-76. VIEW


 Peter H. Bryce


 Peter H. Bryce (public addresses)

“Official Report of the Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association.” Public Health Papers and Reports 1902 v27: pp. 319-76. VIEW


 Peter J. Devine


 Peter J. Devine (court-martial)

“M’Kinley Detractor Suffers.” Chicago Daily Tribune 1 Oct. 1901 v60n274: part 1, p. 5. VIEW

“Secular News.” Christian Observer 9 Oct. 1901 v89n41: pp. 23-24. VIEW


 Peter J. Muldoon


 Peter J. Muldoon (public statements)

[untitled]. Public 21 Sept. 1901 v4n181: pp. 369-72. VIEW


 Peter Kropotkin

“Czolgosz a ‘Common Murderer.’” Iowa State Register 13 Sept. 1901 v46n216: p. 1. VIEW

Harman, Moses. “Anarchy on the Boulevards.” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 28 Sept. 1901 v5n37 (3rd series): pp. 300-01. VIEW

Hopkins, Henry, Jr. “Peter Kropotkin, Reformer.” Williams Literary Monthly Mar. 1902 v17n8: pp. 383-89. VIEW


 Peter Rauch

“Pertinent Personals.” Middleburgh Post 10 Oct. 1901 v38n40: p. 1. VIEW


 Peter W. Van Peyma

SEE ALSO McKinley physicians


 Peter W. Van Peyma (photographs)

SEE ALSO McKinley physicians (photographs)

“Dr. Roswell Park [sic] [and] Dr. M. D. Mann [and] Dr. Eugene Wasdin.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Oct. 1901 v24n4: p. 420. VIEW


 Peterson, Reuben

SEE Reuben Peterson


 petitions (McKinley National Memorial Association)

“Senate.” Congressional Record 19 May 1902 v35pt6: pp. 5615-33. VIEW


 Pettigrew, Richard F.

SEE Richard F. Pettigrew


 Phelan, James D.

SEE James D. Phelan


 Phi Delta Phi

“The Fraternity.” Brief Oct. 1901 v3n4: pp. 435-45. VIEW


 Philadelphia Inquirer

“Reading Afternoon Bulletins in Front of the Inquirer Building.” Philadelphia Inquirer 14 Sept. 1901 v145n76: p. 4. VIEW


 Philander C. Knox

SEE ALSO McKinley cabinet

“Knox Goes to Buffalo.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle 13 Sept. 1901 v61n254: p. 3. VIEW

“Officials Back from Buffalo.” Washington Times 11 Sept. 1901 n2663: p. 2. VIEW

“Roosevelt Cabinet Forecasted.” Buffalo Review 16 Sept. 1901 v19n86: p. 1. VIEW


 Philander C. Knox (public statements)

“Knox Was Horrified.” Buffalo Review 7 Sept. 1901 v19n79: p. 7. VIEW


 Philbin, Eugene A.

SEE Eugene A. Philbin


 Philip Bernhardt

“Court Room Bulletins.” Buffalo Enquirer 26 Sept. 1901 v58n49: p. 1. VIEW


 Philip Martiny

“Bust of Mr. McKinley.” New York Times 27 Oct. 1901 v51n16163: part 1, p. 5. VIEW


 Philip V. Fennelly

“Fennelly Not to Defend Czolgosz.” Buffalo Courier 9 Sept. 1901 v66n252: p. [5?]. VIEW


 Philippines (renaming as McKinley Archipelago)

“To Rename the Philippines.” Daily Picayune 30 Sept. 1901 v65n249: p. 2. VIEW


 Philippines (renaming as McKinley Islands)

[untitled]. Red Cloud Chief 4 Oct. 1901 v29n40: p. [4]. VIEW

Lummis, Charles F. “Workings of Idle Minds.” Land of Sunshine Dec. 1901 v15n6: pp. 473-74. VIEW

“‘The McKinley Islands.’” Chautauquan Nov. 1901 v34n2: p. 119. VIEW


 Phillip Scherer


 Phillip Scherer (public statements)

“She Lauds Czolgosz for His Act.” World 10 Sept. 1901 v42n14630: p. 3. VIEW



SEE Czolgosz physicians

SEE McKinley physicians


 physiognomical examination (Czolgosz)

SEE Leon Czolgosz (physiognomical examination)


 Pierce, Franklin

SEE Franklin Pierce


 Pinkerton, William A.

SEE William A. Pinkerton


 Pitkin, John T.

SEE John T. Pitkin


 Place, Horace

SEE Horace Place


 Platt, Thomas Collier

SEE Thomas Collier Platt


 poison bullet theory

SEE McKinley assassination (poison bullet theory)


 police department (Buffalo, NY)

SEE Buffalo, NY (police department)


 police department (Chicago, IL)

SEE Chicago, IL (police department)


 police department (St. Louis, MO)

SEE St. Louis, MO (police department)


 policies (McKinley)

SEE William McKinley (presidential policies)


 policies (Roosevelt)

SEE Theodore Roosevelt (presidential policies)


 Polish Americans

[untitled]. Philadelphia Record 17 Sept. 1901 n10789: p. 4. VIEW

“Not a Race Question.” Milwaukee Sentinel 11 Sept. 1901 n23686: part 2, p. 4. VIEW

“Our Polish-American Citizens.” Milwaukee Journal 11 Sept. 1901 v19: p. 6. VIEW


 Polish Americans (telegrams)

“Poles Repudiate Him.” Daily Picayune 9 Sept. 1901 v65n228: pp. 1, 7. VIEW


 Polish National Alliance

“Poles Mourn for M’Kinley.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 20 Oct. 1901 v60n293: part 1, p. 4. VIEW


 political parties (criticism)

Hopkins, Alphonso A. “A Curse, a Crime, and the Cure” [chapter 10]. Profit and Loss in Man. New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1909: pp. 251-82. VIEW


 Polsky, Abraham

SEE Abraham Polsky


 Polsky, Rose

SEE Rose Polsky


 Pool, Joseph

SEE Joseph Pool


 Pope Leo XIII



 popular culture (criticism)

“New Book Denounced.” Post Express 24 Oct. 1901 v43n117: p. 2. VIEW


 popular culture (impact on society)

“New Book Denounced.” Post Express 24 Oct. 1901 v43n117: p. 2. VIEW


 Porter, Horace

SEE Horace Porter


 Porter, Thomas I.

SEE Thomas I. Porter


 Postos, Miley

SEE Miley Postos


 Potter, Henry Codman

SEE Henry Codman Potter


 Power, Frederick D.

SEE Frederick D. Power



“He Prayed for the Assassin.” Baltimore Morning Herald 16 Sept. 1901 n8323: p. 7. VIEW

“Prayer for the President.” Catholic Union and Times 12 Sept. 1901 v30n23: p. 1. VIEW

“A Prayer in Time of National Bereavement.” Congregationalist and Christian World 21 Sept. 1901 v86n38: p. 409. VIEW


 Preiss, William

SEE William Preiss


 presidency of McKinley

SEE McKinley presidency


 presidency of Roosevelt

SEE Roosevelt presidency


 President McKinley [fly]

“Childish Patriotism.” Waterloo Daily Courier 11 Sept. 1901 n3365: p. 7. VIEW


 presidential assassination

SEE ALSO assassination

SEE ALSO presidential assassinations

Colt, Le Baron Bradford. “Anarchy.” American Lawyer Apr. 1902 v10n4: pp. 148-54. VIEW

“The First Bullet.” Lexington Leader 24 Sept. 1901: p. 6. VIEW

Keasbey, Edward Q. [untitled]. New Jersey Law Journal Sept. 1901 v24n9: pp. 641-42. VIEW

Lummis, Charles F. “The Lion’s Den.” West Coast Jan. 1913 v13n4: p. 35. VIEW

Wambaugh, Eugene. “The Nation and the Anarchists.” Green Bag Oct. 1901 v13n10: pp. 461-63. VIEW

Wellman, Walter. “The Crime at Buffalo.” Collier’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v27n25: p. 8. VIEW


 presidential assassination (laws against)

SEE ALSO anarchism (laws against)

SEE ALSO assassination (laws against)

[untitled]. Paterson Evening News 7 Sept. 1901 v45n56: p. 4. VIEW

[untitled]. Saturday Evening Post 28 Sept. 1901 v174n13: p. 12. VIEW

“Attempts on the Life of Presidents.” Law Notes Oct. 1901 v5: p. 121. VIEW

Colt, Le Baron Bradford. “Anarchy.” American Lawyer Apr. 1902 v10n4: pp. 148-54. VIEW

“The Law and the Penalty.” Sunday Oregonian 9 Mar. 1902 v21n10: part 1, p. 4. VIEW

“Legal Status of One Who Assaults the President.” Case and Comment Sept. 1901 v8n4: pp. 182-84. VIEW

“Our Monthly Talk.” Medical World Oct. 1901 v19n10: pp. 449-52. VIEW

“President McKinley.” American Monthly Magazine Oct. 1901 v19n4: pp. 443-45. VIEW

“Protecting the President.” Bisbee Daily Review 28 Feb. 1903 v6n221: p. [2]. VIEW

“Protecting the President.” Iowa State Register 1 Nov. 1901 v46n256: p. 4. VIEW

“Special Law Needed for Such Attacks.” St. Louis Post-Dispatch 8 Sept. 1901 v54n18: part 2, p. 5. VIEW

St. John, Merle I. “Responsibility for Crime in Cases Where the Criminal Act Is Committed in One Jurisdiction and Takes Effect in Another.” Brief Oct. 1901 v3n4: pp. 422-34. VIEW

“Still Within the Shadow.” Bradstreet’s 14 Sept. 1901 v29n1211: p. 578. VIEW

“To Create a New Treason.” News and Courier 9 Sept. 1901: p. 1. VIEW


 presidential assassination (legal jurisdiction)

“The Assailant.” Outlook 14 Sept. 1901 v69n2: pp. 96-97. VIEW

“Legal Status of One Who Assaults the President.” Case and Comment Sept. 1901 v8n4: pp. 182-84. VIEW

St. John, Merle I. “Responsibility for Crime in Cases Where the Criminal Act Is Committed in One Jurisdiction and Takes Effect in Another.” Brief Oct. 1901 v3n4: pp. 422-34. VIEW


 presidential assassination (legal penalties)

[untitled]. Southern Law Review Oct. 1901 v1n5: pp. 391-92. VIEW

[untitled]. Weekly Law Bulletin and the Ohio Law Journal 23 Sept. 1901 v46: pp. 134-37. VIEW

[untitled]. Western New-Yorker 12 Sept. 1901 v61n37: p. [4]. VIEW

“Described by a Visitor.” Evening Star [Washington, DC] 10 Sept. 1901 n15145: p. 8. VIEW

“Legal Status of One Who Assaults the President.” Case and Comment Sept. 1901 v8n4: pp. 182-84. VIEW

“Our Monthly Talk.” Medical World Oct. 1901 v19n10: pp. 449-52. VIEW

“Protecting the President.” Bisbee Daily Review 28 Feb. 1903 v6n221: p. [2]. VIEW

St. John, Merle I. “Responsibility for Crime in Cases Where the Criminal Act Is Committed in One Jurisdiction and Takes Effect in Another.” Brief Oct. 1901 v3n4: pp. 422-34. VIEW

Stewart, Freeman. “Special Punishment for Presidential Assassination.” Nation 5 Dec. 1901 v73n1901: p. 433. VIEW

“To Create a New Treason.” News and Courier 9 Sept. 1901: p. 1. VIEW


 presidential assassinations

SEE ALSO assassinations

SEE ALSO Garfield assassination

SEE ALSO McKinley assassination

Northrop, Cyrus. “President McKinley.” Addresses, Educational and Patriotic. Minneapolis: H. W. Wilson, 1910: pp. 459-64. VIEW

“Saw Two Presidents Shot.” Times and Democrat 27 Nov. 1908 v40n57: p. 1. VIEW


 presidential assassinations (comparison)

SEE ALSO assassinations (comparison)

[untitled]. Buffalo Commercial 8 Sept. 1901 v70n21440: p. 4. VIEW

[untitled]. Free Thought Magazine Oct. 1901 v19n10: p. 607. VIEW

[untitled]. Free Thought Magazine Nov. 1901 v19n11: p. 678. VIEW

[untitled]. Portsmouth Daily Times 12 Sept. 1901 v9n9: p. [2]. VIEW

[untitled]. St. Charles Chronicle 4 Oct. 1901 v21n17: p. [4]. VIEW

[untitled]. Weekly Law Bulletin and the Ohio Law Journal 23 Sept. 1901 v46: pp. 134-37. VIEW

“Amateur Photographs of Czolgosz’s Crime.” Buffalo Courier 8 Sept. 1901 v66n251: part 3, p. [23?]. VIEW

“American News and Notes.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 2 Nov. 1901 v8n18: pp. 711-13. VIEW

“An Anarchist Shoots the President at the Pan-American Exposition.” Leslie’s Weekly 9 Sept. 1901 v93: [no pagination]. VIEW

“Anarchy’s Victim.” Dickerman’s United States Treasury Counterfeit Detector Oct. 1901 v18n10: p. 2. VIEW

“An Appalling Menace.” Gunton’s Magazine Oct. 1901 v21n4: pp. 291-92. VIEW

“The Assassination—Its Cause.” Socialist 15 Sept. 1901 n58: p. 1. VIEW

“The Assassination of President McKinley.” Buffalo Medical Journal Oct. 1901 v41n3 (new series): pp. 226-32. VIEW

“The Assassination of President McKinley.” New York Lancet Oct. 1901 v22n10: pp. 243-44. VIEW

“The Assassination of President McKinley.” World’s Work Oct. 1901 v2n6: pp. 1239-40. VIEW

“Assassinations.” Freeman 21 Sept. 1901 v14n38: p. [4]. VIEW

“The Assault Upon the President.” Outlook 14 Sept. 1901 v69n2: pp. 106-08. VIEW

Austin, Kate. “A Defender of Anarchists.” Baltimore American 28 Sept. 1901 v191n34826: p. 6. VIEW

Bonaparte, Charles J. “Anarchism and Its Remedy.” Maryland Law Review Dec. 1901 v1n1: pp. 6-9. VIEW

Brown, Elijah P. “A Hard Hitter of the Liquor Traffic” [chapter 19]. The Real Billy Sunday. New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1914: pp. 208-14. VIEW

Carmichael, Otto. “Startled the Country.” Indianapolis Journal 7 Sept. 1901 v51n250: pp. 1-2. VIEW

“The Character of Czolgosz.” New-York Tribune 18 Sept. 1901 v61n20030: p. [4?]. VIEW

Cobb, Albert Winslow. “Teach More Respect for the President.” Leslie’s Weekly 5 Oct. 1901 v93n2404: p. 302. VIEW

Colt, Le Baron Bradford. “Anarchy.” American Lawyer Apr. 1902 v10n4: pp. 148-54. VIEW

Crosby, Ernest Howard. “How the United States Curtails Freedom of Thought.” North American Review Apr. 1904 v178n569: pp. 605-16. VIEW

Crothers, T. D. “The Insanity and Inebriety of J. Wilkes Booth.” Alienist and Neurologist Feb. 1911 v32n1: pp. 40-57. VIEW

“Current Topics.” Solicitors’ Journal and Reporter 21 Sept. 1901 v45n47: pp. 775-77. VIEW

“Czolgosz’s Bones to Be in Museum.” Chicago Sunday Tribune 13 Oct. 1901 v60n286: part 7, p. 51. VIEW

Davis, Rebecca Harding. “Is It All for Nothing?” Independent 24 Oct. 1901 v53n2760: pp. 2513-14. VIEW

“The End of Czolgosz.” Iowa State Register 30 Oct. 1901 v46n255: p. 4. VIEW

“The Evil Influence of Roman Catholicism Upon Our Country” [book 10]. The Devil in the Church. Beaver Springs: American Publishing, 1902: pp. 418-500. VIEW

“The Financial Effect.” Harper’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v45n2335: pp. 959-60. VIEW

Flower, B. O. “The Assassination of the President and the Aftermath.” Arena Nov. 1901 v26n5: pp. 532-38. VIEW

Ford, James L. “Chapter II.” Forty-Odd Years in the Literary Shop. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1921: pp. 19-31. VIEW

“Guiteau Daft; Czolgosz Sane.” Atlanta Constitution 22 Sept. 1901 v34: part 1, p. 4. VIEW

Hanson, H. [untitled]. Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 24 Oct. 1901 v5n41 (3rd series): p. 335. VIEW

Harman, Moses. “Anarchy on the Boulevards.” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 28 Sept. 1901 v5n37 (3rd series): pp. 300-01. VIEW

Harman, Moses. “Another National Tragedy.” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 14 Sept. 1901 v5n35 (3rd series): p. 284. VIEW

Howe, Mary Elizabeth. “To My Brother Masons” [chapter 14]. Modern Witchcraft. Salt Lake City: [n.p.], 1908: pp. 139-42. VIEW

Iglehart, Ferdinand C. “The Woman from Grimesville.” The Speaking Oak and 300 Other Tales of Life, Love and Achievement. New York: Christian Herald, 1902: pp. 199-200. VIEW

Jermain, W. W. “Capital Is Dazed.” Butte Inter Mountain 7 Sept. 1901 v21n143: p. 5. VIEW

Johnson, Francis. “Assassination of William McKinley” [chapter 24]. Famous Assassinations of History. Chicago: A. C. McClurg, 1903: pp. 381-95. VIEW

Jones, George James. “William McKinley.” Cambrian Oct. 1901 v21n10: pp. 433-35. VIEW

Kempf, Edward J. “The Psychopathology of Paranoia” [chapter 9]. Psychopathology. St. Louis: C. V. Mosby, 1920: pp. 421-76. VIEW

“The Logic of Lunacy.” St. Louis Post-Dispatch 8 Sept. 1901 v54n18: part 2, p. 6. VIEW

Manley, T. H. “Some of the Surgical Aspects of the Assassination of President McKinley.” Medical Times and Register Oct. 1901 v39n10: pp. 260-62. VIEW

Maple, W. H. “Dolliver’s Outrageous Speech.” Truth Seeker 16 Nov. 1901 v28n46: p. 723. VIEW

Marsh, Daniel L. “Two Supreme Foes of the People, and One Supreme Privilege” [chapter 5]. The Challenge of Pittsburgh. New York: Missionary Education Movement of the United States and Canada, 1917: pp. 145-83. VIEW

McClung, S. O. “Annunciation’s Tribute of Love and Respect to the Presidents.” The Annunciation of the Eden Age. Williams: [n.p.], 1906: part 2, pp. 41-43. VIEW

McClure, Alexander K. “McKinley’s Triumph and Tragic Death.” Colonel Alexander K. McClure’s Recollections of Half a Century. Salem: Salem Press, 1902: pp. 145-53. VIEW

McDill, Jo. “Jo McDill’s Musings.” Kansas Agitator 8 Nov. 1901 v12n23: p. 1. VIEW

Mills, Charles K. “Political Assassinations in Some of Their Relations to Psychiatry and Legal Medicine.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 26 Oct. 1901 v8n17: pp. 688-92. VIEW

Moyer, Harold N. “Dr. Moyer, Alienist, Thinks Czolgosz Sane; No Mental Defect or Degeneracy in Face.” Chicago Daily Tribune 9 Sept. 1901 v60n252: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“The Negro Always on the Right Side.” Liberator Sept. 1901 v3n2: p. 4. VIEW

“Note and Comment.” Truth Seeker 14 Sept. 1901 v28n37: p. 577. VIEW

“Notes of the Week.” Sydney Mail 28 Sept. 1901 v72n2151: pp. 784-85. VIEW

O’Hare, Patrick F. “Luther a Fomentor [sic] of Rebellion” [chapter 7]. The Facts About Luther. New York: Frederick Pustet, 1916: pp. 220-60. VIEW

“Our Monthly Talk.” Medical World Nov. 1901 v19n11: pp. 493-96, 18. VIEW

“P. R. R. to Carry President’s Body.” Philadelphia Inquirer 15 Sept. 1901 v145n77: sect. 1, p. 3. VIEW

Pickett, L. L. “Romanism and Politics” [chapter 24]. Uncle Sam or the Pope, Which? Louisville: Pentecostal Publishing, 1916: pp. 269-91. VIEW

“The Plain Truth.” Leslie’s Weekly 19 Oct. 1901 v93n2406: p. 350. VIEW

“The Present and the Past.” Medical News 14 Sept. 1901 v79n11: p. 421. VIEW

“President McKinley.” North American Journal of Homœopathy Oct. 1901 v49n10: pp. 622-24. VIEW

“President McKinley.” Saturday Evening Post 21 Sept. 1901 v174n12: p. 10. VIEW

“President McKinley Assassinated.” Iowa State Register 7 Sept. 1901 v46n210: p. 4. VIEW

“President McKinley Is Dead.” Douglas Island News 18 Sept. 1901 v3n44: p. [2]. VIEW

“The President Spared.” Nation 12 Sept. 1901 v73n1889: p. 200. VIEW

“The President—the Remedy.” Hebrew Standard 13 Sept. 1901 v42n36: p. 6. VIEW

“The President’s Death.” Conservative 19 Sept. 1901 v4n11: p. 2. VIEW

“Raise Point of Disability.” Chicago Daily Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v60n253: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“Roosevelt’s Dime-Novel Play.” Southern Mercury 1 Oct. 1903 v23n40: p. 4. VIEW

Sellers, Robert B. “The Plea of Insanity Before Our Courts.” Transactions of the State Medical Association of Texas. Austin: State Medical Association of Texas, 1903: pp. 342-47. VIEW

“Senator Foraker.” Sunday Morning Globe 24 Nov. 1901 v2n4: p. 1. VIEW

“September 19th, 1901.” National Advocate Oct. 1901 v35n10: p. 152. VIEW

Snow, Jane Elliott. “A Retrospect” [chapter 1]. The Life of William McKinley, Twenty-Fifth President of the United States. Cleveland: Imperial Press, 1908: pp. 13-14. VIEW

Sparks, Charles S. “Mr. C. S. Sparks, of Cincinnati.” Blue Grass Blade 27 Oct. 1901 v10n36: p. [2]. VIEW

“Things Heard and Seen.” Evening Star [Washington, DC] 5 Oct. 1901 n15167: part 2, p. 18. VIEW

“This Comet Has Heralded the Assassination of 3 Presidents.” Toledo Sunday Bee 27 Oct. 1901 v26: part 3, p. 21. VIEW

“W. C. T. U. Column.” Logan County News 23 Feb. 1912 v9n15: p. [8]. VIEW

Waite, C. B. “Colonel Ingersoll, Senator Dolliver and Assassination.” Free Thought Magazine Dec. 1901 v19n12: pp. 696-98. VIEW

Watkins, John Elfreth, Jr. “M’Kinley Death Mask.” Sunday Journal 29 Dec. 1901 v51n363: part 2, p. 13. VIEW

Wheeler, George B. “A Respectful Suggestion.” Truth Seeker 26 Oct. 1901 v28n43: p. 682. VIEW

“The World in Tears.” Leslie’s Weekly 5 Oct. 1901 v93n2404: p. 302. VIEW

“Yellow Journalism.” Evening Standard 25 Sept. 1901 v31: p. 2. VIEW


 presidential assassinations (comparison: illustrations)

“Three Presidents Who Have Fallen Victims to Assassins’ Bullets.” The Illustrious Life of William McKinley, Our Martyred President. By Murat Halstead. Prospectus. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: [unnumbered plate]. VIEW


 presidential assassinations (editorial cartoons)

Bowers, Frank S. “And This Is the Third!” Indianapolis News 18 Sept. 1901 v32n245: p. 1. VIEW

Bush, Charles G. “We Must Protect Our Presidents.” Troy Northern Budget 29 Sept. 1901 v105n34: p. 16. VIEW


 presidential elections

“The Strength of Our Free Government.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Oct. 1901 v24n4: p. 388. VIEW


 presidential succession

[untitled]. Bradstreet’s 14 Sept. 1901 v29n1211: p. 577. VIEW

[untitled]. Freeman 21 Sept. 1901 v14n38: p. [4]. VIEW

Clowes, W. Laird. “President Roosevelt.” Nineteenth Century and After Oct. 1901 v50n296: pp. 529-35. VIEW

“Current Topics.” Solicitors’ Journal and Reporter 21 Sept. 1901 v45n47: pp. 775-77. VIEW

“The Law and the Lawyers.” Law Times 21 Sept. 1901 v111n3051: pp. 453-55. VIEW

“Mr. Roosevelt’s Theory of the Vice-Presidency.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Oct. 1901 v24n4: p. 392. VIEW

“Neat Question Now Discussed.” Baltimore American 13 Jan. 1901 v190n34568: p. 13. VIEW

“The New Administration.” Public 21 Sept. 1901 v4n181: pp. 372-74. VIEW

“Notes of the Week.” Sydney Mail 21 Sept. 1901 v72n2150: pp. 720-21. VIEW

“Official Action.” Indianapolis Journal 7 Sept. 1901 v51n250: p. 2. VIEW

“Our Monthly Talk.” Medical World Oct. 1901 v19n10: pp. 449-52. VIEW

Pearson, F. B. “Current History.” Ohio Educational Monthly Oct. 1901 v50n10: pp. 505-06. VIEW

“President Roosevelt.” Bradstreet’s 21 Sept. 1901 v29n1212: p. 594. VIEW

“President Roosevelt.” Commercial and Financial Chronicle 21 Sept. 1901 v73n1891: pp. 584-85. VIEW

“President Roosevelt.” World’s Work Oct. 1901 v2n6: pp. 1240, 1243. VIEW

“Succession to the Presidential Chair.” Harper’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v45n2335: p. 946. VIEW

“The Vice-Presidency.” Saturday Evening Post 12 Oct. 1901 v174n15: p. 12. VIEW

“The Vice-Presidential Candidates.” Voice of the Negro Sept. 1904 v1n9: pp. 370-71. VIEW

“The Vice-President’s Duties.” Harper’s Weekly 14 Sept. 1901 v45n2334: p. 913. VIEW


 presidential succession (impact on economy)

[untitled]. Bankers’ Magazine Oct. 1901 v63n4: pp. 567-69. VIEW



Chapple, Joe Mitchell. “Affairs at Washington.” National Magazine Oct. 1901 v15n1: pp. 5-30. VIEW


 presidents (handshaking in public)

SEE ALSO presidents (public access to)

[untitled]. Dakota Farmers Leader 27 Sept. 1901 v12n14: p. [4]. VIEW

[untitled]. Oklahoma State Capital 10 Sept. 1901 v13n122: p. 4. VIEW

[untitled]. Philistine Oct. 1901 v13n5: pp. 157-59. VIEW

[untitled]. Pittsburg Post 15 Sept. 1901 v60n6: part 1, p. 4. VIEW

Clarke, Elisha P. “From the Pan-American.” Hope Valley Advertiser 12 Sept. 1901 v26n37: p. [3]. VIEW

Depew, Chauncey M. “Interview on Return from Buffalo, September 15, 1901, After the Assassination of President Mc Kinley” [sic]. Orations, Addresses and Speeches of Chauncey M. Depew. Ed. John Denison Champlin. Vol. 8. New York: [n.p.], 1910: pp. 282-86. VIEW

“Familiarity That Breeds Danger.” Saturday Evening Post 28 Sept. 1901 v174n13: p. 12. VIEW

Hughes, Charles Hamilton. [untitled]. Alienist and Neurologist Oct. 1901 v22n4: p. 724. VIEW

“Invitation and Permission.” Medical Dial Oct. 1901 v3n10: p. 243. VIEW

“Law in Its Relation to the Assassination of the Pesident” [sic]. Bar Oct. 1901 v8n10: pp. 341-43. VIEW

Lucy, Henry. “Chapter XVIII.” The Diary of a Journalist. London: John Murray, 1922: pp. 231-47. VIEW

M., E. L. C. “Presidential Handshaking.” Nation 26 Sept. 1901 v73n1891: p. 245. VIEW


 presidents (health)

“Strain on a President.” Cœur d’Alene Press 28 Sept. 1901 v10n34: p. [2]. VIEW


 presidents (incapacity)

“Raise Point of Disability.” Chicago Daily Tribune 10 Sept. 1901 v60n253: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“The Shooting of President McKinley.” Collier’s Weekly 14 Sept. 1901 v27n24: p. 5. VIEW


 presidents (memorial addresses, published)

“Memorial Addresses on Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley.” The Statutes at Large of the United States of America. Vol. 33. Part 2. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1905: pp. 2081-82. VIEW


 presidents (plots against)

SEE McKinley assassination

SEE presidential assassinations

SEE Theodore Roosevelt (plots against)

SEE William McKinley (other plots against)


 presidents (protection)

SEE ALSO Grover Cleveland (protection)

SEE ALSO rulers (protection)

SEE ALSO Theodore Roosevelt (protection)

SEE ALSO William McKinley (protection)

[untitled]. Dakota Farmers Leader 27 Sept. 1901 v12n14: p. [4]. VIEW

[untitled]. Pittsburg Post 15 Sept. 1901 v60n6: part 1, p. 4. VIEW

[untitled]. Pittsburg Post 15 Sept. 1901 v60n6: part 1, p. 4. VIEW

[untitled]. Public 14 Sept. 1901 v4n180: pp. 353-55. VIEW

[untitled]. Public 23 May 1903 v6n268: p. 98. VIEW

[untitled]. Semi-Weekly Interior Journal 13 June 1902 v30n30: p. [2]. VIEW

[untitled]. Western New-Yorker 12 Sept. 1901 v61n37: p. [4]. VIEW

“The Anarchists as a Practical Problem.” American Monthly Review of Reviews Oct. 1901 v24n4: p. 389. VIEW

“Anarchy and Its Victim.” Canada Law Journal 1 Oct. 1901 v37n18: pp. 678-80. VIEW

“The Assassination of the President.” Converse County Herald 12 Sept. 1901 v16n19: p. [4]. VIEW

“The Attempted Assassination of the President.” Sydney Morning Herald 9 Sept. 1901 n19811: p. 6. VIEW

“Chief Wilkie on M’Kinley’s Death.” Buffalo Evening Times 20 Mar. 1909 v50n157: p. 1. VIEW

Cleveland, Grover. “The Safety of the President.” Saturday Evening Post 5 Oct. 1901 v174n14: pp. 3-4. VIEW

Colt, Le Baron Bradford. “Anarchy.” American Lawyer Apr. 1902 v10n4: pp. 148-54. VIEW

Fawcett, Waldon. “How the President Is Guarded.” Leslie’s Weekly 21 Sept. 1901 v93n2402: p. 260. VIEW

Gibbons, James. “Address.” William McKinley: Character Sketches of America’s Martyred Chieftain. Comp. Charles E. Benedict. New York: Blanchard Press, [1901?]: pp. 186-89. VIEW

Gittings, John G. “Detectives Who Do Not Detect.” Clarksburg Telegram 13 Sept. 1901 v40n45: p. 4. VIEW

Klein, Felix. “At the White House” [chapter 12]. In the Land of the Strenuous Life. Chicago: A. C. McClurg, 1905: pp. 242-61. VIEW

“The Law and the Penalty.” Sunday Oregonian 9 Mar. 1902 v21n10: part 1, p. 4. VIEW

“The New Administration.” Public 21 Sept. 1901 v4n181: pp. 372-74. VIEW

“Officials Back from Buffalo.” Washington Times 11 Sept. 1901 n2663: p. 2. VIEW

Pinkerton, Robert A. “Detective Surveillance of Anarchists.” North American Review Nov. 1901 v173n540: pp. 609-17. VIEW

Potter, Chester D. “Sad Breakdown of Best Precautions.” Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette 7 Sept. 1901 v116n36: p. 3. VIEW

“President McKinley.” True Witness and Catholic Chronicle 14 Sept. 1901 v51n10: p. 4. VIEW

“President Taft’s Walks.” Every Where Feb. 1910 v25n6: pp. 368-69. VIEW

“A Prophetic Utterance.” Manila Times 15 Oct. 1901 v2n178: p. 4. VIEW

Richter, M. S. “Shall the President Wear Armor?” Buffalo Evening News 13 Sept. 1901 v42n132: p. 9. VIEW

“Roosevelt’s Dime-Novel Play.” Southern Mercury 1 Oct. 1903 v23n40: p. 4. VIEW

“Secret Service at Fault.” Evening Post [New York] 21 Sept. 1901 v100: p. 5. VIEW

“Special Act Is Opposed.” Iowa State Bystander 14 Feb. 1902 v8n36: p. [7]. VIEW

St. Clair, Labert. “A Protector of Presidents.” Collier’s 17 Jan. 1914 v52n18: p. 25. VIEW

Taft, William Howard. “The Minor Powers of the President” [chapter 2]. Our Chief Magistrate and His Powers. New York: Columbia University Press, 1916: pp. 29-54. VIEW

Taft, William Howard. “The Presidency: Its Possibilities, Limitations and Responsibilities.” Rotarian Mar. 1917 v10n3: pp. 199-204, 244, 246, 248, 250, 252. VIEW

“To Protect the President.” St. Louis Republic 24 Mar. 1902 v94n267: p. 4. VIEW


 presidents (protection: editorial cartoons)

Bush, Charles G. “We Must Protect Our Presidents.” Troy Northern Budget 29 Sept. 1901 v105n34: p. 16. VIEW


 presidents (public access to)

SEE ALSO presidents (handshaking in public)

[untitled]. Dakota Farmers Leader 27 Sept. 1901 v12n14: p. [4]. VIEW

“The Attempted Assassination of the President.” Sydney Morning Herald 9 Sept. 1901 n19811: p. 6. VIEW

Cleveland, Grover. “The Safety of the President.” Saturday Evening Post 5 Oct. 1901 v174n14: pp. 3-4. VIEW


 presidents (single-term incumbency)

“The Turning Point.” Commoner 27 Sept. 1901 v1n36: pp. 1-2. VIEW


 President’s Day

SEE Pan-American Exposition (President’s Day)


 Presley M. Rixey

SEE ALSO McKinley physicians

[untitled]. Southern California Practitioner May 1903 v18n5: p. 230. VIEW

“At the M’Kinley Home.” Indianapolis News 21 Sept. 1901 v32n248: p. 1. VIEW

“Criticism of the Medical Attendants of President McKinley.” Philadelphia Medical Journal 28 Sept. 1901 v8n13: p. 499. VIEW

“Dr. Rixey to Tell the Story.” Burlington Hawk-Eye 27 Sept. 1901 v63n94: p. 2. VIEW

“Echoes and News.” Medical News 28 Sept. 1901 v79n13: pp. 505-09. VIEW

“Has Fainting Spells but Recovers Quickly.” News-Democrat 28 Sept. 1901 v19n157: p. 1. VIEW

“Personal.” Buffalo Medical Journal Nov. 1901 v41n4 (new series): pp. 300-02. VIEW

Pilcher, James Evelyn. “Surgeon General Presley Marion Rixey, United States Navy.” Journal of the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States May 1902 v10n4: pp. 629-31. VIEW

Rixey, Presley M. “Medical and Surgical Report of the Case of the Late President of the United States.” Report of the Surgeon-General, U. S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1901: pp. 297-318. VIEW

“Roosevelt at the Helm.” Bemidji Pioneer 26 Sept. 1901 v6n30: p. [8]. VIEW

“Solid Food Given to the President.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle 12 Sept. 1901 v61n253: p. 1. VIEW


 Presley M. Rixey (illustrations)

SEE ALSO Presley M. Rixey (photographs)

“Consultation of Physicians in the President’s Room at the Milburn Residence in Buffalo.” St. Louis Republic 13 Sept. 1901 v94n76: p. 2. VIEW

“Drs. Park and Rixey at the Bedside of the President.” Saratoga Sun 19 Sept. 1901 v11n7: p. [3]. VIEW


 Presley M. Rixey (photographs)

SEE ALSO McKinley physicians (photographs)

SEE ALSO Presley M. Rixey (illustrations)

“Dr. P. M. Rixey.” Memorial Life of William McKinley. By G. W. Townsend. [n.p.]: [n.p.], 1901: [unnumbered plate]. VIEW

“Dr. Preston [sic] M. Rixey.” Pearson’s Magazine Nov. 1901: p. 519. VIEW


 Presley M. Rixey (public statements)

SEE ALSO McKinley physicians (public statements)

“At the M’Kinley Home.” Indianapolis News 21 Sept. 1901 v32n248: p. 1. VIEW

“Mrs. McKinley’s Condition.” Daily Picayune 22 Sept. 1901 v65n241: part 1, p. 2. VIEW


 the press

SEE ALSO Hearst newspapers

SEE ALSO yellow journalism

[untitled]. Butte Inter Mountain 8 Jan. 1902 v21n245: p. 4. VIEW

“Hearst Answers Queries of a Hostile Press.” Buffalo Courier 6 Nov. 1906 v71n310: p. 2. VIEW

“Journalism—Four Classes.” Evening Record 17 Sept. 1901 v7n88: p. [2]. VIEW

Keasbey, Edward Q. [untitled]. New Jersey Law Journal Sept. 1901 v24n9: pp. 641-42. VIEW

Low, A. Maurice. “American Affairs.” National Review Jan. 1904 v42n251: pp. 759-70. VIEW

Morris, John A. “A Psychic View of Anarchy.” Mind Feb. 1902 v9n5: pp. 330-35. VIEW

“The New Pace for Children.” Century Magazine Dec. 1901 v63n2: pp. 315-16. VIEW

“Too Much and Too Little Libel Law.” Elmira Gazette and Free Press 24 Sept. 1901 v77n191: p. [4]. VIEW


 the press (censorship)

SEE ALSO freedom of speech (restrictions on)

SEE ALSO libel (laws against)

[untitled]. Commoner 27 Sept. 1901 v1n36: p. 6. VIEW

“Notes and Comments.” Iowa Normal Monthly Oct. 1901 v25n3: pp. 99-103. VIEW

Whibley, Charles. “Musings Without Method.” Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine Oct. 1901 v170n132: pp. 559-69. VIEW

“‘Yellow Journalism’s’ Responsibility.” Congregationalist and Christian World 14 Sept. 1901 v86n37: p. 379. VIEW


 the press (criticism)

SEE ALSO yellow journalism

[untitled]. Cedar Rapids Evening Gazette 26 Sept. 1901 v19n223: p. 4. VIEW

[untitled]. Commoner 11 Oct. 1901 v1n38: p. 6. VIEW

[untitled]. Current Advertising Oct. 1901 v10n4: p. 54. VIEW

[untitled]. Engineering Review Sept. 1901 v11: p. 17. VIEW

[untitled]. Liberator Sept. 1901 v3n2: p. 12. VIEW

[untitled]. Little Falls Herald 27 Sept. 1901 v13n31: p. [4]. VIEW

[untitled]. Long Pine Journal 13 Sept. 1901 v19n34: p. [8]. VIEW

[untitled]. Pittsburg Post 15 Sept. 1901 v60n6: part 1, p. 4. VIEW

[untitled]. Southern Mercury 3 Apr. 1902 v22n14: p. 16. VIEW

“Actions That a Man May Play.” Weekly People 28 Sept. 1901 v11n25: p. 4. VIEW

“Another Boycott.” Union Boot and Shoe Worker Nov. 1901 v2n11: pp. 5-6. VIEW

“The Assassination of President McKinley.” Missouri Socialist 14 Sept. 1901 v1n35: p. [2]. VIEW

“The Assassination of President McKinley.” Southern Planter Oct. 1901 v62n10: p. 583. VIEW

Austin, Kate. “Mrs. Austin Has Her Say.” Truth Seeker 12 Oct. 1901 v28n41: pp. 650-51. VIEW

“Awaiting Death He Writes of Czolgosz.” Elmira Gazette and Free Press 10 Oct. 1901 v77n205: p. [5]. VIEW

Betiero, T. J. “Was Czolgosz Hypnotized?” Star of the Magi 1 Nov. 1901 v3n1: pp. 16-17. VIEW

Birkinbine, John. [untitled]. Forest Leaves Oct. 1901 v8n5: pp. 65-66. VIEW

“The Cleverness of Czolgosz.” Washington Times 8 Sept. 1901 n2661: part 1, p. 2. VIEW

“The Dilemma of Authority.” Freedom Oct. 1901 v15n161: pp. 59-60. VIEW

Drake, Timothy. “Newspapers and New Thought.” Physical Culture Jan. 1902 v6n4: pp. 174-76. VIEW

“Editorial Notes.” Arizona Weekly Journal-Miner 18 Sept. 1901: p. [2]. VIEW

“Ex[p]loiting Murder.” Weekly People 21 Sept. 1901 v11n25: p. 4. VIEW

Gladney, Frank Y. “President Roosevelt.” Times [London] 19 Sept. 1901 n36564: p. 6. VIEW

Harman, Lillian. [untitled]. Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 14 Nov. 1901 v5n44 (3rd series): p. 353. VIEW

Harman, Moses. “Notes from the Picket Line.” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 5 Oct. 1901 v5n38 (3rd series): pp. 310-11. VIEW

Harman, Moses. “‘The Ultimate of Anarchy.’” Lucifer, the Light-Bearer 5 Oct. 1901 v5n38 (3rd series): pp. 308-09. VIEW

Hirsch, Emil G. “Editorial Notes.” Reform Advocate 14 Sept. 1901 v23n4: pp. [79]-81. VIEW

Hughes, Charles Hamilton. “Medical Aspects of the Czolgosz Case.” Alienist and Neurologist Jan. 1902 v23n1: pp. 40-52. VIEW

“Hypocrital [sic] Newspapers.” International Wood Worker Sept. 1901 v10n9: p. 101. VIEW

“John Most.” Freedom Nov. 1901 v15n162: p. 67. VIEW

“Journalism and Cranks.” Daily Courier-Light 25 July 1904 v24n97: p. [3]. VIEW

“Journalism—Four Classes.” Evening Record 17 Sept. 1901 v7n88: p. [2]. VIEW

Macdonald, George E. “Observations.” Truth Seeker 5 Oct. 1901 v28n40: pp. 631-32. VIEW

Morris, John A. “A Psychic View of Anarchy.” Mind Feb. 1902 v9n5: pp. 330-35. VIEW

“Mr. Hanna’s ‘If.’” Boston Evening Transcript 24 Sept. 1901: p. 8. VIEW

“Note and Comment.” Truth Seeker 28 Sept. 1901 v28n39: p. 609. VIEW

“Prove Your Allegations.” Plain Speaker 2 Oct. 1901 v20: p. [2]. VIEW

Reedy, William Marion. “Insulting Grief.” Mirror 26 Sept. 1901 v11n33: p. 4. VIEW

“Reform Themselves.” Berkeley Daily Gazette 16 Sept. 1901 v10n352 (new series): p. 4. VIEW

“Sincerity in Journalism.” City and State 10 Oct. 1901 v11n15: p. 231. VIEW

“Throwing Stones from Glass Houses.” Evening Mail 20 Sept. 1901 v44n36: p. 4. VIEW

Wilshire, H. Gaylord. “O’tis Insignificant.” Wilshire’s Monthly Magazine Nov. 1901 n41: pp. 11-12. VIEW

“Yellow Cartoons.” Broad Axe 3 Oct. 1901 v11n3: p. 1. VIEW

“‘Yellow’ Journalism.” Greenville Times 5 Oct. 1901 v34n9: p. [4]. VIEW

“Yellow Journalism Not Responsible.” Coast Mail 5 Oct. 1901 v23n40: p. [2]. VIEW


 the press (editorial cartoons)

SEE ALSO yellow journalism (editorial cartoons)

Thurlby, Tom. [editorial cartoon]. St. Paul Globe 18 Oct. 1901 v24n291: p. 1. VIEW


 the press (freedom of)

SEE ALSO freedom of speech

Bryce, James. “The Press in a Democracy” [chapter 10]. Modern Democracies. Vol. 1. New York: Macmillan, 1921: pp. 92-110. VIEW

“A Covert Attack on the Freedom of the Press.” Southern Mercury 2 Jan. 1902 v22n1: p. 13. VIEW

Hinsdale, Elizur Brace. “Public Questions” [chapter 9]. Autobiography with Reports and Documents. New York: J. J. Little, 1901: pp. 52-58. VIEW

“Must We Suppress Free Speech Because of Anarchy?” Law Notes Nov. 1901 v5: p. 142. VIEW

Odell, Benjamin B., Jr. “Annual Message.” Public Papers of Benjamin B. Odell, Jr. Vol. 2. Albany: J. B. Lyon, 1907: pp. 3-50. VIEW

Smith, Goldwin. “Shall the Press Be Muzzled?” Sun [New York] 30 Oct. 1901 v69n60: p. 6. VIEW

“‘Yellow’ Journalism.” Greenville Times 5 Oct. 1901 v34n9: p. [4]. VIEW


 the press (impact on Czolgosz)

SEE ALSO yellow journalism (impact on Czolgosz)

[untitled]. Choteau Acantha 7 Apr. 1904 v10n31: p. [4]. VIEW

Abbott, Lyman. “The Perils of Democracy” [lecture 10]. The Rights of Man. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1902: pp. 278-312. VIEW

“Criminal Tolerance.” Journal and Herald 19 Sept. 1901 v35n35: p. [4]. VIEW


 Press Post [Columbus, OH]

[untitled]. Current Advertising Oct. 1901 v10n4: p. 54. VIEW


 preventing assassinations

SEE assassination (preventative measures)


 Price, Joseph

SEE Joseph Price


 print media

SEE the press


 Probert, R. H.

SEE R. H. Probert


 Probst, Carl

SEE Carl Probst



SEE ALSO messages

SEE ALSO resolutions

SEE ALSO Theodore Roosevelt (first official proclamation)


 proclamations (Governor Nash, Ohio)

“M’Kinley’s State Mourning.” Chicago Daily Tribune 14 Sept. 1901 v60n257: p. 11. VIEW


 proclamations (Governor Odell, New York)

“Items About Banks, Bankers and Trust Co’s.” Commercial and Financial Chronicle 21 Sept. 1901 v73n1891: pp. 589-91. VIEW

Odell, Benjamin B., Jr. “Proclamation Concerning President McKinley.” Public Papers of Benjamin B. Odell, Jr. Vol. 2. Albany: J. B. Lyon, 1907: p. 51. VIEW

Odell, Benjamin B., Jr. “Proclamation on Anniversary of the Death of President M’Kinley.” Public Papers of Benjamin B. Odell, Jr. Vol. 2. Albany: J. B. Lyon, 1907: p. 242. VIEW

Odell, Benjamin B., Jr. “Proclamation on the Death of President McKinley.” Public Papers of Benjamin B. Odell, Jr. Vol. 1. Albany: J. B. Lyon, 1907: pp. 242-43. VIEW


 proclamations (Governor Smith, Maryland)

“Prayers for the President.” Iowa State Register 8 Sept. 1901 v46n211: p. 1. VIEW

“Will Pray for the President’s Recovery.” Norfolk Landmark 10 Sept. 1901 v53n12: p. 8. VIEW


 proclamations (governors, U.S. states)

“Items About Banks, Bankers and Trust Co’s.” Commercial and Financial Chronicle 21 Sept. 1901 v73n1891: pp. 589-91. VIEW


 proclamations (Mayor Baird, Portsmouth, VA)

“Norfolk and Portsmouth.” Times [Richmond] 19 Sept. 1901 v16n192: p. 3. VIEW


 proclamations (Mayor Diehl, Buffalo, NY)

“Mayor Diehl’s Proclamation.” Buffalo Evening News 16 Sept. 1901 v42n134: p. 8. VIEW


 proclamations (Mayor Taylor, Norfolk, VA)

“Norfolk and Portsmouth.” Times [Richmond] 19 Sept. 1901 v16n192: p. 3. VIEW


 proclamations (Mayor Van Wyck, New York, NY)

[untitled]. Truth Seeker 14 Sept. 1901 v28n37: p. 581. VIEW


 proclamations (Theodore Roosevelt)

SEE ALSO Theodore Roosevelt (first official proclamation)


 proclamations (Theodore Roosevelt: Thanksgiving Day)

“Thanksgiving Day.” Lancaster Times 7 Nov. 1901 v22n23: p. [3]. VIEW


 Proctor, Redfield

SEE Redfield Proctor


 Prohibition Party

Hopkins, Alphonso A. “A Curse, a Crime, and the Cure” [chapter 10]. Profit and Loss in Man. New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1909: pp. 251-82. VIEW


 proletariat (editorial cartoons)

“Capitalism the Real Assassin—Socialism the Only Savior.” Socialist 15 Sept. 1901 n58: p. 1. VIEW


 prosecution of Czolgosz

SEE Leon Czolgosz (prosecution)


 protection (McKinley)

SEE William McKinley (protection)


 protection (presidents)

SEE presidents (protection)


 protection (Roosevelt)

SEE Theodore Roosevelt (protection)


 protection (rulers)

SEE rulers (protection)


 Protestant Reformation

O’Hare, Patrick F. “Luther a Fomentor [sic] of Rebellion” [chapter 7]. The Facts About Luther. New York: Frederick Pustet, 1916: pp. 220-60. VIEW


 Prucha, John

SEE John Prucha


 Prudden, T. Mitchell

SEE T. Mitchell Prudden


 Pryor, Roger Atkinson

SEE Roger Atkinson Pryor


 psychiatric examination (Czolgosz)

SEE Leon Czolgosz (psychiatric examination)



SEE Czolgosz physicians


 public schools

SEE schools, public


 Pulitzer, Joseph

SEE Joseph Pulitzer


 Pullman, Charles

SEE Charles Pullman


 Pullman, James Minton

SEE James Minton Pullman



SEE ALSO death penalty

“The Different Ways of Punishment.” Daily Signal 17 Sept. 1901 v4n14: p. [5]. VIEW

“The Insanity of Assassins.” Independent 7 Nov. 1901 v53n2762: pp. 2663-65. VIEW


 Putnam, James W.

SEE James W. Putnam


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